Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 26, 2021

Huck’s 5 mile 5K

16 HIM were ready to man up for a 5 mile mosey in the heat and humidity.  The route was from the pub to the greenway and back which meant a nice little jaunt up the gut check.  The pub was happy to welcome Huck to  present awards to top two  finishers of his monthly 5K. (Seuss and Sargento)


Flintstone’s Grandmother

Termite’s nephew


Easy Rider’s  family

Mt Hollywood – 7/26/21



Warm up:

Goof Balls IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins x 8

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15


Mosey along Hawthorne St and W. Glendale Ave, stopping along the way for 50 reps of:


Flutter Kicks

Overhead Claps

Calf Raises


Air Presses

Mosey to Catawba St and Main St and do 50 more reps of Squats, Flutter Kicks and Overhead Claps.

Mosey to W. Central St and Main St and do 50 more reps of Calf Raises, LBC’s and Air Presses.

Bataan Bear Crawl along W. Central.

Mosey to the center of the field in front of the middle school.

Big Bang

Pax plank in a circle.  When Q says GO, each pax jumps up and sprints 10 paces from the center of the circle and does the called exercise.  Mosey back and plank for the six.  With each round, the paces and reps increase by 10.  Pax must navigate over or around any obstacle in their way.

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

Opps!   Q Fail.  I did 20 steps and 20 merkins.  I was the first on back and noticed everyone else doing Burpees.  Evidently, I said 20 steps and 20 Burpees rather than 20 merkins.  Sorry guys.

30 Freddie Mercury’s

40 Peter Parkers

50 Chinooks

60 Dying Cock Roaches

Mosey back to the start.

Vacation Almost Over

Another hot, humid morning on the coast of SC.  Guys and girls gather for a joint beat down.  Warmup SSH IW Gravel Pickers 15 x IC.  Stretch.

Mosey out the neighborhood.  Area where we were staying had two entrances about 1/8 mile apart.  Move between entrances doing a form of merkins at one, and a form of SSH at the other.  Each time cross the middle, 5 burpees.  Start with 10 hand release merkins, other end for 20 SSH stopping for burpees in middle.  Back to other end for 10 hand release, plus 10 regular merkins.  Other end for 10 SSH plus 10 toe touch SSH.  Other end.  Continue until get to 10 each hand release, merkins, stagger left arm high, stagger right arm high, diamonds.  Other end was 20 each SSH, toe touch, seal jacks, smurf jacks, and star jacks.

Lunge walk to end of road and back. Time for few mins of Mary called by the girls.

Back to flag,  Orangeman M did not have a name, so now Raquel known as Dodo Bird.

YHC took us out.

Fun week.


Ruck at Debordieu

YHC took a little R&R day one of vacay, stayed in the sack.  That is not accelerating.  Time for redemption.  Hitched on the ruck for a few hot, humid miles around Debordieu Colony.   BOS had no weight in his sack, so he went to raid a construction site.  That works.  Time to walk.  Did some talking, swatted some (a lot) mosquitos, and thought about what could have been but thankfully wasn’t. 6.6 total miles.

Pledge at Pilgrim shovel flag.

Time to hit the beach!


Sweat a lishness

Warm Up:
MoRockin Night Clubs, Gravel Pickers, Abe Bogata,

Started the morning off with some 11s Merkins and Werkins.
Then some WW2, Big Boys, Flutters, 45 on 15 off to rest.
Mosey back to parking lot
SSH, Seal Jacks, Scissor Jacks, 45 on 15off.

Wall sits, Dips, Balboas, LBC, 45 on 15 off multiple repeats.

Final was the sweatiest:
1/2 Burpee, Plank Toe Taps, Side Plank switch halfway, Low plank hold, Butt Kicks, High Knees, Jump Squats,
45 on 15 off.

Fellowship mosey back to the flag and we were drenched, I like to blame it on the intense work out but most likely was the good ole Humidity!

Prayer Request: Each other, those struggling with addiction, spoken and unspoken.

The Bed Pan is Full!

Another Monday

6 PAX came out to the Sandlot this morning to put in some work and start the week off right. After a disclaimer and the pledge, we did an extended warmup of the following:


5 Burpees


5 Burpees

30 Seal Jacks IC

5 Burpees

20 Plank Jacks IC

5 Burpees

10 Little Gumby’s IC


Mosey down to the park and line up for a Merkin ladder. Start with 20 Merkins, run across the lot for 19, back for 18….all the way to 1.


Partner up for some Ab Work, DORA style. One partner NUR’s across the lot and runs back while the other does the exercise.

100 Big Boys

200 American Hammers

300 LBC’s


Mosey to the concession stand between the ballfields for a Triple Nickel. 5 Dirty Hookups on the wall then run to the main sidewalk for 5 Imperial Walker Squats.


Back to the flag and time for 10 Burpee’s to finish it off.



On the way to the workout, I saw a church sign that read “We’re open between Easter and Christmas”. This got me to thinking about how the church experience has changed for a lot of people (and churches) since the COVID pandemic started. Online worship, self studies and drive in services are just some of the options that have been available, and for some, will continue to be the way they worship. While I pray that each of you who read this is worshipping in some form, I encourage you to worship with a group of like minded believers in some type of structured setting. We talk a lot about the fellowship part of F3 being the glue that holds us together and it’s equally important when it comes to our faith. Fellowship with other believers keeps our faith strong, gives us opportunities to serve, holds us accountable and helps us to grow through teaching and prayer. If you’re looking for something like this let me know, I’d love to talk to you about it and see how I can help.



Tubing Aug. 7th

F3 Dads Aug. 21st at Folsom

**Sandlot and Hollywood will do a combined workout on Labor Day in McAdenville. Start time will be 0700 and location is TBD. The Sword will still be at 0530 if you’re looking to double up.

Service items – Brush/comb and gum/mints (donations are light this month so step it up guys!!)


Prayer Request



Flintstone’s grandmother

Mayor and M travelling this week for a funeral

Mayor 2.0 headed to camp

SA, Freight and Slaw 2.0’s


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke


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