Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 21, 2021

Hoss, You Can’t Go That Way

Sometimes you never know what you will experience during the workout. This turned out to be true once again on this Saturday morning.

I arrived to find some disappointed PAX who’d expected me to post at NUOS that morning. My post on Slack was merely to say that we would make up for the lack of running at NUOS during the bootcamp workout, not that I would make it to NUOS.

SSH x 16
Merkins x 16
LBCs x 16
Imperial Walkers x 16

Pain Lab w/ Tube while Boot Camp went for a mosey

Stop at the flag for The Pledge

Mosey down Garrison towards Lineberger Park

Before we could get to the first stop at the church, we found police cars blocking the road. Then, we noticed that someone had crashed into the telephone pole across from the church. The line was on the ground and smoking like crazy.

The PAX had stopped to assess the situation, and YHC was trying to find a way around this crazy scene. At that point, several people had come upon the scene, and one gentleman close to us said, “Hoss, you can’t go that way. The line is down across the road.” I appreciated his notification of the obvious as I was merely looking for a way around the chaotic scene.

We moseyed around the back of the church into the parking lot as sirens continued around us and cars did u-turns in the middle of the road.

Merkins IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10

Mosey to Taxco Mexican Grill parking lot. Where if you let your imagination run free, the smell of BBQ still floats in the air.

PAX Choice of exercise at this stop
Whoopee – 20 Big Boy Situps
Watts Up – 20 Big Boy Situps
Flintstone – 20 Freddie Mercury’s

Mosey to the park

Had planned to partner up, but with 4 PAX we just worked as a group. Each PAX picked an exercise to start. While three performed the exercise, the fourth ran up the stairs and back. When they returned, the exercise rotated around and the next PAX ran. Exercises included burpees, squats, lunges, and big boy situps.

We did 3 rounds of this until it looked like we were in the way of the guy trying to clear off the sidewalks. So we moseyed to the playground.

At the picnic tables, 2 rounds of Dips, Step Ups, and Flutter Kicks

Start the mosey back. At some point, Flintstone made a comment that I interpreted as he wanted to do more burpees. So on the run back we did 5 burpees (or so) for every green street sign on our side of the road and 3 (or so) for every street sign on the other side of the road.

At one point while we were doing burpees, a guy in a truck stopped to tell us something. YHC thought he was going to tell us we had bad form on our burpees. Whoopee thought he was going to tell us we had good form on our burpees. He just wanted to let us know the road was blocked because of a power line being down. Thanks, Hoss.

After a quick detour through the neighborhood to avoid the power line still smoldering on the ground near Garrison and countless burpees, we arrived back at the Schiele.

A couple rounds of Mary while we waited for the Pain Lab guys, and then the bells.

Turtleman pet scan looked great no signs of cancer; continued prayers as he finishes out chemo over next couple of months
July 9th concert series, F3 to help pass out water
Monthly items – Nail clippers and chapstick

Prayer Requests
Rudolph travels
Wreck on Garrison
Principal assignments for upcoming school year

The Pledge again for the whole group

Prayer to take us out

At certain points during our mosey to the park and back (and again in the COT), I shared with the PAX the prior week’s sermon points from our pastor. I’d really thought through those leading up to Father’s Day, and thought they were good words of encouragement on Father’s Day Eve.

Three ways to make like count
The first is to start serving (we only got point #1, so I’ll have to share the other 2 at a latter Q)
To truly serve you must:
1 Choose desire over duty – Not because you have to but because you want to
2 Choose giving over getting – Don’t confuse influence with income
3 Choose being an example over being on control – Influence measured not by how many people are under you but how many are behind you

The whole reason for serving was further emphasized in my devotion that morning before posting. With the three points above in my head, I read Romans 14:8.

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

We serve not for ourselves and the glory it will bring us. We serve others because our Savior came to serve and set an example for us to follow.

Until next time.


No Q on the schedule? No problem. We got to work with quick warmup then rucked on over to the parking lot. Each of us picked an exercise and did some suicides with the light posts and at each far end did the 5 different exercises as follows: (I think, not sure I remember it correctly) 10 Merkins, 10 Side Lunges, 10 Squats, 10 Big Boy Sit ups, 20 Flutter Kicks. We worked our way across the lot then when our Time Counter Extraordinaire, AKA Lester G. Nessman, alerted us, we headed back to base for quick pledge and COT.

Good work men.



