• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 08/20/2020
  • AO: Midoriyama
  • QIC: Freight
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sister Act, Broke, Oompa Loompa, Dr Seuss, Purplehaze, Blart, Double Stuf, Pockets, Defib, Virus, T square, Freight(QIC)

12 was the number Thursday at Midoriyama. YHC had scraps of sticky notes stuck together of things thought of and jotted down during the week.  This usually means trouble. It’s best I forget these terrible things I think up before we get a chance to try them. Oh well let’s get it on!


Morroccan Nightclubs for what seemed like 10 minutes while we waited for Purplehaze to get his jazzercise gloves on. In hind site those gloves make sense given the “outfits” he wears to workout in.

Let’s mosey

The Thang:

I parked my truck with blocks at the far end of the park near the soccer fields. Everyone grabbed one and moseyed to the goal line on the field. There were cones placed at the 25, 50, and 25 yd line. Starting at the goal line do 20 thrusters, carry your block overhead to the 25, put it down, and run to the far end and back. When you get back do 15 thrusters and rinse and repeat, dropping by 5 thrusters, to the far goal line. Once at the far goal line start back at 20 and go back down the field. This sucked! Especially for Dr Seuss since he barely weighs more than the block. At one point I’m pretty sure the block was carrying him.

Next up we moseyed to the dog park hill for some triple nickel. 5 burpees at the bottom and 5 Freddy Mercury’s at the top. At this point a few bat flippers almost took off. This is when I surprised them with how we would go up the hill. Hop! Jump! Broad jump! I did not say skip even though that’s what some were doing. This sucked as bad as I thought it would! As I type this the morning after my legs are fairly angry with me.

Next we moseyed back to our blocks at the field for some ab work. On the goal line do 25 WWI situps and carry your block overhead to the 50. Do 50 LBC’s and carry your block to the other goal line and do 25 Flutters(count 1 leg). Do it again with the following exercises: 25 Freddy Mercury’s(count 1 leg), 50 Homer/Marge, 25 Dying Cockroach(count 1 leg) I always think of Bandit when I do these!

That about does it for time so we put up the blocks and headed back to the flag. Wait there wasn’t one!


Announcements-There’s to many, read another BB for all that

Pledge to no where

Prayer request- Double Stuf’s dad, Oompa’s coworker, SA and his family.

Broke took us out.

Naked Moleskin:

YHC talked briefly about how Christians are called to be different, not typical. The same goes for us as men of F3. We are called to not be typical. Typical in today’s society is why we are in the mess we are in.