Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2019 (Page 4 of 8)

Rotters, Kotters, and Late Folk

I noticed last week there was an open spot on the Folsom calendar. Though I helped with a Q-school a few weeks ago and also did a co-Q with Hacksaw, I haven’t really had the opportunity to bring a normal Montross Q in a while. After calling out the Kotters (particularly, the Rotter (Roadie the Kotter), and Medicine Woman (he claims to have posted last week but I dunno)… it was up to me to deliver the Jayvee-level workout I had promised. As usual, I planned to borrow from some other Qs who have graced Folsom with their presence over the past few months.


SSH – 15 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC
Mountain Climbers – 10 IC
Grass Pickers – 10 IC

Let’s Mosey! We pause at the first light pole to let a few late arrivers get a quick stretch and knock out 5 burpees. Resume mosey as we run to the flag at the park entrance, Sparky passes by us as he is doing Sparky thangs.

As we wait for Sparky to catch up at the flag, we do:
LBCs – 20 IC
Rosalitas – 15 IC

Pledge and mosey back to the tennis courts.

I told the guys about an article from USA Today that I had seen on Twitter. It said in a study, men who could do 40 pushups in a minute were 95% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease. That led me to checking out the Army PT test for pushups and I explained the Army standard for pushups….keep your butt down (Leppard!!!) and you lower your body until your arms are parallel to the ground. Lets practice. 1 minute, AMRAP. I am not great at pushups and I lost count about 45, but I ended up in the low 50s.

V’s – partial Q fail here but we went with it – Run from the corner of the tennis court to the center of the net, Nur to the far corner, 2 burpees, repeat for each tennis court. Rinse and repeat to return to the tennis court entrance. Props to the Rotter, he was pushing hard here despite the fact he isn’t in peak condition right now. MW finished at the front of the pack as well after being out a lot recently due to flu (and Sandy V?). Seriously though, nice job guys!

Marine 16 – I was running a little behind so we had to cut it short. The Marine 16 is a hero workout that Sister Act called a few months ago, designed to honor 15 Marines killed in a helicopter crash in 2017. It is an AMRAP exercise in 2 minute intervals.

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 burpees, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes.

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 Merkins, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 Squats, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 Tuck Jumps, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes

  • Sprint (or run) to the end of the 2nd tennis court, 16 Side Straddle Hops, run back to start. Repeat AMRAP for 2 minutes


Announcements and CoT:

CSAUP at 4 am on 2/23, 2nd F at Buffalo Wild Wings at 4 PM on 2/23. Storm shirts are on pre-order (HIPAA, everyone asked about and wants that Folsom shirt brother!!!!!!!). Prayers for MW and his family, Ratchet’s M, Allen Tate’s M and 2.0, Pizza Man’s M, Big Pappy and family (his father passed away last night), and each other. YHC took us out in prayer.


It felt good to have the Q this morning and see some old faces making a return. I know Roadie has been out of town working and had some things he is dealing with, but I love seeing him back out there today. We call ya Rotter because we love ya! I missed a few days last week so I hadn’t seen Hank or Medicine Woman for what seems like a month. It was like a little reunion out there.

We cut up, we tease, we can get irritated from time to time, but it all comes together when we are in the CoT and Sparky mentioned Big Pappy’s dad, who had not been doing well…at that point, we didn’t yet know for sure, but we had a feeling things had turned for the worse and that’s probably why Pappy wasn’t with us today. Hearts got heavy, the PAX got a little more serious.

Big Pappy is one of our newer guys too. He’s sorta quiet but he gets out there working almost every day…he got involved because his son Pearl Jam did (through WC Friday Wrestling and Hacksaw). Now he brings all 3 sons with him. His improvements each week motivate us all and though we’ve only known him about 2 months, he is one of us now. It doesn’t take long to get close to guys around F3 Gastonia and particularly at Folsom!

All the prayer requests are important, but say an extra prayer for Pappy’s family today as well as Pizza Man’s M!

