Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2019 (Page 6 of 11)

2nd Post Vacation Q

See YHCs previous post for the humble apology for backblast tardiness.

A second Q in less than a week after a long vacation out of the country, and knew it would be needed to get the body and mind reacquainted.

Warmup: SSH I/C, 5 merkins, 2 burpees; Imperial walkers I/C, 10 merkins, 4 burpees.

The thang: Mosey to the 27th parallel wall for a bit of Double Ds. 10 dirkins/10 dips, 15 dirkins/15 dips, 20 dirkins/20 dips.

Mosey just a bit for YHCs classic Route 666. Similar to the good ‘ol Route 66, but with a little hell thrown in, so instead of one exercise done in increasing amount, there are six exercises to be performed. Called were squats, Bobby Hurley’s, lunges (count one leg only), flutters (count one leg only), WWs, and American hammers (count one side only).

Mosey to the bank lot for a little partner work with Dora. 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 squats.

Time to mosey back to the start for the pledge, name-o-rama, announcements, and the prayer.

An honor to lead… -Orangeman

Post Vacation Q

My sincerest apologies to the PAX and site Qs for backblast tardiness on this and the following post. I learned that 2 weeks of vacation do not mix well with work and Q’ing, so that by the time I found time to write a BB, I forgot (It’s a problem for YHC). Anyway, with that out of the way, let’s get to the meat!

Warmup: SSHs, mountains climbers, seal jacks, and toy soldiers, all 15x I/C.

The thang: Mosey along the tracks to the bridge for 5 burpees. Mosey to the light for 5 more burpees and lunge walk, 10 each leg. Mosey down the big hill for 5 burpees, 10 lunge walks, then nur up the hill.

Time to beef up those soccer arms… 10 merkins, 50 lbcs, 10 diamonds, 50 squats, 10 Chuck Norris merkins, 25 WWIs, 10 ranger merkins, 50 Bobby Hurleys, 20 wide arm merkins, 100 flutter kicks, rinse and repeat until YHC called time.

Mosey back to start for the pledge, announcements, and the prayer.

An honor to lead you all this morning!


Folsom VQ

YHC arrived early to get a little rucking EC in as well as do some reconnaissance. YHC needed to see if the previous days rain required a modification of the weinke (which it did) as well as general layout as the only other time here was a convergence, which YHC stayed with PainLab.

0630 hits and 11 have joined YHC. None are FNGs, so a short disclaimer and we begin.

SSH IC x 10
Moroccan Night Club IC x 10
Merkin IC x 10
Squats OYO x 15

Mosey to softball field parking lot via the path.
Escalating 4 Corners
15 Heels to Heaven
30 Plank Jacks
45 Low Scissors
60 High Flutters

There was some chatter about it being wet and/or a rough surface, but YHC did not engage.

Since we went up, we have to go down.
Declining 4 Corners
60 Low Flutter
45 High Scissors
30 Plank Jacks
15 Heels to Heaven
(You can reuse the spots you dried before)

Time for the pledge, so let mosey to the front of the park.

We knock out the pledge and meander/mosey to the track.

On the stairs we do some calf work.
25 Left Leg
25 Right Leg
25 Toes Out
25 Toes In

Then it’s time for 3 rounds of the following
10 Merkins
10 Monkey Humpers
10 CDDs
10 Step Up (each leg)
Mosey around Concession/Turd shack
Plank for 6 (rnd 1)
Crab Plank for 6 (rnd 2)
Monkey Humper for 6 (rnd 3)

We meander out of that area and over to the parking lot.
Here we did side-step/karaoke a length (each direction), nur and skipped one length each. From there it was time to mosey to the tennis courts.

At the tennis courts it was time for escalating/declining 11s.
Just like normal 11s except with each run, you run 1 court further until you reach the fence, then you work your way back.
Mountain Climbers on one end and Squats on the other.

We did one lap around the courts before heading to the parking lots for a little Mary

And that is time.

The list of upcoming events were covered in the announcements as well as the ongoing collection for Dallas Christian Ministries.

There were many prayer requests.

Bedpan took us out.

I encourage all to make the coffeteria/2nd F events when you can. This is an opportunity to really invest in your brothers.

Luke 24:35
They began to relate their experiences on the road and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread.

Watts Up powering down.

Stacked Deck

One minute to spare showing up to my First Q, so we jumped right in with 15 total men…


Warm Up – Jumping Jacks and Grass Pickers

Mosey to the front of the school and commence the following Deck of Cards workout.  Did I mention I let me 2 year old shuffle the cards?  It was a little heavy at some points……

  • Diamonds – Merkins
  • Hearts – Mountain Climbers
  • Spades – Lunges
  • Clubs – Squat Jumps (seemed to be an awful lot of these-maybe the 2 year old threw in a couple extras for good measure)
  • Aces – 10 Burpees
  • Jacks, Queens, Kings – 15 reps
  • All other reps per count on card
  • Joker – 4 laps around the parking lot
  • +4 laps around the parking lot at Q’s discretion (to break up some of those shuffling skills)

Deck of cards complete with one minute to spare and then mosey back to the start.




