Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Old School (Page 3 of 5)

Clean Weinke

10 PAX joined YHC on Saturday for what I deemed my homecoming weekend after moving back to NOGA country. For those of you from NOGA country that makes 11 PAX that posted. If that offended you then I recommend you stop reading now because this BB will have a lot of down punching. If you’re the sensitive type this will hurt your feelings, though I believe you need that to happen if it is the case(meow). The title is clean weinke is because I left my weinke in my shorts and it got washed/destroyed so what I can put here will just be a bit inaccurate.


Some of the usual

The Thang:

Run a lap-this is where the whining and crying started. I mean it’s one lap, WTF are you here for if you start the complaining with one lap! We stopped and did a few reps of some exercises. Run 2 laps. As you can expect more of the same from the one lap. We did a few more reps of some exercises. To be honest this was really just a part of the warmup but for these wussies with a P I have to post it here in the thang.

In the parking lot we partnered up and pulled out some 40-60 lbs sandbags. Shout out to Wirenet for bringing his so that we would have enough. We lined up in the parking lot with 1 partner running down to the other end and back while the other partner does some exercises. We did 4-5 different sets of this that included thrusters, overhead press, overhead holds, cleans, getups, etc. Let me tell you you’d think you’d have asked these guys to go shopping with their wife when I called some of these exercises! I mean there is no amount of summers eve out there that could have calmed down these irritated sandy v’s. Look I get it, I talk a lot of trash. There’s a reason I’m back to back to back mummblechatter champion. I realize people are going to come at me hard when I Q to try to pay me back and I welcome it. Hell I feed off of it. The trash talk is part of what keeps me coming back. It’s a part of being a dude. We bust balls. When we were younger that was literal. This, this was different. This was meow stuff. I’d say at least 1/3 of the group didn’t do 1/2 the reps or even the exercises. Some didn’t even try a rep. DIDN’T EVEN TRY! I get sometimes we have to modify but you can’t not try just because it’s hard. Read that last part again. We had guys walking while their partner is suffering through some of the reps, or at least supposed to be. Dude it was a 60-80 yard run sack the hell up! So at one point we made our way over to the field. P1 runs down and back while P2 chest throws the sandbag. We did this until we got to the other end. This was followed by catch me if you can. P1 starts rucking the sandbag while P2 does 5 burpees then runs to catch up and switch. I’m done writing I’m sick of reliving this sad morning.


Pray for these sadclowns amongst us and out in the world

Announcements-CSAUP 9/10 get signed up meow, skate with mayor 9/17, JJ5K 9/24


I just want to say this is how I remember the workout going. I’m sure others may remember it differently 🙂 I do want to point out that I didn’t hear the 6 complaining like I did the 12. Pallbearer was the 6 a good portion of the time as he should be being the newest guy to the group. I may have heard him praying a few times but he wasn’t meowing. I continue to be impressed with how hard he is pushing. He’s posting regularly, double posting, and coming to the heat of Midoriyama. He will be a batflipper before you know it. If you made it this far in the BB then I’m proud of you snowflake. You were challenged and did something hard today even if it hurt your little feelings.

Prison Pockets and Nerf Bullets

YHC wasn’t sure if the 4th week would bring the PAX in or keep them away. It definitely didn’t keep them away and everyone was here before time. Lots of bat flippers present so I need to bring it. Time comes and this is what we did.

SSH,Hillbillies, Gravel Pickers


If you were at Midoriyama Thursday Slaw introduced this workout from the Exicon.
Gorilla Complex
With a cinder block or other coupon of Q’s choosing, PAX perform the following OYO without stop: 8 Curls For Girls, 8 High Pulls, 8 Overhead Presses, 8 Tricep Extensions, then drop coupon for 8 Merkins. Follow this up by a quick mosey for a brief upper body recovery, typically no more than 50 yards. Rinse and Repeat 8 Times.. Freight couldn’t wait to repeat this one. I will say it’s definitely harder in the Midoriyama heat.

Partner up

Hand Release Merkins. Boo yah Merkin in the middle and star jump on the other side. Counting down from 10 on each side.