“Accountability” at Crossroads or lack there of it

4 PAX posted on a wet Father’s Day at Crossroads.  Round-up and Seuss took off together while Freight and I went on a fellowship run trying to fix the worlds problems.  I guess everyone else was scared to get wet…little did they know that it didn’t rain but for a second the whole run.   During QSource, we had a strong discussion on “Accountability” which was definitely missing on this Sunday!!

Great work from those that posted!!



-Round-up and Hacksaw’s crazy run

-Freight’s service project – nail clippers and chap stick


False Expectations at the Horse

We were hoping for significant downpours and greenway flooding to make the normal Coconut route a memorable slopfest.  Unfortunately, we were thirty minutes too late as most of the heavy rain had already passed and had to settle for a little rain, some puddles, and the creek just shy of flooding the tunnel.

Perhaps the summer vacation schedules or threat of rain kept the numbers down, but in any event, we only had three with YHC, Flintstone, and JJ.  Here it is in all its glory:

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles.

JJ left for church but Whoopee joined in so three for the run and three for a modified QSource.

Afterwards we finished up with COT and many prayer requests.  We jump started a vehicle for a Starbucks patron before rolling in for Q-Source coffeerama.

This period of QSource allows for the “people’s choice” as we are not following any curriculum or specific book.  Last week Whoopee covered a Lou Holtz book, but only the first three pages.  This week since it was Father’s Day, YHC decided to talk about the difference dad’s make in the lives of children and society because I am the Q and I can do what I want.   I actually rubbed the PAX face in the dirt with my disclaimer because they had no choice but to listen to my lesson that they had no role in choosing the topic.  That is how it works.

Father’s Day was founded in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd, who was born in Arkansas. Its first celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19, 1910. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised his six children there.

There is another origin…1908..a church in West Virginia held a service honoring fathers after 362 men were killed in a mining accident in 1907 in Monongah.  Of that number, 250 were fathers.

It wasn’t a holiday until Richard Nixon made it such in 1972.  Mother’s Day was declared a national holiday in 1914.  Other countries adopted fathers day to include such notables as Iran, Turkey, South Africa, Zimbabwe, China, and many more.

Many men don’t like the idea of Father’s Day and it is understandable.  Men tend to be less sappy and we don’t like flowers or brunch.  Many father’s day cards poke fun at dads.  We just persevere and don’t need attention from the outside.

As the late U.S. senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, said: “A community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families…never acquiring any stable relationship with male authority, never acquiring any rational expectations about the future — asks for and gets chaos.”

Here is what we know (Much of this is common sense):

  1. Kids that grow up with engaged, present dads are less likely to drop out of school or wind up in jail.
  2. When children have close relationships with father figures they tend to avoid high risk behaviors and less likely to have sex at a young age.
  3. They are more likely to have high paying jobs and healthy, stable relationships when they grow up.
  4. They tend to have higher IQ scores by the age of 3 with fewer psychological problems.
  5. Kids with two parent households are less likely to grow up in poverty.
  6. When dad’s get involved and are a part of prenatal care, they are more strongly attached to the baby. When this happens, they are disproportionally remain in the childs life.
  7. For dads who live apart from their kids, there are limited options for engaging fatherly interactions. “Writing letters, phone calls — even if you’re not in physical proximity, knowing your dad cares and wants to be involved to the extent that they can is really important,” Marcy Carlson, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin, told Fatherly. If you can’t even do that, buying love isn’t the worst idea. “There’s tons of evidence that financial support of kids is good for their outcomes,” she says. “If dads can provide for their children, that goes a long way.”
  8. Dads also seem to offer a unique touch, with at least one study suggesting fathers are better than mothers at teaching children how to swim because they are less overprotective and more likely to let their children venture into the deep end or swim facing away from them.
  9. Similar studies cited in the book show that sons who grow up without fathers (or with disengaged fathers) tend to be less popular in preschool. Broadly, the research suggests that boys lean on their fathers more than anyone else as they develop social skills. And one large study of nearly 9,000 adults confirmed that a father’s death affects sons more strongly than daughters, leading to the same sort of health problems seen after an ugly divorce.
  10. “Numerous past studies find a link between low-quality fathering and daughters’ sexual outcomes, including early and risky sexual behavior,” says Danielle DelPriore, who has studied how dads impact risky sex. “A father who is cold or disengaged may change daughters’ social environments and sexual psychology in ways that promote unrestricted sexual behavior.”

