Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Ricky Bobby (Page 5 of 9)

Merkins? Burpees? What?!?!?

It was another beautiful morning to push the rock here in God’s country. The usual dudes showed up and this is what happened.


Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup – Moroccan Night Clubs x10 IC, Don Quixote x10 IC

Mosey to the back of the school and say hello to Rose the nice school sanitizer lady on the way. YHC was consumed with work and family the night before The Ricky Bobby and didn’t put together a new weinke. Thank goodness for the Deck of Death! That thing is a lifesaver when you don’t want to totally improvise but still want a solid beatdown. There are several ways to use the deck in a workout. Today we chose just to do the exercise listed on the card and do the number of reps it called for. Number cards would be the number plus 10 for reps, face cards are 25 reps and aces were 100 of whatever it said to do.

Unfortunately there were way too many merkin and burpee cards for YHC’s liking today. Clampett even told a fib and said his card was 15 burpees when it wasn’t! That guy’s BHC membership needs to be reviewed by Buckshot. Anyway, they got done along with all the other stuff and we finished as much of the deck as we could.

One of the highlights of the workout was the musical accompaniment and the fact that it wasn’t interrupted by Deputy Chief Roscoe. We missed him being there though! Here’s the playlist for those like Short Sale who care to give it a look.

Mosey to the front without getting hit by cars  because you ran into the street.  Thankfully everyone made it back to the start in one piece. Times up!

Announcements: Convergence this Saturday, Tiger looking to launch a Friday workout in Belmont

Prayer Requests: Our public safety officers, school staff and our country

Remember men, there is a huge need for what F3 can provide our community. Always be EHing!

Speeding around the Booobby.

14 of us at The Ricky Bobby on a mild Wednesday morning. One PAX already out on a long run, the rest of us gathered for some bootcamp. Nothing big planned, we warmed  up with a mosey. Moseying through the neighbor hood learning about the routes and stopping along several points completing exercise OYO because we wanted to not wake the neighbors. Finished up with some wall sits and some sprint work that I had learned from the night before at Midoriyama. Great group of guys pushing hard and giving some good conversation about workout Q’ing.



Convergence January 9th


Prayer request for other PAX on the IR and some personal ones as well. Keep your brothers in prayer and contact someone you haven’t seen lately.


Thanks again brothers!!


Wolfpack Dominator

As a site Q there is a responsibility to make sure operations go as scheduled. For the second week in a row there was an injury to the scheduled Q so the PAX was left with less than ideal circumstances to deal with. Another Sargento Q was afoot and, as fate would have it, the NC State Wolfpack grinded out a win against the much despised Tar things.  It was a perfect opportunity to go for the old Nantan’s standby, The Wolfpack Grinder.


Warmup – Moroccan Night Clubs, Don Quixote to stretch

Mosey over to the bleachers at the track to explain the Wolfpack Grinder.

Prayer Squats x20

Run half lap

Merkins x20

Run half lap

Prayer Squats x20

Run half lap

Mountain Climbers x20

Run half lap

Repeato the whole thing

Monkey Humpers x20

Run half lap

40 LBCs

Run half lap

Monkey Humpers x20

20 Plank Jacks

Run half lap

Repeato the whole thing

Mosey to the other side of the school for a round of 11s

On one side Defib said we should do Merkins (yeah, more of them!)

Run to the other end of the drive and do American Hammers

Mosey back to the start for a session of Jingle Balls IC to finish out!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!!!

Announcements: Run, ruck, skip, walk, hitchhike 10 miler 1/1/21

Prayer Requests: SA’s surgery recovery


Remember the reason we celebrate this season men. Aye!!!


If you almost chop your fingers off with a hatchet it’s hard to Q a workout. Such was the situation with Tiger Tuesday night just before TRB. After getting the call from Tiger my mind started racing as to how to bring the pain in a forecasted downpour. It’s a food thing because it was a cold rain the whole time. This is what happened.


Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup: something I don’t recall

The Thang: The 12 Days of Christmas (revised)

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…

1 Burpee

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me…

2 Jump Squats

3 American Hammers

4 Merkins

5 High Knees

6 WWI situps

7 Diamond Merkins

8 Jump Lunges

9 Oblique Crunches (Tesla style)

10 Hand Release Merkins

11 Monkey Humpers

12 Turkish Get Ups

Take a lap down the covered breezeway and back to start back again. There’s plenty of time left so we’ll go again, this time in the opposite order

12 Turkish Get Ups

11 Monkey Humpers

10 Hand Release Merkins

9 Oblique Crunches (regular style)

8 Jump Lunges

7 Diamond Merkins

6 WWI sit ups

5 Butt Kickers

4 Merkins

3 American Hammers

2 Jump Squats

1 Burpee

Thanks for attending men. Way to push the rock!

Prayer Requests: Tiger’s fingers, Orangeman’s daughter’s surgery, Remember the reason for the season

Announcements: Convergence, Metro convergence


Merry Christmas Men!!!