11’s with Imperial Walker Squats and WW I’s on the hill in front of the police department.


Tubing 7/30
D3 dads Gashouse 7/23
2nd f lunch see Sargento /Bos
F3 dads camp
Convergence 7/16 at Folsom 07:00

Prayer Request: my Mom, Huck, Turtleman, Bear race participants and families, Brokes M, each other, our country and the leadership,
Haze SIL, Pockets dad, Mayors M.

YHC took us out

Great turnout today. Lots of hard work done. These guys pushed hard the whole time. I appreciate each one of the guys that showed. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

The Devil’s Leaf

We had 8, maybe 9 PAX at Old School on a warm but glorious morning.  YHC noticed Dirt, Seuss, and Slaw getting some EC early.  Slaw did four miles and set a PR pace.  Rumor has it his new watch inspired him to try to catch Seuss.  When they returned, merlot was threatened but not splashed.  Dirt said he came north to come to my Q!  #honored

Here is what went down at the workout.

Disclaimer:  No insurance, not a professional, You versus you, etc.

Slaughter Starter

Mosey to Carr Elementary…..wait…the online recon was incorrect so we moseyed around to the back for some stair work.

30 Step Ups     30 Squats     30 Lunges      3 rounds

20 Derkins on the bleachers 15 Dips     15 Plank Jacks     3 rounds

Two minute elbow plank  (we shared gratitude during the hold)

one minute Al Gore

At this point Dr. Seuss was alleged to have been sweating.  We should have stopped the workout.  #Missionaccomplished

Mosey to ballfield   Get on the line for Partner carries

A parallel run from first base to second base and just like in middle school, the chance of actually getting to second base is nil.

1st Round…..Fireman’s Carry    YHC was fortunate to have been partnered with  Dr. Seuss.   Respect for whoever carried Double Stack.

Pause because YHC almost passed out.  Had to go over the 5 core principles and mission during recovery.

2nd Round…Piggyback style

3rd Round….”Across the Altar” style…   I don’t think anyone else attempted it.

Then…First base to second base   5 Superman’s run and then 5 single leg burpees.
YHC demonstrated the Superman’s and then began and single leg burpee.  The Superman’s work the low back and the single leg burpee’s “activate” the low back, or at least they did in my one rep demo.  A modification was made to do regular burpees.  Wirenut led the way on this one.

Mosey back to start for some gut work IC.  Blart appeared and got credit during COT.  Broke declared he had gravel in his pocket.

We had the 80’s metal going the entire workout and the mumblechatter and joke telling was strong.  The banter that goes on north of I-85 is always a highlight.

After the workout,  most of the PAX from Old School joined the Folsom group at Time Out for some chow.  We were entertained by Wichita giving grief to some PAX for eating some less than ideal nutrition.  He stated a couple things that I remember:

A. He will come to your house to deliver insulin shots due to your future diabetes

B.  He will push your kids on the swing after you are buried (or something similar)

It was then someone said something about the Devil’s leaf (tobacco).  It was then the backblast was named.

The inspiration for the title reminds me of what I heard on a podcast the other day.  The author First Blood, (which was published in 1972 and is still in print to this day) knew he wanted his hero to be only one name.  His wife was talking to him one day about buying a bushel of apples for a quarter.  What kind of apples?  RAMBO apples.  It was only later that Rambo was given a first name of John.  The reason for this is that as a veteran, “When Johnny comes marching home” was symbolic of veterans returning from war.  If you are reading this it is time to watch First Blood again.  What a great film!

This Memorial Day weekend we remember all the veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.  We will not forget.

In any event, in what seems to be a custom when you head north, some class act took care of my check.  (The silver fox perhaps?)

Always enjoy the fellowship at are AO’s.  YHC even EH’d my new friend at the AT&T Store who is a Dallas guy and will hopefully post soon.  Sister Act was there to witness it as well!

Announcements;  The Murph at the Sandlot at 0700 tomorrow.

