Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2020 (Page 5 of 11)

Non Typical

12 was the number Thursday at Midoriyama. YHC had scraps of sticky notes stuck together of things thought of and jotted down during the week.  This usually means trouble. It’s best I forget these terrible things I think up before we get a chance to try them. Oh well let’s get it on!


Morroccan Nightclubs for what seemed like 10 minutes while we waited for Purplehaze to get his jazzercise gloves on. In hind site those gloves make sense given the “outfits” he wears to workout in.

Let’s mosey

The Thang:

I parked my truck with blocks at the far end of the park near the soccer fields. Everyone grabbed one and moseyed to the goal line on the field. There were cones placed at the 25, 50, and 25 yd line. Starting at the goal line do 20 thrusters, carry your block overhead to the 25, put it down, and run to the far end and back. When you get back do 15 thrusters and rinse and repeat, dropping by 5 thrusters, to the far goal line. Once at the far goal line start back at 20 and go back down the field. This sucked! Especially for Dr Seuss since he barely weighs more than the block. At one point I’m pretty sure the block was carrying him.

Next up we moseyed to the dog park hill for some triple nickel. 5 burpees at the bottom and 5 Freddy Mercury’s at the top. At this point a few bat flippers almost took off. This is when I surprised them with how we would go up the hill. Hop! Jump! Broad jump! I did not say skip even though that’s what some were doing. This sucked as bad as I thought it would! As I type this the morning after my legs are fairly angry with me.

Next we moseyed back to our blocks at the field for some ab work. On the goal line do 25 WWI situps and carry your block overhead to the 50. Do 50 LBC’s and carry your block to the other goal line and do 25 Flutters(count 1 leg). Do it again with the following exercises: 25 Freddy Mercury’s(count 1 leg), 50 Homer/Marge, 25 Dying Cockroach(count 1 leg) I always think of Bandit when I do these!

That about does it for time so we put up the blocks and headed back to the flag. Wait there wasn’t one!


Announcements-There’s to many, read another BB for all that

Pledge to no where

Prayer request- Double Stuf’s dad, Oompa’s coworker, SA and his family.

Broke took us out.

Naked Moleskin:

YHC talked briefly about how Christians are called to be different, not typical. The same goes for us as men of F3. We are called to not be typical. Typical in today’s society is why we are in the mess we are in.




Just another mosey

12 PAX made it out to The Pub for a little mosey this morning. Average pace was sub 7:00min/mile. #showtoknow



Annihilation August 29th at The Yank

CSAUP at Folsom on Sept. 19th

JJ5K Sept. 26th

Mt. Mitchell hike Sept. 27th

Pub Site Q turnover next week


Prayer Request

Whetstone program

Sister Act 2.1 and family

Teachers, students and administrators

Breaker Breaker inner ear issues



YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Cramerton Arches

12 Men showed for some Cramerton Goat to start the day off the way we should.

The Thang:

21 SSH

20 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to under the train tracks and a left to S. Main Street. As I am telling people to watch there step I tripped so everyone knew then to be careful.

Once on S Main.
Karaoke one way for a while then another.

Backwards Lunges for about 20 yards.


Arrive at the top of S. Main and third Street.

Run to bottom and do 30 Hand Release Merkins.

Run to top and do 30 Mountain Climbers. Count one foot only.

Repeat on 2nd Street and 1st Street.

Top of 1st Street 30 Monkey Humper’s. Then every house on the left on the way down again 30 more Monkey Humpers.

Bottom of 1st. 10 More Hand Release to make and even 100 for the day.

20 Squats at every house on the right on the way up.

LBC’s while we wait and people joined in as they reached the top. 100.

Mosey to 2nd.

Run to bottom. I think, we might have done something on the way down. Can’t remember I fell down and my hand is bleeding at this point.

10 Mountain climbers at the bottom to make 100 for the day.

20 Flutter’s at every house on the way up.

Mosey to 3rd.

Run down and up and wait at the top for the pax.

Mosey back to start.

Finished with 40 Cadence Flutters.

The Moleskin:

It was a good morning and the temperature was not that bad. The group was strong this morning with many HIM’s.

Couple guys had to jet before namarama. But, they got in the work.

We did the pledge, it’s important.

No prayer request, but I made not of the fact that I am hear for anybody that needs to talk. Apparently per some reading and statistics between children and adults suicide is way up because of the things our country is going through. Reach out to your brother’s and make sure they are good. Make yourself available to them. Have conversations with your children and help the take it easy and reduce stress. If people are getting way worked up with politics try to calm them. People are way worked up and when they are if falls back to the people around them. I am not saying to be silent in these time but rather be the calm in the storm.

