Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2020 (Page 8 of 11)

3rd F- A Fresh Start

This is taken from NIV 365 Daily Devotional – thought it really good.  Begins with a passage from Isaiah 53:4-12

Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,(A)
yet we considered him punished by God,(B)
    stricken by him, and afflicted.(C)
But he was pierced(D) for our transgressions,(E)
    he was crushed(F) for our iniquities;
the punishment(G) that brought us peace(H) was on him,
    and by his wounds(I) we are healed.(J)
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,(K)
    each of us has turned to our own way;(L)
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity(M) of us all.
He was oppressed(N) and afflicted,
    yet he did not open his mouth;(O)
he was led like a lamb(P) to the slaughter,(Q)
    and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
By oppression[a] and judgment(R) he was taken away.
    Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;(S)
    for the transgression(T) of my people he was punished.[b]
He was assigned a grave with the wicked,(U)
    and with the rich(V) in his death,
though he had done no violence,(W)
    nor was any deceit in his mouth.
Yet it was the Lord’s will(Y) to crush(Z) him and cause him to suffer,(AA)
    and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,(AB)
he will see his offspring(AC) and prolong his days,
    and the will of the Lord will prosper(AD) in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,(AE)
    he will see the light(AF) of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant(AG) will justify(AH) many,
    and he will bear their iniquities.(AI)
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g](AJ)
    and he will divide the spoils(AK) with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,(AL)
    and was numbered with the transgressors.(AM)
For he bore(AN) the sin of many,(AO)
    and made intercession(AP) for the transgressors.

Do you feel tired or poor? Do you long for freedom? Do you feel tossed by life’s storms? 
Most of us experience these conditions at some point. Isaiah describes Someone who understands exactly how we feel. Even his own people rejected this “man of suffering” (Isaiah 53:3). Many hated him. Nothing about his mere physical appearance attracted people. In short, most of us wouldn’t have given this person the time of day.

Yet this passage describes the most compelling individual in the history of the world. Somehow we can’t resist him. Perhaps it’s what he offers: himself as one like us—one who knows sorrow and yet who offers peace and relief. He offers himself as the sacrifice for our sins. He is the Messiah. And Isaiah makes it clear that Jesus identifies with all the difficulties we could ever face. He knows what it’s like to be crushed, despised, rejected and in deep emotional pain. He knows the quiet desperation we endure when faced with mounting bills, job loss, marital discord, parenting challenges and all the other stuff of life that—if we’re wise—sends us to our knees.

Take a few moments to reread the passage for today and let the words sink into your consciousness. This Jesus, the very Son of God, came to Earth for the very purpose of becoming one of us, albeit temporarily. So when we kneel before Jesus, we kneel before one who can relate to our struggles and hardships. He kneels alongside us to revitalize our energy, provide relief from our stress, set us free from sin and enable us to endure life’s storms. Then, through his powerful Holy Spirit, he offers us a fresh start.

This week let’s pray for T Square, Clavin, Freon, Purple Haze, Roscoe, Hacksaw, Boss, Short Sale



42nd Birthday

7 PAX posted on Thursday Aug. 6th for a delivery honoring my sister who’s 42nd birthday would’ve be on Aug. 8th.   17:30 is here so let’s go…



Don Q’s X 17 IC (17 represents number of years since she passed away 2/16/03)

The Thang:

Run 1000 meters then perform:

5 Rounds of :

20 Squats

20 Burpees

20 WW1s

20 Merkins

Then run 1000 meters…

With about 5 or so minutes left we decided to do some mary.

42 Flutters

42 Russian Twist

42 Freddy Mercury’s

42 Crossover crunches

42 Shoulder taps

42 Moroccan nightclubs

42 LBCs

TIME…..strong work by all that posted!!

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead a great group of men.

Until next time….PIZZA MAN is OOOOUUUUUUTTTTT!!!


Sept 19 – CSAUP at Folsom

Sept 26 – JJ5k

Sept 27 – Mt. Mitchell Hike


Skunk hunt

After a short warmup of ssh

Cherry pickers and something else we went on a short mosey looking for the elusive skunk. None were found so LBC while waiting on the 6.

Then proceed for a roumd of dirty 11’s with squats and WW1 and a burpee in the middle. That is about all the time I have so I nominate the late guy to fill in till the end.

