Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2015 (Page 2 of 3)

The Next Exercise Is… The One Mile Run

Just starting to get used to the chili mornings here in Gastonia.  But the cold weather has not kept the brave from posting.  Against their better judgement, 6 PAX posted at #MarthasHouse.  Hats off if you got ’em.  We start with the Pledge.

Here is how it went…

First we mosey from Brewsters to Martha Rivers parking lot for quick warm up…

  • SSH IC x20
  • Merkins IC x20
  • MC IC x20
  • LBC IC x20

And the next exercise is….the one mile run.  Linus-clockwise.  Better keep up with Q since he’s the only one with headlight.  Back side of the track was completely void of any light.  One anonymous PAX (sounds like Tree Square) verbally noted “I should have stayed home today”.  But reality is that #HIM don’t fartsack – that’s what the other 99% did.  So we run the outer loop around Martha Rivers park which is 1 mile.  We regroup right where we started for some light ab work…

  • LBC IC x20
  • Dying Cockroach IC x20
  • XYs – IC x20 (need to practice that – very awkward)
  • Homer & Marge on Q’s count.

And the next exercise is… wait, are you ready for this…  wait for it…. Yep!  The reverse one mile run. Running the track clockwise was just a dark as Linus-clockwise. Regroup at the starting spot.

Next we partner up for 11s.  Merkins and Bomb Jacks across the parking lot.

Finally we mosey back to Brewsters with 3 minutes to spare for 3 MOM, peoples choice.

Wrap up with Name-O-Rama, COT and BOM.  Keeping T-Square in prayers (job interview Friday and for his mother in law).

As always…. an honor and pleasure to lead you guys!



10/22 #GoatIsland BB – “Winging It and Crowd Funding”

7 PAX joined together in the cold for yet another of Godfather’s “winging it” workouts. I’m sure the PAX would agree that after Q’ing the same AO for the last three weeks, that Godfather should get his act together and actually start planning something, “But until then…”. With Dolph announcing it was 5:30 on the dot, it was time to begin this chilly Thursday morning beatdown…


  • Side-Straddle Hop x15 (IC)
  • Monkey Humpers (AKA JoBu’s) x10 (IC)*
  • Diamond Merkins x10 (IC)

*The Monkey Humpers/JoBu’s were dedicated to JoBu, who will be competing in the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC this week. Make us proud, JoBu!

The Thang

After counting off to SEVEN, the PAX split up with three men going to one end of the parking lot and four going to the other. At one end, the group of three would be doing Merkins AMAP and at the other end, the other group was completing Prayer Squats AMAP. Just for fun, one person would do a Coupon Carry down to the other end of the lot and switch off with another man. The coupon, as the PAX would quickly learn, was a pole that had been knocked down by some overzealous park goer. When all the PAX had carried the coupon the length of the Parking Lot, the exercise was over.

The PAX then moseyed around the Parking Lot before taking a detour through grass to stop at the picnic tables. The next exercises was 10 Step-Ups, 10 Dips, and 10 Bunny Hops onto the bench of the picnic tables. Admittedly, it was a little too slick so I might have only done 6 Bunny Hops – but I have to live with that. The next round at the picnic tables was 10 Incline Merkins and 10 Decline Merkins.

After drying off their hands/gloves, the PAX moseyed to one end of the parking lot. T-Claps to BA for posting the picture of James Brown and Michael Jackson and inspiring this next exercise. Rather than simply Zombie Walking from one end of the Parking Lot to another, the PAX hit a normal Zombie Walk half-way and then switched to a Moon Walk Zombie Walk (Zombie Walk backwards) for the second half.

Once we all regained our composure – those MWZW’s will do damage to your knees – the PAX were then introduced to Burpicides – the horrible lovechild of Burpees and Suicides. To get to the other end of the Parking Lot, the PAX had to make four stops and four burpees**. Between the first and second rounds, there were a couple of count-offs to let everyone catch their breath.

**Shout out to Dolph for completing some extra credit on the play – He did a Burpee at every stop, not just at the turning points.

