• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/10/2021
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Westside
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sarlacc,Wichita,Sister act,Volt,Mayor

I picked a Saturday Q this month so I’d have enough time to complete my workout. I always have grand plans on paper but never enough time to carry them out. So here’s what went down

warm up:ssh, gravel pickers,squats all x10 IC

burp and merk up to 10 then back down these will make a man out of you 🥵

next moseyed to the flag stopping at each pole for 5 diamond merkins

pledged it up then 10 bohemian rhapsody,10 Freddy Mercury

moseyed to the horse track for 11’s dips and rows somehow mayor got disoriented and was counting down on both sides 🤷‍♂️I believe SA farted on him that’s enough to disrupt anyone’s thoughts 😆

then we moseyed to the back shelter for pull-ups and calf raises 4 sets amrap on pull-ups 30 calf raises

mosey to the play ground for partner work with blocks one partner does the exercises while the other runs a lap each partner did 2 sets of the exercises which were:big boys w/block,curls,back squats,oh press Times up!

once again didn’t finish my list 🤷‍♂️
I shared my thoughts with the pax that we’re all to busy and there never seems to be enough time in the day.which reinforced my point that we have to be on guard about our priorities and how we use the time we’re given. I shared the story of Mary and Martha and the parable of the rich fool.
thanks to everyone that showed fun was had by all except mayor he got his feelings hurt cause I burnt more calories than him 😁little less talk and a lot more action next time mayor

announcements were made I closed us in prayer thanks for the opportunity to lead men