Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2019 (Page 5 of 10)

Persistence at Folsom

10 Strong at a warm, humid Dallas N.C. AO ready for an old man Q. No FNG’s, let’s go!
SSH x 15 IC
Low Slow Squats x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC
Mosey down to the bottom picnic shelter where an obese Chihuahua had taken over while his owner read a book. Despite the dog’s protest, we started our Arms and Cardio Laps. It went like this.
Dips x 10 (in shelter)
Mosey to bottom of parking lot SSH x 10
Mosey near the ampitheatre sidewalk for 10 burpees
Mosey to the top of the parking lot for 10 Monkey Humpers
Mosey into the top picnic shelter for 10 Derkins
Mosey back out to the parking lot for 10 Seal Jacks
Mosey a little further down the parking lot for 10 Mike Tysons
Mosey to the bottom rest room steps for Step Ups or Calf Raises x 10
Back to the bottom picnic shelter to repeat the lap.
All exercises in cadence except burpees and Mike Tysons.
We did 4 laps and stayed together and several guys helped me call the cadence.

Mosey to the tennis courts for Rugby Sprints (Abs and Core).
Start on 2nd court, exercise until I say Sprint then sprint 2 courts, sprint 2 courts back and then mosey 2 courts for the next exercise. We did Flutters, Freddies, Oblique Crunch Right, Oblique Crunch Left, American Hammers, Hello Dollies, Dying Cockroaches and penguins always more than 10 reps. Gump was flying on the sprints! It is sometimes difficult to yell “Sprint” loudly this morning. This would have been the perfect occasion for using Freight’s gym teacher whistle.

Mosey to the fork in the road and get a modified Dora in. Partner up for 100 CDD’s, 100 Hillbillies and 100 Squats with running a short lap around the fork / triangle in the road. Back to the flag where Pizza Man led 22 for the vets and we’re done and Buckeye changed his sweat-saturated shoes.

I spoke about persistence and how nothing in the world can take the place of persistence to solve problems. Keep pushing to be better men in fitness, fellowship and faith!

9/14 911 Memorial Stair Climb in Charlotte
9/21 Stop Soldier Suicide 5K
9/28 JJ5K Trail Run in Stanley
F3 Iron Pax Challenge in September
Sparky, who had been running took us out! Thanks Spark!

you work out?

We did not really have a Q…..but then again do we ever? It’s a running AO. We run. Not much for a backblast……usually. BUT NOT TODAY. We started off with 4 runners on time and a rucker who left earlier. I am always looking for advice. Well, not always, but today I was and more often nowadays I am appreciative of advice and definitely see the value much more than I have in younger years. I knew Defib had just taken his first child to college and dropped her off. I also have it on pretty good authority that he is a pretty intelligent guy and cares a lot about his family, like a lot of other F3ers I know. In the past I was not so worried about that college thing. Having watched Stroganoff send his son a couple years ago, Linus do that with his daughter, and then both do it again this year with child #2, this college thing has gotten my attention. Also, seeing a few other first-timers struggle this year (you know who you are) has made it more real. Since my twins will be heading to college (hopefully) in a couple years and I know that time will fly by, I asked Defib what he said to his daughter before leaving her in the presence of a bunch of hormone-filled, bone headed nimrods we like to call “young men.” I was once one of them and I know what goes through their minds….which is why I would like to break the arm of every “young man” that shows up at my door step before even saying hello.

So for the next 5 miles I ran with Defib (this was a PR for me this AM) and gleaned as much advice as I could. By mile 3, I was spent and it was all I could do to keep up with him but I did not want to break the conversation so I kept pushing, even the last few hundred yards with him yelling in my ear to push harder and finish strong-thanks for that, I think. I was worth the pain. I just hope I can remember what we discussed.

Once we got back I laid down on the sidewalk and a few minutes later a biker stopped and offered to provide CPR….Thankfully I was aware enough to get up and speak with him-it was someone Defib and I know from work so I had to put on a happy face and act like I was not really that tired.

Later after the COT and as we were preparing for Q Source, Gastone tells us of a time he was trying to EH a guy in the frozen food section of Harris Teeter by saying, “Hey, you look like you work out.” I think he said something to the guy about a corn dog or sharing a baked potato but I am not sure. Anyway, the guy has not been seen at an F3 workout so maybe we need to keep Gastone out of HT for awhile.