Feeding into Godfather’s nostalgia, the PAX moseyed up the hill but detoured off the sidewalk to the bottom of the hill for few rounds of Hill Beatdowns. Round 1 of the HB was to Bear Crawl up the hill and mosey down twice. Round 2 of HB was to Bunny Hop up the hill and mosey down. Round 3 of the BH was to Crab Walk up the hill (thanks Top Hat) but several of the PAX succumbed to gravity and had to finish the hill by walking (actually just one, it was me).

Back on the side walk, it was time for a little crowd-funded Mary. Each of the PAX led one ab exercise.

  • Dolph – Canoe/Raft
  • Anthrax – Homer to Marge
  • E4 – Freddie Mercury
  • Godfather – World War 2 Sit-Ups
  • Yack – Side Lunge
  • Top Hat – Russian Twist
  • Mayor – V-Ups
  • Dolph – Supermans

Since we were at the entrance to bridge anyway, Top Hat suggests were do Imperial Walkers across the bridge, but we audibles to only do those half way and finish with Hillbillies. Another brave soul suggested a Bear Crawl on the way back, but again we audibled to do 5 Burpees OYO and finish the bridge with Backwards Skip.

With three minutes left on the clock, there was just enough time to mosey back to the Parking Lot and do a Ring of Fire with 5-4-3-2-1 Merkins. At the COT, several PAX stepped up to Q for the following week. T-Claps to Top Hat and Anthrax for taking #TheStorm and #GoatIsland respectively next week.


  • We still need a fill-in for the Mud Run.
  • Keep JoBu in your thoughts Sunday morning; he’ll be running 26.2 miles!
  • Don’t let the cold keep you from coming to work outs! In the words of Anthrax, “the hardest part is getting out of bed” but Godfather also added, “…until you open that door.”
  • Coffeeteria – 1 in attendance

MudRun Fall 2015 #Preblast Race Day

Mud Run Spring 2014 #PreBlast

We trust all of you are excited and ready to be a part in our largest gathering of F3 men. When F3 Nation descends upon the Leatherneck this Saturday, we will definitely turn some heads and draw a lot of attention. There are a few logistical changes, so this PreBlast is an attempt to provide sufficient detail so things run smoothly. A schedule of events and the F3 Starting Order are included at the bottom.

ARRIVAL**:      You should plan to arrive at The Leatherneck by 7:00am. You do not want to be late. Running from the parking lot to make your start time will make for a miserable day. The Physical Address of the Leatherneck is 1215 Valley Ridge Rd., Gaston, SC 29053. Directions are below:


Find directions here.

THE TENT:      This year, the F3 tent will be right next to the starting line. You won’t be able to miss it, because we have the biggest, baddest tent on site. It will also be well marked with flags and banners, and will serve as our central meeting point.

Bag Check:      There is a bag check for normal registered runners.  This location will be chaos.  Plan to check you bag into the F3 tent. We will have several volunteers that will be staying at the tent and I’ve heard that F3 Nation brothers are pretty damned trustworthy!

SHOVEL FLAGS:      Please bring EVERY shovel flag in your Region and plant them at the tent upon arrival. This is always a significant gathering, and the flags will make a statement.

THE MUD RUN WAIVER:      Bring the COMPLETED mud run waiver form with you (ONE PER TEAM IS REQUIRED TO BE COMPELTED).TEAM CAPTAINS are responsible for your team’s waiver (we will print some extras to be available at the F3 tent). Print the waiver here:

Runner Waiver

REGISTRATION:      Don’t go register until your ENTIRE team is Assembled. You register at the registration tent (NOT THE F3 TENT).  Give them your waiver and get your race bibs and get marked up with your numbers. Team Captains will get the team’s timing chip. You will be free to come back to the F3 tent after you register.  T-shirts can be picked up (as a completed team) at the F3 tent.

THE START:      Teams start every 15 seconds. This is it. Do well.

THE COURSE:      The course layout is the same this year.  Watch Twitter (@F3MudRun) for any course recon updates prior to the race. There should be actual Marines monitoring obstacles (rather than JRROTC volunteers). The Marines are much more strict when it comes to attempting/completing each obstacle or taking penalties. With 108 teams, odds are very high that one of us will piss off a Marine with a hard-on to bust somebody. Don’t let it be you.

