Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 1, 2016


Today was my first time to Biggerstaff Park ever. Trying to be a good team leader I did some computer recon the night before, however there is nothing like being on the ground and checking out a new AO so I got to the park a little early. I had no trouble finding the spot-Dolph was there with the shovel flag and ready to go. Shortly after I arrived, 9 more alleged convicts from cell block F came thru the Sally Port to leave some sweat at Folsom and dodge the shakedown by the PoPo rolling thru the gloom this morning.

Here is what I remember-we started with the disclaimer then our WU: 10-15 reps IC of the following: SSH, Merkins, Freddy Mercury, Monkey Humpers, Scorpion Dry Docks, and (old man) Don Quixote. After the WU, we moseyed down to the bathroom area for some Dora 1-2-3 with partners. Instead of total number of reps, I set a secret timer with the duration known only to me. We did 3 minutes of Merkins, 4 minutes of LBC, and 5 minutes of squats (partner A did exercise and partner B ran short loop in front of bathroom then flapjack when partner B returns to start).

The walls of the bathroom were really nice, so I decided we did not need to go anywhere yet. Hip slappers were next-we had a few jokes, however, none were particularly funny so we just keep doing hip slappers…I really like these.

Once we semi-recovered from this, Freight led us to the picnic area and we did a few rounds of Dips and Squats IC. During the pauses to recover we talked a bit about the origins of F3 (Dredd and OBT) as well as the 5 rules of F3. I remember really enjoying these discussions when the Fort Mill and CLT guys started us off, not because I remember what they said, but because I really needed some time to catch my breath and recover. We also reviewed “how to count-F3 style” and took turns doing a few exercises IC with the Folsom guys-GREAT JOB!! I still remember my first time leading exercises with CSPAN and Swiper and feeling very……unintelligent. It’s not that hard, however the situation makes it awkward until you do it a few times. Keep working and if you forget, you can google “how to count F3” and see OBT and Dredd with a short video the night before you do your virgin Q. I think we finished with 5 burpees OYO then moseyed back to start. We did the pledge (thanks someone, maybe Freight, for the reminder) then our namorama and COT. Sorry Medicine Woman, can’t give yourself an F3 name. Moose does sound tougher, however, you get what you get and I would not ask for another. It is liable to be much worse.

Later in the day I told Bandit I had one of those “aha” moments. You know, when the light bulb goes on in your head and you realize things are not what they have seemed in a GOOD way? Starting this new AO in Dallas is what we have been training for over the last 11 months-I know we have been told that, but it really did not sink in until after the workout this morning. Getting there early and talking with Dolph, teaching the Folsom guys how to count, talking about the F3 rules, explaining what “you vs you” means, and spending time at the COT watching these guys interact with each other-that is what we are about. Exercise is just the means to get us started on this journey with each other. We are a bunch of guys who like to exercise, however, we are not JUST a bunch of guys who like to exercise, we are F3 and that means so much more. I am just starting to get it. What a great start to my day….Thanks guys.

I am ready for some warmer weather. I got a new redheartthing and can’t wait to post in it….#BRRchallenge.


Don’t they run at the Derecho???

As the Pax started to roll in, it was a great morning to be outside about to tie on a good workout.  10 strong men circled up and what happened is the tales of legends.  After all, it is almost belly shirt season!!

The disclaimer was announced as well as the word of the month and that is “Gratitude”.

SSH IC x15 (first Q counting error)
Moroccan night clubs IC x15
Don Quixote IC x10
Mosey to the flag for the Pledge

The Thang
Mosey back to corner of parking lot where YHC informed the Pax of what was to come
run a lap around the parking lot and plank up until all are finished.  YHC informed all that he would catch the six today.  After the lap (which is right at a 1/4 mile) it was time for some Mary.
LBCs IC x15 (second Q counting error – hard to count with no oxygen)
Flutter kicks ICx15
Hello Dollys x10
V-ups x10

Time for some pain.  The Pax worked suicides at the parking lot stripes (about 12 lines for 75 feet) followed by some Mericans.

Everyone counts off and we get another lap with some Mary at the end
Freddy Mercury IC x15
Satisfiers x10 (lift legs from six inches to 90 degrees and push your legs up at the top to engage your core — thanks to Godfather for the name)
Windshield wipers ICx10

Run another parking lot lap and the Q has successfully made sure the six is accounted for.  The lap is followed up by what else….Mary, but with some new exercises.
Dancing chillicutt IC x10 (elbow plank and alternate lifting legs)
Gas pumps x10 (start with LBC and extend legs to six inches and bring back)
Guantanamos (Pax circle up and hold 45 degrees while one member runs around the circle and pushes the legs down).  When YHC got to the end, he decided to make Godfather hold until yelled at.

Follow up Mary with some curb crawls.  The pax find a curb on an island and do a sideways bear crawl completely around it.  Fresh Prince has hands of steel as he mustered through broken glass and said that he only wished it hurt more.

Run yet another lap and circle back up for a wave of Mericans:  5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  One of the other things I like to do is engage the Pax in a round of Mary so everyone took turns calling out an exercise and they are WW2 sit-ups, Mericans, French fries, Russian twists, dying or flailing cockroaches, LBCs, homer to marge and Burpees (someone had to say it).

As time was running short, YHC advise there would be time for a quick 40-yard sprint.  It was at that point the Q was pressured to assure that there was nothing else coming because the gas tank could not be emptied if so.

We all mosey back to the start for the name-o-rama and COT.

Prayers go out to Outhouse (mom) and Godfather (mother-in-law).

Announcements:  Post more than Whoopie and get $50 toward yours or someone else’s BRR fee.  At last check, there were six hard commits for runners and one HC for a driver.  The team is looking for 10-12.  Community run and Mud run in April.

It was a pleasure being able to lead and I sincerely appreciate everyone showing up.





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