Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 10, 2016

Cramerton Speedway

Was a relatively small but high quality crowd today at Goat Island. The weather was perfect. Here’s what I remember:

WU: 10 reps IC of the following: SSH, Merkins, Freddy Mercury, Monkey Humpers, Scorpion Dry Dock, LBC, Mountain Climbers, then 30 Moroccan Night Club con la cucaracha (Whoopee original-MNC with toe raises as if stepping on cockroaches).

The Thang:

Mosey down hill then around to BB&T bldg, partner up, pA goes up/down stairs while pB does AMRAP called exercise X 2 rounds of the following:Merkins, Squats, Scorpion Dry Docks, Toy Hillbillys (mix btwn toy soldier and hillbilly), and hold in hip slapper position (careful to remove shoes each time so as to avoid soiling the walls of the beautiful building). When partners swap position they do 5 LBCs together.

Mosey back to start, Burpee challenge: escalator burpees every 30 seconds (or so)  starting at 1 and going to 10. Next we moseyed to the bottom of the hill right across from bridge for Cramerton Speedway-Catch me if you Can-partner A runs backwards around the town square, partner B does 5 Merkins then runs to catch partner A taking care not to pull a Roscoe/Anthrax sandwich. Swap and repeat process until all the way around the town square. Once back to start, lunge across bridge (5 bonus point for each spiderweb/spider you eat), 10 burpees on other side of bridge then mosey back to start. Next we heard the word of the week from Monk: “I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart.” Followed by the corollary (I am paraphrasing) “While I do 10 burpees.” So we did 10 burpees and called it a day.

Namorama, Prayers for Outhouse, Announcements about BRR, Backwoods Brawl, run for the cars and off to.

Enjoyed it guys. Thanks for pushing hard.



Throwback Thursday – A trip down Route 66

MOUNT MADORIYAMA GASTONIA — Two men meet at the base of the towering mountain ready for an epic throwback Thursday adventure down the infamous Route 66.

As Freight planted the flag, there was humorous banter about a mythical F3 unicorn named Greg Louganis Merkin and how they wanted to see a video of Jolly Roger performing this stunt.

The journey back in time started with a short warm-up to get the oils flowing for an adventure down Main Street of America. Twenty arm circles forward, twenty backwards, followed by twenty side straddle hops. IC of course.

With their heart rates up the first leg of Route 66 got underway with a legend from the 1990’s, Bobby Hurley. With spirits high the men mixed 40-yard sprints in between sixty-six jump shots.

Bobby had other arrangements and for the next leg, and we picked up a hitchhiker named Mr. Merkin to take his place. The Q decided to swap out sprints for 40-yard side steps.

With the second leg complete the crew got a little hungry and took a detour to 1948 for the grand opening of in and out burger. To work up the appetite, they ran backwards down Route 66 for 40 yards and did sixty-six in and outs on their six.

Candy is what they wanted for dessert, and luckily the Starburst plant wasn’t far away. This leg consisted of 40-yard sprints and StarJacks.

For the final leg of Route 66, they went to a galaxy far away. A place where the Imperial Walker’s roam free.

After finishing this epic journey they still had time left and threw in some country music with “Yeah”, 40-yards of lung walks, 20 merkins to Peter Parker to Parker Peter. Finally, 5 Star Burpees to finish it off.


Warmup (all IC):

  • Arm circles – 20 front, 20 back
  • Side straddle hop – 20

Main Event:

  • Route 66 Bobby Hurley
  • Route 66 Merkin with Sideways run
  • Route 66 in outs with backwards running
  • Route 66 Star jacks with running
  • Route 66 Imperial Walker
  • 20 wall taps
  • Yeah
  • Lung walks
  • 20 merkins to Peter Parker to Parker Peter
  • 5 Star Burpees


Only two of us, so it was short and to the point. One advantage is with a small group we got to cover all the F’s. “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” – Proverbs 27:17


7 PAX and 1 FNG posted at Folsom this morning for a leason in time and counting!


SSH x 20 IC

Hillbillies x 10 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey to the shed


HIIT Training on the clock. 45 seconds of the rep and 20 seconds of rest but we counted IC just for practice.

Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Squats then run through the parking lot. x 3

Tri Dips, Freddy Mercury, Step Ups then run through the parking lot. x 2

Ski Burps, LBFC, Calf Raise then run through the parking lot. x 1

Mosey back to the parking lot


Announcements-Backwoods Brawl, Mud Run, Burpee thon, Community Run

Welcome FNG-Roady! Great to have you out. Keep the EH up Folsom!

This will be my last regular workout with the guys at Folsom. During the workout time I will be in the solitary confinement of my office. But no fear I will be back to deliver some pain. Keep up the good work!

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