Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2017 (Page 3 of 5)

PREBLAST: Disaster Early Response Training

Are you ready for a convergence with a purpose!!!

After the Hurricane Matthew clean up, it became vitally clear that while F3 had the manpower and gumption to assist in disaster relief, we didn’t have any official credentials. F3 St. Simons is going to host, in partnership with SSUMC, an Early Response Team Training event. Through this course you will learn what is needed to assist in the clean up efforts, and you will also receive a FEMA Level 2 credential. This credential will allow access to a disaster zone prior to the general public, and even residents. Details below.

BUT what would be an F3 event, without some of all the F’s. Weekend schedule is below!

We hope to have a lot of participation from outside of our nomad. If we have enough interest, we will set up some room blocks at King and Prince Hotel (Ocean Front on SSI), The Inn at Sea Island, and The Cloister at Sea Island (only the best for the best).

If you would like to be a part of this exciting weekend, please HC below and send an email to and I’ll get your relevant information. DEADLINE to HC is 3/1. $$$ Due no later than 3/31

Disaster Early Response Team Training-April 29-SSUMC

An Early Response Team (ERT) is a self-contained team that enters a disaster area by invitation. ERTs provide emergency repairs and/or assistance to help people be safe, sanitary, and secure until insurance and other help is available.

United Methodist ERT’s offer a Christian presence and are trained to provide various types of physical, emotional and spiritual assistance to disaster survivors.  ERT’s are taught the types, phases and levels of disaster as well as the unique role and purpose of “early response.” Training also includes team leadership, team needs and equipment, spiritual and emotional care, faith-based disaster response, chainsaw safety, how to tarp roofs safely and how we coordinate with United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) and United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).

$50 per person Registration fee includes: Lunch (provided by F3SSI), T-shirt, Credentials (Badge), Background check, Manual, Training and Dinner!

Our class is actually two parts! The first session is the ERT specific training and will be done around 1300. The 2nd class is a chainsaw intensive class, and we must have 6 guys sign up to host the course. To participate in the chainsaw course, you must have your own saw, and protective gear. The SSI Pax will work on securing extra saws, please let us know if you would like to participate in the chainsaw course, and if you would need a “rental” saw.

Weekend Schedule


2ndF-1900 (location and details coming soon)*


0600-0700 Beat Down                                                                                                                     0700-0800 Breakfast and Showers,Please                                                                                        0800-1700 Class                                                                                                                               1800-Dinner hosted by F3SSI (location and details coming soon)*


1030-SSUMC Church in the Park. Come see our AO in a different light. Church in the park is followed by a pot-luck lunch with Fried Chicken!

*The Friday & Saturday night events may be cancelled if we don’t have many out of town visitors.

11’s on a Seesaw!

12 Posted at Martha’s House for a Sadclown take down.

The Thang:

Warm Up: 25 SSH, 20 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the baseball field

Partner up for the big circle around all four fields. One partner runs and the other does 10 Merkins then catches the other partner who does 10 Merkins. Rinse and repeat until you get back to the start.

Plank, Right arm right foot and switch while the 6 comes in.

Mosey to the middle of the circle for (10) 3 count Diamonds. I planned on this location for the rest of my Q but it would not work well.

So Mosey to the other fields.

On the soccer field at second light pole we will start with 1 Burpee then 40 yards to the sidewalk for 20 Squats, up the hill for 11 Russian Get Ups. This Seesaw is that the 20 Squats stay constant but the Burpee’s increase and the Russian Get Ups decrease until they are flipped. Thus, a See Saw of back and forth with something solid in the middle. (66 Burpee’s if you made it through the entire workout)

Mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

Lot’s of people really like this particular workout so much that I will bring this one out again. Defib even named it the Gastone Guillotine which seems like an appropriate name since it was tough for me as well. Sometimes when you Q it can be your hardest workout. Along the way we lost Spiderman to a phone thing with the family and I hope all is OK. Turtle-man’s knee is messing with him so he might be on the IR for short term. Missing a couple of the regular’s this morning but I assume at least 2 of them are training for an upcoming running event. Bandit Hard Committed to me but he might have been scared by the Sadclown bomb I put on Twitter. It is always an honor to Q these workouts to me and I thank you all for the opportunity.

