Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2019 (Page 9 of 11)

C’est La Vie

YHC was trying to plan PainLab this week and quite honestly having trouble.

Rudolph noticed both Gashouse and PainLab had no Q listed and hit us up, mentioning he had an idea. While this probably wasn’t what he had in mind, Linus and YHC pulled the switchroo.

Subsequent to that decision, HIPAA pulled the “let’s ruck to Walmart and back for Operation Sweet Tooth” for EC. So YHC wasn’t sure the plan as my original Hero of the Day workout was such a good idea, but what we did was better?

C’est La Vie

And 0700 hits.

No FNGs, so an abbreviated disclaimer is given.

YHC did warmup, but not sure all the exercises or counts?
Goof Balls IC
Something Else IC
Moroccan Night Club IC.

YHC took GasHouse out of parking lot heading East, leaving PainLab with Linus.

We stopped at the stairs at Burtonwood Dr. for the following:
25 Calf Raises Right Leg
25 Calf Raises Left Leg
25 Calf Raises Toes Pointed Out

Then onto the Grier track.

25 Reverse Crunches, Lap around track, plank for 6.
(5 Burpees, 10 High Knees) x 2: lap around track, plank for 6
Some other exercises, lap around track and over to picnic tables.
25 Dips and 20 Step Ups Each Leg
25 Dips and 20 or 25 Derkins
25 Dips and 20 or 25 Incline Merkins
Lap around the track and over to the wall.

Have a seat on the wall. After a bit 25 Air Presses and 25 Overhead Claps were called.

Time to mosey/frogger across Garrison and around FPC to the stairs for some 11s. Merkins at the top and Monkey Humpers at the bottom (thanks Boudin)

Mosey/frogger across Garrison to the stairs near Burtonwood for a repeat of the Calf exercises, adding 25 with toes pointed in.

Then back to the beginning for a little Mary until PainLab joined up.

0800 hit and we knocked out the pledge.

Christmastown Family/2.0 Ruck Wednesday, 11-December.
Guest Q at Gashouse, 14-December – Pac-Man.
40/50 ending “Not so CSAUP, CSAUP” 21-December at each AO.
Convergence at GasHouse 28- December.
Christmas Party 04-January

Prayer Requests:
Dry Rub’s M
Broke’s M
Les Nessman’s M
Freight’s family

Rudolph took us out.

The crowd was light for Coffeteria this week. I encourage everyone to stay around and break bread with your brothers.
It Will be worth your time.

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,

You can catch another installment of Watts Up’s Q at Folsom on 14-December.

Until then,

Watts Up powering down.

Easy Like Saturday Morning

Several weeks ago Big  Pappy invited YHC to Q at Folsom.  I don’t post at Folsom too often, so I was quick to agree.  Always good to shake it up a bit and go to sites you don’t attend very often.  A few went out for some EC, but everyone got back, let’s get started.

SSH 12X, Imperial walkers 10X, Cotton Pickers 10X, all IC.  Pledge.  Mosey to lower parking lot.

YHC called 15 to 1’s.  First did this at the Yank, was a crowd pleaser there, and did not disappoint at Folsom.  15 burpees run across parking lot for 15 Bobby Hurley’s.  Run back for 14, repeat until get to 1.  120 reps total.  Mosey up the hill toward front of park.

Stop at street light for 10 crunchy frogs.  Go to next light, 10 crunchy frogs, 10 American hammers. Next light, 10 of first two, add LBFC. Next first three, and LBC.  Mosey to the wall.

Another YHC favorite on the wall, suspension merkins.  These are tough.  Feet on the wall about 12 inches. Hold plank for 30 seconds and 10 merkins.  Three rounds is enough.  Head to parking lot for Dora, partner up for 100 SSH, 200 squats, 300 flutter kicks.  Mosey back to flag.

Had a word about choices from a Billy Graham devotional.  Reminded us that God loves us so much that he does not allow anyone to lead a sinful life. When we make choices that separate us from God, we are either rationalizing our behavior, or elevating ourselves above God.  God loves us so much that he gave us his son so that we can be reconciled. There is no love greater.

Announcements: End of 40/50 challenge service ruck the 21st, convergence the 28th at Gashouse, Christmas party Jan 4 at Lewis Farm.

Remember Broke M, Tiger father, and those on the weekly prayer list.

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Point A to Point A

Well, with me having the Painlab Q tomorrow, this is about the closest I have been to owing a backblast prior to me gearing up for another.  The week has come and gone, and so has my schedule.

