Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 17, 2018

Respect only need apply at The Storm

So as the weather takes a turn for the colder temps and the incessant rain continues west of the Catawba 5 mostly respect warriors defeated the urge to say in the warm and dry environs they were sequestered in to push the boundaries and get better. Fortunately they had veteran leadership that knows that the power is in the pax, not the one. It went like this:

Gather in the cold drizzle in the school parking lot and make a bee line to the school house and some sembleance of shelter.


SSH X 20

IW X 30

Merkins X 10

mosey over to the area to the right and the benches for a ladder as follows:

5X – Burpees

10X – Jump Squats

15X – dips

20X – WWI situps

25X – Hand release merkins

30X – Jump Squats

Game here is after you do the first 5 you run the parking lot and come back to the start. Then with the group you go the 5X and the 10X, run again. And on and on until you reach the 30X. Then we go back down the ladder. so we essentially did plenty of burpees and hand release merkins (75 of those to be exact). And it also git us out in the rain a little with the run. Nobody melted.

Mosey back to the all for some people’s chair and balls to the wall to finish up.

Lalannes 20X

Hip slappers 20X

Air presses X 20

Air punches 20X

Mosey back to the flag for pledge and COT.


Great work by the pax, everybody was rolling today. It really means something to the respect guys who are the REAL badasses in F3. It just means more? Could be! What is the more? The pax! And that is what made this worth doing today – being there for each other. That’s how you get big things done.

Let’s keep making it happen!



Bricks and Merkins

11 HIM showed up at Midoriyama on a cold dark evening for the first workout I have Q’d in a long time. By the time I got there at 5:20, most of this group already had a few miles EC in.

Warmup: SSH, Don Q’s, MNC’s


Since it has been so long I figured I would reuse one of my favorites and maybe no one would notice. Each man grab 2 bricks and lets mosey.

Mosey with the bricks to the dog park. 20 CDD’s, 30 military press, 20 CDD’s.

Mosey around the track. 20 werkins, 30 brick flys, 20 werkins.

Mosey back to the flag. 20 MNC’s ,30 brick straight arm raises 20 MNC’s

Mosey to the parking lot at the trail. 20 military merkins, 30 tricep raises, 20 military merkins.

Mosey to the bike trail parking lot. 20 merkins, 30 brick curls, 20 merkins.

Mosey back close to the flag. 20 diamond merkins, 30 brick punches, 20 diamond merkins.

At this point YHC’s arms had turned to jelly, so enough of that.

A few minutes left so circle up for some core work. Pax called out the exercise and I don’t remember what they were except for Oompa’s 100 lbc’s.       Time.


Announcements: Christmas town 5k, half marathon Dec 22.

Prayer requests: Def Leopard’s M’s knee, friends and relatives with cancer.

It was an honor to lead. Next time it wont be so long between Q’s.


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