Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 13, 2021

The Climb

7 on a Tuesday at Midoriyama is a little light. Where was everyone? Skeered? Cold? Who knows but the men that showed came to do work!


SSH x 20 ic Blart was doing a  lot of mummblechatter and grinning but wouldn’t repeat what he said.

Seal Jacks x 10 ic

Let’s mosey to one of the long parking lots.

The Thang:

Slaw’s WOD-Do the exercise and run a lap in between each one. The number is his age.

Squats x 47


American Hammers


Starburst (Dr Seuss tried to skip these)

Wide arm merkin

One legged burpee

Diamond merkin

After the final lap we did a round of Dan Taylors. Squat/Lunge at a 1/4 Ratio. Boy these are fun!

We took the long way back to the flag and called it a day.



Announcements-None right now

Prayer Request-The new baby on the way(it’s here now), Those that are sick.

Def took us out


I chose the Slaw Wod to honor Slaw a little. He suffered through a bit of leftover Navy injury a while back and it put him down in the valley. If you don’t know about the valley you’ve obviously not had to endure the Def Leppard ups and downs workout. We all go through ups and downs or peaks and valleys in life. I repeat we ALL go through them. It’s not just you. So Slaw was on the peak a while back, running faster than I’ve ever seen him. He wasn’t just flipping bats he was juggling them as he passed by people. Then this injury kicked him in the back and rolled him  hard down the other side of the Mtn. He spent his time in the valley but he’s making a  come back. I’ve noticed he’s posting almost everyday again and he’s getting his wind back. He’ll be juggling by me in no time. The point is we all get knocked down and the road back is never easy but we can get back up the hill again. It’s hard but it’s a lot easier when you have people to push and pull you on the way. So shout out to OL’ Slaw  for not only making the climb but showing the rest of us it can be done!



Running @PB

14 hammers out putting in miles at Prison Break!

some guys ran 3 some ran 5 everybody put in work though and it was great seeing everybody out.



Prayer Request

Gold digger M and baby

SA family


I took us out


Thanks guys for allowing me to lead another week!!

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