• Post Type:
  • When: 01/12/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: DaVinci
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Hush Puppy, EZ Rider, Whoopie, Squirt, Bulldog, Stroganoff, Bandit, Gastone, Stone Cold, JJ, SpiderMan, DaVinci

I’ll admit I have been a fairweather fan (fool?) as of late, but knew I had the Q this morning so I was pumped!  There were still traces of the snowy conditions of the past weekend on the grass and sidewalks of Pelican’s and the low/slow rain from the early hours continued to annoy us throughout, but 12 High Impact Men splashed and swam and became stronger!

Warm-a-rama — SSH IC x20; Appalachian Americans (Hillbillys) IC x20; Seal Jack IC x20; LBC IC x20; SSH IC x20; Imperial Walkers IC x20; Plank Jack IC x15; LBC IC x15

Took a brisk mosey over to the park picnic benches for some pain stations; 2 rounds each, 4 men to a station all IC x 20 of: Step-ups, Abyss Merkins (reguLAR for those whose reach was not wide enough) and Dips. (Thanks to Whoopie and Stroganoff for helping lead the count when I was struggling)

Circle up in the parking lot for the following:  Walkerstrong (continuous Imperial Walkers as each man takes a turn praying aloud); WWI Situps IC x20; LowSlow Squats (YHC had planned on IC x30….I lost focus at about 25 and awoke from my daydream at about 38 so I figured what the heck…at 60 I jokingly called “half-way-there”….at 70 Squirt yelled “He’s a machine” so I was then determined to make it to 100….and I was spent at 101, however Gastone said he was looking forward to the other 19…not skipping a beat YHC delivered 19 more to make a total of 120 IC !); repeat Walkerstrong, this time each man singing a bit of a song instead of praying (Whoopie was on my left as we started this round, but somehow ended up halfway around next to Bandit at the finish….I think he snuck around to avoid singing); Navy Seal Situps x20; Warrior Lunges ICx20

By now nearly soaking wet we finished with a lap around the playground perimeter and moseyed back (thanks to Bulldog for tagging along in the back with me…..backwards!) to Pelican’s parking lot to talk to Mary for a couple minutes: Dying Cockroach (thanks Bandit) ICx30?; Gastone was disappointed I didn’t pick him first so gave him next option which was Flutter Kicks IC x40/50?; and with 30 seconds remaining we came full circle with some more SSH IC x20.

Moleskin — Great work today men!! I am still amazed at this group/company/organization of men who not only tolerate a fluffy out of shape dude like me, but allow me to “call the game” so to speak.  I have struggled with exercise and fitness my whole life and to not only be included and accepted, but pushed to the front gives me great energy and self-esteem.  Gastonia has a great bunch of HIMs and I invite any and everyone to our region!

Prayer concerns: Feelgood and his family, those on injured list