VQ in Mt. Hollywood

The morning started out with some confusion about who was going to be the Q.  I had mentioned to Tiger that I would be the Q a few weeks earlier, I should have followed up with him on that (my bad).  It was my first time being the QIC ( or Virgin Q).

We started out with a warmup:

SSH x 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Then we took a Mosey down W. Catawba Ave. to the South Capital Bank Drive Thru.  It has been kinda wet lately so I wanted to find a dry area to workout.  While in the parking lot we performed the pledge, and then proceeded with the workout.


Dora 1-2-3

We partnered up to reach cumulative exercise goals.  One person would run around the block while the other performed the exercise.

Diamond Merkins x 100,

American Hammers x 200

Bobby Hurleys x 300

After this was complete we took a short Mosey to what I am calling the Mt. Hollywood Pit.


Donkey Kick OYO

Bear Crawl to the other side of parking lot

Merkins OYO

After we completed this workout we Moseyed back to the Mt. Holly Middle School parking lot.

We circled up and finished out with a few more exercises.

Finished up with announcements and a prayer.

Thank for those who came out for my VQ.

The women crashed the party

Another rainy  morning in the gloom at Neverland.   The place where dreams do come true.   If you haven’t posted recently at Neverland, come on out.   Some magic in the air.   Looking at the forecast and radar, YHC figured we needed to seek cover.   The PAX was 8 strong for a core meltdown.   No FNG’s so let’s start.

The Pledge

In hindsight, no disclosure – Q Fail.   I am not a professional, I am an idiot.  Modify as needed.  You vs You

Warm up:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • MNC’s x 30 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Don Quixote’s x 15 IC

Mosey towards the park, stopping in the maintenance parking lot

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey into the park, back trail to the kids playground

Modified Cindy:   Total of 5 sets

  • 5 Pull ups
  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 Squats

Timeframe with a 10 count

Next up, find a pole for a 60 sec dead hang.   That was so much fun, let’s rinse and repeat to try it again.

Meander out of the kids playground to the shelter by the turd shack for some Mary fun.  Find a place on a table.   Perform the following set with no rest in between.

  • 20 flutter kicks
  • 20 lbc’s
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 freddie mercury’s
  • 20 heel touches
  • 20 american hammers
  • 20 long arm crunches
  • 20 reverse crunches

Bernie Sanders (NUR + Uphill) to the top of the parking lot, plank it up waiting on the six, mosey back to the shelter

Rinse and repeat the Mary meltdown

Time was running short, quick 10 count by Whatsup

20 step ups each leg

Rinse and repeat the Mary meltdown – this time only 10 per exercise

Mosey towards the start at SnoBalls.

Stop at the 2nd light – 20 plank jacks OYO

Stop at the 4th light – 30 plank jacks OYO

At the park entrance – 40 mtn climbers OYO

Arrive at the starting point – TIME

Announcements:  50 Mile CSAUP Saturday am, May 5 hike at Mt. Mitchell; BRR team(s) are being formed

Prayer requests:  Those suffering with addiction, Gastone’s Father

Good work gentlemen.  Way to push the rock.   Happy President’s day to all.


The Return

4 PAX posted for the bootcamp at Gashouse on Saturday. Several others were there for the painlab with Sargento. He included us all in his BB so I think we will get double credit after this BB….sweet! I had a lot of ideas but just couldn’t commit any to paper so I just went with it. It was threatening rain and did periodically during the workout so being the accommodating Q that I am I tried to keep us dry as much as possible.

