Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2016 (Page 5 of 5)

#TheStorm: “Our traps and legs are still sore from #GasHouse on Saturday”….Good

8 PAX showed up for a full body beat down….not planned, but got the idea from the mumble chatter before the workout.

I rolled in about 10 minutes early and spotted The Mayor and Brownstreak stretching already.  When I joined them they were talking about the workout at #GasHouse that I coQ’d with Godfather.  Brownstreak said his traps were still sore from the cinder blocks and Mayor said that his legs were still sore from the squats with cinder blocks and the squats without cinder blocks that we did this past Saturday…… The nice guy that I am I heard all of this and thought to myself I now have a plan for this Q.

….My mind is foggy on every single exercise and repetitions, but below is a general idea what we did.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 15
  • Murkin  x 10
  • LBC x 15
  • Don Quixote x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 25

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey to the sidewalk closest to the practice field and partner up

  • CDDx300/Partner runs across the parking lot and does 5 SSH (Browstreaks traps)
  • LBCx15 and Planks while waiting on the 6 to finish
  • Squatsx300/Partner runs to second island and does 5 Murkins(Mayors Legs)
  • LBCx15 and Planks while waiting on the 6 to finish
  • Calf Raisesx300/Partner Zombie Walks to first island and does 5 squats (Mayors Legs)
  • LBCx15 and Planks while waiting on the 6 to finish

Mosey to BA’s truck and each PAX get 1 cinder block and circle up

  • 50 chest press with cinder blocks in cadence
  • 50 bicep curls with cinder blocks in cadence
  • 50 step ups with cinder blocks in cadence
  • 25 french curls with cinder blocks in cadence
  • 25 Morrocan Night Clubs
  • 35 Second Homer
  • 50 calf raises with cinder blocks
  • Ring Of Fire- 5 reps in cadence
  • Merkins, Blockees, Rows with cinder blocks, Jump up and down on cinder blocks, jump over cinder blocks, Murkins using cinder blocks, Derkins using cinder blocks, LBCs



Announcements: BRR and Belmont AO on Saturday


Coffeeteria: 2 at Floyd And Blackies

I appreciate Mayor and Brownstreak giving me some ideas for my Q this morning.  I was going to wing it, but quickly came up with a plan when we had our conversation before the workout.  Also, thanks to TSquare for remembering who all was there this morning.  Thanks gentlemen!


Flashback – Not So Dirty This Time

10 PAX posted as YHC reached back in the archives for a repeat of Martha’s House “Gettin’ Dirty” beatdown. Except this time it was on concrete and asphalt. I guess that makes this a clean version. YHC did take pleasure in leading the PAX through some terrible exercises with their 12’s and 6’s planted in the dirt cement. Here is how it went…


  • Q is not a professional
  • PAX is participating at own risk
  • PAX is responsible for their own well-being
  • PAX are here voluntarily, and are not paying to be here (well, at least in terms of dollars)
  • PAX need to know their limits and do what they can do


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IW x 20IC
  • Merkins x 20 IC
  • CH Squats x 20 IC
  • MC x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • BOYO x 10

The Thang…
At a “fellowship pace”, the PAX mosey east thru the parking lot, behind FUMC 162 East, thru the FUMC FLC parking lot and eventually circle up at the convention center parking deck – level 1.

First round of the Thang is the Bear Crawl Escalator. With partner #SizeDoesNotMatter, PAX complete increasing reps of LBC and Squats (10, 20, 30, and 40 reps).  LBC would be done at bottom of hill on level 1, Bear Crawl to top of hill up ramp to level 2, Squats at top of hill, Bear Crawl down hill.  Then increase reps by 10 and repeat for total of 4 rounds.

In same location, with same partners, completed 55s.  With partner, PAX would complete decreasing reps (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1) of Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks.  Similar to Bear Crawl Escalator, we did 10 Merkins, ran up, 10 Carolina Dry Docks, run down.  Then decrease reps by 1 and repeat for total of 10 rounds.

Next, after a short mosey to Picaso’s Playground for some shoulder dips and finally mosey back to the pavilion for the Pledge.

With time on the clock, and YHC totally smoked (not due to snotwoggler beatdown, but some sinus head cold crap that has been lingering all week), we finish with 7 MOM – people’s choice. Everyone got a chance to play.

Wrapped up with Name-O-Rama, COT and BOM.

Great work by everyone!