Just remember you cant get better if you don’t try. Nobody likes hearing excuses so just get ya butt up and do something

Coupon Beat Down

1st I started the Q with a Daily bible Verse. Psalms 150:6 “ Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”


1st—SSH x 15

2nd—Gravel Pickers x15

3rd—Moroccan Night Club x15

All in cadence

After the warm up we said the Pledge of Allegiance


  • Lap 1 around we carried coupons the football Field we stopped at every corner for 5 blockies
  • Lap 2 around Football Field stop at corner for 10 calf raises, then we carried our Coupons to the 50yrd Line for 50 reps of curls then carry coupons back to the end zone
  • Lap 3 around FootBall Field with 10 calf raises every corner,  we carried our Coupons back to the 50yrd line for 50 reps of Over head press then carried coupons back to end zone.
  • Lap 4 around Football field with 10 calf raises every corner, we carried our coupons to the 50yrd line for 50 reps of  off set Merkins 25 each arm,  carried coupons back the end zone.
  • Lap 5 same process but with 50 reps of Triceps  curls
  • Lap 6 ran a lap with our Coupons stopped at every corner for 3 blockies
  • Lap 7 same process as lap 2-5 with 50 reps of squats
  • Lap 8  same process but with 50 reps of Chest presses
  • Lap 9 same process but with 50 reps of LBC,s
  • The last thing we did was Iron Hulk , 13 HIMS strong


Bunch of guys ran various directions around Dallas.

Bunch of stuff coming up in the next few months.

Bunch of people on IR to pray for.

Bunch of you missed a good QSource too.


Finally back at Gashouse


Warm up:

Don Q x 10ic

Imperial Walkers x 5 ic

SSH x 10ic

Mosey to Field

The Thang:


  1. 20 xDiamonds – Low Squat Leaps – 20x Normal
  2. 20x 45 Deg. Merkin – Lateral Lunge Walk – 20x Werkins
  3. 10x Slow Merkin w/ 5 sec hold – Pogos – 20 x Drop Merkins
  4. DORA
    1. Crunchy Frog x 100
    2. Lunges x 200
    3. Mt. Climbers x 300
  5. 40m x 10 every 45sec.
  6. Stretches

Mosey to Flag

Joined Painlab for some core work


Just Another Tuesday at Midoriyama

9 Hims for a hot workout at Midoriyama.

Mosey to Field

The Thang:


  1. 20 xDiamonds – Low Squat Leaps – 20x Normal
  2. 20x 45 Deg. Merkin – Lateral Lunge Walk – 20x Werkins
  3. 10x Slow Merkin w/ 10 sec hold – Pogos – 20 x Drop Merkins
  4. Triple Nickel
    1. Crunchy Frog – Nur up Hill – Big Boys
  5. Walking Lunge w/ Stretch
  6. Form Run x 4 continuous
  7. Stretches
    1. Big Fire Hydrants
    2. Low Lunge to Hamstring
    3. Hurdle Stretch Drills
    4. Holy Crosses
    5. Scorpions
    6. Pigeon


Mosey to Flag


8/8/2020 Painlab Backblast

12 brave souls entered the thunderdome known as painlab this morning as a first timer named Nessman offered up his exercise plan. Hermie, Double Stuff, VooDoo, Tube, FNG Kooper Grossman dubbed Pick Axe later for his proclivity for FortNite, War Eagle, Pasghetti, Dobby, Rudolph, HIPPA, Sledge-O-Matic and Les Nessman. We celebrated 8/8 with 88 reps of the following exercises broken into multiples of 11 reps in various sets. This was accompanied by a 44- foot walk in the style of Crab Walk, Bear Crawl, Lunge Walk or Duck Walk plus 1 foot for the magic number of 45 and the optional total of 45 burpees. The exercises were The Merkin, Dying Cockroach, LBC, Dips, Low and Slow Squats, Kettlebell Swings, Moroccan Night Club, and American Hammers. HIPPA blessed us with a barrage of Hurricane Flutter Kicks after a merry go round of you name the exercise. Tube provided us with a sweet 80’s Hair-band soundtrack. 12 men entered, 12 men left.

Shoot ’em Up

OK all you rednecks and gun toting bearded beasts-

It’s finally here. We’ve got a date for the first shoot ’em up event, hopefully the first of many. This first one is going to be at Foothills Public Shooting Complex on Saturday, September 12. They open at 930 AM so the plan is get there around 930 AM, sign in and get set up to start shooting ASAP. Bring your own lunch and we can use their pavilion and eat lunch there at 12 noon. Anyone that wants to stay and shoot in the afternoon can do it, but I’ll probably have some chores to do and head out after that. By chores, I mean I’ll probably take a nap and get ready for the Tyson vs some other old man fight event at Allen Tate’s house that night-see a separate pre-blast from Huckleberry. I’ll be bringing my 9 mm pistol, 30-06 rifle, and .22 rifle. They also have skeet and trap if you are interested. should get you to their website. Need to get on there and sign the waiver thing ahead of time.

Here are some specifics:

Date: Saturday, September 12: 930 AM


$12 Admission

$5 per round of skeet/trap (25)

$10 steel target range (pistols only)

$2 lane fee

$1 for extra targets

Address: 283 Fielding Road, Cherryville, NC 28021

Bring your own gun, check out website and sign waiver ahead of time, bring your own ammo (they have some but may still have limited quantities in 9 mm), make sure you have right kind of ammo.

Pack a lunch and we can eat at their pavilion together after couple hours of shooting.

Let Whoopee know if you are a HC. If we have more than 15, I will need to make reservations.

Hope to see you there-Whoopee

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