Long story short, we worked out.  We found ourselves starting at point A with group A running to point A to relieve group A.  When complete, we return to point A, rinse and repeat.  This somehow formed a repeating Parabola, mirror symmetrical and U shaped.  Turns out my body is still U shaped, but we had a great time.

Many welcomes to FNG Hermie who worked out with Painlab, Whiskey from Shelby and Udders from Greensboro.


Christmastown Ruck – 12/11 – 2.0 Friendly

Operation Sweet Tooth – Toy collection all this week and Saturday AO’s.

Sweetleaf has his permit, watch the roads


Cheesehead, sister with bone/hip cancer

Holidays, mental health and those reminiscent of past loved one’s.

Until next time which is tomorrow.



McAdenville Christmas Family Ruck December 11, 2020

This is the true Pre-Blast for the McAdenville Ruck!  Whoopee and YHC did a test run this past Wednesday, December 4th.  We drove around McAdenville to see the lights and to work on logistics, so we can have a safe and carefree event with our F3 families.  We then found our spot and set off to Ruck.  We were moving at a brisk pace and walked past about 223 children and families in the first mile.  This will not be your normal 15 min/mile ruck, nor should it be.  M’s and 2.0’s are definitely encouraged for this event.  The lights, decorations, and holiday cheer of the people in cars rolling by you with kids and dogs hanging out the windows yelling “Merry Christmas” will lift your spirits.  This pre-blast can be pulled out like many other Weinke’s to make it easy anytime you want to go Ruck the lights during this Christmas season.


The featured map is YHC’s lame attempt to show a few points of interest.  You should plan to enter McAdenville from Wilkinson Boulevard.  The entrance to the town is the 5400 block of Wilkinson Boulevard in McAdenville.  The starting AO will be the McAdenville Elementary School at 275 Wesleyan Drive.  We will be set up behind the school, most likely on the field.  Parking is somewhat limited so if it is full, try the McAdenville Wesleyan Church at 300 Wesleyan.  This is on the other side of the street from the school and there is a crosswalk to use to cross safely.

If both of these spots are full, go back the way you came and park at the Food Lion at 202 Market Street, Cramerton.  This is right across Wilkinson Boulevard.  Although we are trying to avoid pedestrian crossings, the intersection is well lit and there is a crosswalk and a law enforcement presence.

When:  Wednesday, December 11th 6:15.  Step off at 6:30

Where:  McAdenville Elementary  275 Wesleyan Drive

What:  Ruck with your F3 brothers and families and enjoy the setting for as much or as little mileage as you want

Route:  Follow the lights around McAdenville.  When you get to the lake, please look across the street and find the Spruced Goose.

We will plan to meet at the Spruced Goose for coffeeteria between 7:15PM and 7:45, although that is just a suggestion.  Spend as little or as much time as you want enjoying the holiday scene.  
2019 Christmas Light Schedule
December 2nd
December 26

The lights glow nightly
Monday – Friday
5:30 – 9:30 pm

Saturday & Sunday
5:30 – 11:00 pm

*If you are coming from F3 Hickory, once on I-85 North go to exit 26 (Belmont Abbey).  Exit the ramp and go to the light.  Turn left on McAdenville Road.  Turn right at the light onto Main Street at Keith Hawthorne Ford.  Take a right at the next intersection with Wilkinson.  You will then take another right onto Wesleyan Drive.  McAdenville Elementary will be on your right.



Thursday Evening Push

Perfect evening for a Christmas season push.  Dirt came out for his first taste of midoryama.  Glad to have him.

Start with 10 burpees.  Mosey to the hill leading to the lake for triple nickel.  Deconstructed burpees at the top and Turkish get ups at the bottom.  The hill makes it tough.  Good work men.  Mosey toward the back of the park, but stop on the road before getting to back parking lot.   Another hill leads up beside the road.  Q calls 11’s with incline merkins with inverted hands on the curb at the bottom run up hill for hand release.

A little time left so we get in a little ab work.  Crunch frog IC 10x at the street light, run to next light for 10 IC American hammer, run to next light for 10 LBFC IC.  Sprint back to flag.  Pledge.

YHC wasn’t prepared with a word, but did mention how the Christmas season can be bad time for some.  Life circumstance can deepen the emotional state for some people this time of year. Be vigilant to those we encounter.  Def Leppard and Dfib also mentioned how acts of kindness can lift people and encourage them to pay kindness forward.  Good words men!