PT Test June 18th at the Gashouse

Prayer Requests:



Expectant mothers

School kids and teachers

Sarlacc, Big Pappy, and SA’s 2.0’s

Wirenut’s Mom

Freight’s Dad

Tim Jones cancer battle

Always a pleasure to lead!



Old School Merkinfest

Six total for an Old School slow and methodical beatdown.  As YHC pulled into the lot, Broke was there early as is his habit, and Slaw was returning from a solo 4 mile EC.  Great work!

Here is what took place in the not so Gloom.


Warm Up:  SSH, Merkins, LBC’s, Squats, lap around the track

We lunge walked across the parking lot and back.  We did the hummingbird.  I think at this point my hammy got tweaked which I felt on the second set of squats.  Modify as needed.

Form Police:

The Pax partner up.  Demonstration on proper form for the following:  Merkins, Squats, WW1’s.  We discussed the various things we see when PAX have poor form.  The “neckie”, the CDD merkin, the worm, etc.

P1 criticizes P2’s form while they perform 20 slow and deliberate merkins.  Flapjack then take a lap

Do the same for Squats and WW1’s with a few more laps.  We then did 15 of each.  We discussed the 5 core principles and F3 credo.  The criticism was nowhere to be found but the compliments were overflowing.  There was some good form this morning.

The next event was the partner merkinfest.  P1 and P2 face each other ready to do merkins.  P1 begins and merkins to failure.  P2 starts and merkins to failure.  This continues until one of the PAX cannot complete 5 consecutive merkins.  Kudos to Gumby and Slaw for their efforts making it look easy!

After a cool down lap we went in the picnic shelter for step ups and dips.  We did 50 step ups IC and then ten very slow dips.  During this portion, Blart declared that he was swole.  The triceps had been activated.

The weinke called for partner carries but a modification was needed.  Cancel that.

Mosey to center of field for Dora.  100 Merkins (what else), 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s.  Due to the pre-exhaust method of all the previous merkins, the merkins in the Dora took more time that usual.  While P1 was doing the exercise, P2 ran to the soccer goal and did two burpees and returned.  Great effort all the way with everyone on their six at the end knocking out the rest of everyone’s LBC’s.  Teamwork

Next we chinooked back to start and discussed what impact F3 had in our lives.  A common theme that everyone agreed upon was that F3 has brought us to have a higher standard of friends.  (I supposed this could be debated as I have heard several PAX declare “I need better friends” when the get out of their car at 0300 hours for some CSAUP that another PAX thought of).  Some other examples:

“Increasing my friend pool 500%”

“Less selfish…it’s not about me”


We circled up for the last few minutes of Mary with a few exercises before time was out.

At the end of the workout we didn’t rush the COT and gave some time to share what was on our hearts.  The announcement included the men’s retreat next weekend.  There are still spots available.  Lots of CSAUP running events coming up.  Rooster, D2D, Mortimer, SMR, P200, Ville to Ville

Prayer requests included Gumby’s back, Def Leppard, Purple Haze and his M this week,


Moleskin:  This was a veteran F3 group and because it was low numbers there was lots of fellowship built into the workout.  YHC was worried the pace of this workout might be a little slow for these veterans, but when you have good form and make each rep count, the payoff will be the soreness we should feel tomorrow.  It wasn’t about who was the fastest today.  It was how much you concentrated on the movement.  Slaw taught us a lesson on lunges.  You should walk “on a tightrope” but rather make your steps go out a little to reduce pressure on your knees.

The gratitude I feel when I am at an F3 workout where men are all pulling in the same direction is palpable.  A friend is someone who wants what is best for you.  In this group, YHC has made many more friends and is a better man for it.

Always a pleasure to lead,




The last long one

4  PAX posted at Old School to log the last long run of half marathon training. I know what your thinking. Does this count as a post? Of course it does. There were 4 of us(where 2 or 3 gather), we were there for the start of EC, we put in the work, and we were there for the COT. What else do you want? I would have thought Dr Seuss would have given us credit in his BB but only gave us honorable mention. Do you disagree? Tough! The group was comprised of 2 former Nantans, a current Nantan, and a former 1st F Q. We are freed to lead :). Anyway it was beautiful morning and the run was pretty good to be so long! Enjoyed it men!