Fountainhead’s “Wiki-Mud” provides strategy tips and information about specific obstacles and is recommended reading:

Purple Crayon’s “How To Beat the Mud Run Obstacles” is also excellent (Note: order of obstacles has changed):

THE FINISH:      You must cross the finish line with your entire team. In our meetings with the Mud Run reps, they specifically mentioned this rule. Team Captains with the timing chip must finish with your three teammates and ONLY your three teammates.

AFTER THE RACE:      When you are off the course, the mud run will have fruit, water, etc. for you. You can also hang around the finish line to welcome your buddies as they finish. At some point, you will want to make your way toward the “showers” (which are hardly more than a glorified garden hose) for a rinse off. Don’t think for a minute you’re gonna get all the mud off you. That will take weeks. After you clean up a bit, make your way back to the F3 Tent for 2ndF (AND ENJOY THE BEER BOAT!!!) We will have this stocked for you and remember that GLASS BOTTLES AND PERSONAL COOLERS ARE NOT ALLOWED INSIDE THE GROUNDS.

OPERATION ENDURING WARRIOR DONATION:      Operation Enduring Warrior is an organization that supports disabled veterans through training and competing in obstacle races. You may have seen photos of the OEW guys wearing gas masks during the mud run. Their web site is here:

F3 Nation will again support their efforts this year with a financial donation and moral support. You may remember having the option to make a donation to OEW when you signed up on the F3 Mud Run website. We raised about $1700 that way. On the morning of the race, we will “pass the hat” again for anyone who would like to donate to OEW and increase our check size. There will be a donation bucket (very well marked)  at the tent. We will also have a F3 volunteer walking around with a bucket. Think about it – if all 420 of us gave just $5, we’d add $2100.

OEW CHECK PRESENTATION: At approximately 7:45am F3 (Fountainhead and Napalm) will present our check donation to OEW. Logistics are still being finalized regarding exactly where that exchange will take place, but we only have about a five minute window before OEW hits the starting line, and we don’t want to back up the rest of the starters. We’ll annouce this when it’s time.

PHOTOSAt approximately 11:00AM, we will take our group picture (please be at our tent at 11:00AM for this). This should not take but a few minutes. We will also have several photographers on the course.

BUSTED PAW:      The awarding of the Busted Paw will take place immediately following photos. It better be a team from F3 that wins this and not a pack if FIA gals……


Tenative Schedule of Events:

  • 7:00 Arrive at F3 Tent.
  • 7:15 Plant your Shovel Flags.
  • 7:00-7:30 OEW Donation/Collections.
  • 7:30-8:00 Race Prep, Check-in, Registration, Numbering (Full Team must register together).
  • 7:35-8:05 Pick-up T-shirt at F3 Tent.
  • 7:45-8:00 Check Presentation to OEW by Fountainhead and Napalm (Depends when OEW starts race).
  • 8:00-8:15 BOM by Dredd (immediately after we do Check Presentation to OEW).
  • 8:45-9:12 All F3 teams Start Race.
  • 9:45-10:45 F3 Teams Finish (Go shower and then head to F3 Tent for 2nd F).
  • 10:50 Busted Paw Trophy Presentation
  • 11:00 Final F3 Group Photo.


Since this run’s inception, we have received countless communications regarding starting times. You name it, we’ve heard opinions from every region. After carefully weighing all the information, the overwhelming consensus was that most of the regions wanted the chance to compete for The Busted Paw against each other’s best competition and on a level playing field. It also became apparent that any solution we offered was going to piss somebody off. This year we have a LOT more regions running for the first time (and not all necessarily consider themselves in the running to take home the trophy).

The defending champion South Beach is not registed to defend there team title so ALL F3 teams are together with nobody between us. Each Regional Q ranked each of the teams from their region.

When all teams were blended together for ranking,  we considered three primary factors:

  1. Evaluated past team performance, with a bit of priority consideration given to the top 8 finishing times.
  2. Gave a bit of priority consideration to the total number of teams participating from each region.
  3. Created a weighted team average based on total “points” per runner on the team.  Remember when you registed and you had to select a goal for the MudRun?  Yep, that’s what we used.  This was mostly to use as a tiebreaker where needed.