We ended with prayer and headed out!


10 men made it to midoriyama  to push the rock this evening . I was excited and nervous all at the same time . It is always a great time to be out with my F3 brothers . Short disclaimer.. Well its 5:30 and time to roll ..

Warm up  SSH 20 ic


LBC’Sx 20 ic


As an added bonus to tonight’s workout  on every 1  we will do 10 merkins IC 5:31    5:41    5:51   …… you get it

Moseyed to playground for 8 pullups  then 30 squats x3

then short mosey to hill behind field for 11’s LBC’S at top and Mike Tysons at bottom one of my faviorites

another short mosey to soccer field to do a little coupon work with half blocks.

heavy Freddies  x 15

American hammers X 15

Squats X 20

Horizontal pass coupon to partner x 20 (thanks Freight for bringing those our way)

one more short mosey to turd shack for some shoulder work

hip slappers x 20

wall sits to recover ,with a little shoulder presses to keep the blood flowing to the shoulders

Back to flag for pledge and COT always a great part of our workout

22 merkins for vets

Announcements : Palmetto coming in march.

Prayer Request All those on IR , just some that came to mind,.  DR Feelgood, Sledge omatic, Spud, and many others . Hope to see you guys back soon.

As always it truly is an honor to push the rock with you guys . I am always amazed at how much I get from F3 and not only the workout. I think if you are reading this BB then you have probably been to a few workouts and it is probably time for you to Q. If I can you can…..

the one’s in our workout were for our one true purpose to Glorify GOD and F3 only makes that easer for me.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink or whatsoever ye do ,do all to the glory of GOD.

Out with prayer




The Big 4 0

When I was a kid, I thought anyone 40 years old was just that, old. As a kid who loved sports, I watched Nolan Ryan, Jack Nicklaus,and Carlton Fisk who were all competing in their 40’s, and they were old. Now as I stand on the precipice of what I may have once perceived as the beginning of the end, I am once again reminded that life is about perspective. Age is just a number and not a defining characteristic. 5:30 is not really that early for a workout if you are up for a challenge and enjoy the fellowship of the guys that are pushing you. Burpees really are a fun and entertaining way to spend time at a worko… OK, I’m still working on that perspective.

So to prepare me for the life altering change that I am about to face, the workout had a 4-0 theme.

Side-straddle Hops x 40
Moroccan Nightclubs x 40
LBCs x 40

The Pledge

The Thang
Mosey to the field beside the playground in the park.

Being 40 is something that doesn’t just happen overnight so you have to build up the years (or decades). So some 4-corner work should help with this. Run to each corner with exercises at each stop.
Corner 1 = Merkins x 10
Corner 2 = Squats x 20
Corner 3 = LBCs x 30
Corner 4 = Flutters x 40

Starting tomorrow, who knows if I’ll ever be able to take the stairs again so I need to learn to use the escalator? So Four Corners Escalator it is… Same exercises, but you take the earlier reps with you as you go.
Corner 1 = Merkins x 10
Corner 2 = Merkins x 10, Squats x 20
Corner 3 = Merkins x 10, Squats x 20, LBCs x 30
Corner 4 = Merkins x 10, Squats x 20, LBCs x 30, Flutters x 40

We took the escalator up, but we don’t want to be stuck on the top floor at Belk’s at the mall one day waiting for our M to find us and tell us to go get the car… So reverse escalator.

Corner 1 = Merkins x 10, Squats x 20, LBCs x 30, Flutters x 40
Corner 2 = Merkins x 10, Squats x 20, LBCs x 30
Corner 3 = Merkins x 10, Squats x 20
Corner 4 = Merkins x 10

Mosey to the large soccer field at the bottom of the hill.