Thursday is Goat Day

8 PAX found their way to downtown Cramerton for the Thursday Goat Island workout. Good job leaving the fartsack behind one more time!

Semi Disclaimer



SSH x 20

Moroccan Night Club x 30

Mountain Climbers x 20

LBC x 20

The Thang

Mosey to the secret elevated parking lot by the railroad tracks.

20 Merkins OYO

20 Plank Jacks OYO

30 Squats OYO

Mosey around the building, rinse and repeat two more times.

After all that we moseyed down onto the island for some Dora 123.

100 Derkins

150 Don Quixotes

200 Step Ups onto the picnic tables.

While partner one did the exercises, partner two ran around the tree playground til we were all done.

To catch our breath and kill some time we explained the fundamental purposes of F3 and encouraged everyone to read Freed To Lead or pass it along if you have read it already. Thanks for backing me up Brownstreak.

To finish things up YHC had the bright idea to bear crawl the bridge back to the mainland. Mumble chatter followed.

Wrap Up

Flutter Kick x 20


Nolan Ryans x 10

Announcements – Belmont launch June 11. My apologies for forgetting the rest.

Strong work men. It was a pleasure leading you as always!

Post Murph Pain

Ok, sorry the backblast is late. Have been sick last few days and in bed by 730pm. I am finally able to breathe a little better and realized my BB was missing. Plus, I can finally straighten my arms from the Murph, and by the way, the pullup bar and assist strap are still in the box but will be opened soon  this weekend  before next year (I hope).

WU:Mosey around lot with butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle and regular mosey.

IC X 10:SSH, Squats, LBCs, Merkins, Moroccan Night Clubs, then 5 Burpees OYO

The Thang-1-2 laps around lot then settle near where we started for partner work. We had 7 so 2 groups of 2 and 1 group of 3 (luckily I was part of the 3 man group but don’t think it really mattered, just for the record).

P1:exercise (Fondas, Merkins, Flutter Kicks) AMRAP

P2: run to island in parking lot and back then pick up partner for piggy back to island and back

Flapjack, repeato for several rounds until mumblechatter was perfect.

AMRAP TABATA:45 secs of exercise and 15 secs of rest: Squats, Mtn Climbers, and LBCs for 2 sets each (I think???)

Mosey to benches for Dips and Hips (dips and hip slappers) 25/10 IC X 2 sets. Angry eyes from several PAX……more of that to come next….

Lincolnton Zombie Lunge….sorry guys, think I jumped the shark on this one. Did not make any friends here. 1 Burpee, 2 lunges each leg, 3 Burpees, 4 lunges each leg, 5 Burpees….up to 9 burpees and 10 Lunges each leg.

Mosey around the parking lot eventually to the small circle at bottom of hill for few flutter kicks offered as condolences for the zombie lunge and hip slappers….bad idea in retrospect.

Moseyed back to start for Pledge to the non-flag then COT.

Prayers for pax, Advisory Board Mtg this Sunday at Tequila’s at 7pm-CSAUP planning for anyone able to attend.

Thankful I can straighten my arms again and less ill than I was over last couple days. Hope to be back in few more days. Keep pushing the rock. Great work out there at the Storm on a day when I think several of us could have used a great big ol’ fartsack.


The Thunder Rolls

🎶 To the tune of a country song from the 90’s. 🎶

Five thirty in the evening
Only a few brave souls in sight
The park’s lookin’ like a ghost town
On a dark and stormy night
Raindrops in the distance
There’s a storm movin’ in
The PAX are ready
The warm-up begins
And the thunder rolls.
And the thunder rolls.
Whamo Lunge Walks is what we are yearning
Hoping that rain don’t come down.
The first throw was like a bird
Banking off a fresh wind
All the PAX are prayin’
It lands close by
And the thunder rolls
And the thunder rolls
They head to the playground
For three sets of pull-ups and mercans.
And off in the distance the lightnin’ strikes
Trying to get away
They take burpees down Route 66
and the thunder rolls
And the thunder rolls
They pretend they are zombies
And the lightnin’ strikes
Time to head for shelter
As there is no end in sight
Huddled under a ledge
They finish it off
And the thunder rolls
And the lightnin’ strikes
They run through the downpour
Leaping into car doors
And the thunder rolls


  • Side straddle hop 20
  • Squats 20
  • Arm circles forward/backward
  • Windmills 20 (but they have a different name)

Main Thang

  • Whamo Lung Walks – two rounds
  • 3 sets of 20 pull ups 20 mercans
  • Route 66 burpees
  • Zombie walks about 10 feet.
  • Ran to ledge and let each PAX call out
  • I think it was:
  • Wall sits to arm benches or something 🙂
  • Wall taps 20
  • Jump and hit knees 20
  • LBC’s 20 IC
  • Captain Thor

Very fast COT and a fast run through the rain to our cars. We cut this one 10 minutes short because we all agreed that today was not a good day to die.