Reminder of Hipaa toy ruck from Gashouse Saturday, Freight food ruck at Folsom, Operation Sweet Tooth toy collection Saturday, CSAUP the 21st, and convergence at Gashouse the 28th.

Prayer requests:  Freight’s grandmother and his family with the passing of his grandfather, Broke M, Tiger’s father with health issues, the men on our prayer list this week, Anchorman, Smuckers, Orangeman, Rockabilly, Dr Seuss, Ditka, Quiche, and Sawyer.

YHC took us out.

Always an honor


ChristmasTown ‘19 SpeedForNeed

Man, this year has flown by. Seems like it was just a few months ago when Speed For Need rocked the Christmas Town 5k. I’ve been a part of several SFN events, but there’s just something special about this one. It’s under the lights of the famous Christmas Town spectacle shown every year for well…..every since I can remember. Not is it that, but being the season it is and the environment it’s held, provides F3 PAX the opportunity to give a gift to those with special needs. That gift isn’t just rolling through a town showing the largest Christmas light display around on the coolest wheelchairs ever made, but it’s the gift of love, support, and encouragement to those and their families. Millions of children experience and live with some type of special need. These children truly are special. They deserve awareness, attention, and support everyday. This is where Speed For Need steps in. To be able to see the joy, excitement, and hope in these kiddos’ eyes is what drives the program.

Leading up to this years event, Pizza Man had reached out to the region asking for  Qs to help lead and organize the run. YHC knew I’d be participating in the run and hadn’t heard if anyone had spoken up so I offered. Pizza Man in turn said Dr. Seuss has also offered and that we would plan a co-Q with some guidance and assistance from Pizza himself. Little did I know there was so much to do and organize for such an event. Thanks to Pizza Man for all the preparatory work which left Seuss and I the responsibility of getting our track commanders fitted and buckled in their chairs. We were to make sure our pushers were assisted and of course make sure all have fun.

At around 5:30 pm, we all gather up to lay hands on one another, the track commanders and families for a word prayer for safety and enlightenment during the race. The track commanders were all saying how they were going to win and how we better push them fast as we can push across that line. With a lot of mumblechatter and fellowship, we mosey the group up to the starting line. While waiting for the signal, we all feel a couple rain drops. This rain was supposed to hold off. It’s just 25-30 minutes we are asking for. Anyway, the bottom dropped and it left us asking whether or not to call it for the track commanders. After speaking with the parents and the kiddos themselves, it was confirmed to proceed with the race. So, here we go, drenched by the rain, but filled by the spirits of these guys in the chairs. As usual, Evan is the talkative one and declares he will never be beaten in a race. He is off almost at a sprint and leaving the rest of us to make up some ground. It wasn’t long for Owen, Colton, Megan, Sarah,  and Nathan are hot on his heels. Nehemiah, close behind, is settling in on a good pace. The first mile was over just like that and the track commanders were locking in their paces. No need for water at the half way point for these guys. Let’s keep at it. I must admit, out of every 5k run I’ve ran, this one is the toughest due to the all the hills. This wasn’t an issue for our racers though. They plowed right through it like a jog on a flat track. The neighborhood citizens were cheering them on from every house on the track. This was boosting them into that second wind and  boom, we are at the home stretch. At this point, I wasn’t sure who was leading, but I know everyone of them were winning! As the racers cross the finish line, victory was being proclaimed. Each track commander put it on the line and conquered the mission. Great work guys. Evan, Colton, Nathan, Owen, Sarah, Megan, and Nehemiah were all awarded their Speed For Need medals and the victory party began.

I believe I speak for all of the Gastonia Region PAX who participated in this event when I say, these experiences are a blessing to be a part of. There’s nothing more fulfilling than being able to bring joy to the track commanders in these races. Many of the PAX who participate are actual runners. Some are not, but when it comes down to “Who Pushes Who” in a race, I believe the track commanders are the ones pushing. I know they push me and it’s why I continue to participate. Thank you to all who came out to run, push, setup, or just hang out.

MW and Dr. Seuss out!



When most of us think of the number 61, we think of baseball. Whether its Roger Maris’s home run record or maybe Nolan Ryan and Tom Seaver who each had 61 shutouts.

At Folsom, the number 61 has a different meaning. Today marked the 61st day Allen Tate has failed to post at Folsom. 9 HIM’S honored this day by putting in some hard work to better themselves and those around them.