Warmup: Whatever Sargento lead us in

Mosey to the big flag for the pledge

The Thang:

Mosey to the track. 400m run then do 20 merkins and 30 lbc’s

800m run then 20 merkins and 30 lbc’s

Mosey across the school to a U shaped breezeway/courtyard area. Under the cover of the breezeway we partnered up at one end. P1 runs to the other end(sweet there’s a set of stairs halfway) P2 does merkins and squats. Once P1 gets to the end he yells for P2. P2 starts running to P1 while he does the exercise. We flip flopped the several times. After a few rounds we switched the exercises to ab work. Flutters and thinking….thinking…well I don’t remember. This is the down side of winging it. Anyway let’s mosey up the road. As we ran between the Baptist and Presby church we discussed the fork in the road and which side we should run on. Def Leppard would have ran in front of a car to get to the Baptist side of the road! Solid! We made the big circle around the block stopping at power poles for 5 squat jumps and at each intersection for 5 burpees. Judging by the map there were about 45 burpees and about a million squat jumps. As we reentered the  parking lot we stopped for some wall sits. We met backup with the painlab for a little mary.


Read Sargento’s


Thanks to Linus for letting me lead. It’s been a while since I’ve been to Gashouse. It’s crazy to think this used to be the only workout option. Great job by all in attendance. We had some good 2ndF the whole way through the workout!

Rainy Morning @ The Storm

As Site Q, YHC reached out to Huckleberry to confirm if he was still a HC for Q @ The Storm on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Huck still had the “crazy” bug in his household, similar as the one a lot of us have had the past several weeks. Fortunately, YHC was ready to take the Q and was prepared to keep the PAX dry knowing it was going to be a wet morning in the gloom and was ready to provide them with a rock pushing workout.

Arrived at The Storm around 5:25am, got out the shovel and flag and got it in the ground. Several PAX were waiting in their cars, keeping dry.

5:30am, time to get started..since it was raining, let’s mosey to the school and get somewhere dry for some warmup..

No FNGs, so let’s get to work




Imperial Walkers

Cherry Pickers



The Thang:


burpees X 5, run to front of school entrance and back

burpeesx5, lungesx10, run same as above

burpeesx5, lungesx10, imperial walkersx15, run again

burpeesx5, lungesx10, imperial walkersx15, merkinsx20, run

burpeesx5, lungesx10, imperial walkersx15, merkins 20, plank jacksx25, run again

Burpeesx5, lungesx10, I/Wx15, merkinsx20, peak jacksx25, squatsx30, run again


LBC x 50

Merkins x 15

60 sec elbow planks

30 side planks

60 sec bridge

Merkins x 15

60 sec elbow planks

30 side planks

LBCs x 15

60 sec elbow planks


Then a round of the following;

SSH x 30

Merkins x 10

High Knees x 25

Burpees x 7

LBCs x 10

Squats x 10

Merkins x 10

LBCs x 10

Merkins x 10

Squats x10

SSH x 30

Wall sit – 60 secs

Merkins x 10

High Knees x 25


Finish with a few rounds of Mary called by a few PAX…..

6:14am, Mosey back to flag

The Pledge


Prayer Request

YHC closed out with prayer.

Great work by all. Thanks for allowing me to lead you this morning!

Breaker Breaker


Break ‘Em Down in Belmont!

So YHC looked at the weather on Friday afternoon and figured that we would do two things at The Yank on Saturday:

Thing one: Get under the shelter ( a pro F3 Q move form an old hand at this biz)

Thing two: Get wet. A necessary part of getting better is to minimize the effects of external factors to the extent that we can. So we did

Talked about it with prospective pax Friday evening at The Station so there was forwarning of the impending doom in the gloom for the next day. Spirits were high as we discussed the possibilities!

It went like this:

SSH X 1 minute

Merkins X 1 minute

IWs X 1 minute

American Hammers X 1 minute

WW II situps X 1 minute

Mtn Climbers X 1 minute

Elbow plank X 1 minuteback to the shelter

10 Merkins, 20 LBCs, 30 squats

Run the park loop and 10 Merkins, 20 LBCs, 30 squats

Ladder time as follows:

5 burpees

10 step ups each leg

15 cross legged dirkins

20 jump squats

25 LBCs

After the 5 burpees we ran the park loop and did the 10, 20 ,30 “thang” as above. Then build to the burpees, step ups and repeat. Do this all the way to the 25 mark (LBCs)

Now it was time for a Tesla Standard. The Bear Crawl Slalom! In the rain no doubt. So out from under the comfy shelter to the mercy of the elements. A little character building time to be had so we all got three times to crawl. Yes it was wet.But we got through it.

