When Dr. Seuss asked me to Q sometime in November, I asked what dates were open. He said that the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th were open. I though of how perfect Nov 15th would be for my VQ since it’s my daughter and grand sons birthday. So I started working on my winkie right away and came up with some good ideas using 11-15-16 (my grandson’s birthday) and 2 for his age. I also came up with ideas for my daughter, who was born on 11-15-89 and is 29 years old. Having lived here for 37 years, I knew that rain was a strong possibility. I wanted to use the picnic tables on Goat Island and arrived a few minutes early to find that the gates to the bridge were closed. It was raining pretty hard, so in my best Peyton Manning voice…….. OMAHA, OMAHA!!!
Since it was raining and 36 degrees, I figured it was best to stay dry today so to my disappointment, no running. I hope my fellow HIM’s appreciated staying dry under the pavillion.
Warm up:
Goof Balls
Monkey Humpers
Moroccan Night Clubs
We did these until YHC got tired or bored.
Ab Time Without ToolTime
LBC x 30
Freddie Mercury Forward x 15
Freddie Mercury Reverse x 15
Six Shooters x 6 each side
Crunchy Frogs x 10 oyo
Obliques x 15 each side
For my grandson Max Irvine
11 Burpees
15 Merkins
16 Leg Raises
Run in place for 2 mins
Rinse and repeat x 2
Merkins x 10 right hand forward, x 10 left hand forward
Aiken legs – jump squats x 30, copperhead squats x 30
X-factor sit ups x 15
Rinse and repeat x 2
For my daughter, Jenny Irvine
11 shoulder taps
15 Donkey kicks
89 LBC’s
Rinse and repeat x 2 (substitute calf raises for LBC’s)
6:12 – 22 WWI’s for the Vets
Wanderer calls for high knees
Virus calls for jump lunges
Thank you Dr. Seuss for asking me to Q today. Special thanks to all who showed up on a cold rainy morning in the gloom.
Closed with COT
Dirt is OUT!