Basically each region has an equitable starting position to compete for The Paw. Any arguments and speculation should be finally decided in the arena.

While this might not be the best way, its how it was done, and it all should work out just fine.

SO The best part about this is IF you don’t like where your team is, Here are the things you can blame instead of ganging up on YHC:

  • Blame your Regional Q for giving you a Regional Seed than you think should have been better.
  • Blame your Region for not bringing more Pax to the dance.
  • Blame Yourself for not paying attention when you registered (by selecting “Simply Survive the Leatherneck” if you really meant to select “Serious Contender For the Busted Paw”).

With that said HERE are the Starting Times (and remember if you are part of F3 then every last one of you has a “priority starting time”)!



Below is the Individual Registed Runner List (with the Teams they belong to):

F3 Nation Individuals per team

PDF Version-Individuals per team

Blood Clots…Bones Heal…Sweat Dries…Pride is FOREVER!


BackBlast: #TheStorm (10/20/15)- Staying Out Of The Cold

11 PAX showed up for one of BA’s non running workouts. The PAX were surprised when it was announced there would be no cinder blocks used in today’s workout.  The PAX were also pleased to learn some of the workout would be done in the weight room with the garage door 1/2 way up due to BA not enjoying the chilly morning.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 20
  • Don Quixote x 10
  • LBC x 20
  • Prayer Squats x 10


Mosey To The Weight Room


Music Time

  • Roxanne/STING AND THE POLICE (Push Ups on Roxanne and Plank Jacks on Red Light) 3:08
  • 30 Dips
  • Thunderstruck/ACDC (Burpees on Thunder…. During Instrumental 9 SSH) 4:52
  • 30 Dips
  • Sally/MOBY “FLOWER” (Squats on Sally Up/Down) 3:26
  • 30 Dips
  • Bodies Hit The Floor/Drowning Pool (Push Up on Hit Floor and Donkey Kick on Counting) 3:21
  • 30 Dips
  • Farmer’s Daughter/Rodney Atkins (Carry Weight Around Room Until End Of Song) 3:30
  • 30 Dips

Counted off after every song…sometimes twice

Wall Sits With 25lb Plate x 1:00, 1:30, 2:00

Wave Merkins (5,4,3,2,1)

SSH x 20

Don Quixote x 10

LBC x 20

Prayer Squats x 10

Mosey To The Shovel Flag


  • Count Off
  • Announcements: More Of The PAX Need To Start Qing, Need A Fill In For Mud Run
  • Prayers: TSquare’s Mother In Law
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 1 In Attendance

Again It Was My Pleasure Leading The PAX today.


Gas House Back Blast 100 – 1 =

9 PAXclimbed out of the comfy warm bed to battle the bitter cool air. They showed up slowly 1…….then 2………. 3,4,……. I was starting to feel bad thinking it was me. NAH! It has to be the weather…… Right?!?!? Anyway here’s what went down.

Mosey to the church……. No the other way, across from the school. There you go…. Mosey to lower parking lot…… It was the breakfast we smelt cooking that attracted us there. I told the 9 strong but cold pax “ok that was the warm up!” They looked surprised. I then repeated the math problem I posted on Twitter as my pre blast. 100-1= …. Surprisingly we have some math majors. That’s right! The 99 workout!!!! I could type it all out for you to read but it’s best as a hands on workout. So…. Look it up or scroll down to earlier in the year. We did it at the goat once before. After the workout we played “chutes and ladders.” Ok, well it was like it but not….. We moseyed up the zig zag parking lot doing burpees at each turn 15 in total. Then once at top of parking lot sprint down to the beginning. 10 mins left. We slow mosey back to museum for 5 min of Mary!

At the end of the hour the 8 strong men and I did this:
319-high knees
308sec- air squats
351sec- planking

Thanks for allowing me to be apart! Strong work guys!

Bandit Can’t Spell…

Five more exercises to go and only 90 seconds left on the clock…  Next exercise is the American Hammer… you might call this the Russian Twist.  In position, ready exercise… 1,2,3, ONE, 1,2,3, HALT.  Next exercise is the Flutter Kick. Next exercise is Turkish Get Up….. Next exercise is the V-Up Roll Up… Next exercise is the XYs….

