Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2015 (Page 1 of 3)

Jailbreak at Martha’s House

After several days of never ending rain,  8 PAX met in the soggy gloom.  Since the weather was nice, it was time for the PAX to make a break for it.

WU: was done a bit different than usual, some said it didn’t even resemble a warm up..

Each exercise 25 seconds OYO with 5 second break

  • SSH
  • Burpees
  • Plank Jacks
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kicks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Power Jumps

Recover and say The Pledge Of Allegiance

Time to run around the yard, Indian Run to concession stand and then back out to parking lot.


  • PAX circled up for 10 PCMBs (Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpee)

Next PAX lined up in between traffic islands for 11s

  • 1 x Star Jack > bear crawl to adjacent island > 10 x Prisoner Get ups
  • Mosey back to start >  2 x Star Jack > bear crawl > 9 x Prisoner get ups > mosey
  • this was a real #crowdpleaser but looking at the time audible was called around set 8
Since its important to flee the big house with a partner, PAX paired up for Squerkins
  • Partner A planked while Partner B held his legs
  • Partner A did a merkin and then Partner B did a squat…5 counts each then switch x 2
Mosey over to building
  • 1 minute of BTTW
  • 1 minute of Al Gore
Mosey back to parking lot, PAX circled up on their 6s
  • 25 each side Russian twist
  • 50 Dying Cockroaches
  • 50 LBFC-  Kinda like rubbing your head and patting your stomach at the same time
Indian Run back to ice cream with an unexpected halt for 10 merkins IC single count
Cool down was an abbreviated version of warm up


  • Announcements: Hope Builders 5k, Mud Run, CLT Runway 5k
  • Prayer Requests
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to Q, I’ll be back! You men are awesome!!
See you all in the gloom!

Richard Simmons

BackBlast: #The Storm 9/29/15- Wet T Shirt Contest

BB #TheStorm 9/29/15- Wet T Shirt Contest

As I was driving to #TheStorm for the F3 workout this morning I was wondering how many of the PAX would fart-sack due to the rainy conditions.  I was expecting 4 or 5 of the regulars to show and that is about it.  I had 2 workouts planned based on the weather (inside/outside), but as I pulled into the parking lot at SCHS I saw 14 men (including myself) ready to go.  Seeing this dedication I decided no matter how bad the weather got we were staying outside in the rain/gloom.

Note: We put in 2.5 miles in during this workout….. that may be a record for BA during one of his Q’s.


All in cadence

  • SSH x 50
  • Don Quixote’s x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 10
  • Little Baby Dips (using curb) x 10
  • LBC’s x 10

Recover and Say The Pledge Of Allegiance

Mosey to the concession stand next to the softball/baseball fields


  • Wall Sits while 1-3 men run down the hill to the parking lot and back until everyone ran

Get those cinder blocks out and partner up

  • Standing Chest Press x 300/Run past bleachers and back
  • Merkins on Cinder Block x 100/Run past bleachers and back
  • Curls x 200/Run past bleachers and back

Planking with right arm/right leg/left arm/left leg until PAX was done

During one of these planking sessions Godfather and BA both decided to channel their inner Ric Flair and have a Woo off while planking.  Nothing like hearing WOOOOOO’s go back and forth.

Stack cinder blocks back up and mosey to parking lot

  • SSH x 50
  • Don Quixote’s x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 10
  • Little Baby Dips (using curb) x 10
  • LBC’s x 10
  • Wave of Merkins (1,2,3)


  • Count Off
  • Naming of FNG- Fresh Prince (from Philadelphia)
  • Announcements: Hope Builders 5k, Mud Run, CLT Runway 5k
  • Prayers: Defib- Going on a mission to Haiti and asking for prayers
  • Coffeeteria At Floyd And Blackies- 2 In Attendance

Again I am honored to lead the PAX in the workout today,



World Cup? Not Really…

As the sun continues to rises later these days 12 PAX gather at The Schiele as the rain kept coming down.  It was the gloom for sure!  Other than rain and the promise of a #DownPainMent, the PAX were given little insight into today’s activities.  After YHC’s brief disclaimer, Goose knocks out his VQ with authority for the warmup (nice job 2.0!)…

IW 20 IC
Merkins 20 IC
CH Squat 20 IC

The Thang
YHC leads the mosey to courtyard at Greer MS where PAX partner up (size doesn’t matter) for Dora 1-2-3 (100 merks, 200 lbc, 300 squats). While one partner does exercise, other partner runs stairs and then flip flops to continue to total specified total reps.