It did not look good – even on paper

10 pax including YHC posted Wednesday morning at Martha’s house for a nice humid beatdown

Usual disclaimer – I’m and idiot (no surprise) … followed by second disclaimer – YHC –  admitted that the planned workout did not look good – even on paper – nevertheless 10 strong PAX wanted to get their money’s worth so off we went.


SSHx20, Imperial Walkers x 20 , Moroccan Night Club x20, Flutter kicks x 20, LBC x 20 and Mountain climbers x 20


The Thang:

Indian run carrying a 10 lb exercise ball front runner hands/tosses ball to pax behind him when the ball gets to the last runner he sprints to front and repeat. Caveat –  If the ball hits the ground then everyone stops and does five burps… I’ve never seen such care for my ball which never hit the ground.

After arriving at the concession stand, pax lined up and did Russian twists – with a twist… the 10 lb ball was passed from one pax to another and back in the line.  This was was performed while listening to Sam Cooke sing “Twisting the night away”  There was some mumble about choosing a shorter song but YHC couldn’t quite make that out so we listened to entire song.

Next we partnered up and ran each of the 4 arms around the concession stand one partner did bear crawl alternating with lunge walks around the stand while the other ran the arm and completed an exercise at the end of the arm – exercises included LBCx5, Flutter kicks x10, Mountain climbers x5 and WWI setups x 5.

With little rest and some mumble we moseyed to parking lot to do suicides but instead of touching a line every few yards and turning around we did 2 then 4 then 6 then 8 burpees at each turnaround point.

Afterwards (running low on time ) YHC needed to Omaha (not Oklahoma since bandit was not there) Mosey back to Pelicans for some french fries and dying cockroaches.

When all was said and done the pax performed above and beyond expectations and made this look easier than what was on paper!


Looking for a few good men to step up and lead a third F on Saturday mornings – contact Monk

Advisory board meets Sunday at Tequilas to drink beer and eat Mexican food then come up with a good idea for a local CSAUP – all are welcome


Sargento’s friend needing third surgery and loved ones looking for work


As always I was humbled to lead these #HIM this morning !

F3 Man

So I started today’s workout with a funny experience I had early in the day. I had taken the day off from work to take my 2.0 to the dentist. I decided it would be a good time for a two-a-day. Since I normally don’t get to post in the morning I headed off to Folsom. So later in the morning when it was time to head to the dentist I discovered my battery was dead. At this point my 2.0 was in another world due to the valium they prescribed to her. What to do? Without thinking much about it I heaved the 60 lbs of giggling and flopping weight on my back and proceeded to ruck my way to the dentist. Fortunately this was only about a 1/2 mile but was no picnic in flip flops and a doped little person. Most have found this humorous, and it was, but I realized after it was over that I didn’t even think much about it when it happened. Just an example of how F3 has changed my way of thinking. The old me would have wasted a lot of time trying to find an easier way. An F3 Man just gets it done. So on to my third workout of the day.


SSH x 25ic

Morroccan Nightclubs

LBC’s x 20ic

Squats x 20ic

The Thang:

Captain Thor( this was a crowd pleaser, look it up)

Moseyed to the playground-set of 10 pullups-mosey to the steps and do 10 calf raises on each step(13 steps=130). Rinse and repeat 3 times. Great work guys!

Moseyed to the parking lot where cones were setup about 20 yards apart. Run to the first cone do 10 merkins run back and touch the starting line run to the 2nd cone do 10 more merkins and so on and so forth. Did this one again with squats.

Went to the wall for some Donkey Kicks x 10ic, 25 wall taps oyo, BTW Hip Slappers x 10 ic, 25 wall taps oyo.

Zombie walked back to the flag-25 yards and finished with 1 minute of CDD’s.


Prayers for all, Tooltime as he travels, Def Leopard on his 1/2 marathon this weekend

Great hustle by all today. Great to have Blart out with us at Midoriyama!

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