Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 26, 2016

Skills and Drills

It started a long long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, when the rebellion stepped out into the gloom. Everything that has happened in our lives brought us to this moment in time.

As time got close, six men were there to get stronger. By the time the warm up was complete, we had eight and by the time the workout began, we had nine.

I was hoping to use the field, but YHC had a backup and mapped it out.

We circled up and the disclaimer was noted.

SSH x10
Mericans x10
Toy Soldiers x10
Donkey otays x10 (couldn’t resist)
Morrocan Night Clubs x10

Kicking it back to the old school days, a football skills and drills thriller was on the docket.
#1 – block bear crawls. These were in the weinke, but YHC tried these the night before and were omaha’ed out.
#2 – high knee burpees. 10 high knees and one burpee until you get to 10 Burpees.
#3 – karaoke to the 40 yard line and back.
#4 – side to side shuffles to the 40 yard line and back.
#5 – suicides to the 20, 40 and 60.
#6 – mosey to the wall for some high knee chops for speed at 10, 15, and 20 seconds.
#7 – hip SLAPPERS 10 OYO.
#8 – high knees to the 20 and sprint to the 40 and back.

Rinse and repeat.

What would a workout be without some core work.
Circle up for some French fries slow count x8, little baby flutter crunches x20, dancing chilicutts IC x10 and finished with a wave of Mericans x5.

Twice we had to get a count, I took some time to express my gratitude to everyone at F3 that push me to be a better man for not just me or my family, but for everyone. Rudolph took some time for a brief devotion on how F3 has impacted his life. Hats off to Rudolph and Bacon for the motivation. Bacon should be Baconator because he is a machine. Much respect.

Always a pleasure gentlemen,

No Q? Co-Q!

Sunday night I was looking at the Q schedule to prepare myself for the week and guess what I saw. No Q for Derecho! Come to find out, Whoopee was already on the case and stepped up in true nantan fashion. Not wanting to be left out, YHC offered to be there for backup. Co-Q mania baby!

Whoopee led with a short disclaimer and then jumped into a warm-up.


Merkin x10IC?

Mountain Climber x14IC?

Merkin x5IC

Next a lap around some parking lines with High knees one straight away, side to sides to the left on the next, Butt Kickers the next and then side to sides to the right.

Once we were done with that fun stuff, YHC took the lead and the PAX fell in line for a strong 4 mile mosey through Goat Island, around greater Cramerton and back home. Although Whoopee says it was a lot faster than he would have liked to go, he kept the pace and finished like a champ. Three eager beavers (Keiche, Tool Time & Radar) wanted extra credit and took a detour up the hill toward the artwork near the end of the run. Good for you guys.

We finished up with a short round of Mary:

Freddy Mercury x20 IC

Protractor with PAX countoffs

Nolan Ryan x10 each side IC

Prayers for Brownstreak’s son on his mission trip and Stroganoff’s family, safe travels for Whoopee and family on their sea trip. Sorry if I’ve forgotten anything.

We almost forgot the pledge even thought a shovel flag had been planted.


Good work men!

Can we run a mile

9 men overcame the fartsack this am to take the red pill. That’s the hardest part of the battle. Sparky came in hot to catch the last of the warmup.

Warm up x 15 IC; SSH, Toy soldiers, Mericans, Squats, Carolina Dry Docks, Trunk Side Stretch. One more round of SSH for Sparky.


Gallop to the lower parking lot and stop at the beginning and turn around to begin the Thang.
– 5 crab cakes each side, sprint up the hill approx 25 yds to speed bump and do 5 burpees sprint back and plank till the six arrives.
– 10 Pretzels each side sprint to top of hill and 10 burpees and sprint back, plank for the six.
– 15 WWII sit ups sprint up the hill and 15 burpees and sprint back, plank for the six.
– mosey to playground for 3 rounds of 5 pullups and 5 twist mericans each side; twist mericans take a little coordination. Nice work men.
– mosey to ampitheater for 3 rounds of donkey kicks x 10 IC and 10 box jumps oyo. Hank asked if we could run a mile, YHC checked the watch and we had a .5 mile in so we skipped the remainder of the pain stations and ran .75 of a mile to wrap it up.

COT- Namorama, Announcements, Prayer requests for our country, Pasour family, friend of Sparky’s wife.

BOM- Medicine Woman, nice job sir. Thanks

Moleskin; Burpee sprints out of the gate this morning definitely got the mumble chatter started early and the sweat rolling. Strong work by all, TClaps to Gomer. Way to push it sir. Next time I’ll suggest gloves for the Donkey kicks. Hank hope we got enough running in for you this am. As always a pleasure to lead you men. Iron sharpens Iron; no better way to start the day. Till the next one.

No Idea

Going into today’s workout the only thing I knew was it was going to be HOT! I had absolutely nothing planed. I knew there was a new hill I wanted to check out but that was it. The warmup was a sure sign as we did some odd numbers. I don’t think Def Leopard liked my no idea announcement because when I called the first exercise his stance had a little bit of SASS!


SSH x 26ic

Morroccan Nightclubs x who knows?

Merkins x 11ic

LBC’s x 9ic

Freddy Mercury x 12 I think?

Don Quixte x ?

Blart came rolling so we  did some Sealjacks x some odd number?

Peter Parker x 7 maybe?

Man it sure is hot out here!

Mosey to the far soccer field near the dog park.

The Thang:

Standing at the bottom of the hill I wanted to check out there was some debate about how it compared to some of the others we use. It was decided the best way to tell was to run it a few times. We ran up and back down and did 20 of certain exercises after each run.

LBFC’s, Sumo Squat Jumps, Diamond Merkins, WWI Situps, Parker Peters. So that’s 5 trips up and down. I think that was all? I heard Pizza Man say 1 mile traveled so far. Man it’s hot! Why do we have to cut down all the trees to build a park?

Started the mosey back and I was thinking we could hit the playground for some pullups then I noticed a wall in the shade. Nothing beats good wall work!

Ascending Testicles with 10 count holds going up then back down.

Donkey Kicks x 10ic

Australian Mtn Climbers x 10ic

Hmmm. I feel like I’m missing something else here?

Anyway, mosey on back to the flag for a drink of water before we fall out!

We pulled out some blocks and partnered up. Luckily I brought some because someone found our stash of 10 blocks and only left us one! Really? Why would you take 9 and leave one? Did the thief get tired? At least we know it wasn’t an F3 man.

So partner 1 wall sits while partner 2 does 10 blockee’s about 20 yards away and then they switch. We got 2 rounds of these in.

A few minutes left so we did some Hipslappers x 10ic


Announcements-Advisory Board Meeting Sunday, BRR meeting Monday

Prayer Request- Tooltime’s friend, Def Leopards neighbor(2 yr old), Our Nation, Our grieving brothers.

Another announcement- I have thrown my hat into the presidential race as a write in. My slogan will be Why not? Do you have a better idea? I can do just a bad? Something like that. It’s a work in progress.

Namearama- Welcome Tim Rich now known as Lil’ Sweet.

Great job today guys. If I wasn’t up for the Q and you guys weren’t there I would definitely stayed in the AC today and probably taken a nap AKA: A Floppy Disk.



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