Enjoyed my first Q and promise to get the backblast out sooner next time around!

Shell Shock, OUT

9 Ladies Dancing

YHC rolled in trying to come up with a way to spice up today. Dirt and EZ Rider were out getting EC, Gastone was in his truck. Clavin arrived and at the 5 min mark, a line of vehicles arrived bringing the total to 9.

Coincidentally, there are 9 days until Christmas…

0530 arrives with no FNGs, so an abbreviated disclaimer is given. Before beginning warmup, YHC posed the question “What was given on the 9th day of Christmas?” and then commenced warmup:
SSH x 10 IC
Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Squat x 15 OYO

YHC then wanted the answer to the question posed. The general consensus was “Lords a Leaping”, but as you can tell from the title, that was wrong, so a 5 Burpee penalty was imposed.

Before continuing, YHC inquired about the gift on the 8th day and proceeded to mosey down Riverwood Pkwy toward the doctor’s office. Along the way YHC was treated to the PAX rendition of the 12 days of Christmas as they try to figure out the answer. About half way, they come to the correct answer of Maids a Milking.

Although Turtleman hasn’t posted since late Oct, we will still do one of his favorites at the doctor’s office.
Long jump up the entrance, run back down and do 15 reverse crunches. It was soooo much fun we did it again.

YHC “realized” he had forgotten the Pledge, so time to mosey back to South State Bank. There was some chatter about we would end up there anyway, but YHC didn’t want to forget it.

Having knocked the Pledge, time to move back down Riverwood.
Arriving at a light pole, switched to a side-step/karaoke. At the next, face the other direction and continue. At the next change to a skip. We stopped at the next pole and every third one there after to do monkey humpers. 27, then 18, and finally 9 before continuing to the bottom of “Gastone’s Hill”.

For the first trip…
Mosey to the top, 15 heels to heaven, and back down.

For the second trip…
What was called didn’t work out as YHC thought it would. Instead of trying explain here, there was nurring involved and squats and all ended up at the top of the hill. 25 LBCs and back down we go.

For the third trip.
Mosey to the first mailbox, do 1 squat. Mosey to second, do 2 squats. Continue pattern and stop at the cross street.

Back down the hill and then up to the Dollar General. In the parking lot, 5s were called with Mike Tyson on one end, JJ offered American Hammers on the other and Clavin offered Lunges as the means of conveyance. The lunge was Omaha’d after 1 round due to time.

Down the hill and over to the stairs between the parking lots for a little calf work.
25 right leg
25 left leg
25 toes pointed out
25 toes pointed in

From there we went behind the Planet Fitness to use their ramp for 2 rounds of Bearcrawl.

Now on the home stretch, we headed to the wall in front of South State Bank for 2 sets of 18 Dips and 9 Derkins before returning to our start point.

And that was time.

Bedpan talked about the Dallas Christian Ministries. If you didn’t have money, you can go online (link on slack) and either give there or find a child in need, and provide what they ask for.
Defib covered the 40/50 challenge concluding CSAUP this Saturday. (21-Dec)
Convergence the following Saturday at Gashouse 0700.(28-Dec)

Prayer Requests:
Dry Rub’s M in hospital
Bedpan family – M had dental work, 2.0 is sick and K9 had to go to vet.

YHC took us out.

There are two thing that I feel a need to put out there.

This is a tough time of year. Many of our PAX/family have had losses this year. The stress of family, work, finances, etc all stack in there too. Remember your brothers are there for you. If you are struggling or just want to vent, reach out. More importantly, God is there for you. Pray.

In my Sunday school class, we just started a study on James. James is a blunt, in your face book of the Bible.
James 1:2-4
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Remember, this adventure called life is not going to be easy. But by relying on God’s strength, and not your own, you will grow closer to him, be more like Jesus and be able to persevere.

Watts Up powering down.


Good crowd today at Diablo. As usual, lots of second F and good pace to get the sweat going. Good to see DaVinci out here-hope to see him more regularly. If you get a chance, reach out to the Kotters and get them back out here with us-any AO, just get them coming back out or at least reach out so they know they are missed. One day we will be STOPPING FOR BREAKFAST at Waffle House.


Late post, but here it is. There were Diablo Sammiches for Thanksgiving and we had a good crowd considering it was a holiday. We rucked to Waffle House, took a picture to taunt the Pubbers with, then came back home. On the way back I sent the picture to BedPan who responded with a Happy Thanksgiving to the Sambriches from the Pubbers. Finally, this has been hanging over my head.