As PAX catch a quick breather, Goose gets the courtyard ready for some modified world cup action. Partners now become opponents as partner A becomes crab and partner B becomes bear for 20 minutes of soccer.  With each goal scored, crabs and bears flip flop (crab becomes bear and vice versa) and teams switch out goalies who plank in their positions.

Next we mosey back to The Schiele for Wall of Fire.  Everyone People’s Chair while first PAX completes 10 CDD, 10 lbc, and 10 burps/burpees.  Second PAX  starts once first PAX finishes CDDs.  Rinse and Repeat X2

Next we mosey across the street to wall at the Library.  We split into two groups.  Group A bear crawls up hill to sidewalk and back while group B does wall pull ups.  Once group A completes 2 rounds, groups filp flop.  Rinse and Repeat x2

Next up are Donkey Kicks x10 IC.  Rinse and Repeat x4.  Counting was IMPRESSIVE.  Definite crowd favorite today.  AYE!

Finally we mosey back to The Schiele for 2.5 minutes of Mary. Maybe we did some LBCs, not sure.  But we did finish with Dying Cockroach x10.

In the end, everyone put in big DownPainMent and walked away wet and stronger.  Just as YHC promised!



Rain and Pain at the Pavilion

YHC had to call out potential fartsackers due to the weather forecast, and it seemed to work since we had twelve faithful and dedicated men show up to get better.  We started right on time under the weather protection of the Rotary Pavilion, but it didn’t last long.

The Warm Up:
We started with SSH, Prayer Squats (YHC was called for a false start because it was too early to count correctly) LBC’s, Don Quixote’s, Merkins
We then began a slow jog to the parking lot when we spotted Anthrax sneaking in to the lot. We circled back and completed five SSH (credit to Whoopie for introducing brief warmups for all late arrivals) and then moseyed to the Methodist Church for one minute of step ups.

Another brief run to the steps of the bank where we got the backs of our shirts wet and completed an ab routine that consisted of flutter kicks, backstrokes, Marge to Homer, and a crowd favorite, the Capital alphabet. There were lots of low groans and mumbling on this one but at least the rain kept us cool. The sound of a lonesome train whistle made me want to lead them to the tracks but a quick lane change turned into the group splitting up across the street. It was too dark and wet for Frogger, so we waited on our six until the rest could cross the street and regrouped at the base of the parking deck where we started…

The Thang:
At the bottom of one side of the deck, 5 burpees OYO. Lunge walk to the other side. Bearcrawl up the incline. Stairs down and go up the incline backwards while Bearcrawling (Joe Hendrix). Repeado x5 stopping twice to do some one minute rounds of LBC’s and jump squats. When we got towards the top we did some monkey humpers and then lunged up the incline and partered off for burpee long jumps across the top. One partner does burpee long jumps for ten yards and the partner lunges ten yards. Once we finally got to the top and enjoyed the drizzling rain, we did some merkins and then Bandit led us back to the flagpole for the Pledge, COT, and prayer.

Very happy to have a good showing today and especially to welcome FNG’s Yak and Boss Hogg to F3Nation. Roscoe loves having another Dukes of Hazzard character in F3 but unlike the television show, will never refer to him as my “little chubby buddy”.


For those that was there…you remember and for those that wasn’t…. Here’s what you didn’t do

Warm up: mixed exercises ( you all know the routine) followed by a mosey to the bridge (modified) fellowship mosey, butt kicks, right side steps, left side steps….

I introduced “The Lindy” to the unafraid guys of Gastonia. Special thanks to Arizona of Mtnisland for allowing me to bring this exercise to you. Thank you Sir….much respect to You and all the Quarry Men!

Set 1
25 Jump Squats
25 Burpees
.1 Mile Lap

Set 2
25 Jump Squats
25 Burpees
200 High Knees
.1 Mile Lap

Set 3
25 Jump Squats
25 burpees
200 High Knees
200 Mt Climbers
.1 Mile Lap


Marching Wall Sits x 25 SC
Marching Wall Sits x 25 SC
Continuous Mericans 30/20/10 Secs

thanks Men

I said burps, not BURPEES!!!