Well that is pretty much how this #DownPainMent ended.  A bit rushed.  We got everything in, but we went 90 seconds over.  #SorryNotSorry.

It was a few weeks earlier when YHC got the idea for this workout.  Thinking to himself…”I’ll surgically piece together 26 exercises (one for every letter in the alphabet) into a 45 minute beatdown — the best #Downtown workout yet.”  This was going to be great and totally original.  OK, it turns out planning this might have been more difficult than the workout itself.  Oh yeah… and about the original part… after some research on, there was a long line of creative geniuses doing this ahead of me too.

Regardless, everyone got in a good workout and no one requested a refund!.  Here is how it went…

Warmup (we started at the Pavilion)…

  • Goofballs IC x20
  • Hillbillies IC x 20
  • LBC IC x 20
  • Moraccan Nightclubs IC X 50

The Thang

Indian Run to the Parking Deck…

Ballerinas IC x 20 (not as easy as it looks on paper)

Monkey Humpers IC x 20 (just realized we have a duplicate here)

Subsititue Nerkins (nose first) for Knerkins (Chuck Norris Knuckle Pushups).  I think we did 8 IC.  At this point the PAX was pretty certain Bandit could no longer spell and might need to break out the dictionary from time to time.

Robert Plant (running up flights of steps like Stairway to Heaven) to top of Parking Deck.  Audible was called here as that was just too easy… needed to add Highway to Hell (running back down to bottom) to this set of musically named sets.  (since we already did Hillbillies in WU, can’t take credit for the letter H again).  Rinse and repeat x4.

Quadraphilia (yes like can’t feel my quad’s anymore).  Down and up parking deck ramp x4.

Zombie Walk (this was standard issue F3 Zombie Walk (straight lunge walk), not the local famed Godfather Zombie Walk (lunge, lunge, squat).  This was done down two straightaways and two ramps (one complete floor in the Parking Deck).

Cherkins (lookup Cheese Head Merkins) IC x 20

Werkins (wide arm).  IC x 8

Pullups AMRAP for 2 minutes

This next part I will concur was a bit of a cheat.  PAX had the option to traverse from Parking Deck to the Circle of Art using one of the following methods… Empty Wheelbarrow, Ollie North, Dan Taylors, or Yeti.  Ok… so I took a little creative license on the Yeti.  You won’t find this on F3Nation, but its basically a winter-like version of the Zombie Walk.  Just lunge walk and groan like a Yeti might.

Knerkins OYO x10

Jump Ups OYO x20

Up Downs for about 60 seconds.

Next we Sprint back to Pavilion where our story began and wrap up 26 exercises in 45 minutes (last 5 at warp speed).  In then end we all made our DownPainMent and had a good workout.  Any way you cut it, this is way better than working out with Fern.  As always, honored to lead such a great group of men.

– Bandit

Core Luxation

Here’s the back blast from this morning, sort of…Whoopee gets to author this since Dr. Feelgood has not been granted a password as of right now. Whoopee’s original plan was to alter this and insert his own special “humor”, however the creative juices just are not flowing so you get the true version from Feelgood-don’t think you will be so lucky next time Dr. Feelgood-need to get a password from Bandit-you have been warned……


SSH X 25 IC, Mogul Run Calf Burn X 25 IC, Merkins X 15 IC, 8 Count Body Builders X 10ish (we repeated 9 several times to throw the Pax off), Bonnie Squats to the tune of “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean…” IC sort of-everyone needs singing lessons.

Indian Run with 5 Merkin delay for the last Indian around the parking lot.

COP: Merkins X 12 IC, Peter Parkers X 15 IC, CDD X 12 IC, Floyd Mayweathers X 15 IC.

Mosey to playground with Hallelujah (hands in the air, wave ’em like you just don’t care…)

At the swings, partner up and P1 does knees to chest in plank with feet in swing X 20 OYO while P2 holds plank, T-Square took the lead a called some spontaneous alternating arms and legs in the air….do I smell a Q coming soon from T-Square????

Next, lay on ground and see who can get the most wood chips on their body? Side plank tricep extensions in a descending ladder with alternating arms (5,4,3,2,5 reps each arm).