Time enough for a triple nickel. Ran the path from the fountain to the top near the shelter

Bottom of the hill: Plank jacks


Top of the hill: 5 hand release merkins

this pretty well got us to the end. A few minutes for stretching to finish up (@ 3 minutes). Finished with another 1 minute elbow plank.

Naked Man Moleskin:

Wet and a little chilly but overall not a bad day to do a beat down. Everybody worked hard. Nobody complained. Good for us! pockets volunteered for the lead next week, Tiger the week after. CSAUP up next week along with a to be announced 2nd F later in the day. Stay tuned.

Yank is a great place to lead because of a great pax. Announcement coming soon on Core coming over in the spring from Metro. be ready! I hear Eminem is going to lead and rev is bringing the hair burners. Be afraid, be VERY afraid!


Until next time,




Post Mary Mosey




The Thang:
25 men went out for some fellowship and a mosey or Ruck. Some did 5 Some did more some did less, all got out of the fartsack and made each other better

Announcements – CSAUP next Saturday, Rooster following Saturday
Prayers- Health for our Families
Proverbs 27:
17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

Tool Time

Kaspersky Password Manager

Create a strong password for your account

It was wet…..

It was raining.  You never know how many will post in the rain but as usual, Folsom did not disappoint.

20 showed for a quick warm up with two catching up around the first stop of the workout.

Here’s what went down:

Two FNG’s so we went through the quick disclaimer.

Warm-Up that included 10 SSH’s IC followed by 10 Imperial Walkers IC.

Time to Mosey for The Thang

First stop for some IC work:

20 Mountain Climbers – 25 LBC’s

Short mosey to stop # 2 for a rinse-repeat of stop #1

Another mosey to the upper parking lot for some Stroganoff 22’s:

Same as 11’s except we’re adding up to 22 and alternating increasing/decreasing reps by 2:

20 Merkins – Run across parking lot – 2 Squats

Rinse/repeat until it has flipped to 2 Merkins – Run across parking lot – 20 squats (total of 110 each exercise)

Time to mosey back toward the lower parking lot with two stops along the way:

20 Mountain Climbers IC – 25 LBC’s IC (x 2)

At the bottom of the parking lot, time for some partner work:  Folsom 1-2-3 (Modified Dora):

Partner 1 – Performs exercise;  Partner 2 – Runs to grass island and back

Cumulative totals as follows:  100 Merkins – 200 Squats – 300 Flutter Kicks

Plenty of time left – we meandered to the closest covered picnic area for 3 sets of the following:

IC Dips X 15 – IC Step Ups X 20 (Rinse-Repeat for a total of 3 sets)

Time to mosey back to the Flag and finish off with some Mary from Dr. Seuss, Broke and Montross:

American Hammers – Freddy Mercury’s – Some type of awful scrunchies

Time is up.  Good work men.


For the FNG’s, we quickly went through the 5 tenets of F3 (well done here by the PAX)

Announcements:  50 Mile CSAUP next week; May 5 hike at Mt. Mitchell; BRR team(s); Convergence on March 30th at Folsom

Several prayer requests.

The Moleskin

The power of F3 continues to impact the men of Gaston County along with many other regions across the Nation.  Once again, I saw just how impactful you men are to others.  Great work; great encouragement.

Honored to lead this morning.

Until he next one.  See you in the gloom.  Aye!



It was a little rainy this morning. YHC left the house knowing about a Q fail due to some miscommunication with the M. The bricks I packed for Pain Lab got hijacked so we were empty handed for the workout. Oh well, we’ll make the most of it. Thankfully Freight showed up with blocks in his bed so we used those instead. Boom!

YHC gave a disclaimer for the FNG that Voodoo brought. Keep EHing!