So another season passes and we continue to push each other to our limits. Today was no different in the GasHouse with Martha and 9 of my closest friends. I wanted to keep the pain coming so I had some new stuff planned-better on paper than in execution. Think I have heard those words before after being Q so I guess I am not surprised and by no means disappointed. After all, being Q has its privileges.  I know DFib and Dolph heard me say Burps, but they had to ask “burps or burpees” and in my breathless stupor I muttered, “I said burps but if you want to be a badass, do some burpees.” Unfortunately I was not dealing with sane individuals (at 545am???!!!) so we proceeded to do some burpees-truth is they did a LOT of burpees and I did a few burpees, but who was counting….

Here’s what happened: thought about a disclaimer and 2 things were wrong: 1) no FNGs, and 2) after 5-6 months of doing this, I’m occasionally going to call myself an expert and if you are dumb enough to believe me at 530 in the morning, that’s more your problem than mine. Here’s your sign…

Shortly after Monk’s mom dropped him off (or was it Stroganoff’s mom, was really dark so I couldn’t say), we started with a little warmup: SSH, Merkins, flutter kicks, Don Quixote-I had a few more things planned but got bored and cut the WU short. We quickly moved on to pledge then The Thang…

We moseyed to the playground and things went downhill quickly (again, better on paper than in execution). We partnered up and while 1 partner did 20 Merkins, the other partner did “jump-up-in-the-dark-and-grab-something-then-pull-yourself-up-sort-of-like-a-pull-up-then-drop-down-and-slap-the-ground-like-a-Bobby-Hurley.” Unfortunately for my partner, I picked the sharpest object in the playground to grab onto-sorry DFib, I owe you. Take a few iron tablets this week. We did 3 sets each then quickly got out of the playground before more blood was shed.

In the parking lot we did 5 rounds of lunge across parking lot, mosey back. On far side we did CDD X 10 and on near side we did squats X 10. I initially audibled to do 10 rounds but then audibled my audible to make it 5 rounds each. See the part about privileges above….

To save time, I avoided the soccer field and we stayed on the pavement. Here is where I made the mistake of opening my mouth more than I should. The plan was go around the parking lot and on each corner do Route 66 with burps (start at 1 burp and increase by 1 rep on each corner up to 11 reps which gives a total of 66-clever name….). However, either DFib or Dolph said “did you say burps or burpees?” You know the rest of the story and a little while later I was in some unnecessary pain because of my mouth-no surprise, I know.

After recovering we moved to picnic tables for Dips X 20 reps X 10 sets (each of us got to call reps in cadence) then we moved to bathroom walls for donkey kicks-again 20 reps X 10 sets (each of us again got to call reps in cadence).

We then moseyed back to start and did a quick round of counterama, namorama, and BOM. I went a couple minutes over so I will be sending each of you a money order refund for what you paid this morning. Check your mailbox next week.

Thanks for making the trip Dolph and Brownstreak-I know the weight room was calling. Always good to see each of you and spill some blood on the playground early in the morning. I am beginning to understand the saying that the best way to avoid fartsacking is to volunteer to Q. Think I will start keeping ibuprofen in my car.

#TheStorm BB – A Cardio Beatdown from Godfather?

16 PAX gathered under cooler temperatures at #TheStorm as Godfather broke his time-honored tradition of designing his patented “no running” work outs. At the COT, it was reported that the group ran a total of 1.5 miles – a small feat no doubt, but a lot more running than the group’s done under Godfather’s leadership in the past. When the clock struck 5:30, it was time to begin with a Warm-Up:

The Warm-Up consisted of four exercises – Side Straddle Hop, Don Quixote’s, Merkins, and Imperial Walkers – to a count of 10 in cadence. Before continuing on, the PAX were also treated to 50 Little Baby Crunches on their own count and 50 Prayer Squats on a single count.

Next was a short mosey to the football field for the #PledgeofAllegiance before starting The Thang.

Round 1 consisted on a group of exercises deemed Run-Offs and started with the PAX gathering at the goal line. In Run-Offs, the group completes an exercise to the 25 yard line, then sprints to 50 yard line, and finishes by moseying to the other goal line. The first exercise was High Knees, followed by Backwards Run, Shuffle (x2), and finished with a Bear Crawl.