Today was a good day for me. I see the evidence of Iron Sharpening Iron more and more often as I get older. When it involves my family as the receiver of the sharpening, it really sinks in. I would encourage you to lean on your F3 brothers whether it is through Whetstone, at a workout, a 2nd F event, 5K or longer race, memorial event like Pizza Man led this weekend, or going back and forth from a CSAUP. There is a reason we all come out here and do this crazy thing we call F3. Part of it is so we can take our shirts off in public……but really it is much deeper than that. Really dig in to F3 and get to know your brothers. You will find a way to get sharpened if you want from every single person out here if you just try. I have and I might be one of the most bone headed nimrods you have ever met.

thanks for letting me hang around you men and rubbing off on me in whatever way you have for the past few years-Whoopee



Back to Cool, Week 2

This is YHCs first Q at the Pub and wanted to do something unique. The night before, started working on my weinke and was ready to get running when the alarm when off.

It’s 5:30am and ready to go

Q fail – no disclaimer, but fortunately, we had no FNGs.

The Pledge…

Informed the PAX what we were going to be doing. Like I said above, wanted to do something different, so we headed towards Martha Rivers! Very original!

Some ran 4 miles, and most ran 5 miles.



  • Rotary Chili Cookoff – Nov 2,(see Sargento for more details)
  • Ragnar – Oct 5th, still need 2 more to complete last team
  • Aug 24th, 2.0 bootcamp at The Fighting Yank
  • JK5 and Soldiers 5k coming up in September

Prayer Request

  • Lynn Hamm and family
  • Kids, teachers, and parents with school starting back
  • Sargento’s brother-in-law

As always, great work by all PAX this morning. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Breaker Breaker


Nothing but Respect @ The Storm; 8/6/19

Termite had Q @ at the Storm and was ready when all the PAX started showing up. He had several tires with straps all laid out on the ground along with the large coupons. What were we about to get ourselves into?

No FNGs, quick and modified disclaimer.

The Warm-up

We all had white pvc sticks with end caps that were about 5 ft long. What are we going to do with these? Each PAX had a stick and we did various stretches and warm-up exercises with them.

The Thang:

Now the exciting part. We partner up into 4 teams.

On one end of parking lot, partner one pulls the tire for 5 pulls, then 5 right side pulls, and then 5 left side pulls, while partner 2 has large coupons doing curls, overhead presses, and squats. Once partner 1 is finished, you flap jack and partner two starts pulling the tire.

When Partner two is complete with his reps, place large coupon in tire and both PAX pull tire to end of parking lot next to school building and then do 10 merkins.

Now we work our way back to the starting point and finish with 10 squats.

Rinse and repeat 4 or 5 times…..

Finish workout with a round of Mary….



Prayer Request

Termite closed out with a short message and prayer..

Great work by all PAX and great Q by Termite.

My Favorite Board Game

Growing up, my cousins and I played a lot of monopoly.  I wanted to incorporate my favorite game into a workout.  I was going to take a monopoly board and put some block exercises on the properties, but as I mentioned this on the world famous Folsom groupme chat, Hippa said there was already a “Painopoly.”  So. My job just  got easier.

The thang:

take the painopoly board place it in the middle of the circled up pax, roll the dice, do the exercise that’s on the property you land on.  We had deck of death cards for community chest and chance (thanks watts up).  We used blocks and kettle bells (pax preference).

Hippa deserves co-Q credit as I didn’t know some of the exercises that was on the board he brought and he had to demonstrate a good bit!

All pax got better! Thanks for coming out!!!


7 Pax got to Diablo and took off for some stairs. We started with the pledge then rucked to the school for the stairs and started up and downs. Before starting, we called out birthdays and roughly half of us did our exercises at the top and the other half at the bottom (not both unless you wanted some EC-get some Watts Up). The exercises were 5 merkins with ruck on-each trip up or down you did the exercises then kept moving. It was not that bad at first but got progressively tougher. Once the desired amount of time had passed, we started back for home after a quick word about tolerating others and loving them for who they are rather than finding something to argue about. You can apply this wherever you want-work, family, friends…

We got back to start after getting some Monkey Humpers at the lights on the way back-there were a bunch of them but we got back right on time, did our COT, then everyone took off. Once again we proved FOOD>>>>drink. Come try it out. You just might like it.

REMEMBER: BRR-Ruck meeting this Sunday at 3pm at McAllister’s.


The Real bootcamp in Cramerton

11 mighty dudes showed up for a Thursday morning Goat.

The Thang:

25 SSH

15 Imperial Walkers

10 Diamond Merkins OYO

Mosey up the road to  a bigger parking lot.

11 Squat burpee’s on side A, then 10 on the other side. Until we get down to 1.

Mosey across the street to staircase.

In cadence. 15 calf raises feet together, feet apart, and then jump calf raises. Then we did 10 of each.

Mosey or stumble to the street.

First light pole on the way back.

15 Monkey Humpers.

Next pole, 15 Monkey Humpers, 15 Squats.

Next, we added Merkins to the above.

Next we did more of each. 40 Monkey Humpers, 40 Squats, 15 Merkins.

