• Post Type:
  • When: 05/16/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Tiny Tank
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Anthrax, Fresh Prince, Roscoe, Shad Rap, Tiny Tank (Q), Westpoint

6 showed in the gloom at the Storm, while many of the usual suspects were still in their fartsacks.  Light version of the disclaimer was given and warm up ignored as usual.


Warm Up:

No time in the schedule for a workout, I know big surprise here right. Long mosey around the soccer field, by the high school, ending at the ball fields.  One train passed and 5 Burpees conducted mid mosey.

The Thang:

Some of the pax who have been to my workouts previously know that being by the ball fields usually means cinderblocks.  Had to break a few hearts today and let them know there would be no blocks in this workout.  Some where relieved, but those that know YHC best might have had some fear in their eyes.  On to the workout.

The Accumulator:  Perform exercise 1 for 1 minute and rest 30 seconds. Perform exercise 2 for 1 minute and exercise 1 for 1 minute, then rest 30 seconds.  Continue accumulating exercises until 7 are preformed.  Workout went like this…

  • 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of SSH, 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Flutter Kicks, 60 seconds of SSH, 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 120 seconds of moseying (to parking lot and back)
  • 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Flutter Kicks, 60 seconds of SSH, 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 120 seconds of moseying (to entrance of first bridge and back)
  • 60 seconds of Crunchy Frogs (not to be confused with Country Frogs), 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Flutter Kicks, 60 seconds of SSH, 60 seconds of Shoulder Taps, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees

We did lose a man before set 7.  I hope he was able to find a suitable toilet, because the suggestions from the pax were all deemed unworthy.  Not sure what this individual had against trash cans, but godspeed to him.

With 7 sets finished and a slow mosey back to the flag we finished right on time.


  • Mud Run this weekend!

Prayer Request:

Thanks to those who braved the gloom and pushed me once again today.  We don’t fight off the fartsack for ourselves, we fight it off for our brothers in the gloom.