Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Tequila Sunrise (Page 5 of 7)

Rinse & Repeat but Different

Twelve joined YHC when the clock arrived at 0530.  (Technically eleven, Tesla as late, I guess that what happens when you get um… cough… well… anyway…)

Start off with The Pledge of Allegiance, then into warmup.

Arm Stretches, both arms.
Arm Circles
That thing where you are in a plank and put R Foot to R Hand…

Pause for Flintstone to put on his other shoe (that was in his car before this point)?!?

Let’s mosey to Davis Park.

YHC has planned to use the darker (is that possible a Tequila Sunrise), longer part of the parking lot, but it was parked solid with paving equipment, so the we had to settle for the short hillier (is that word) section.

Partner Up

P1 runs to the light and back, P2 lunges toward the light.  When they meet, switch.

Basically that idea is how it went for the rest of the time.

Modes of transportation used in addition to lunge:

Bear Crawl
Side Lunge
Reverse Lunge

Exercises done either at every spot or every line or every other line:

Squats & Calf Raises
Monkey Humpers
Drinking Birds
Maybe one more,

LBCs were suggested, but vetoed initially.

Mosey back to the school and managed to fit a few LBCs to finish the time.


  • There is the Christmas Party this Sat.  If you don’t know about it check with Bubba Sparxx
  • Uncle Ted has the Q @ Yank of Christmas Day.

Prayer Request:

  • Dirt & Virus on the running the half tomorrow.
  • Purple Haze & M
  • Rockabilly & M
  • Orangeman’s friend
  • Students
  • Teachers

YHC took us out.


Thanks for being there (this morning) and for me.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Talking out of your……..

11 started their Friday out right by posting. Several got in some EC, well keeessshhh did EC but then left so really that’s not EC. The mummble chatter was going well leading up to the start but hen the thang came along.


The usual SSH, some stretches, and abs.

The Thang;

10 minute clock was set to go of every minute. Do the number of burpees each minute. When you’re done rest until the minute is up. Each round went like this, 8,9,10,11,12,12,11,10,9,8=100. Boom 14 minutes in and we’ve completed 100 burpees! Good work guys!

Time for some laps. 2 laps around the parking lot via the road do to some holes in the dark track. After 2 laps we did 20 flutters ic, 10 merkins ic, and 10 LBC’s ic. Rinse and repeat all with 1 lap this time.

Over on the blacktop we went across and back using multiple forms of movement. Bunny hop, Karaoke, Broad jump, Lunge walk, and Bear crawl.

In the parking lot we did route 66 with Bobby Hurleys.

Circle back up for some Iron Hulk. Flintstone sat down on his 6 signaling his need for some ab work so we switched the Iron Hulk to I think its maybe Captain America? Anyway it’s the iron hulk version of abs. 1 WWI situp and 4 american hammers. We did this all the way around the circle to 10/40. That’s time!


Pledge-Orangeman and Seuss were dueling to see who could throw the cadence off the most


Announcements-Service Project items are almost complete check slack, Ext run 11/6, Belmont Sunday run starts 10/24 0630 from Harris Teeter.

Prayer Request


Iron Pax Challenge WO at Tequila Sunrise

We had a great morning at Tequila Sunrise on Friday, August 20.

Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer and we took a short mosey around the parking lot of Belmont Central and then circled up  for the Warm Up.

Windmill x 10 IC
Gravel Pickers x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (Forward and Backward)

With Week 0 beginning August 28, I thought it would be  a great idea to get our PAX ready for an Iron Pax  workout. The Iron Pax workout started in 2018 so I took a workout from each year and modified it a bit.

IRON PAX Challenge #1
For 15 minutes the PAX did a set number of exercises.  However, at each minute each PAX would perform 2 burpees (for a total of 30).
The exercises were 25 hand release merkins, 50  leg raises, 75 squats, 100 big boy sit ups, and 125 ssh. If you finished the workout within the 15 minutes, you started back over again.

IRON PAX Challenge #2
The next challenge saw us do three rounds of the following. After each round, each of the PAX would run a lap.

25 Smurf Jacks
20 Plank Jacks
15 Merkins
10 Bonnie Blairs (Double Count)
5 Burpees

Iron Pax Challenge #3
It’s nice to have the lines painted at Belmont Central. We gathered on the lines and performed the following.

5 burpees (jump the line after each burpee) followed by 20 diamond merkins
4 burpees, followed by 20 wide arm merkins
3 burpees followed by 20 mountain climbers
2 burpees followed by 20 peter parkers
1 burpee followed by 20 parker peters

Labor Day workout in McAdenville beginning at 7:00 a.m. Mount Hollywood and Sandlot will be closed.

Roundup and Dr. Seuss Labor Day weekend run beginning on Friday at 5:00 p.m. in Dallas. Come support these pax by running with them or contributing to a great cause.

Iron Pax Challenge begins August 30, 2021.

