Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2019 (Page 2 of 10)

Mt. Hollywood 8/19

7 men put in some work at Mt Hollywood.  No FNGs, no disclaimer, time to go.


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Short mosey  to the corner of Hawthorne and W Central Ave at the front of Ida Rankin Elementary School.  First exercise called is Route 66.  We would use the light poles on the right going down W Central Ave.  Start with 1 Imperial Walker Squat at first pole.  Sprint 2 poles, then nur back 1 pole.  Then do 2 IW Squats, sprint 2 poles, nur back 1.  Continue this cycle of increasing the reps until you finish with 11 IW Squats at the last pole.

Next mosey to the bus drop-off area at Ida Rankin.  Next exercise called is 4 Corner Escalator. We would do this as a group.  Mosey to first corner for 5 Burpees.  Mosey to 2nd corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins.  Go to 3rd corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Mountain Climbers.  Mosey to 4th corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 MC, 20 Jump Squats.   Good push men, but let’s finish this out . Now time to go back down the escalator.  Start at the corner we are currently at and do 20 Jump Squats, 15 MC, 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Go to next corner for 15 MC, 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Next corner 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Finish at last corner with 5 Burpees.  Good work men.

Next fellowship mosey to the covered area at the school.  Next exercise is called Jacked Up!  Here you do 5 exercises with no rest between the  exercises.  The exercises are 50 SSH (ic), 40 Seal Jacks (ic), 30 Plank Jacks (ic), 20 Crossover Jack’s (ic), 10 Smurf Jack’s (ic).  Nice work, that wasn’t fun!!

Still with a little time left,  short mosey to the small wall beside the school.  Next exercise called here is Lindsey’s.  Dips and Derkins are the exercises used here.  Start with 30 Dips and 10 Derkins.  Then 25 Dips and 15 Derkins.  20 Dips and 20 Derkins. 15 Dipa and 25 Derkins. Finally 10 Dips and 30 Derkins.  Man those Derkins sucked at the end, Terrible!!  Mosey back to the flag


9/14 – 9/11 Stair Climb

9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k Belmont

9/28 – JJ5K in Stanley

Prayer Request

Honor to lead today men . Thank you for the push!

Sister Act



14 joined YHC at Midoriyama on Tuesday. F3 Royalty was all over the place.  There were some comments about what it means that these guys showed up for my Q. Let me just say…..I know I can be an A-hole/Smart-A, etc. Some of y’all be ackin like y’all don’t like it but I be seein ya(SA). Anyway it was my 1st “real” post in a month and my first “real” post at Midoriyama all summer. Having dang near died during a run the day before I knew it was time to step my game up and get back after it. I devised a workout that would push myself and hopefully others all the while keeping those batflippers moving.



Nah let’s mosey

The Thang:

At the far soccer field. Do some exercises OYO then run a lap. Try to step your pace up on the lap then once you are finished everyone go back at a slower mosey to get the 6. Once everyone was back we took a 1 minute breather before starting the next round. Here’s the exercises we did with a lap after each.

50 merkins

50 squats

20 WWI

20 Burpees

50 lunges count one leg( so this equals 100 total lunges for those that struggled with this)

50 in/out

25 hand release merkins

Run back to the flag


Announcements-PM needs some help on the Stop soldier suicide race, JJ5K, Golf tournament for a charity Shocker works with reach out to Tiger if interested, Murph on Monday, Mt Hollywood will be open for usual business.

Prayer Request-Kid named Asher with cancer, Tooltime, Me, those battling addiction



Man I have missed the trash talking and even the whining a little(you know who you are). It was great to be out and actually be working out! A lot of rock pushers showed out today. I could see them all from back in the back where I was. Thanks to all for picking up the 6. This setup worked really well keeping everyone moving and everyone picking up the 6. It’s great that we don’t leave anyone behind but it’s even better when we all pick them up. We covered anywhere from 2.7 miles to the batflipping 3.4. Good work guy’s! See you Thursday for a Def Leppard concert.


Fall is Near

Yes, fall is near. The temps are cooling and the PAX are starting to come out more. PrisonBreak, this morning, was a sign of that. As usual, Volt was on the course early. Hacksaw was spotted on the way into the AO.  Gumby, Broke, and sparky are all in marathon training so they hit the route prior to check in.  0530 hits and no FNGs, so QIC heads out for a few miles. All PAX returned accounted for and miles were logged.

This Past Monday at Neverland

Nice break in the weather to start the week.  Another strong turnout in the gloom.   YHC borrowed a page out of Timeframe’s playbook.   Simple but effective beat down, which went a little something like this.