Children who grow up with involved fathers are: 39% more likely to earn mostly A’s in school, 45% less likely to repeat a grade, 60% less likely to be suspended or expelled from school, twice as likely to go to college and find stable employment after high school, 75% less likely to have a teen birth, and 80% less likely to spend time in jail.

“Most of the literature on widowhood shows that kids whose dads died are better off than kids who go through a divorce,”

As men we need to be present for our children and be a role model for all children.  Kids are always watching you and your behavior and they learn a lot by how you treat others, particularly your M.  

Be a positive example.


Prayer Requests:  Linus dad, Whoopee’s 2.2 and travels to Boston, Turtleman (prayer and praise!)





3 PAX posted for the Cerberus workout. Cerberus is the mythical 3 headed dog that guards the gates of hell to make sure no souls escape. Good times!



Merkins, Don Q’s, Let’s mosey!

The Thang:

We moseyed to the BB&T and stopped to do three exercises ic. Merkins, Freddy Mercurys, and Squats. We made out way across Trade st and stopped and did another round. Eventually we found ourselves at the bottom of a hill on Mcswain St with three ways to get out. All of which are some really good climbs! This was our Cerberus. So we ran to the top of each hill and back to the bottom to do those three exercises again together ic each time. After the first round we swapped to CDDs, Flutters, and Lunges. Let me tell you that one on Walnut is pretty tough! After that we started making our way back to the flag stopping for the 3 exercises. We stopped off at a church and did some route 66 with Bobby Hurleys. Once we got back to the parking lot we did some broad jumps, bunny hops, lunges, bear crawls, and crab walks.


Announcements-Nail Clippers and chap stick


Ozark VQ

We had 15 HIMs for my first Q and these men pushed the Rock!


  • 11 SSH IC
  • 11 Don Quizote
  • Mosie to the Ampitheater
  • 20 Big Boys
  • 10 Burpees
  • 30 sec Wall sit
  • Mosie to the Tennis Courts

The Thang:

Holyfield’s: 4x

  1. Sprint 40 yards
  2. Sprint backwards 40 yards
  3. Do 10 frog jumps (be explosive!)
  4. Do 10 push-ups
  5. Bear crawl (like Spiderman) 40 yards
  6. Bear crawl backwards 40 yards
  7. Sideways run right 40 yards
  8. Sideways run left 40 yards
  9. Do 10 frog jumps
  10. Explosive skipping (knee up as high as possible) forward 40 yards
  11. Explosive skipping (same as above) backward 40 yards

Circle Up Calls:

10 Double burpee  called by Round Up

10 quad merkins  called by Wichita 

20 ranger merkins called by Wirenut

Cherry pickers called by Sarlacc ( I had to reign him in at the second round so we could another exercise in)

50 LBCs called by Stogie


Prayer Requests:

Stogie, Turtle man, Wire Nut, Big Pappy, Sister Act


These men help push me to be better each week. We enjoyed the first Q and I am looking forward to the next one.


Ozark Out!

Content in Christ

7 of us men met for the word at The sword. Ball joint rolled in and said he really didn’t want to be there. He wanted to be at the sandlot! What the heck man!! He wanted to run but not with me or Hacksaw so he ran with me anyways and I pushed him for 3.1 miles! Ball joint crushed it and is looking like he’s in for a half marathon along with sparky, Wichita, Seuss, Hacksaw, Westside and more!

Once all the hammers returned from hammering we went straight into the word! The best part!! We talked about contentment in Christ Jesus. See the world and the flesh find contentment only in temporary things, things that are corruptible. It’s something we as believers in Christ have to battle DAILY! We have to renew our minds daily from being content in worldly pleasures. The true peace of God only comes when we are fully content in Him. When nothing else is priority over His ways.

Read Philippians 4:4-7 and hear how it says not to be anxious about anything but let EVERYTHING be known to God through prayer and supplication! The good, the bad has to be brought to the lord with THANKSGIVING it says! Wow! How hard is that? The great thing is when we do take those things to the lord it says the His peace that surpasses ALL understanding will guard our hearts and our minds! Amen!

Through doing this and making our situations known to God through prayer and supplication  we are able to stand on the greatest thing. His truth and His promises!! Which is told to us in verses 8-9 and it ends with The peace of God will be with YOU! Amen!

No matter what the world says be content in Jesus Christ and His promises! And know this Jesus loves you 100%


Thank you men for allowing me to lead and share Gods word with you!

Round Up

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