We had a great visit from Plan B from F3 New Bern.


Party at Orangeman’s

We did stuff. There was a train.


wattsups niece had a baby. Baby Charlie requires heart surgery.

orangemans M is traveling

fruity pebbles buddy Eric having surgery on brain tumor next week


f3 dads august 21 at folsom

rafting trip

2nd f tonight at primal 5 pm 7-30-2021

party at orangemans at 8 pm (m is out of town – leopard is brining white claws)


Situational Awareness

12 PAX  came out in the Gloom at beautiful Tequila Sunrise.  If you were there you already knew this.  Perhaps you already saw my Twitter post declaring the 12.  Or maybe you didn’t know and are learning it for the first time.  Congratulations!  We should always strive to learn one new thing each day.

Disclaimer…although YHC said the workout would be FNG friendly, alas, no FNG’s today.

Warm up:  SSH-Merkins-Squats-LBC’s

Lunge walk ~30 Yds to the basketball court/front of school

Partner up for form test

Form was demonstrated for merkins.  P1 performs 15 perfect form merkins while P2 stands there and critiques form.  Flapjack x2

Form was demonstrated for squats.  P1 performs 20 squats while P2 stands there and critiques form.  Flapjack x2

Mosey to the church next to the AO and perform burpee long jumps…one for each parking space.  Recover for a brief lesson on the book “Good to Great” and then repeat burpee long jumps in the other direction.

Mosey back to large soccer field.  A brief disclaimer for the sake of Public Health, then partner carries 100 yds across field.  Recovery set of Homer to Marge, then switch and partner carry back across the field.

Mosey to the 50 yd line for Dora.

Exercises:  Perfect form merkins (100), Perfect form Squats (200), questionable form LBC’s (300)

P1 performs the exercise at the 50 while P2 runs to goal post and completes two 8 Ct bodybuilders and runs back until all exercises are done.  Boudin was my partner and performed admirably.

Mosey back to basketball courts for Wave of merkins from 1-4 and then hold Al Gore and discuss life’s blessings.  Here are some examples:  M, 2.0’s, God’s Grace, relationships.  TIME!

Announcements:  Ax throwing tomorrow at 12 at the mall food court.  Or is it 1130?  Still waiting for the pre-blast.

Prayer requests:  Turtleman, Linus’ dad, my FIL, summer travels


EPILOGUE:  There were7 that showed for an impromptu coffeerama at Floyd and Blackies.  Boudin and YHC performed a situational awareness check on the other PAX and educated Breaker Breaker on the finer points of security.  YHC covered the three exits and Boudin took the cash register, the back of the house and the side entrance.  YHC assigned Breaker to the front door and side.  We all scanned for threats and discussed emergency preparedness.  The small bathroom would serve as a shelter in case of a Tornado.  The difficulty determining whether a tornado exists is that a tornado sounds like a freight train.  Freight trains pass by Floyd and Blackies on the regular.  You can see how you can’t take for granted your security.    Always be ready men!  YHC hopes that this exercise will prove unnecessary in the future but also hope the men (particulary Breaker Breaker) will know a little more about Situational Awareness and Operational Security and stop taking for granted their personal safety and the safety of those around them.  Complacency kills!


The PAX powered up Tequila Sunrise during a power outage

There was a power outage at Tequila Sunrise, and it was very dark at 5:30am. Some PAX brought their cool headlamps. Others decided to live dangerously and didn’t bring a headlamp. One man (who happens to be Orange) was unfortunately taken by the darkness (and a curb that wasn’t very visible).

No FNGs.

Alarm Clocks, Burpees, SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey around past the tennis courts, past Davis Park, into the Cemetery.
We ran to the bottom of a hill in the cemetery for some:
BLIMPS and a hill run.
Then we moseyed over to the section of the cemetery with the roundabouts for some sets at each island of:
20 Big Boys/20 Merkins; 20 Mike Tysons/20 CrunchyFrogs; 20 Jump Squats/20 Am Hammers; 20 CBDs, 20 Heels to Heaven
Indian Run back to the start.
We got back and knocked out a few MOM, too.

Holy Angels Volunteer Opportunity at the Camp
Pilgrim’s program for Fatherhood
F3 Dads on Jun 19th (kids workout and fun ages 5-15 roughly)

Prayer Requests

Name-O-Rama on Twitter

—Bubba Sparxxx

Rack & Stacking Tequila

Coming off vacation, YHC was struggling with what to do.  So, reading through old backblasts, YHC found two good choices and couldn’t decide which would be better…

When 0530 arrived, twelve had joined YHC.  Some even gotten in a little EC (Ruck and/or Run).

No FNGs, so just a brief disclaimer while meandering from the buses to the playground asphalt.  For the first time, the chain was actually up, which about took out some PAX, especially the late (on-time for him) arriver.


My memory is fuzzy on the warmup.  There were 3 exercises maybe, 10 IC or something like that.