The Thang

  • Mosey to tennis courts for 4 corners.
  • Set One
    • 1st corner – 61 LBC’s
    • 2nd corner – 61 Squats
    • 3rd Corner – 61 Flutter Kicks
    • 4th Corner – 61 Hillbillies
  • Set Two
    • 1st Corner – 61 LBC’s
    • 2nd Corner – 61 Merkins
    • 3rd Corner – 61 Imperial Walkers
    • 4th Corner – 61 Big Boys
  • Set Three
    • 1st Corner – 61 LBC’s
    • 2nd Corner – 61 Hillbilly Squats
    • 3rd Corner – 61 Shoulder Taps
    • 4th Corner – 61 Mountain Climbers
  • 4th Set – Missed Q-  Qty Doubled
    • 1st Corner – 122 LBC’s
    • 2nd Corner – 122 Moroccan Nightclubs
    • 3rd Corner – 122 Moroccan Nightclubs
    • 4th Corner – 122 Moroccan Nightclubs
  • 61 more LBC’s
  • A quarter mile mosey back to the flag

We finished with the pledge and COT.


  • Operation Sweet Tooth this Saturday
  • 21st Service ruck before Folsom.
  • 28th Convergience

Prayer Request

  • Medicine Woman
  • Freight
  • Each Other
  • All spoken and unspoken.
  • Bedpan  (Praise report)

We need to continue to support each other and continue to do whatever we can to get the kotters back out.

It is always an honor to lead.

Big Pappy

“And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” – Rev  20:15





Blackjack Mosey

Eleven gamblers posted to see what hand would be dealt on the 21st day of November.

The Pledge

The Pax moseyed towards Martha’s. No Sambriches were sighted.


Prayer Requests

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Storm 11/26/19

16 young men showed up to workout at the STORM on 11/26/2019.  It went like this……


Seal Jacks IC x 31

Mountain Man Poopers IC x 15

Hill Billies IC x 15

Merkins IC x 2

Lets mosey

Mosey to the flag in front of the school for the pledge

Mosey to the baseball field

Break up into two groups.  Group 1 does Calf Raises on the bleachers while Group 2 does Dips on the first bench.  Q fail…. the bleachers had frost on them and were very slippery.  Calf Raises and Dips x 20 IC.  Rinse and Repeat.  Omaha Calf Raises to the fence behind home plate.

10 Burpees then Mosey to the parking lot stopping at each light pole to do 20 Squats, 10 Burpees at the end and return stopping at each light for Squats.

15 Burpees – 10 plus 5 for the train

Mosey to the parking lot stopping at each light for 5 Merkins

Line up for Rugby Sprints – AMRAP called exercise until “Go” is called by the PAX who choose the exercise.   Jail Break two parking rows and back, walk to recover.  Rinse and Repeat.  Slaw called Big Boy Sit Ups for the final round when an outlaw PAX called “GO” at about 10 BB’s.  Everyone took off except Slaw, and a couple of others.  False start on all who took off.

Almost time.  Mosey back to the flag for Rock-Paper-Scissors.  Pair up.  Both PAX plank and play Rock-Paper-Scissors.  The winner does a Merkin, the loser does a Burpee.  Increase the count by one with each round.  Heard some good mumble chatter during this routine.

YHC took us out in Prayer

Thanks for participating



I’m a nice guy!

8 PAX total at Midoriyama Tuesday night. Some regulars weren’t there and they were missed dearly. You had to be there to get the title.


Some stuff I made up on the spot. This was noticed and I was criticized for it.


The Thang:

Mosey and AMRAP.

Mosey to the picnic shelter at the lake.

AMRAP for 5 minutes. 5 different exercises with a 20 second break in between.

Mosey to the playground

AMRAP for 5 minutes. 5 different exercises with a 20 second break in between.

Mosey to the end parking lot

AMRAP for 5 minutes. 5 different exercises with a 20 second break in between.

Mosey back near the playground

That’s time


Announcements-Christmas party questions?, Convergence 12/28 at Gashouse

Prayer Request-Broke’s wife, Tiger’s dad, YHC Grandfather(family) as he nears the end of his life, Tater Holes family.


As always it was a pleasure to lead you fine gentlemen. T-claps to Herme? who came out for his 2nd post at 67 young years of age. He came after Linus’s rotary breakfast presentation.


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