12/9/20 – The Ricky Bobby



Seal Jacks IC x 30

Copperhead Squats IC x 20


Run a lap around the track and say good morning to The Sentinel.  The Sentinel is a gentleman who shows up each Wednesday to walk and run the track.  We have invited him to join us but he keeps doing his own thing.  Have to respect a guy who will get up at 4:30 AM and workout regularly.

Meet back at the start for Ring of Fire.  Here we circled up and held the LBC position while one Pax did one LBC.  When he was finished the next Pax did one LBC and so on and so forth around the circle.  We increased each round buy one LBC until we each did 8 LBC’s.

Run a lap.

I gave the PAX the choice to rinse and repeat with Flutter Kicks or Eskimo Merkins.  They choose Flutter Kicks and we completed 6 rounds.

Run a lap and Sargento led us to the steps at the back of the school.  We didn’t have enough room for this large of a crowd to do Calf Raises, so they will have to wait.  Instead, We Bear Crawled around the ramp from the school to the parking lot.

Here, we ran Rugby Sprints for approx. 50 yds.  Each PAX took turns calling an exercise (AMRAP) and when he said “GO”, we sprinted to the second light and back, then slow mosey back to the light.  Some of the exercises were Goof Balls, Diamond Merkins, Bobby Hurleys, Peter Parkers, Half Plank and Mountain Climbers.  Sorry, I can’t remember them all.  We had a pretty good crowd today.

Mosey to the side of the school to the two sets of stairs for Calf Raises x 100 OYO.

Mosey to the start.

Almost time so we did burpees until 6:15.

Thanks for participating today men.


The good ole Ricky Bobby

It’s getting cold this time of year and today was definitely the coldest we’ve had so far. The weather app on YHC’s phone said 26 degrees and it felt every bit that cold, however, TRB has helped create a strong following of HIMs who have #HTFU so a little cold didn’t scare them. You can join the strong too if you’re not scared. 13 showed this morning. This is what happened…


Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup: Don Quixote, Tesla stretches (the thing where you plank then move your foot to your hand then raise an arm)


Go to the first light and back, 25 LBCs, go to the next light down and back, 25 LBCs, and so on. 4 lights total, 100 LBCs.

At this point YHC gave the PAX the option to go to the track or around back of the school, they chose around back.

Mosey around back where it was announced to partner up for

Dora 12345 (that’s right 5!)

Partner 1 runs to the other end of the lot while partner 2 does exercises.

100 WW whatever situps

200 Merkins (as President and founder of the MHC this took me by surprise when I realized that it was on my own weinke! Oh well, it sounded good the night before when I wrote it down so we went with it.)

300 Squats

400 LBCs

500 Side Straddle Hops

Add on 5 burpees for the train too. Lots of heart rate pushing there, especially with the SSH. Good stuff!

Mosey through the playground to the track. Since we’re in the holiday season YHC decided we’d do some festive stuff. Bear crawl halfway across the field, stop and do 25 Jingle Balls (each leg) then lunge walk back to the other side where we did 25 Pickle Pounders (some guys call this practice).

Fellowship mosey back to the start where we did announcements (Christmas Party), prayer requests (see my list, add to it if something is left off) and COT.

It’s cold but when we push the rock we get warm. Keep pushing the rock men! AYE!!!

Bobby Jo Freekin Ricky 11.25 Blastback!


Mosey x 3 Track Lapz

50 Burpeez

100 Push Upz

150 Squatz

Mosey x 4 Track Lapz

? of the day to the Music experts, “Driving Cross Country to California and back you can take only one CD to listen to what is it?”

50 CCdz

100 Big Boy Supz

150 Squatz

4 x 30 yard sprintz

4 x 15 yard sprintz

:60  Merkinz




Prayer Requests




It was 37 degrees at TRB this morning. That’s close enough to 35 for a triple-nickel beatdown. With a knotted left hamstring suffered during Watts Up’s brick-burpee torture at the Storm yesterday, YHC had trouble running but came up with some modifications. It went like this:

Warm up with 20x IC each SSH, Imperial Walkers, Nolan Ryans. Pledge.

Box cutters at flag, side-shuffle to gate, 4-count Derkins. Mosey to back lot.
Mike Tysons, Zombie walk across width (short way) of parking lot, 4-count Australian Superman flutters.
Plank jacks, karaoke across length (long way) of parking lot, 4-count diamond merkins.
Time left for half of another round: Big Boys, burpee-broad jump across width of parking lot, CDD’s.

It felt just a tiny bit warmer as the gloom gave way to daybreak on the horizon. Mosey back to flag for announcements, wrap up with prayer.

Gratitude at the Ricky Bobby

Today is Veteran’s Day and one day removed from the 245th birthday of the US Marine Corps.  To honor vets, YHC decided to look for weinke ideas on the interwebs.

Before I get into the workout, I will inform the readers of the happenings before the workout.  There was a pre-run announced the night before.

