Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 26, 2020

Twilight Zone 2020

After pledge I start video on phone as I talk as if I were Rod Serling and talk about ,” Imagine a year full of many strange weird occurrences like riots, viruses, nasty weather patterns and more …. welcome to the Twilight Zone 2020! I’m your host Clavin, exercised will be called and you can modify…. Let’s Begjn!”
Unfortunately I meant to add video to this post … I just never paused it during warmup!
Ssh IC x 13
Butt kickers IC x 13
Merkins IC x 13
Flutters IC x 13
Called hand release merkins 13 OYO ( but I wound up doing hand release burpee merkins !)
Called out as an overachiever and show boat!
I now call for Waterboy to the center as I move to the ring of pax and have him call an exercise
He calls out jump squats IC and does 20 ( crowd criticizes ruining of the 13s ( I’m fine with it ! Waterboy did an excellent job and has accepted a VQ as of this WO for 9/9)
Mosey to the park and at Clavins Hill we perform TRUE 11s
What’s that? Glad you asked…
11 merkins bear crawl to top for 11 monkey humpers and perform 11 times!!! This is 2020, right?
Next up take short cut to concession area and partner up :
25 burpees
50 merkins
100 Ssh
200 dying cockroaches (q gives confusing commands for counting only one leg and count one leg… oh well!)

oh and since this is the Twilight Zone of 2020 …. all are to complete all called exercises  ( grumbling about no need for partnering and some trying to hand off portions of assignment ….    🙁
In order to give all rest ( other than self I take a moment to climb soap box and talk about how pervasive and easily Satan has affected our children at this time …. as an example my son told me last week of a friend who ( raised in a Christian home) has told his mother that he’s an atheist now, a shy young lady from another family told her parents she emulates Cardi B and wants to become a stripper and our son had some difficulties ….. we as parents had to reach out and love our child knowing that anything else would be detrimental to our relationship and not helpful to resolving this! Satan is at a buffet and our children are on the menu!! This is only 3 examples in my sphere of influence !! JK2 sagely pointed out how we can now bring prayer back in the school now that we are home schooling!

Now with your partner perform 333 lbcs


sadly it took them a few minutes to realize that when doubling ( because of the partner work) you get the number of the Beast

mosey the short cut ( around the Pavilion down the paths to the shelter for 13 IC dips

and mosey towards Snoballs performing Nur 1/2 of the way

complete all with 13 Ic flutters ( WE NEEDED TO DO SOME MORE AB WORK)

and 13 low slow squats IC


announcements for :

Mt Mitchell

Iron Pax

Annihilation this Saturday Gashouse

upcoming race where Gastone runs 1 mile segment with her as she circuits the country ( end of Sept)

site q hand off at the only Thursday Morning WO at The Pub

prayers for Defibs son

EZ Riders son

Gastones Father in law

Gastones friend from Raleigh with similar business that’s failing due to overextension earlier this year

JK2 friend with family struggling with some of the same issues I brought out this morn

Lastly, I had a bag of stash that I pulled out … last night I prepared kale chips baking them with olive oil Parmesan cheese and garlic salt. It’s been my intention to do this for a while but I burnt up the other batch ….. we always work on our spiritual and muscles …. some like Dr Defib and Dr Whoopee talk about healthful eating … so this was my way of getting some to maybe try something new and different




Warmup :

Imperial walkers x 15

MNC x 10

SSH x 15

Bobby Hurleys x 10


AMRAP : 1 min

Squat curl press


Flutter kicks

Tricep extensions

Plank jacks


Lap in between

Dirty Dogs

KB swings


Big boys

Chest Press

Baby makers



Step ups



Front raises


American hammers

Calf raises

Rinse and repeated and till soaked!

Announcements:   IPC coming up, JJ 5 k

Prayer requests:  SA 2.0,  Short sale surgery, AT surgery,  Our Country

YHC took us out

Lets get the feets working

With this workout I wanted to work on some stability and mobility in the lower body.


Warm up:

  1. Don Q x 10ic
  2. SSH x 10ic
  3. LBC x 10ic
  4. 90-90 x 10
  5. Leg Swings 5 ea. leg (Forward and Lateral)
  6. Forward Wall Drills: sec all out x 5

Mosey to Field

The Thang:

  1. Ladder Driils:
    1. Forward Step
    2. Lateral Steps
    3. Straddle Hops
    4. Single Leg Bunny Hops
    5. In & Out
    6. Ali Shuffle
    7. Single Leg Bounds
  2. Triple Nickel: Split Squats, Ankling, Single Leg Superman
  3. Acceleration Zones
  4. Starts – carry speed
  5. 40 yd Sprints
  6. Few Ladder Drills before time

Mosey to Flag


Prison Break’s Alternate ID

11 escaped the mileage of Prison Break to give Week 0 of the Iron Pack Challenge a go.

This week’s challenge…

For time:

4 Rounds of:

50 Squats
40 Big Boys
30 Merkins
20 Bonnie Blairs
10 Burpees
400 Meter Mosey

All pushed and were pushed.

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