In old age, you get dependent on others to help you through the simple tasks. So some partner work is in order.

Partner 1 runs to the other side of the field while Partner 2 does reps. Then flapjack, and Partner 2 does the running while Partner 1 does the reps. The plan was 4 x 100 giving us 400 reps, but time required us to Omaha to 50 reps on the last 3 exercises.

CDDs x 100
Lunges (single leg count) x 50
WW2 Situps x 50
Dying Cockroaches x 50

Mosey to the shelter

Right Leg Step Ups x 20
Left Leg Step Ups x 20
(That’s a total of 40)

Mosey back to Pelicans, but first a pit stop.  Gotta get use to making extra stops on long trips because I hear the ol’ bladder just can’t hold it like it could in the younger days.  Grab a spot on the curb.

Dips x 40 (I did say dips, not drips; don’t believe there were any bladder issues)

Complete the mosey back to Pelicans.

Prayer Requests
Bandit’s aunt- cancer
Easy Rider’s uncle Keith
Mr. Jenkins’ friend w/ cancer
Family and friends of teenager involved in recent car crash
Our country

Praise for Dr. Feelgood’s dad. Glad to hear he is doing well. Look forward to you being off IR and back physically in the gloom with us.

Prayer to Close

4 took part in an impromptu Coffeerama at HT/Starbucks. Really enjoyed the conversation guys.

Thanks to the men who showed up this morning, and the Gastonia F3 PAX as a whole who have pushed and encouraged me for almost a year now. As I said earlier, it’s all about perspective. We talked last week in our study of the book, Freedom From Fear, that it’s all about attitude (Tuesday mornings, HT, 6am, not too late to join). You’re only as old as you feel, and that rock you’re pushing is only as big as you allow it to be. Our main verse yesterday in Sunday School was Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Look to God for that peace that only He can provide, live that peace in trying times, and share that peace with others who are in need.

Let’s do it again sometime.

Sunday Stroll

Whoopee and Sargento got 2 miles of EC in before the regular run for half-marathon training.

At the appointed time, there were 5 total men present, the fresh of of IR Outhouse among them. Good to see you again brother! We started normally enough, there was a sandy V’ish comment about having to navigate a muddy stretch of grass before we got to the pavement. Just run.

Stroganoff had a dream about a flat run, so YHC made sure to have plenty of hills to conquer. You’re welcome.

We ran 6 miles. Good fellowship. Let’s do it again soon men.



Tour de Folsom

4 Men rolled out of their respective fartsacks and entered the gloom at Folsom to make themselves a little bit better today. After discussing with the PAX about our different reasons for fartsacking lately (sickness, family/company Christmas parties, etc.), YHC knew it would take maximum effort from all PAX to resume pushing that rock! After a quick welcome, YHC began the workout. This is how it went:


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Don Quixotes x 10 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC


The Thang:

YHC took the PAX on a Tour de Folsom.

Mosey to the Ag. Center for:

  • Mike Tysons x 10 IC
  • LBC’s x 25
  • Seal Jacks x 15 IC

Rinse and Repeat x 2

Next, Mosey all the way to the Turd Shack at the softball fields for some wall work:

  • Hip Slappers x 10 IC
  • Donkey Kicks x 20
  • Freddy Mercury x 20 IC

Rinse and Repeat x 2

Mosey over to the picnic shelter at the bottom of the parking lot for:

  • Dips x 20
  • Derkins x 10
  • Step up x 10 each leg

Rinse and repeat x 2

Mosey back the Flag for some coupon work. Grab a cinder block and after some mumble chatter:

  • Colt 45’s
  • Blockees x 5

Rinse and repeat x 2

After a quick pause to let the swelling go down in our arms, we finished up with some Mary:

  • Dying Cockroaches x 20 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
  • Homer/ Marge for approx. 1 minute
  • Box Cutters x 10
  • Sandy V’s x 10

Finished it up with 22 Merkins for the vets.


