• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/24/2021
  • AO: Gashouse
  • QIC: Whoopee
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Voodoo, Woody, Linus, Tube, Castlerock, JJ, Oompa Loompa, Hushpuppy

Woody had NUOS this am and apparently a lot of people wanted to shutup (1 word there Sargento). We had 3 decide to Nut Up (again, Sargento, 2 words) so we got to work at 6 with some good stuff. Rather than waste his hard work on just 3 of us, we (the NUOS crowd) figured it would be a good idea to offer an option of combining the PainLab and Bootcamp and use Woody’s ideas with a hybrid type of workout (not really boot camp and not really PainLab, more of a combination or hybrid type of workout). When Tube arrived (PainLab Q for today), he was open to this so keep on reading and you will see what we did.

We started with a quick disclaimer after briefly combining some input on how to do this and thankfully Tube was all on board. Next was the Pledge then we took off for the track and field at Grier with a short mosey then (as promised) we did not run up the hill. Instead, we nurred up the hill to get to the track while the Pax eagerly awaited the instructions. This workout brought back memories of that famous Pax of long ago named Dolph. If I remember correctly, there were songs written about him…..but that is a story for another time. Dolph had a workout (at least once maybe more) called Dolph’s World with a lot of fun exercises. Ask an old guy sometime about this and maybe he can tell you more. Woody had some good stuff set up that we used and modified a little. There were several stations and each pax took a spot and did the exercise then rotated to another. Tube had an ab station with music. There was a tire-flip station, off-set kettlebell station that you did Farmer’s carry, a sandbag lateral-ish backward toss, another kettlebell over-the-head toss station, a squat-thruster telephone pole station, and finally a mosey/run/nur station (dealer’s choice for how to get around the rest of the track). We each went a couple of times through during the first half of the workout. The tire flipping was the best station with the sandbag toss as a close runner up in my opinion. However, the farmer’s carry was pretty tough also. We need to do this again in my opinion.

I moved back to my planned Weinke sponsored by the Letter B after getting sufficiently smoked with the stations. We moved to the hill by the baseball field and I assigned exercises to individuals so I would not have to remember much. We did 3 rounds of exercises then mosey or bear crawled up the hill for some BB situps. The exercises were as follows: 5 Burpees, 10 Big Boys, 15 Bobby Hur……wait, Bonnie Blairs (had to be there with Hushpuppy), 20 Bobby Hurleys, 25 Bicycles (Freddie Mercury). After finishing each cycle, we capped it all off with Body Slappers (AKA hip slappers) just for fun.

While we did all the above, Oompa ran laps around the track. He mentioned he had a little summer cold and wanted to push the rock without infecting others so we gave him some space.

This got us to just about time so we collected the toys then moseyed back to start for some Mary. Oompa threw in 22 for the Vets so we don’t forget about those guys.

We closed out with the COT then about 5 of us headed over for breakfast.

Linus and I were talking after all the above and he mentioned how much he enjoys this and missing a weekend because of work means you really miss 2 weeks. That is time you don’t get back. That is time that, for whatever reason, your guys don’t have you to lean on. Remember that. Remember the good feelings you have had after finishing a tough workout and how good that feels not only for yourself, but also when that guy (maybe you) opens up and shares something they are struggling with to the group. When you are not there, the group is a little bit smaller and maybe “that guy” is not going to feel comfortable opening up and quietly SCREAMING for help with whatever problem he has going on in his life. Make this time count. Get better and get the guy next to you better. We have others we can try to lean on, but be honest, do you? Is it the same? Get out and HC that guy that you’ve been meaning to HC for the last year. I am not sure who needs it more, him, you……or me?

One more little nugget….Turtleman is almost finished with chemo. He is in his final stretch. Keep him in your prayers.

Enjoyed it this am guys, thanks for the opportunity to Q-Whoopee