Warm up – SSH, Merkins, LBCs

Mosey to old HT parking lot; stopping briefly at the wall for some dips while Stinky Bird fetched some worms from the back lot

First series – mosey to loading dock, jump up, bear crawl down ramp, mosey to parking lot, perform 10 burpees

Rinse and repeat x3

Meander over to the front of the parking lot closest to Neil Hawkins Road

Stations had been set up with instruction – 20 merkins, 20 mtn climbers, 20 american hammers, hold 1 minute plank, 20 big boy sit ups, 30 squats, 30 CDDs, 30 flutter kicks

Start at your station of choice, complete the exercise, mosey to the front wall of the HT, NUR back to the next station

You verses YOU – complete as many reps as you can until time is called

Think most completed at  least 2 full cycles of all 8 stations

Time was getting close

Mosey to start.  The end

Strong work.  The Neverland gang rocks.


The Rubik’s Cube

It was a great day at Folsom this morning. We celebrated Pearl Jam’s birthday by wearing silly birthday hats and enjoying our time together.  Also an older gentleman and his dog just hung out with us for the work out. He was sitting there reading a book or magazine. I can not imagine what is going through his head as the mumble chatter was strong this morning especially with Allen Tate and Sister Act.


  • Some Cherry Pickers
  • Some Don Q’s

The Thang

  • Mosey to the lower shelter for some intervals.
  • The interval time after each exercise was based on how long it took Nothin to solve the Rubik’s Cube after being mixed up by a PAX member.
    • Set 1
      • Step Ups
      • Merkins
      • Big Boys
      • Jump Squats
      • LBC’s
    • Mosey to the end of the lot and back
    • Set 2
      • Step Up’s
      • Merkins
      • Morraccon Night Clubs
      • Jump Squats
      • Lunges
    • Mosey to the end of the lot and back
    • Set 3
      • Step Ups
      • Merkins
      • Jump Squats
      • Mountain Climbers
    • Mosey to the end of the lot
    • 20 Squats
    • Lunge Walk to the Street Light
    • 20 Squats
    • Lunge Walk back to start
    • 12 Burbees for Pearl Jam’s birthday

The Playlist

  • St. Elmos Fire – John Parr  *Windmill was into this one.
  • House of the Rising Sun – The Animals *Nothin’s Favorite
  • Werewolves of London – Warren Zevon *Nice howling Stogie
  • Take on Me – a-ha *Bedpan hit that high E5 note – impressive
  • Belshazzar – Johnny Cash *Tator Hole knows good music
  • You’re The Best – Joe Esposito  *”Put him in a body bag….” Volt smiled
  • Footloose – Kenny Loggins *The Pax were into this one a little too much
  • 9 to 5 – Dolly Parton *Nice eye roll Sister Act
  • Jessie’s Girl – Rick Springfield *Allen Tate had his own version
  • When Doves Cry – Prince – *Interesting takes on Prince by Bedpan


  • JJ 5k
  • 5k for Vets
  • 9/11 Stair Climb
  • Christmas Town 5k
  • BRR

Prayer Request

  • Kids going back to school and Teachers
  • All Pax


The Rubik’s cube today represented our lives for those of us that are Christians. We are all mixed up and not in order. We pray, repent, and ask for forgiveness and it is always provide. The time it takes for us to ask for forgiveness may vary, but we are always set anew if we repent.  We then sin, get everything mix up again and repeat the cycle.  We need to always continue to get better,  be better and strive to be like Jesus.  We will never achieve perfection, but we can not stop trying.  As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians , “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”

John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

A special thanks goes to Windmill from F3 Burlington. He was a pleasure to meet and we hope to see him again next time that he is in town.


Big Pappy



Dora…I don’t like her at all

It was a great morning in the gloom until that chick named Dora showed up. Here’s how it went…



Merkins 10 OYO

Baby makers 15 IC


Dora 1-2-3. Partner (Round 1)

100 Swings

200 Mountain climbers

300 Flutters

 Choose your method of getting to the light pole ( bear crawl, high knees, butt kickers, walk, etc do 5 burpees at the end then return…

Dora  ( Round 2)

100  Curls

200  Crunch Frogs

300 SSH

5 burpees at cone then return

Dora ( Round 3)

100 Merkins

200 plank jacks

300 Squats

We ended with some Mary…

Announcements: BRR, Stair climb 9/11, and a bunch of 5 k   ( see previous BB lol)

Prayer Requests:  DryRub’s step mother who is dying of cancer, and HIPAA’s 2.0 who is sick with strep.

YHC took us out   Great work men…side note fastest BB ever posted for me.  Thanks Rudolph, Huckleberry, and WattsUp for the push.

Fake Fall in Mt. Holly

As those of us who have lived here all of our lives these low 60s low humidity mornings that feel like fall in late August are really just a “fake” to make us think the heat is over. Then  – as usual we fry through late September. So with that in mind a determined set of men gathered at the Mt. Hollywood AO to get a little work in to start the week off right. It went like this:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

4X Merkins X 10

Plank position – foot to palm stretch.

Peter Parkers X 20

Mosey down to the wall at the elementary school

Dirkins, stepups, Dips, and LBCs.

Round 1 – 10X, 10X (total), 10X 10X

Round 2 – 15X, 15X (total), 15X, 10X

Round 3 – 20X, 20X (total), 20X, 10X

Mosey uptown and make a stop;

HR Merkins X 10

Jump squats X 10

Rosalitas X 10

Mosey over to Veterans Park for a pledge and repeat of the uptown stop.