Announcements: Palmetto 200 coming up in March. Meeting early February to iron out the details.

Prayer Requests: Pizza man and his family, the F3 PAX running the Charleston half/ full marathon, all F3 brothers facing issues in their lives.


All the men that posted today pushed hard despite prior sickness or inability to post due to work/ Christmas commitments. Great to see Swimmer back in the gloom. He first posted at Midoriyama last November. After we had covered 1.4 miles during the workout, he then informed YHC on how much he hates cardio! Keep coming out in the gloom, brother! It won’t get easier, you just get stronger! Gumby was pushing hard despite some mean head/ chest congestion. Lil’ Sweet displayed traits of a #HIM by motivating and encouraging the other guys when they looked as if they were running out of gas. Outstanding work by all! Keep pushing the rock!

Until next time,




Rocky 3 and 4 were on earlier this week, and if those movies don’t get you in the mood to exercise, you might want to double check down below and make sure you’ve got a pair-just saying. Good movies, not for everyone, but I think they do the job when you need some motivation. I was able to get the weinke done quickly, but overextended myself and had to modify this morning. We still made it thru and got a sufficient beatdown, however I was reminded about the importance of daily merkins-I felt better a few months ago when we had the merkin monthly challenge so guess I need to get back to doing those on a daily basis-really makes a difference.

Here is what I remember:

WU: IC X 10-ish: SSH, Merkins, Squats then JUMP ROPE X 20-ish, mosey to the flag, pledge, Rocky Balboa’s on the curb X 20, 10 Burpees OYO, then mosey to the steps at FPC.

Quick Explanation of overall plan related to Rocky-20 Merkins at bottom of stairs, run up stairs with arms up in victory position like Rocky. 20 Hip Slappers at top then down the steps. Keep walking steps until 6 finished then rinse and repeat.

Things got a little hazy for me at that point. I reminded the Pax at the end of Rocky 3 that Rocky had to pay back a favor to Apollo Creed if he won the fight against Clubber Lang. Some of the pax thought the favor was something about a fight. I quickly corrected them and explained this “favor” was actually a burpee challenge and Rocky/Apollo had a burpee battle so we would do something like that. My original plan was 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in 1 minute intervals, then back down. My burpee limit was reached by the time we hit 10 so it was cut short. My apologies today, but you can bet this will not happen again. We moseyed to the grassy field for the next exercise. We lined up on 1 end of the field, lunged across then moseyed back to start. We then sprinted across the field (remember the beach scene with Rocky and Apollo?) and moseyed back. Think we did this twice??

We then moseyed back to the stairs and this is where things really went dark for me. I know we did the merkins/hip slapper routine on the stairs again, various other exercises named by me but led by a few of the pax, but all I remember is some squats by DaVinci. Thankfully he stopped at 60. We cooled down with some high knees, butt kickers, karaoke through the parking lot, moseyed back to start with a little wall sit, then finished with dying Bandits, I mean cockroaches as the bells of freedom rang.

Somewhere along the way I tried to remind everyone of why we are out here by briefly talking about part of the book Freedom from Fear that we are discussing at the Tuesday, 6am Ao at Harris Teeter. We are out here to help each other-sure we want to get in better shape, but I promise you I can do that at a different time of day on my own, at least for a little while. I am out here for the guys sweating next to me, for the guys who were starting the marathon or half marathon this morning as the freedom bells were ringing, for the guy pedaling the bike with one pedal as he cheered on his brothers who were busting their butts to push themselves past the point of exhaustion. Life is tough-we all know that. Having someone to shield lock with makes it a lot more bearable and gives me something to look forward to each day, whether it is weekday or weekend. Later in the day I was at my 2.0’s church basketball game and at halftime they do a quick message-today was about what was important about getting out there and playing basketball. The most important thing is to love God and love each other. Be there for the person next to you and pick them up when they are down, but also love yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes without beating yourself up-great message for these 10 year old kids (and their parents). In a nutshell, he was talking about a version of the shield lock. We just take it to a different level with F3, in my opinion, because of the amount of time we spend with each other and the quantity of sweat we collectively spill each week in the gloom.

