Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 20, 2016



Pax: Hokie, Sargento, Top Hat, Hush Puppy, Brownstreak(Q)

First one there with 10 minutes til launch and all I hear are the people from “I can’t believe I pay for this Bootcamp!” Sargento shows up as he has already ran 3+ miles. As time got closer we both thought it was just going to be us two. Then Hokie and Top Hat roll in just at Start time. So without any further wait I yell out “let’s mosey…….. Across the bridge onto the island and stoping at the playground for warm ups. Here’s what I remember.


SSH 20ic
Cotton Pickers 20ic
We pause here for a moment cause I thought I saw someone running toward us across the bridge……I did I did see a hush puppy running across the bridge. He explains he didn’t know where to park. At any rate…. Great to have ya. Glad you made it. We resumed out warm up with…..
Mericans 10ic
Flutter Kicks 20ic
We then moseyed to the other side of the island crossing the bridge over to the open parking lot aka hood side….. This is where the beat down took place. Here’s what happen….

The Thang:

Sprints (distance = 40+ yards):
sprint and jog back. repeato x 6

6 jump squats, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 mericans, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 apollo ohno, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 LBC, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 wide mericans, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 CCD, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 Squats, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 WWII situps, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

sprint and jog back. repeato x 6

We moseyed back to the town side where we had 4 minutes left. We did a short ladder:

Squats/Mt. Climbers


As always it’s a pleasure to lead guys. Til next time……. Brownstreak out!!!

Midoriyama Backblast

Warm up.      SSH-  25. IC.

MNC-  25IC

Squats-25 IC

The thang.  .   Mosey to soccer feild  where did combo of sprint  and karaoke  around field using coupons  during karaoke. .. then 15 burpees.  Then around again and 15 squats ….around again 15 lundges….

Mosey to playground for 5 pull ups then 10 merkins ×3.

Mosey back to soccer field for some more colt .45.    This time curls ….15×  up half way …15× up from half ….then 15 full.  Then 1 set of 15 dips with coupon  all ×3.      “Thanks for the push Freight”  don’t q it if you can’t  do it….. “almost got me there”

And no I did not forget the pledge. As.h  pond  so attention  salute  pledge just like vbs

Mosey back to turd shack for some shoulder work.  15 shoulder taps then 15 squats ×3

Mosey to flag for announcements and prayer

Thanks to all those at different AO’s that have stuck it out for so long to give me this opportunity  GOD. is. so gOOD. …and right  on time….


The day started with an awesome sunrise of crazy colors across the sky followed by several strong men to post for this week’s version of the Fighting Yank. As start time drew near YHC stated that there was a guy he’d EH’ed for a while and gave a hard commit for today’s workout….no show. We made our way down to the nest to start the festivities. After a real short disclaimer a text popped up on my phone from the FNG to be, he had had technical difficulties but was on his way! With this in mind, we started the warm-up but saved a little for the imminent arrival of said FNG.

Side Straddle Hop x20 IC

Pretzel Crunch x15IC

Don Quixote x15IC

Mountain Climbers x20


Suzanne Somers x10IC

After this the FNG arrived, so I gave a proper disclaimer (I’m an idiot, we’re all idiots, go home now, follow me at your own risk, it’s not our fault if you get hurt, etc.) and then got back to the warm-up so the FNG didn’t start completely cold.


Merkin x10IC

Mosey around the fountain and across the street to the side street beside Sammy’s for the start of the Thang.

Ring of Fire – 9 stations each with a fancy paper sign designating the exercise. At each station there was 60 seconds of work with 30 second breaks in between, rotate down the line. (There were supposed to be 10 stations but I dropped the ball on the last one somewhere) The stations were:

1.ABC’s 2.Wall Sits 3.Rocky Balboas 4.Lil Baby Dips 5.Lunges 6.Imperial Walkers 7. Carolina Dry Docks 8.Morrocan Night Clubs 9.Bobby Hurleys

After this we gathered up all the papers, being the responsible citizens we are, deposited them at the nest and moseyed up to the field behind the school.

King of Hearts (not sure why it’s named this other than the fact that it’ll get your heart rate way up!). This is a routine of however many reps of suicides that the Q comes up with. Ours were:

Regular sprints to the closest soccer goal, then to the next goal, finally to the far end. Plank for the 6. This was so hard YHC called an Omaha to reduce the next two circuits down to only the first two goals.

Karaoke suicides next.

High Knee Skips to finish. After all this we were pretty toasted but not burnt so YHC called the next exercise up:

Three Amigos – since we had 6 PAX in attendance it worked out nicely. Groups of 3 go back to back to form the people’s chair for each other. For good measure, the exercise calls for each group to then move from on place to another in the prescribed position. We tried making to a certain point but after about 25 yards we gave out. That crap was HARD!

Mosey down to the adjacent parking lot for the last routine.

Wave of Merkins – First person does 1 merkin, then the next until it goes all the way around, then 2 merkins all the way around all the way up to 11 merkins each. Tough! After some digging deep and strong work by everyone we finished up strong. Nice work!

Mosey back to the nest for some quick wrap up.

Peter Parker Peters x7IC

Low Country Crab x5IC (rough)

Dolly x20IC (mumble chatter, YES!)

Flutter Kicks x20IC (more mumble chatter)

Nolan Ryan x10 each side IC

It was a great time with you guys this morning. As always, it was nice having an FNG post to share the F3 experience with. Great work Travis Nixon…I mean Serena! Welcome and we’ll see you again soon.

Until next time men, AYE!

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