Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 8, 2021

5 for 5!

So YHC put out the buttermilk call sign (AKA Broken Arrow in Cold War parlance) and gave a meteorological warning regarding the great blizzard of ’21 yesterday PM. as a result, pax showed up ready to roll Downtown in the cold, wet, and wind. It’s January. What’s changed? Went like this:


SSH X 20

2 burpees

IW X 20

4 burpees

Cotton Pickers X 20

6 burpees

SSH while Purple Haze ran to turn off his lights he left on.

8 burpees

Grapevine stretches

10 burpees

Mosey down to the parking deck for an escalator.

L1 – 10 HR merkins

L2 – 10 HR merkins + 15 heels to heaven

L3 – 10 HR merkins + 15 HHH +20 jump squats

L4 – 10 HR Merkins + 15HHH +20JS + 25 LBCs

Reverse and unstack on the way down.

Partner up for DORA 1,2,3

D1 – 100 merkins

D2 – 200 Big boy situps

D3 – 300 Squats

Mosey back to the Pavillion

Bear crawl 4 corners

C1 – plank jacks X 5

C2 – plank jacks X 10

C3 – plank jacks X 15

C3 – plank jacks X 20

2 minutes for final stretching and a pledge.


Great work by some dedicated pax!  Cold, windy, wet. NOT the great blizzard of the decade however. Folgers is 5 for 5 on the merlot splashing. Made it to the bear crawls and through them though! Good man.  Extraordinary week for the nation.  I remember 1968. Reminds me of 1968. Total chaos and that’s not good. But I will also say that where chaos and adversity exist, so does opportunity! So my question is how will you prepare and make it happen? We’re here to help. Be different, be disruptive, and get at it. It’s expected. F3 prepares you for that. That’s what we do. When the world goes crazy we calm down and get at it. A power greater than us controls. We merely do the work he asks of us.


Thanks F3 Gastonia

Thanks F3 Gastonia
A word to my F3 brothers: Serving as Nantan of F3 Gastonia for 2020 has been one of the biggest honors of my life. To lead this group of the best men in our area was such a great privilege for me. I want to thank each man in F3 Gastonia for their never-ending work toward our mission. I would especially like to thank Broke, Huckleberry, Tiger, Watts Up and Montross for leading in their positions. I would also like to thank all of the Site Q’s for keeping F3 working. We had many plans for the year and not all of the plans happened, yet F3 Gastonia adjusted and kept working toward the mission. F3 is a wonderful organization and I saw that first hand this year as Nantan. It is a pleasure and an inspiration to lead a group of leaders that are all striving to accomplish the mission of invigorating male community leadership. I have been inspired to be a better husband, father, friend, worker and servant. I know the next leaders will continue this mission and F3 Gastonia will continue to thrive. I encourage you to keep EHing to give away F3 to men who need it. I encourage everyone to keep pushing the workouts to be challenging and organized. I encourage each of you to connect with the men around you to build friendships beyond just acquaintances. I encourage everyone to continually strive to be better each day especially to those we are around the most. I also strongly encourage everyone to increase their living out of their faith to continue to impact our community. It should be very noticeable to those around you that you are better with F3! Thanks guys. Love you all, Def Leppard. SYITG!

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