EVERY TIME I come out here I am reminded about the privilege it is to be out here with all of you. Sure, I feel the aftershocks later in the day when I am walking up the stairs or getting off the can, but that always puts a smile on my face. Also, I get a little extra special burst of joy when my wife looks at me and asks if I am going out to exercise in the rain. Life is never as long as we want it to be-make sure you find a way to spend your time wisely. My time with F3 has never been a disappointment. Thanks for reminding me of that every day.

Congrats to the Charleston Runners (and biker). I know I enjoyed the pictures and videos. That was a great accomplishment for all of you.


Bataan Death March

15 Pax braved the gloom at The Fighting Yank this morning to push the rock.  With an FNG present, full disclaimer was given.  Even though I don’t think I’m an idiot, others here might disagree and you’re an idiot for following me.  You vs You, modify as needed, lets do this.

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Merkin x 10 IC

The Thang:

YHC gave another disclaimer at this point.  I always try to work at least a mile of jogging into each workout that I Q. This is usually broken up into 400 meters segments.  Please contain your excitement, but we’re going to knock it all out at once today. Time for the 1 mile Bataan Death March!

Bataan Death March: AKA: Burpee Catch Me If You Can Indian Run…A combination of Catch Me If You Can and a traditional Indian Run. The last person drops and does 5 Burpees, while the rest of the Pax mosey in a line. After completing the Burpees, the last guy runs to catch the group, tapping the (new) last Pax on the shoulder, who then stops to begin his 5 Burpees, while the (former) last guy continues on to the front of the line. We completed 1 plus some change miles of this in a nice loop around Belmont. YHC ensured everyone was the last man at least twice.

Finished our jog/mosey up at the football field for some corners work.  We started in one corner of the football field, traversed the width then exercised, traversed the length then exercises, traversed the opposite width then exercises and traversed the final length to finish a round.  4 rounds in all, giving it all you got.

  • Round 1:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 LBCs
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Burpees
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 2:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 CDDs
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Flutter kicks
    • Width 2: Lunge + 10 Burpees
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 3:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 10 Diamond Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Freddie Mercury
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Burpees
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 4:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Werkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 10 WWII Situps
    • Width 2: Lunge + 10 Burpees
    • Length 2: Sprint

The mumble chatter and time checks started to pick up at this point.  We still have 20 minutes gentlemen, but YHC let the pax off easy and Omaha’d the last round to try out the Bridge of Hate. Hilarity followed!

The Bridge of Hate is the exact opposite of the tunnel of love. The pax form a line by laying on there back shoulder to shoulder. One pax will then be lifted and passed down the line of the pax that are laying on the ground. When the pax that was being passed down the line gets to the front he lays next to the last man and the man at the rear of the line then gets passed down, so forth and so on.

I thought this would be a fun exercise to try and man is it.  Nothing like a line of sweaty, dirty, grass covered HIMs body surfing to start the day.  A few pax may have been dropped on their heads and some may have had fingers places they never thought they would, but we are all a lot closer now because of it!

10 minutes left, time for a Triple Nickel.  Moseyed to the hill and cut the route in half because of the pax sliding in the mud.  Sprint to the top of the hill, do 5 squats, sprint to the bottom, do 5 monkey humpers.  Repeat 5 times.

5 minutes left, enough time for a 4 minute merkin ladder.  Modify as needed!

  • 30 seconds of Merkins, 30 second rest
  • 40 seconds of Merkins, 20 second rest
  • 50 seconds of Merkins, 10 second rest
  • 60 seconds of Merkins (or Mary for most of us)

Mosey to the flag to finish up.