Gastone Out!

Prison Break

8 of us made it out to Prison Break this morning to get some miles in. It was great to see everyone! Lets keep pushing the rock.



Gump with Gashouse annihilation 29th

JJ 5k 26th

Csaup at Folsom 19th get up with broke

Mt Mitchell hike



Prayer Request

Phillips family in Dallas

Sister act and his family

Parham family in Gastonia

Each other


Thanks men



Cool morning at the Ricky Bobby

There was a chill in the air for my first “Q” at the Ricky Bobby, and it went like this for the 12 of us:

Warm up with SSH, Seal-jacks, Weed-pickers

4 x 4’s:
Start like Burpee
4 each merkins, mountain climbers, plank jacks
Finish Burpee, Repeat x 4
Start like Burpee
4 each hands-off merkins, Travoltas (“reverse Nolan Ryans”), ass-kickers
Finish Burpee, Repeat x 4

Mosey to field for “Quad Check” in groups of 4 at track bleachers:
Pax runs across field for 4 Bobby Hurleys while others do Dips / Step-up-Step-Down / LBC’s; 2nd round Derkins / Lunges / Big Boy Sit-ups
Rinse and Repeat x 4

Mosey to parking lot.
Lieutenant Dan across parking lot with flutter kicks, Hello Dollies and Freddy Mercuries at 4-space intervals.

Mosey to flag for SSH before pledge, announcements, prayers.

Annihilation Aug. 29 at Gashouse.
CSAUP, JJ 5k, and Mt. Mitchell in September.

Freight’s Route Sux!

Rolled into Crossroads for an early morning bike ride w/ 2 other Pax.  Broke agreed to start the group once 6:30 arrived to allow YHC the freedom to ride (thnx).  Had to be back by 7:30 but we ended up taking a longer route than we thought so it was agreed to blame it on Freight since he wasn’t there!  Screamed into the parking lot a few minutes late on two wheels… wait a minute that’s how you always are on a bike,  but everyone was still recovering from a great run.  10 pax total, PoA, announcements, COT, coffee, then Q-source.


  • Annihilation @ Gashouse 8/29
  • CSAUP 9/19 (5:30am teams of 3)
  • JJ5K @ Common Ground Stanley 9/26
  • Mt. Mitchell hike 9/27 (leaving around 4am)

Prayer Requests:

  • Pax on IR
  • School Kids & Teachers
  • Sister Act and his family
  • Huckleberry
  • Country and leaders

We Ran at The Pub

5 PAX posted for a mosey to Martha’s.

Stroganoff outran some ladies.

Roscoe got a late start after some EC and almost outran YHC.

Oompa ran all the way to Union.

Good work by all.

Annihilation, Mt. Mitchell, JJ5k…

Prayer Requests
Kids going back to school

Prayer to take us out.

Until next week…

Twenty Since the One Hundred

The day of the workout marked 20 weeks since the start and completion of the last relay race in the country outside of Gaston County, the Mortimer 100. To commemorate the event, the weinke would be focused on finding as many hills in order to start 2021 Mortimer training.

Imperial Walkers

Hipaa took Pain Lab Q; Boot Camp went off to HTFU

Mosey across the street to the library parking lot for a little baby hill to start with
Round of Jack Sprints
Up the hill 1/3 of the way, 5 Plank Jacks
Back down the hill, 5 Seal Jacks
Up the hill 2/3 of the way, 10 Plank Jacks
Back down the hill, 5 Seal Jacks
Up the hill to the end of the parking lot, 15 Plank Jacks
Back down the hill, 5 Seal Jacks

Mosey to the hill at First Pres
Partner up at bottom of hill near Boy Scout hut
Partner 1 runs up the hill
Partner 2 AMRAP exercise
Switch until both partners completed all 3 exercises
Round 1 – Merkins
Round 2 – Squats
Round 3 – LBCs

Mosey to the hill at the track next door at the school
Imperial Walker Squats at the top of the hill
Big Boy Sit-ups at the bottom of the hill

Mosey to the base of the entrance of Partners on New Hope
Round of Escalator
First stop
Hand Release Merkins
Second stop
Hand Release Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
Third stop
Hand Release Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Fourth stop
Hand Release Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Monkey Humpers

Due to time crunch had to take the elevator down but at the bottom one more round of each exercise
Hand Release Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Monkey Humpers

Mosey back

Stop in Parkwood parking lot for 10 LBCs

Mosey back to start

At this point, you’d think the announcements would be irrelevant but two are still upcoming.
Annihilation at Gashouse on 8/27 (Gump Q)
Mt Mitchell Hike 9/27

Prayers for the PAX and families of F3 Gastonia

Prayer to take us out

I always find it fascinating how God gives you the right message from his word when you need it. As I checked my phone after the workout, the daily verse notification had hit my phone.