Tactical Druids

We have a guest Q at the Gashouse Bootcamp, how many will show for the Pain Lab?  1 or 100, let’s make sure they get as spirited a workout as Pac-Man and the boys from Rock Thrill are about to give.  Great turnout for Bootcamp, and we 7 Pain Lab’ers formed like Voltron.  Turns out the Girl Scouts are camping at the Schiele overnight, so let’s allow those little princesses to sleep in a bit, we’ll take our workout to Stonehenge.  Circle up.

I ask who has what injury:  Rudolph shoulder, Roadie shoulder, Hermes knee.  Good stuff, I can adjust us easy.

Point of today is tactical movements – precise, controlled and intense.


  • Punch Merkins – 45 seconds, 15 second rest
  • Punching Sprawls – 45 seconds, 15 second rest
  • Ski Jumps – 45 seconds, 15 second rest
  • High Knee twists – 45 seconds, 15 second rest
  • Squat Jumps – 45 seconds, 15 second rest

Good work.  I thought that everyone would be winded, not so much.  Let’s keep that rhythm for all these exercises.  Listen to the Q for specifics ( I would go slow, hold, fast, etc.  Just changing things up until I heard squealing):

  • Walkouts
  • Weighted Lunges
  • Rows
  • Mountain Climbers and Moutain Rolls
  • Bench Pistol Squats
  • Curls
  • Squats
  • Ab work
  • Struts

We worked on swings a good bit too; HIPAA took the team through the motions.  I cannot stress enough, if you want a good compliment to F3, kettlebell work is king.  You must master the “hinge” of a swing to get the most out of it.  It will be unnatural until you do.  We would have done Turkish Get-Ups, but with the shoulders and knee injuries, that would be no good.  Doc appointment on the 30th!  Get hype!

*our 5 minutes of message was about Eric Liddel.   While on business travel this week I got to see Chariots of Fire, finally.  I”m glad I was an adult when I saw it, much more impactful.  Read about his life if you never have, what a beast.  I won’t take  you through the majority of my schpiel, but remember this “where does the will to finish the race come from?  It comes from within”.

Here comes Pac-Man and a gaggle of guys, let’s join up.  Great work from all, a tactifully good start to the day.

Always a pleasure to serve,


The second week of the Pub Christmas Party

F3 Gastonia has been accelerating our 3rd F this month with many charitable causes.  If you go back with our Pavilion Chili cookoff and “4 Alarm” sponsorship of the bathroom project, Operations Sweet Tooth for the Boys and Girls Club, Freight’s canned food ruck, and the donations for the Dallas Christian Ministries children’s Christmas, you might be in the holiday spirit.  However, if your face isn’t on the Pub Christmas Card you are missing out.

Here is what we did at the Pub.  We ran.  We ran the reverse route of the previous week’s route, which was different from the previous week.  There were some groans when this was announced,  You don’t have to like it, but that’s just the way it is.  Gaston Day School Road, left on Armstrong, left on New Hope, right on Lee, left on Perry, right on Armstrong Park and back to start.  Slaw gave me a lesson on the power station near the cemetery.  The high voltage lines come to the station and each box is a voltage regulator which makes the power neighborhood friendly.  In case you didn’t know, Eddie Van Halen bought a European Marshall amp when he was young but it was a 220 instead of a 110.  He went to an electronics store and bought a voltage regulator to bring the power down and work with American circuits.  The early Van Halen concerts were wedding receptions and club gigs with the guitar that was “way too loud” in the mix!  You’re welcome for that Sargento style music tidbit.

When we returned back to start, Gump was no where to be seen.  Gastone took off in his truck and found Gump who had taken a wrong turn.  I am not sure how far he ran, but probably in the 17 mile range knowing his blistering pace.


Always a pleasure to lead.  Merry Christmas from the PUB!

It’s been a while

Reporting to the gloom today were 7 men ready to get after it on a chilly December morning. Let’s do it!


Warm Up:

Goof Balls of course!

Don Quixote

Imperial Walkers

Monkey Humpers

Mosey around the grassy area toward the island. Look out, there’s a bike repair assembly thing close by, make sure not to run into it. Once at the bridge YHC was about to give the first command when he noticed the signature color of…BLOOD! Radar apparently was cut right on the cheek when he ran into the bike thing. Watch out men.

YHC then called for Bear Crawls across the wooden part of the bridge. Once across, the PAX was directed to Karaoke left to the next bridge. Fellowship mosey across the next bridge then lunge walk back to the other side. From there we do Karaoke R to the other bridge. Fellowship mosey across then Bear Crawl back again. Skip to the other bridge and then mosey to the parking lot.

Partner up for Dora 123. Partners do 100 merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs and 400 Air Presses. While one is exercising, the other runs to the other end of the parking lot and back. Teamwork until completion.

Mosey back to the start for something to end with and we’re done.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Sorry for the late BB.


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