  • Need Q’s at TheStorm and The Fighting Yank!
  • Need 1 for P200
  • DDC taking donations for mission trip.  They leave on Monday!

Prayer Request:

  • Gaston county high school student who passed in a car accident
  • Top Hats father is doing better
  • DDC & Flows mission trip

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead and for continuing to push the rock with me!

Tower of Torment

Friday the Thirteenth in January; not as spooky as it might be if this were October. There should be a workout theme that dispels the various myths. Unfortunately I’ve got nothing on that, so let’s make up one…how about if you don’t post on Friday the 13th for a workout, you won’t be as strong as the 16 men that rolled from their comfy beds, joining together in sweat harmony. Admittedly I have been a little slack this week, letting the cold or damp weather control my mind more than my will. Congrats to all those that showed earlier in the week, even after a few hours of sleep watching Clemson win their second National Championship (Tiny Tank & Shad Rap). This morning enjoyed the benefit of being unseasonably warm, almost near 50 degrees which didn’t hurt attendance. Looking for inspiration, I’ve been reading other backblasts. The SOB’s (that is the Sons of Ballantyne) had a workout in a parking deck which they ripped off from a tougher one at The Jungle which is the 12 story deck across from the Spectrum Centre (formerly known as Time Warner Arena). Our Downtown AO has the benefit of the GasHouse’s mighty three story parking deck attached to the conference center which we may as well enjoy the fruits of our tax dollars. Most workouts typically incorporate the levels, stairs, and ramps on a Friday jaunt through the gloom. I rolled up my sleeves and went to work, including a trip to Lowes and a recon mission to the deck the night before to test run a few ideas. Here’s how it went down.

No FNG’s but a disclaimer was stated: “You’re an idiot for being here at this time of morning, let’s be idiots together. Today is You verses You, modify as needed, know your limits of when to push and when to pull back, blah, blah, blah.” Break the circle and line up on the steps of the Rotary Pavillion incited immediate mumble chatter.


  • Calf Raises and Arm Circles (Yes – at the same time – quite challenging for the PAX to test their balance and coordination on the first exercise. They enjoyed YHC’s brief loss of balance on the first cadence – payback was planned. The cadence called out 10, not sure how many were completed. Enough of that – circle up.
  • Don Quixote – IC x 10
  • SSH – IC x 15
  • CDD – IC x 10



Mosey on toward York Street and head south for two blocks. Circle up in the BB&T parking lot for Merkins IC x 10 and Squats IC x 10. Head east a block to South Street and head north where we ran halfway up the street, just ahead of a large bus piled with school kids. YHC suggested Monkey Humpers would be fun with the young audience but that was quickly denied. At Midoriyama yesterday afternoon I partnered with Slaw for BOMBS (btw – for any partner exercise, find Slaw and he will make your life easier). He said he might post this morning to which I responded if he did, he would be rewarded with Rugby Sprints – his favorite exercise. We went 16 across and began with Mountain Climbers. After a few reps the command was provided to “GO” and like a heard of buffalo, the PAX sped up the slight incline and back down. I think Roscoe led the charge, maybe Squirt was up there too. Nursing a sore hamstring, I wanted to be sure I didn’t put myself out for the remainder and likely missed others doing their Usain Bolt impressions. This is the first time I called this exercise and forgot about the third leg which was the recovery walk. Instead I asked for a count off. Checking the time, I called for an additional round and off we went up and back, this time doing a walking mosey to the parking deck where the main event was staged.

We circled again for a count-off into four man groups; however, today’s work-out was not team or partner oriented. It was an individual test to push through. Signs were posted on the walls naming five different exercises to be executed on five different levels. Each man goes at his pace through each exercise, trying to attain the repetition goal on the sign or push for extra credit if they needed the extra challenge. After each level was completed, the PAX were to climb the stairs to the 6th level, run across the top and descend to the 1st level and then go to their next level. If that sounds complicated – it was. YHC was confused a few times on where to run, so that directive needs to be made more clear or re-designed. In groups of four, we headed off to start the work with exercise and rep goal listed below. All reps were to be single counted.

