Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 22, 2016

#Folsom #BB The Mix Up

8 Men appeared in the gloom for The Mix Up.  YHC came in hot and began with an apology and the disclaimer.

Warmup; SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, LBC’s x 10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC


The Thang;  The pax took a short mosey to the lower parking and met at the far shelter and were told to partner up.  P1 wheelbarrow P2 25 yds, each partner 20 Old School Situps; P2 wheelbarrow P1 25 yds, 20 flutter kicks; P1 fireman carry P2 25 yds, 20 feet throws each; P2 fireman carry P1 25 yds, 30 sec plank.  Then it was time for the burpee lap.  Pax to run lap around parking lot and perform 5 burpees OYO at the each corner.  20 burpees later the pax planked waiting on the six and then moseyed to the picnic shelter to perform some Mary.

YHC; dips x 15 IC, squats x 15 IC; JK2, hello dolly x 15 IC; Allen Tate, LBC’s x 15 IC; Shingle, Ring of Fire 5 Mericans while pax hold plank till his turn; Garfield, Step ups x 15 IC; Medicine Woman, Freddy Mercury x 12 IC; Roadie, SSH x 15 IC; Huckleberry and Dolph, 10 box jumps OYO.  Then the pax took a final lap around the parking lot and back up the hill for the COT.

Announcements; Backyard Brawl 4-9, MudRun 4-30; JK2 looking for a team, Gaston County Run, Burpee Thon, BRR; Prayer Requests; Namorama; JK2 thanks for taking us out sir.

Moleskin; Nice work men; Huckleberry I apologize for the discomfort, I hope it doesn’t last long.  Keep us updated.  YHC tried a little of everything and did manange to sneak a little Q practice in for the pax which they handled nicely.  It doesn’t get easier you just get stronger.  Thanks guys always a honor to lead you men.  #DRP

“Just Leave Me There if I Die” – #TheStorm BB

This morning’s disclaimer was a little different than normal: in addition to what we normally say, I added that I was feeling terrible and that it was okay for the PAX to just leave me if I happen to cough up a lung and keel over. Surprisingly, everything we did seemed to clear out my system (at least for the time being). A pair of head lights eclipsed the hill just as we were about to start, so we started with Monk’s message for the week and pledge while waiting for the last straggler to join us. When everyone was present and accounted for, we began with:

Warm-Up (In-Cadence)

  • Side-Straddle Hops x15
  • Don Quixotes x15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x30
  • Merkins x15
  • LBCs x15
  • Mountain Climbers x15

Partner Up

Dora 1-2-3

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBCs
  • Partner 1 exercises while Partner 2 runs down to the next light pole and does 2 Burpees, runs back, and switches with Partner 1 (Aggregate counting).

Mosey to Student Entrance of SCHS

  • Bunny Hops x30 (Aggregate counting) onto stone benches
  • Derkins x50 OYO on stone benches

Mosey to Traffic Circle

  • Hold plank while each man runs around the traffic cirle
  • Side Note – this was an awful idea after all those Derkins

Mosey to bottom corner of the SCHS Practice Field. Alternate between Zombie Walk (Lunge-Lunge-Squat) and Backwards Zombie Walk up the hill, switching at each light pole, until reaching the top. (Forward-Backward-Forward-Backward)

At the top of the practice field, we completed Burpicides down the hill and back. All-in-all, there were only five Burpees, but lots of running in between each.

Mosey back to Start for Mary

  • Flutter Kicks x15 (IC)
  • Freddie Mercury’s x15 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge Remix (single leg alternating)
  • World War Sit-Ups x10
  • Mason Twist x15 (IC) (‘Merica)

Word of the Week

“And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19

Announcements, Prayer Requests, Name-o-Rama, Prayer

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