Psalms 121:1-2
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Seemed ironic after a hill-themed workout that this verse with a message to lift our eyes to the hills would appear on my phone. It made be think of all the struggle, pain, hurt, and strife in our world right now, but through it all, God offers help, hope, and love. It’s up to us as a group of men to be leaders and spread that same love to our families, our friends, and our community. I think back to the sights we saw on the Mortimer of God’s creation. The same God that made those hills and mountains will provide a way for us to get through the hills and mountains in our own life. Just know that we are never alone, and I’m thankful to have you men as friends that lift me up and hold me accountable.

Globetrotter Sighting at the Bulldog

It wasn’t the furious Washington Generals playing their part as the arch nemesis to the world famous Globetrotters that made for such a competitive competition. It was, as in many cases, the world wide pandemic! On this balmy and heavy morning, the Globetrotters looked considerably shorter, not quite so athletic and extremely rusty as the air balls dropped short of their target and the burpie count continued to rise. There was no bubble, cameras, or distractions. Simply a test of strength, grit and endurance, like so many have crushed before. Game on!

Warm up:
– SSH 20 IC
– Grass pickers 10 IC
– Plank jacks 10 IC
– Merkins 10 IC
– Squats 10 IC
– LBCs 10 IC

Grab the Kettle bell and let’s roll. 1/4 mile run to Spiderman’s hideout.
Light up the court and start the burn.

1st Quarter
Each Pax takes a turn shooting a free throw shot.
You make = 1 Burpie
You miss = 3 Burpies

Meanwhile the rest are doing:
– bear crawl up the driveway
– 15 LBCs
– Lunge back down
– 10 Kettle bell swings
Repeat until all PAX complete the shot & burpies

2nd Quarter
Each Pax takes a turn shooting a free throw shot.
You make = 1 Burpie
You miss = 3 Burpies

Meanwhile the rest are doing:
– bear crawl up the driveway
– 10 crunchy frogs
– Crab walk back down
– Squat, Curl, Press w/ Kettle bell
Repeat until all PAX complete the shot & burpies

3rd Quarter
Huddle – Each Pax takes a turn shooting a free throw shot.
You make = Everyone 1 Burpie
You miss = Everyone 5 Burpies

Not a shot was made which meant many rounds of 5 burpies! To be sure, they are rusty.

Charge back onto the court at the Bulldog. (1/4 run)

  • Low Squat position, knee backs with kettlebell – 10 IC
  • Right into Monkey Humpers 10 IC = Quad BURN
  • Plank position: left hand & right leg up, hold for 2 seconds, switch. 5 rounds.


  • Low Squat position, knee backs with kettle bell – 10 IC
  • Right into Monkey Humpers 10 IC = Quad BURN
  • Plank position: left hand & right leg up, hold for 2 seconds, switch. 5 rounds.

  • Squat Curl Press w/ hand walk out to a merkin – 10 OYO

  • Kettle bell shoulder extensions: From raised, extended position down (5x), then half way hold for 2 seconds, UP (5x)
  • Lawnmowers (pull kettle bell off ground from one side up into the air on the opposite side) 5 each side
  • Squat Curl Press w/ hand walk out to a merkin – 10 OYO

– Side plank w/ arm raised 30 sec. SWITCH
– Side plank w/ arm raised 30 sec.
– on the six, hold feet 6 inches off ground 30 sec.

  • 30 seconds of flutter kicks, BUZZER!

Globetrotters WIN! Globetrotters WIN!


*  As the Q, I didn’t do so well at accommodating the workout for everyone.  I do better next time.

Announcements: CSAUP, Mt. Mitchell, Practice your free throws.

Prayers: Short Sale, Allen Tate, Less Nessman’s wife, Hunka


We had a good turnout at the Sword this morning, most ran, a couple rucked! We all circled up for some scripture at 6!
2 Corinthians 7:10 For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.

grief- deep sorrow

Worldly grief produces death!
it’s when someone is sad or deeply sorrowful over consequences, most of the time with no true intentions of repentance, although Hebrews 12:17 speaks of says “Esau found no chance of repentance, though he sought it with tears”.

Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation!
It produces a true change of heart and mind! Away from evil and towards God! A great example of godly grief is Psalm 51, where David is completely broken over his sin and turns to God to cleanse him and restore him!

Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near.”

Prayer requests- Sister Acts daughter and family, men on the ir, teachers/Seuss, school staff and students, community.

Announcements- CSAUP, JJ5K, Hike, Golf

Thanks again for allowing me to lead!

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