  • Level 1
    • Pull-ups – 5
    • Rope pulls – 10
    • Donkey Kicks – 20
    • Dips – 20
    • Agility Drill – 5 reps (cones in a square with center cone. Begin in the middle and touch each cone, return to touch the middle cone before going to the next one. Each round equals a rep).
  • Level 2
    • Blockees – 8
    • Squat with block – 25
    • Lunge walk width of deck and back – 2 times
    • Apollo Ohno (with bricks in hand) – 20
    • Block Curls – 20
  • Level 3
    • Flutter Kick – 40
    • Freddie Mercury – 40
    • Toe Touches – 20 (on your back, feet at 90 degrees and touch your toes)
    • American Hammer – 30 (10 lb weight for resistance)
    • Dying Cockroach – 30 (bricks in hand for resistance)
  • Level 4
    • Burpees – 10
    • Ski Burps – 20
    • Bear Crawl width of garage and back – 2 times
    • Hip Slappers – 20
    • Peter Parker – 30
  • Level 5
    • Plank Jack w/ Shoulder Tap – 20
    • Frog Jumps – 20
    • Ski Moguls (hop between cones up/down ramp – like your skiing) – 3 times
    • Pike Up, Merkin – 10
    • Sumo Squats – 20

Thanks to the PAX for gathering the coupons to load in my car. Thanks to whoever led the others in dying cockroaches until we were ready to mosey home, a few minutes over to which I apologize for the tardiness. We quickly went through the name-o-rama and huddled for announcements/prayer requests. The Palmetto Relay has two more spots available; check for email and twitter posts and if interested, attend the meeting in early February. Prayers were lifted for Pizza Man losing his grandmother, Billy Madison and his in-laws, Bandit’s aunt fighting cancer, two friends of Roscoe battling health conditions, T-Square and family, the health of our PAX, especially those running this weekend in the Charleston Marathon.


Once again it was awesome to organize this workout for a great group of guys. All were willing to dive into the various challenges and push your respective rocks a little further today. Much like Stroganoff has his Wolfpack Grinder, I’ve decided to adopt this workout as my offspring. I pledge to mold this Weinke until perfection can be attained, if there is such a thing as the perfect workout. With that said, I welcome the feedback for improvement. The goal for today was constant movement which helped maintain a peak heart-rate. Other than the organizational components, guys were moving through at a good pace. I was unable to complete the entire circuit so there is work for me to do. When I arrived home this morning, later than anticipated, my M said “I wished you would put as much effort as you do into your workouts into the things I need done…” That stung a bit. Maybe it’s the new underwear for Christmas or maybe it’s the lessons learned at F3 where that comment failed to chap my Sandy V as it may have in the past. Reflecting back, my M is right (she often is btw), so I have a Weinke of honey do’s that needs to be achieved. Hopefully I’ll have that rock rolling quickly. Until next time, Aye!

P200 Training at the Pub

5 brave souls showed up for a Defib running beatdown at the pub Thursday morning. Gastone, Whoopee and Monk arrived for warm-up with Stroganoff running to the pub (big mistake) arriving just in time.  Warmup was Whoopee style with 20 SSH at double speed.  Then off the races.  The group managed the route below (see link) in 44 mins.   Would have been faster had it not been for Gastone trying to roll downhill for a short segment.  Unfortunately a crack in the sidewalk took the big man down but barely slowed him as he dropped, rolled and immediately popped up to keep on running!  Strong work Gastone.

Prayer Requests for Monk’s student dealing with medical issues and Feelgood’s Family

Really great work and prep for the Palmetto 200.  As always it was my honor to lead

Copy this link to view route:


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