Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2021 (Page 4 of 12)

Iron Pax Challenge WO at Tequila Sunrise

We had a great morning at Tequila Sunrise on Friday, August 20.

Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer and we took a short mosey around the parking lot of Belmont Central and then circled up  for the Warm Up.

Windmill x 10 IC
Gravel Pickers x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (Forward and Backward)

With Week 0 beginning August 28, I thought it would be  a great idea to get our PAX ready for an Iron Pax  workout. The Iron Pax workout started in 2018 so I took a workout from each year and modified it a bit.

IRON PAX Challenge #1
For 15 minutes the PAX did a set number of exercises.  However, at each minute each PAX would perform 2 burpees (for a total of 30).
The exercises were 25 hand release merkins, 50  leg raises, 75 squats, 100 big boy sit ups, and 125 ssh. If you finished the workout within the 15 minutes, you started back over again.

IRON PAX Challenge #2
The next challenge saw us do three rounds of the following. After each round, each of the PAX would run a lap.

25 Smurf Jacks
20 Plank Jacks
15 Merkins
10 Bonnie Blairs (Double Count)
5 Burpees

Iron Pax Challenge #3
It’s nice to have the lines painted at Belmont Central. We gathered on the lines and performed the following.

5 burpees (jump the line after each burpee) followed by 20 diamond merkins
4 burpees, followed by 20 wide arm merkins
3 burpees followed by 20 mountain climbers
2 burpees followed by 20 peter parkers
1 burpee followed by 20 parker peters

Labor Day workout in McAdenville beginning at 7:00 a.m. Mount Hollywood and Sandlot will be closed.

Roundup and Dr. Seuss Labor Day weekend run beginning on Friday at 5:00 p.m. in Dallas. Come support these pax by running with them or contributing to a great cause.

Iron Pax Challenge begins August 30, 2021.

We had a great visit from Plan B from F3 New Bern.



We’re finishing up the dog days of summer and the cooler fall days are fast approaching. It’s time to stop using the hot and humid weather as an excuse not to get out and run, walk or ruck and the perfect way to do that is to sign up for the JJ5K on September 25th, 2021. F3 Gastonia has been a sponsor of this event for the last few years and we are continuing that sponsorship again this year. Some quick facts about the race:

  • Three options; 5k timed run, 5k walk untimed, 1 mile walk
  • Provides a scholarship to an East Gaston High School dance team member each year. This has directly impacted F3 Gastonia as Slaw’s 2.0 is a prior recipient of the award.
  • In 2020, F3 Gastonia PAX, M’s and 2.0’s accounted for over 1/3 of the total participants.
  • In 2020, F3 Gastonia had 6 PAX place in the Top 10 overall with Gold Digger taking 1st Overall. Tiger’s M was also the Top Female and we had multiple PAX medal in their age divisions.
  • 9am start on September 25th which means you can still post at your favorite Saturday AO and make it to the race.
  • Multiple sponsorship opportunities for companies or individuals who would like to donate. $100 sponsorship will get your logo on the race t-shirt and if you’re interested please see Sister Act or Broke for the forms.
  • Race signup link:
  • Race location: Common Ground 5481 Hickory Grove Road, Stanley, NC 28164

This is a great opportunity to support the region and also enjoy some fellowship with your F3 brothers. You don’t have to be a runner, come out and walk or ruck, or just hang out at the F3 tent and support your brothers. I hope to see you there!


I’m Broke

Vicious Circle and Fun-with-Hills

There was a great turnout at The Ricky Bobby today – 16 PAX and YHC.    There was a good mix of stalwarts and PAX that YHC hasn’t seen for a while.

This turnout is likely the result of the AO-hyping that Nutria does on Slack each Tuesday evening, ever since he took over the reins as SiteQ at TRB.

No FNGs.”   (After writing that phrase in yet another Backblast, it concerns me that we haven’t had too many FNGs out recently, as far as I know.)

Questions for all PAX to reflect on (YHC included):

    • On what date did the last guy you EH’d post as an FNG?
    • Which guy in your life really needs you to EH him today, to help him transform himself into a HIM?   Will you approach him today, even if you already have?


