• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/26/2021
  • AO: Mt. Hollywood
  • QIC: Dirt
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Gavel, Red Ribbon, Freon, Piliger, Pilgrams Progress, Dirt (R)



Warm up:

Goof Balls IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins x 8

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15


Mosey along Hawthorne St and W. Glendale Ave, stopping along the way for 50 reps of:


Flutter Kicks

Overhead Claps

Calf Raises


Air Presses

Mosey to Catawba St and Main St and do 50 more reps of Squats, Flutter Kicks and Overhead Claps.

Mosey to W. Central St and Main St and do 50 more reps of Calf Raises, LBC’s and Air Presses.

Bataan Bear Crawl along W. Central.

Mosey to the center of the field in front of the middle school.

Big Bang

Pax plank in a circle.  When Q says GO, each pax jumps up and sprints 10 paces from the center of the circle and does the called exercise.  Mosey back and plank for the six.  With each round, the paces and reps increase by 10.  Pax must navigate over or around any obstacle in their way.

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

Opps!   Q Fail.  I did 20 steps and 20 merkins.  I was the first on back and noticed everyone else doing Burpees.  Evidently, I said 20 steps and 20 Burpees rather than 20 merkins.  Sorry guys.

30 Freddie Mercury’s

40 Peter Parkers

50 Chinooks

60 Dying Cock Roaches

Mosey back to the start.