Round 2 began after the PAX counted off – 16 both times! – and moseyed to the stadium. The group was divided into two smaller groups and after the first group took off to Run the Stairs, the second group waited and completed Wall Sits with different variations. As members of the first group returned to the wall, they switched so the wall-sitters became the runners. Each PAX completed two rounds of sitting and two rounds of running.

Round 3 started with the PAX returning to the goal line to complete Suicides (sorry for the lack of PC). To complete the Suicides, the group had to run to the 20 and back, the 40 and back, the opposing 40 and back, the opposing 20 and back, and stopped when they got to the other goal line.

Round 4 saw the PAX gathering together for three rounds of The Ring of Fire. The first round included 5 Merkins, the second a Bear Crawl around the inside of the circle, and the third a round of 10 LBC’s as the remaining PAX completed Homer to Marge.

Round 5 was met with the usual groans when Godfather informed the group they would be hitting a Zombie Walk up the ramp. The work out was modified to allow PAX to walk the corners. When the 6 arrived at the top of the ramp, the group completed several some Mary to fill time. With a few precious seconds left on the clock, the PAX sprinted to the end of the side walk and completed 5 Burpees before returning to the start for COT, announcements, and BOM.

No Time To Spare at Martha’s House

We started promptly at 0530.  All regulars today, so Disclaimer was familiar and brief.  Followed immediately by Pledge.

PAX mosied from Brewsters to Martha Rivers parking lot for Warm Up…

  • SSH x 30 IC
  • IW x 25 IC
  • Merkins x 20 IC
  • CH Squats x 20 IC
  • MC x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • BOYO x 10

Mosey to field #1 and partner up for Bear Crawl Escalator.  #SizeDoesNotMatter.  WIth partner, PAX would complete increasing reps of LBC and Squats (10, 20, 30, and 40 reps).  LBC would be done at bottom of hill, Bear Crawl to top of hill, Squats at top of hill, Bear Crawl down hill.  Then increase reps by 10 and repeat for total of 4 rounds.

In same location, with same partners, completed 55s.  With partner, PAX would complete decreasing reps (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1) of Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks.  Similar to Bear Crawl Escalator, we did 10 Merkins, ran up hill, 10 Carolina Dry Docks, run down hill.  Then decrease reps by 1 and repeat for total of 10 rounds.

Next, after mosey back to parking lot, with same partners, PAX knocked out 11s with Star Jacks and LBCs.  Starting with 1 Star Jack, running distance between lights, then 10 LBC and running back.  Then 2 star jacks, 9 LBC, 3/7, etc…

With 4 minutes remaining, PAX mosey back to Brewsters and arrive at 0615 with no time to spare.

Wrapped up with quick Name-O-Rama, COT and BOM.

Great work by everyone!


Streaking in the Quad…Old School style.

The pre-blast clip from Old School may have scared a few from posting, however 13 of us gathered in the GasHouse for a runfest with plenty-o-squats. We were honored to have Hambone with us from Isotope who led the pack thru much of the running and provided plenty of mumble chatter to keep us on our toes in more ways than one. The fresh smell of day old BBQ and not so fresh smell of roadkill were just about enough to provide some merlot, however I managed to make it thru. I did notice Hambone showing a little “AO envy” as we exited the park on the way home-wonder if we will have a guest Q in the near future…..he mentioned something about bear crawls and a grassy knoll as he was moving out of ear-shot on the way home.

Here’s what went down:

Warmup: various numbers of reps depending on my mood and the appearance/arrival of the Pax SSH, Merkins, Flutter kicks, Plank Jacks, SSH again after arrival of Screw (better late than fartsacking, right?), Tiny Dancers (old school exercise from my first post back in April), and burps.

Mosey to flag for Pledge


Modified Double Applesauce Indian run to the church:first pax in each line steps to side and does 10 scorpion dry docks while rest of Indians streak toward the church-clothes were optional and thankfully present, after 10 SDD get up and yell “GO” and next “first pax” does 10 SDD, repeato thru all of applesauce until arrival at church.

