The morning started with 3 PAX launching at 6:15 for the first unofficial Ruck. The plan was to give it try and discuss the future of Rucking in the region. We arrived to find the runners were already out on their route. Lots of good came from our Ruck walk/talk. The Ruck gives you a great chance to cover all 3 F’s. We were just going to cover business but found ourselves delving into the 3rd F! I was quite surprised to find a huge crowd of PAX when we got back to the park. Great to see all these guys posting.


With a group of 20 I decided we would circle up around the fountain so everyone would have a decently dry spot to start the day. As we moseyed around I noticed Mayor’s 12-13 year old nephew(Governor) was right behind me and we thought we would have fun with the PAX. We decided we would keep running around the circle to see how long they would follow us. After a few times it ws obvious it could go on for a while so we stopped so we could get some work done.

SSH x 20ic

Don Q x 15ic

Freddy Mercury x 20ic

Happy Jacks x 10

Mosey up the street to find a wall.

The Thang:

So after doing the Ruck I regretted planning a bunch of wall work and bearcrawls but to get better there has to be some suffering!

All PAX plank and starting at one end the first PAX does 5 donkey kicks then bear crawls across the parking lot and planks waiting for the last PAX to finish. After the first PAX starts crawling the next PAX starts his donkey kicks. This was tough with 20 PAX!

Long jump back across and do 25 wall taps OYO.

Australian Mtn climbers x 10ic bearcrawl across then duckwalk back. 25 wall taps OYO.

Power Holds-30 sec wall sit, 30 sec plank. Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes.

Mike Tyson x 10ic

Hip Slappers x 10ic bear crawl across.

Somewhere in here Sggweieich had to leave. He said he had to work but I think his arms were hurting. He should practice running on his hands then maybe I could go with him some morning.

Circle up for Howling Monkeys. Everyone enjoyed this so much we did 2 rounds.

Mosey to back parking lot for route 66 with squats.

Mosey back toward the flag with a stop over at String Bean for Captain Thor x 10.

Mosey to the ball field at the school. During this mosey I was talking to the future Governor about having the Mayor for an uncle. YHC thought this might be tough but was informed he was all right as long as he keeps moving and working out! Future HIM and motivator!

At the field I had 5 cones spread out longways across the field. Run to the first cone then Nur. Switch at each cone. From the other end we sprinted to each cone starting with 5 merkins and adding 5 more at each cone getting up 25 at the last cone. Rinse and repeat the first run. Going back the same ladder except with squats. Rinse and repeat the run. Going back we did the ladder with CDD’s.

A few minutes to spare so we went to the shed for Tri dips x 20ic and merkin taps. Mosey back to the flag.

We did 22 for the Vets led by Pizza Man. Then since no train had come through Sargento produced a train sound with his phone and we did 5 burpees.



Announcements-Advisory meeting, P200 has 2 teams, Mudrun info coming start forming your 4 man teams, Pizza Man wants some PAX to do the frigid 5k at Whitewater..

Namerama- 2 FNG’s thanks to Tooltime and Mayor

Prayer Request

Closed in Prayer


Great group out this morning. You guys really pushed me! I shared a little about not exercising but training instead. Set a goal and go after it. As in all parts of life there will be suffering but know there will be victory in the end!

Romans 5:3-4

Suffering produces endurance, Endurance produces character, Character produces Hope!