Mosey toward the tennis courts/park.


Upon arriving at the tennis courts, YHC presented those in attendance with a choice of Option 1 done on the tennis courts or Option 2 done on down the road a bit.

While there was much chatter about were there really two choices, we will probably have to do both, blah blah blah.

Orangeman, the self appointed spokesman, announced the choice to be Option 2.

Alrighty then…  On to the park for a little Rack and Stack.

At the little parking lot, is where we will stack and up the hill to the stop sign is the rack.  Go to the rack get an exercise, bring it back and stack it.

Round                   Rack                                       Stack

1                              10 Burpees                         10 Burpees

2                              10 Merkins                          10 Burpees, 10 Merkins

3                              30 Lunges                            10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 30 Lunges

4                              40 Flutter Kicks               10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 30 Lunges, 40 Flutter Kicks

5                              50 Squats                             10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 30 Lunges, 40 Flutter Kicks, 50 Squats

6                              60 SSH?                                 10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 30 Lunges, 40 Flutter Kicks, 50 Squats 60 SSH

Mosey back to the flag.

Just enough time for a little stretching.


(Option 1 would have been better… Just some BLIMPS and core work)



Blood Drive on 16th

F3 Dads on 19th


Prayer Requests:

Big Pappy & Family
Sister Act & Family
Teachers, Grad and Students


Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


Watts Up Powering Down

Tequila Sunrise 5/14/21

A light Friday crowd gathered at The Sunrise.  They were few but they were mighty.   YHC had been forced onto IR for a few weeks and it has been tough to get back at it.  Even though I wanted more movement I new it was best if I didn’t plan it that way.   So this is what we did.

Warm Up:

15 Each in Cadence

SSH / Grass Pickers / Imperial Walkers

Stretch Legs – Right over Left, Left over Right, Feet Together

Stretch Arm – Right & Left

15 Plank Jacks IC

Mosey to Tennis Courts for a little BEAR WITH ME

Usually this is on a football field.  Bear crawl ten yards, complete the exercise and repeat to the other end zone.   Since we were on tennis courts we crawled across two courts for 20 squats, crawled across two more for 20 LBCs.  On the return trip we crawled and completed 20 Merkins and 20 Flutters.  So much fun we did it twice.

Mosey back to the basketball court at the school and broke up into two teams for a jump rope challenge.

Two guys jump rope head to head while the remaining pax complete the selected exercise.  First to stop or get hung up in their jump rope pays a 5 Merkin penalty with their team.  Winning rope jumper picks the next exercise for the pax and new rope jumpers take over.  I can’t remember how many rounds we completed but remember we hit a lot of our F3 favorites.  Things I do remember.  None of us are very good at jumping rope.  Five dollar jump ropes and hardly worth five dollars.  We all had a good laugh with this circuit.

We finished up with a quick round of mary before we were out of time.

Prayers for Turtleman, SA and Family, Breaker’s Son and Daughter in law traveling, PAX on IR.

“Kendrick Castillo” Remember his name.

9 PAX showed up at the Tequila Sunrise for what had been planned to be my VQ many months ago (I ended up VQing at the Yank in April). Today was a day of remembrance for me and a time to share the name of someone special to others who did not know him.

2 years ago on May 7th, 2019, 2 students decided to bring guns into a school concealed in instrument cases. When they entered the first classroom (Kendrick’s classroom), Kendrick rushed the armed students pushing them out of the room and took them to the ground. 2 other students were able to disarm the gunmen. Kendrick had been shot.

Kendrick’s actions saved many lives that day. Over 3000 people came to his service and everyone I had met knew him. He was very special. He was the kid who never left another student behind. Always coaching, teaching, encouraging, and loving anyone that needed it (not just his friends). A few months before this tragic event, I had the chance to give Kendrick a challenge coin that we had made for him and other interns at our company. I told Kendrick at that time “You are my hero”. I had no idea how much more of a hero he would become to me.

Kendrick was 18 years old and would have gone on to Colorado State University to study engineering.

Started with the Pledge:


  • Side straddle hops
  • Cotton pickers
  • Imperial Walkers

1/2 the pax ran while other 1/2 does each excercize (AMRAP). When runners return then switch.

  • Curls (Cinder Block)
  • Dirkins
  • Thrusters (Cinder Block)
  • Dips
  • Skull crushers (Cinder Block)
  • Incline Merkins
  • Bench press (Cinder Block)
  • Bent over rows (Cinder Block)
  • Single arm presses (Cinder Block)


Primal 5pm

Breaker q at yank

Launch of pain lab on 15th

Amoeba Ruck May 22nd sign up is on Slack and preblast

Belmont 5k on the 15th. Opportunity for F3 presence


Prayer Requests:

CPAP looking for work

Castillo family (john and Maria Castillo)

Tesla’s friend Max Foster having heart and health issues

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