At church we did what any good southern man would do, we prayed a lot……Prayer squats were done initially fast with a slow burn at around 25 I think and continued after picking up speed to total of 45. Why only 45 and not 50 asked Hambone? Because I am the Q today and I want to keep you guessing and begging for more. Also, I was pretty much still seeing those flying bugs or lights or whatever they were (possibly a TIA-someone get me an aspirin please) around my head after doing scorpion dry docks and needed to rest. We then deconstructed some burpees-think we did 2 sets of 10-kind of enjoyed this.

We then continued our streaking with the modified double applesauce Indian run with scorpion dry docks until we got to Hillbilly’s “restaurant.” The smell of used barbecue was just enough to get the rank odor from the raccoon roadkill out of my nose. Mmmmmm, mmmmmm. If they were open I would have gone in and ordered a Diablo sammich with a Dr. Pepper for me and hushpuppies for Roscoe. Maybe next time. At Hillbilly’s we did…….Hillbilly’s and 1 round of BLIMPS led by several of GasHouse faithful and finished with squats led by Hambone the squatting machine. I tried to find a durable wall for some donkey kicks-every Hillbilly has to have access to a donkey for a variety of reasons-not gonna go there, you can if you want…..

We then continued our Double Applesauce (no more SDDs) to the tunnel in the park for donkey kicks then moseyed to the flag in the park for a little teamwork. Pax paired up, 3 rounds of partner work staying together with 10 burps at the bottom, run to the top and go up the stairs with 10 diamond merkins-OMAHA OMAHA-cut the diamond merkins, let’s do some MONKEY HUMPERS  at Hambone’s request-I am not one to refuse a monkey humper EVER, so I was happy to oblige. After 3 rounds we moseyed up the hill to the picnic tables for Dips and Step ups. I think we did 5 sets of 10 each OYO then squatted until all pax completed. At this point we moseyed back with a brief pause at the church to account for all pax and then proceeded to the Schiele. I did see a man-shaped creature going for some extra credit thru the woods that was either a ‘squatch or Roscoe. Stroganoff muttered something about “sorry to bail on you”-got a feeling we may hear about that in the future….

We then finished with the counterama, namorama, and announcements:

Night Rangers Wed 715pm at Discovery Zone in Huntersville near Crafty Beer Guys for another workout-Q will be Hambone this week.

October 24 (if not doing MudRun) try to support Abba and his 3 yr old son at Levine Hospital (CMC Main in Charlotte) for Wyatt’s Warriors at the 5K run.

So today I was feeling a bit down and wished I had pushed a little harder to serve some downpainment to our visitor from Isotope. I wanted his trip to be worthwhile. I am just now realizing that I am 18 years older than he is-he could be my son!!! So at this point, I’m feeling pretty good. I have to say that is some great motivation to have visitors like Hambone come post here in the GasHouse. I worked harder today because of him and because of that, I think I pushed all of us a little harder as well. I now realize how fitting the title of today’s workout is-how ironic is that. Hambone, if you are reading this, thanks for joining us today. You are welcome back anytime. Now, I believe it is time for a cold one and possibly a little Frank the Tank.


Downtown Backblast 9/18/15

15 battled the gloom this morning to help Jobu celebrate his birthday after the twitter post from BA exposed him at an earlier age.  I have since grown, don’t let the hashtags fool you.  Thanks to Whoopie, I was forced to wear a flashing ribbon to let all the people in downtown Gastonia know it was my birthday.

Jobu began the workout welcoming Feelgood’s dentist buddies for their first F3 workout.


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Russian Twists
  • LBC’s

Mosey through the streets of downtown Gastonia to the Parking Garage.  The PAX partnered up.  One person in the group ran up the stairs, across the top parking deck, down the other flight of stairs while his partner worked on the other exercises.  Together they completed 50 burpees, 100 merkins, 150 LBC’s, and 200 prayer squats.

Next, we ran to the sculpture or whatever kind of art that is.  The PAX circled up and did a Wave of Merkins, and Plank Jacks.

We had enough of the art so we moseyed back to the parking lot where we started.  Whoopie had a sudden burst of energy out sprinting everyone because he thought we were finished but we were not.  After calling him back, the PAX ran two laps circling the parking lot.  Sprinted the straights and jogged the curves.  Seems that the entire laps were a jog but we finished.

Warm Down:

  • Flutters
  • Protractor
  • LBC’s
  • Freddy Mercury

It was a pleasure leading the F3 Gastonia men this morning.  Keep up the good work!


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