Sargento said that Quiche’ and Boudin were running from the AO at 0500 so I decided to get in the Extra Credit.  While running past the AO I go by Sargento’s house.  While I passed by I noticed  his car wasn’t in the driveway.  Where would he be driving at such an early hour?  When I arrived at the AO, there was the big cheese’s car parked out front.   Now according to Google Maps,  the AO parking lot is .24 miles as the crow flies from Sargento’s house.  You can make your own judgement.

Not only was Quiche’, Boudin,  and Sargento ready to pre-run, Dirt, Buckeye, and Watts Up also showed up ready to go.  That made seven for a pre-run through the neighborhood of just shy of 3 miles.

On the way back to the AO, it began to rain hard.  Cars were rolling into the parking lot but no one was getting out.  A couple minutes before go time, out comes a bunch of PAX to include an FNG!  The FNG had been EH’d both at Poston during a Midoriyama workout as well as work and at “Bottom’s Up”, the premier second F event in the Gashouse region.  If you have been there, the FNG is the guy with the enormous Mastiff.  (you know, the dog)

A quick history of Veteran’s Day.  Originally called Armistice Day (like a truce) when major hostilities ceased on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month after World War 1.  Other countries may call it Remembrance Day.

It became a holiday in 1938.  Armistice Day was renamed Veteran’s Day in 1954.

A quick warm up consisting of SSH, Merkins, and squats and then an internet-based workout for Veteran’s using the letters in a name and correlating exercises.  We dedicated this to our favorite Marine, Oompa Loompa.  (I did get called out for not calling the cadence with the drill instructor voice like Oompa)

O-30 LBC’s

O-30 LBC’s

M-20 Jump Lunges

P-30 Squats

A-50 SSH

L-30 American Hammers

O-30 LBC’s

O-30 LBC’s

M- 20 Jump Lunges

P- 30 Squats

A- 50 SSH

The PAX enjoyed being outside on their backs in puddles with wet shirts.  The noises made during the LBC’s were especially interesting.

The Disclaimer  and the 5 core principles of F3 were given to our FNG who I think was enjoying the beatdown thus far.

The next workout was for the Marine Corps birthday.  The Marine Corps was founded in November 10th, 1775 so yesterday was the 245th birthday of the United States Marine Corps.  If you didn’t see the Commandant’s message, it will make you want to enlist immediately.  You can watch it here:

Next, we broke into groups of 3 and emphasized teamwork plus individual excellence. The Marine Corps birthday workout was as follows:

245 Merkins

245 Flutters

245 Burpees

Since we had 13, I floated around donating some reps to each group.  The groups worked together to get the reps for each other, and as one group finished, they looked to join other groups to give additional reps until all the work was done.  Excellent to see the PAX work together to accomplish the mission.

Next we took a lap around the school and broke into teams of two.  P1 began lunge walking while P2 ran around the front of the school and then switched.  With a couple minutes to go we circled back up for 8 count bodybuilders until it was time to stop.

Please take time today to think about the service others have given to our country.  Shellshock-thank you for your service!  #armyvet

It is with a humble sense of gratitude that we should live our lives and cherish the freedom that we experience.  You don’t have to wear a uniform to serve your country.

This Saturday at the Gashouse.  The second part of the PT test.

Christmas Party on December 12th.

November challenge:  Keep getting in the miles and eating right!

Prayer requests:  Coworker’s son with cancer, Shellshocks family member with high blood pressure, Flintstone’s sister, other friends with Covid, others unspoken

It was appropriate that it was raining this morning.  Our FNG understands that F3 is outdoors, rain or shine!  During the burpee part of the workout, let’s just say he hit a wall.  He also like Pink Floyd.  Welcome FNG “the Wall”.  (YHC also learned he is a pit boss and smokes meats.  I invited him to the Christmas party)

Always a pleasure to lead.

Follow the Light

For the record YHC showed before Roscoe.


A lucky number of 7 showed for this month’s site Q led workout here at the world famous Ricky Bobby. The speaker wasn’t in attendance today for reasons to be explained soon.

Imperial Walkers, High Knees, Butt Kickers and Arm Circles all x10 IC.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey past the buses to the side entrance to Cramer Woods neighborhood.

The Thang

At each street light in the ‘hood the PAX will do 10 reps of a single exercise on each street, as follows. As a bonus, we would all do 5 burpees at each intersection.

  • Winder Trail – WWI situps
  • Weavers Row – Merkins
  • Summeral Lane – Squats
  • Cramer Woods Dr. – Goofballs
  • Old Town Lane – Peter Parkers

Time was running out by the time we got back to the end of Winder Trail so no exercises except for the burpees at one of the intersections. We didn’t want to disturb the residents too much so YHC felt it wise to keep quiet and not have the music on display. Maybe next time?

Announcements: PT Test on the 14th

Prayer requests: SA’s daughter, Roscoe’s friend


Sargento says thanks!

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