LBC X 20

Mosey to picnic tables: 2 sets of alternating 10 jump ups/10 derkins IC, 20 LBC IC, 2 sets of alternating 10 jump ups/10 derkins IC.

Mosey to start with alternating regular, reverse, and sideways runs.

Ring of Fire-Al Gore hold while other ran around old Brewster’s building (oldest to youngest)

Final Core: Flutter kicks, heels to heaven, plank fries, LBCs

COT:countarama, namorama, BOM, Prayers lifted for PAX, family members, and community, and in gratitude for many blessings.

Moleskin: A beautiful cool early fall morning met a sleepy bunch ready to make the day’s downpainment.

Q failed his country and the PAX by planning to do the pledge after WU but forgot-forgiveness humbly requested.

Pax worked hard and bodily sounds replaced some of the other hot air usually heard at Martha’s House by others like Stroganoff, Monk, Bandit, Dolph, Roscoe, Brownstreak, Squeeker…Anyone seen Wink?

Thought singing was a bit pitchy…next time Bonnie will be sung until it is right.

Looked hard for Mrs. Long during workout…must be family fun day.

While the running was less than some previous workouts, there should be some sore cores tomorrow.

Always a pleasure and honor to sweat in the gloom with you guys! Aye!

Riding the Storm Out

15 men answered the call this morning to ride the storm out.

Pledge of allegiance.

Warmup – SSH IC X10, Americans IC x10, MNC IC x10 and then to get wet with some LBC IC x10.

The Thang – Mosey across the parking lot and get a count. Partner up. One Jumps rope while the other sprints to the blocks for block curls, OH press or French curls for 20 reps and runs back. As many rounds as you can for 10 minutes.

Mosey a short distance around the corner. With the same partner do handstand push-ups in aggregate to 20 and then 20 squats. Once that’s done, hit the wall again for round 2.

After another short mosey back around the corner, it was time for the exercise relay (aka Bermuda triangle curtesy of Brownstreak) for rounds with different exercises at each corner. Corner one was Americans, corner two was squats and corner three…Burpees. Everybody starts exercising at the same time, but station one with 20 Americans started the charge. When they finished and ran to the next station and touch someone. They would then move to the next one and so on. The relay revolves around the 20 Americans being the trigger, but due to the “clerical error” the relay had to be ran a second time. The fellows at corner three started with Burpee’s, finished with Burpee’s and then had to do them second round.

After another mosey back to the flag, a 1…2…3…with your original partner for 100 lunges 200 squats 300 mountain climbers while partner does 25 LBC. Switch off and keep the count going.

Name-a-rama and COT.

It was a pleasure leading and being a part of the group with you fellows this morning.


Forrest Gump – Redux (Burpees Happen)

10 brave souls gathered in the early morning gloom unsure of what was coming.  Right turn?  Left turn?  Forrest Gump?  Wolfpack Grinder?  No burpees (after Friday it should have been a burpee free zone)

Warm-Up (IC)

SSH X 18

LBC’s X 19

Imperial Walkers X 18

Freddie Mercury’s X 18

Mosey to the Flag for the Pledge and…………RIGHT TURN – FORREST GUMP REDUX

The Thang

Mosey Indian Run to the Church (No one sang Hozier’s Take Me to Church but we thought about it)

Station 1 Sunday School (IC)

Merkins X 12

Prayer Squats X 15

Flutter Kicks X 20

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey to Hillbilly’s BBQ for Station 2 (IC)

Hillbilly’s X 15 (Can only imagine what drivers were thinking as they passed by)

Merkins X 12

Prayer Squats X 15

LBC’s X 20

Mosey to Lineberger Park Flag Circle for Station 3 – Partner up for 1 – 2 – 3

Combined with partner:  100 Merkins, 200 Mountain Climbers, 300 Flutter Kicks

While first partner starts exercises, other runs/walks/skips/moseys up to the top of the steps by pool and returns and switches off.  (This looked better on paper)

Mosey to upper picnic area for Station 4 (IC)

Dips X 22

Prayer Squats X 15

Derkins X 11

Flutter Kicks X 20

Mosey back to Flag Circle for Station 5 – Ring of Fire

5 Merkins followed by 10 LBC’s

Mosey back to the Church for Station 6 (Hozier – Take me to Church)

Stroganoff’s attempt at planking was disturbed by Whoopee’s personal space rule breaking.  Stroganoff could only look away.