  • Alarm Clocks  (Man, the PAX really love these!)
  • Little Arm Circles forward (IC)
  • Little Arm Circles backward (IC)
  • Burpees (IC)

Mosey over to the field for…


Vicious Circle
  • PAX circled up on the perimeter of the Vicious circle (marked by cones).
  • Two PAX posted up in the center of the circle, where they found a 45 rucksack, and a 30lb ruckplate.
    • PAX 1 does 30 overhead presses with the 30lb ruckplate
    • PAX 2 does 20 kettlebell swings with the 45lb rucksack
    • PAX 1 & 2 switch exercises
  • While the two PAX complete the exercises, the PAX on the circle continually moved in a counter-clockwise direction, with a movement that YHC called.
    • Bear Crawl
    • Lunge Walk
    • NUR
    • Broad Jumps
    • Runner Skips
    • ButtKickers
  • When the two PAX completed their set, they went and tagged in two new PAX from the circle.
  • As a new set of 2 PAX started their exercises, YHC called a different movement for the Circle PAX.
  • Continue until everyone has been in the Center once.
  • Kudos to Boudin, who jumped in the center of the circle for an extra set, to prevent the final remaining solo PAX from being alone.
Mosey into Cramer Woods
Burpees / Merkins / Fun-with-Hills
  • At the speed bump downhill of Sargento’s house, the PAX knocked out:
  • 3 Burpees (IC)
  • 6 Merkins (IC – Three 4-count Merkins  = 6 Total)
  • Sprint up the Hill from speed bump to the stop sign  (According to the infallible Google Maps, this run was approximately100 yards.)
  • The PAX got three reps of this routine in, before heading back.
Monkey Humpers
  • Done in the general direction of Sargento’s house.
Mosey back to school
  • Flutters
  • Penguin Taps
  • Plank Jacks
  • Obliques
  • Something Else

During Mary, the PAX gave a warm welcome to M Breaker Breaker as she made her way into the school for today’s classes.

Time !




  • Labor Day Joint Workout @ McAdenville Sept 6th, 7am, joining Sandlot and Mt. Hollywood AOs
  • Register for the JJ5k in Stanley on Sat Sep 25th. The race supports a scholarship for a high school student.
  • Register for the  ChristmasTown 5k in McAdenville, Nov 27th
  • IronPAX begins soon.  AOs to host TBD
  • Support Dr. Seuss and Round Up in a fundraiser run:  2 miles every hour in Dallas.   Bring donations and then run or hangout (wish I had more specifics to share)
  • Tesla reminded all PAX to write their  ______-ing  Backblasts.    I believe I heard Watts Up say that the PAX present at TRB today were all caught up on their BB’s.

Link to Name-O-Rama on Twitter

Prayer Requests

  • Prayers of safety for Broke, Sargento, others at the “Hood to Coast Relay” raising money for  World Vision for Clean Water
  • School starting, so prayers go out for the safety of our teachers, students, and families.
  • Flintstone’s sister and her recovery.

Cinderella took us out in prayer


Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

—Bubba Sparxxx

Back in the saddle

This Q was timely do to YHC had not posted in about 2 weeks.  Good to be back out with everyone even though YHC almost made himself splash merlot. The clock struck 7 a.m., so we moseyed down to the parking lot to warmup.



20 Morracan Night Clubs IC

10 Don Q’s IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Imperial Walkers IC

20 Squats OYO

The PAX who were attending bootcamp separated with The Bunker PAX.  14 in total we moseyed to parking lot across from Glenway.  We started with the following abs exercises

25 4 count Flutters

25 Reverse Crunch

25 4 count Freddie Mercuries

25 LBC

Next we did 2 rounds of the following exercises with a mosey around the parking lot in between.

5 Burpees

20 Squats

5 Burpees

15 Merkins

5 Burpees

20 Lunges

5 Burpees

10 V ups

We then moseyed back to Stowe Park for a Bear Crawl Merry go round then right into DORA 123. One PAX ran around the circular sidewalk while the other PAX did:

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 Flutters

With that complete we moseyed to the middle school for 2 rounds of

60 sec wall sit

20 hip slappers

10 Dirty Hook ups

60 sec wall sit

Moseyed back to the Fighting Yank to finish with some ab work.

25 4 ct Flutters

25 Reverse Crunch

Freddie Mercuries until time.



Thanks for the push and the opportunity to lead.   SYITG


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