50 Yard Lunge walk down hill. Down hill was noted by the pax as nice.

Then we ended up at the bottom of the hill.

Bernie Sanders to the top and then Mosey back to the bottom. Rinse and Repeat.

Lunges back up the hill.

Ran out of time.

The Moleskin:

Great morning and a really great group of guys. It was my pleasure to Q the workout and look forward to the next time.

Gastone Out!

Gym Class

8 PAX joined YHC at Midoriyama on Thursday for my first post there in 2 months. Man these last 2 months have been tough. My daughter has had swim practice on those days and I’m the chauffer. I cannot explain how much I’ve missed these guys. Between that and summer vacations I’ve been limited on my post all summer. I had Blart put me down for the Q on the day I knew I could return not knowing I would severely injure my shoulder in a Mtn Bike crash. Well I guess there is always a good chance for that but this one was a little different. I’ve wrecked a lot of stuff. 2 wheels, 3 wheels, 4 wheels, homemade carts and what not. One even involved someone being transported in a helicopter and having some organ parts removed but this may have been as hard of an impact as any could be. So a week and a half later it still hurts to breath so instead of handing over the Q I decided I would lead it anyway all the while not performing any exercises. I know the whole don’t Q it if you can’t do it but I really just needed to be out there. This really seemed to bother a few PAX. Going into it I knew there would be a lot of mumblechatter and that is really what I was hoping for. I was a little surprised by the ones that took it and the ones that didn’t. Anyway you vs you so…..


1 burpee, 10 x SSH ic, 2 burpees, 10 x Don Q ic, 3 burpees, 10 x Merkins ic, 4 burpees, 10 x Freddy Mercury ic, 5 burpees

I must say having stood and watched everyone’s form and their ability to follow cadence this group was….well let’s just say not going to make it in bootcamp!

The Thang:

YHC came equipped with a spreadsheet, clipboard and a whistle. I needed to see what kind of shape these guys were in since I haven’t been around. Time for a little PT test I found in Men’s Health magazine.

3 min hand release merkins-as many as you can

2 min reverse lunge-as many as you can

1 min of wall sits

2:30 min of side plank hold each side

Each category had a point scale of 1-3 points depending on how much you did or how long you lasted. Most of these guys fell in the top category of go out and crush life. A couple were in the keep up the good work category but I think that was mostly due to there rebellion of my Q.

Moving on. That took a little longer than I wanted so we improvised the rest in a smaller area.

Run drill with cones, bear crawls with cones, Red light/green light with the whistle(if you didn’t get stopped in time there was a 5 merkin penalty), This was also done with a NUR. T-claps to SA who figured out if he didn’t run as fast he could get stopped easier thus not receiving the penalty. Broad jump burpees multiple times. The PAX had to get to me and Broke accused me of moving backwards away from them but I think he was just seeing things in the heat.


Announcements-Pizza Man nieces remembrance this Saturday at Rankin Lake, Stop soldier suicide 5k in September, JJ5k in September

Prayer Request

I’m a little rusty so I failed to do the pledge

Naked Moleskin:

YHC spoke about I am weak but he is strong. This has nothing to do with my current physical state. This is about the grace of God. 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 “my grace is sufficient for you, my strength is made perfect in you weakness”. God’s grace is all we need!


Down But Not Out

YHC believes he re-aggravated an old 5k injury from 5 years ago, perhaps its a bruised meniscus again. But what the hell do I know, I’m not a WebMD. This slight setback has kept me from participating in any type of bootcamp/run/ruck workout the latter part of this week. I knew I had the Q this Friday at Downtown, so it was time to have an alternate weinke made to accommodate myself. Haven’t done a complete Core only workout since HIPAAPALOOZA so thought I’d give it a go again.



Slaughter Starter

Mosey up the steps to the Rotary Pavillion

Set up the tunes. Wanted to play some Wu-Tang but I just couldn’t find a complete “clean version” playlist to play. Therefore I defaulted to the good ‘ol Metallica Radio via Spotify.

Let’s begin this thang!

Captain Thor – 1BBSU:4 American Hammers (count Right side) – 10:40

Dirty Hookup – 50 OYO

Deep Sea Divers – 20 each step

Australian Snow Angels – 20  IC

Hundreds – 100 OYO

Mtn Climbers 2 LBC – Descending sets – 25IC – 5 IC – No reset in between

Hurricane Hoedown – From 7 to 1

Australian Mountain Climbers – 20 IC

James Bonds – 3 sets

Freddie Mercury 25 IC

French Fries 25 IC

High Plank – Almost 2 minutes

2 Trains = 10 Burpees


All in all it was a great core work out. Nice being able to pass the time without running.  Need more of these.


Prayer Requests

Big Pappy took us out

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