Station 6 (IC)

Merkins X 12 (Again, Whoopee pushed the limits with his awkward space issues causing the Q to stumble through the cadence – but he perservered)

Flutter Kicks X 25 (We think)

Monkey Humpers X 10

5 Burpees OYO (I know, this was supposed to be a burpee free day…..Dolph wore down the Q until he relented)

Mosey back to basecamp.

The Q suspects the group moseyed close to 2.5 miles…..just because Forrest felt like it.

Name-o-rama and prayer requests.  Prayer pays dividends as a good report from Feelgood concerning Outhouse’s daughter (T-Claps) and continued prayers as T-Square continues the new career search.

Prayers and thanks go out to each one of you for the motivation you put forth for the Q today.  I am grateful and honored to lead the group and hope the time was both well spent and somewhat difficult.  It was time well spent for me.

Until next time…..Aye!!


Mo’ Burpees, please…

7 hungry Pax convened at the rotary today, and burpees were on the menu with a side order of burpees. I posted a few pics the night before and did not want to disappoint those who chose to avoid the fartsack. Fortunately no one had a fanny pack, at least not yet……

WU: SSH, Flutter Kicks, Merkins, Don Quixote, then……10 burpees OYO.

Next was Pledge of Allegiance-thanks to Bandit for bringing the flag-not sure if anyone else has noticed, Bandit has been the flag bearer for a whole lot of days. Thanks Bandit. We then took a lap and a half around the parking lot and got to the main dish.

Last week the Mayor talked about a burpee challenge the police department does each year and I just could not resist. The contest is start at time 0 and do 1 burpee, every minute the person does X number of burpees which increase by 1 at start of each minute (elevator up by 1 each minute) and go for as long as those participating can go-if I remember correctly the winner in the past was a 13 year old girl who made in to 18? We modified this after the first minute (too much standing around-AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!!). We did 30 second intervals after the first minute: time 0 did 1 burpee, at 1 minute did 2 burpees, and 1 1/2 min we did 3 burpees……. I think we made it to 8 burpees which was much harder than it sounds as I sit here typing that. Hope that 13 year old girl doesn’t post in GasHouse….. to be fair, it took us close to 30 seconds to complete the 8 burpees so in future will have to keep that in mind.

We then moseyed to the parking deck and partnered up. Partner 1 ran up the stairs to the top of the deck then came down any way he could to his partner and swapped. Partner 2 lunged up the deck long ways with 3 burpees after every 5 lunges. When partner 1 returned he would swap and run up the stairs then again back to his partner. This continued until both pax reached top of the deck. At the top we lunged across the length of the deck then moseyed down to the long way (no stairs) to the bottom. At the bottom we did 20 dry docks of your own personal choice (Carolina or Scorpion). After a quick count to catch our breath we moseyed to the art circle thing with benches thru a back door. Luckily it was not too far from the dumpster so we could smell last week’s leftovers without much effort at all.

At the art circle thing with benches we each took turns calling cadence for alternating sets of squats and dips. I think we did a total of about 140 dips and 140 squats. A few added their own personal twist to this (I liked the initiative and creativity) with Boss Hogg (RESPECT) showing some ninja like moves with his “Teacher, may I have another” squats, followed by Roscoe with his ? pistol squats-don’t think that was the name but can’t remember what they were called. It looked like something Daniel-son did after working with Mr. Miagi and drinking too much sake (that’s a Japanese word for “Merlot” and “Merlot” is a fancy Charlotte word for budweiser-now it makes sense, right?).

At this point we were running out of time so we moseyed back to start, did SSH, something else I can’t remember, then I think we did a few more burpees and held plank until exactly 615am.

Counterama, namorama, announcements-PRAYERS FOR OUTHOUSE AND FAMILY. Hoping for great news soon. Either way, we are here for you. Lean on us if you need it.

Thanks for another great morning-Whoopee.


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