• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/11/2021
  • AO: Crossroads
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sister Act, Pizza Man, Broke(R), Purple Haze(R), Gumby, Slaw, Pockets, Dr Seuss(R), Golddigger, Wirenut, Termite(R), Freight(QIC)

12 total at Crossroads on Sunday. Seems everyone is getting back from vacation and we are getting back to normal. The last 2 weeks of June and the first 2 of July must be the most popular vacation times. Some ran and some rode(to Lincoln county and back). Most stayed for Q-Source where we discussed Lead Right.


Announcements-Service project items for July are mints/gum/cough drops and comb/small hairbrush, F3 Dads next Saturday 7/17

Prayer Request-Slaw’s daughter, my daughter, Uranus and Family, Turtleman, Gumby’s mom


I titled this BB The Struggle because it’s that time of year and I’m noticing it within the ranks. It is hot and humid as hell as soon as you walk out the door in the morning! This causes most of us to lose some performance, or so we think. It’s getting harder to breathe so we start walking instead of run and those long runs seem to get shorter as we submit to the uncallused mind. When we aren’t performing as well as we think we should we tend to give in a little and say things like why bother. Don’t give in men! Keep pushing. The fact is it is harder to breathe and it’s not you it’s the damn weather! If you have to dial it back just a bit then do that but keep pushing. When the weather cools down and the air gets drier you will see your performance come back and possibly excel past where you were before the summer. I’ve always said at Midoriyama this time of the year is when we build. Suffer now and reap the benefits later.