Moroccan Night Clubs x10 IC

Don Quixotes (exercise version) x11 IC

Imperial Walkers x10 IC

The groups split up for Pain Lab and Bootcamp. Pain Labbers grabbed Freight’s blocks and headed to the secluded area at the entrance to the museum. After a little fiddling with the music we settled on Godsmack radio to set the mood.

The Deck of Death!

Spades = Dips

Hearts = LBCs

Clubs = Squats

Diamonds = Curls

We worked through the whole deck with about 20 minutes left so we had a ruck/mosey intermission and came back for as much more as we could fit in but switched the script on the exercises.

Spades = Merkins

Hearts = Dying Cockroaches

Clubs = Monkey Humpers

Diamonds = Overhead Presses

We made it through a few more rounds of these before there were about 5 minutes to go so we gathered up the supplies and went back to the start for a little Mary.

Nolan Ryans, Hillbillies, Box Cutters, LBFCs were all done. And we’re done!

Prayer Requests: Pizza Man’s M, Slaw’s foot, Watts Up’s daughter,

Announcements: CSAUP next Saturday, Mt. Mitchell hike May 5th

It was a small but fun group this morning. Way to push the rock men! Take care until next time.


Love is in the Air

02/14/2019 Midoriyama
Nice, cool, gray afternoon at the JV workout. Freight and Sister Act coming in hot, let’s go!
SSH x 10 IC
Arm Circles Large/Small, Forward/Reverse
Low Slow Squats x 10 IC
Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
5 Burpees OYO

Mosey and circle through right parking lot. Turn right onto the road and stop at each light pole.
HEART (Since it’s Valentine’s Day! Get it? Never mind.)
Hand Release Merkins x 10
E2K, on your six, right ankle over left knee, bring left elbow to your right knee for the oblique crunch 10 each side (needs work)
American Hammers x 10 IC
Rocky Balboas x 10 IC
Tempo Merkins x 10 IC
Mosey around top parking lot and back down to bottom.

Lap around entire soccer fields parking lot.
One legged Burpee, 5 right, 5 left
V Sandy V. Freight was asked to call these and of course there was a problem of understanding which as the Q I take full responsibility for. (The lesson here is Do Not Ask Freight To Lead An Exercise). Q Fail.
E2K, on your six, right ankle over left knee, bring left elbow to your right knee for the oblique crunch 10 each side.
Enough trying to spell words with exercises lets…
Mosey to Dog Park Hill

Triple Nickel, Up Hill, 5 Imperial Walker Squats (IW right, squat, IW left, squat. Thanks for the clarification SA). Down hill 5 CDD’s, 5 Times. The dogs in the dog park were not happy.
Mosey back to small soccer field for 80 D’s.

Dips x 20 IC, Dolly x 20 IC, Derkins x 20 IC (yes I said In Cadence Blart, you can call them for us), Dancing Bears x 20 IC (I am not coordinated enough do these so I won’t again)
Everyone on the side line at the small soccer field for …
Sprints. (Wojo’s fault.)
Sprint across AYG but do not get hurt. Sprint back. Sprint across, Sprint back.
Mosey back to flag.

Announcements: CSAUP on February 23rd, Rooster on March 2nd in Rock Hill. Q Source Sundays at 7:30 am.

Word – The disciples asked Jesus what the greatest commandments were and He said Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. We could all work on those two a little more. I know I could.

Prayer Requests: Arial for a job interview, Pizza Man’s M, Slaw’s Foot, Defib’s M, each F3 guy. All guys are encouraged to talk to someone if they need to. I have found that whatever I may be going through, there is usually an F3 guy that can help. Speak Up! Talk!


*Expecting a light crowd due to Valentine’s Day family activities so I was pleasantly surprised by 9 strong. Defib fresh off a full marathon. Tyson fresh off a half marathon. Freight watched people run a full marathon and a half marathon. Sister Act posting like 7 days in a row. Dr. Seuss always among the post leaders. Blart is always tough and with a word of “encouragement.” Termite is a newer guy to F3 but has been pushing towards the front of the pack. Great to see Arial back with us today. Ash Pond was not here.

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