Climb K2 – All together. Wait for the six in plank before we go to the next stop.

1st bump – 5 burpees

2nd bump – 10 CDDs

3rd bump- 15 Big boys

4th bump – 20 Merkins

5th bump (street past Hawthorne) – 25 American Hammer.

Mosey back to the AO and stop and do 20 regular squats just because.

Mosey down to the field for – you guessed it! Bear Crawl Slalom! 2 rounds apiece.

2 minutes of stretching and COT


Nice, nice morning out there today! We had one coming our way after the last 90 or so. Everybody looked great and worked hard. Great to see a strong pax like this one was. Mt. Holly is just a nice place anyway. We need more of a presence up there.

Prayers up for those that work in the school system especially teachers and support staff. And of course the kids themselves. Hopefully everybody stays safe and learns a lot! We need for that to happen.  And we are here to help. Let’s not forget that either guys!

Prayers up the Hamm family, guys on IR (even Dredd) and those we have not seen in awhile also. If you can get with one of our brothers who has been absent awhile reach out and do so. One guy I am thinking of is Wheezy. Know he is dealing with some things and has told me he would like ot get back out. Let’s help make that happen. Be good for all of us.


Until next time, honor and a pleasure to lead this crowd.



Better late than never…

So as most people that know me will tell you I detest being on a computer, thus my slackness on getting back blasts posted in a  timely manner.  It is something that I am working on,  but thanks to Huckleberry I am gonna do this one now.   Also, somewhere in the mix I misplaced my workout so I am gonna try this from memory lol.


SSH x 15 IC

LBC x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Stations: AMRAP 1 minute timer

Swings, Merkins, Renegade Rows, Flutters, Peoples Press, Goblet squats

We did this for around two rounds and did some lateral lunges down to the light pole and then did 5 burpees, lateral lunge back and repeated.  We finished up with some Mary and called it a day.

COT:  Prayer Requests: HoneyDo’s dad

YHC took us out.

I am making it a commitment to do better at this back blast thing.  Thanks for the call out Huckleberry!  SYITG

Switchero…….an audible called



Warm up:

SSH’s – 23 IC (no idea why)

Squats – 20 IC

Flutters (I think) – a number IC

YHC is tired from all of that 1/2 mile I put in as EC arriving a bit early today.  I don’t feel like runnin, Watts Up, how bout’s you take the guys on a mosey.  I’ll hang out here for awhile.

As the plan was building I felt my challenge was to recruit as many BC pax as possible since numbers can vary.  The Pax showed, and what an intimidating group it was.  Watts Up left me with a pack of beasts too boot.  Once we rid ourselves of the runners we unloaded the Pilot weighted down with non potable Coors blocks.  I had a couple of 25 lb. weights to boot.

The Painlabber’s were quick to help me in my initial start up efforts as the wind and my own lack of guidance slowed me a bit in getting us started.  Many thanks to VooDoo who apparently has music on demand.

The Thang:


Initiate each request in stations, slow mosey to middle of parking lot to get in 10 Monkey Humpers in between each one.  Three rounds finished.

Flutters x  50 sgl. count

Heels to Sky x 20

LBC’s x 25

Squats (with block) x 25

Merkins or Merkins on Block x 25

Block Curls x 25

Overhead Press x 20

Block Walk

Slow Mosey to bottom of Schiele trail, coupons in tow.

Bottom of Hill:

Dora 1/2/3

Partner up.  Mosey part way up hill, drop and give us one burpee.  Back down and relieve your partner who is doing:

100 O/H block press

200 block curls

300 O/H block tricep push (modified to 200)

Clavin was performing a mosey NUR which I modified for all.  Walking uphill backwards was a great audible and smoked those non usage muscles

Dora 2:

Got to get our legs in gear.  Same exercise just 200 block squats

Mobile Stations:

Station 1, Pax does 100 flutters and relieves Stations 2 and 3.

Station 2:  Amrap Freddie Mercury

Station 3:  Hold 6″ until relieved

As we were within shouting distance of parking lot we stayed in the woods until about 1 minute ’til.  As we emerged watching Watts Up smoke the Bootcamp the sweet chime of bells rang as we struggled to get the blocks back to the Pilot.



Monday, Sept. 2 – Labor Day, Murph, 7:00 Martha’s, Defib Q

BRR – 1st weekend in Sept.

9/11 Stair Climb – Sept. 14th.

Upcoming events, 5K for Vets, JJ 5K, Ragnar should get us through 1st week in October

F3 GSO needs 3 BRR runners, financial assistance avail (may even pay you to run)


Dry Rub – Stepmom

Bondo – Friends and acquaintances

Tophat – Mother

For the kid’s and teachers returning to schools

Q fail as I did not get additional information on Vespa.  I do hope he returns and I saw Bondo talking to him for awhile so maybe he has info as well.

Honored to lead today, it was my first Painlab Q.




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