Rules For Life at Old School

9 Pax roll in on a beautifully chilly morn in downtown Dallas, NC. Pizza Man, Seuss, Gavel and Wirenut ran some EC too. Too cold to stand around, so my adopted little brother Pizza Man says it is time, so let’s go!

SSH x 20 IC, Squats x 10 IC, Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, Right Over Left and LOR Stretches, Plank and then stretch right foot to right hand, then left, 5 burpees OYO for Slaw. I like to have some words of wisdom passed along in each of my Q’s and today I read 12 quotes from Jordan Peterson a Canadian clinical psychologist, author and YouTube personality that I enjoy reading. First 2 quotes.
1. “Make friends with people who want the best for you.”
2. “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.”

Let’s mosey out to Trade street past Sammie’s to the newest parking lot in Dallas beside the old jailhouse for some sidewalk chalk work. 7 spaces had the following exercises written in chalk. Pick a space to start. Do the exercise (single count), run a lap around the hillier than expected parking lot and then move to the next space until all are done or time is called which was around 25 minutes in.
10 burpees
20 Merkins
30 CDD’s
40 squats
50 LBC’s
60 Lunges (count each leg)
70 SSH
Read 2 more quotes from JP.
3. “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.”
4. “Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient).”

Mosey back across the street to Paw Paw’s pizza (inside joke for Slaw and Blart) then right to the Court House Gazebo and on your six for a shorter version of a Tool Time Core Time. Lots of discussion of fond memories from happenings in this same gazebo in days gone by. Love to hear the tales from all the locals.
In cadence x 15.
American Hammers
Flutter Kicks
Dying Cockroaches
One minute low plank
Read 2 more quotes.
5. “Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie.”
6. “Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.”

Mosey down the road a ways to Dallas Church of God entrance with a little hill for 11’s.
Hand Release Merkins at top
CDD’s at bottom.
Read 2 more quotes.
7. “Be precise in your speech”
8. “You’re going to pay a price for every thing you do and everything you don’t do. You don’t get to choose to not pay a price. You get to choose which poison you’re going to take. That’s it.”

Mosey back to flag and we planked while I read the last 4 Jordan Peterson quotes.
9. “When you have something to say, silence is a lie.” Freight really liked that one.
10. “You can only find out what you actually believe (rather than what you think you believe) by watching how you act. You simply don’t know what you believe, before that. You are too complex to understand yourself.”
11. “And if you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.” F3 is working to fix this one!
12. “In the West, we have been withdrawing from our tradition-, religion- and even nation-centered cultures, partly to decrease the danger of group conflict. But we are increasingly falling prey to the desperation of meaninglessness, and that is no improvement at all.”

Rice and Beans coming to Gastonia. Look for specifics on Slack.
Q school January 22nd at Gashouse (hoping Sister Act will attend)
Per New Nantan Sargento “Always Be EHing!”

Prayer Requests:
Wirenut’s Aunt
Roundup and M and babies
Pizza Man’s grandma in her new place
Freight took us out.

*NMM Thanks to all of the Pax that showed up. We got in over 3 miles and a lot of reps this morning with lots of rock pushers helping us all to get better. Pizza Man had to hurry home after the workout as he was obviously wearing his wife’s shorts! Wirenut was keeping us honest on our (mostly my) form today. A Blart CDD is an interesting sight and we hear he may be starting a book club soon! Slawbag had Mexican food last night and don’t ask how we know. Haze was kinda quiet this morning but he did manage at least two “C’mon Leppard’s” as he passes me! There was some story about Freight on a scavenger hunt and winding up engaged or winning $200 or something like that!

Old School 12 Days of Christmas

EC Run around Big D with 6 fast guys. Some got 3.5, some got 4. Nice work. Slaw was, wait Slaw’s not here. SA was, wait SA’s not here. You hate to see it!

We will roll with the 8 that showed on a chilly but beautiful morning.
Warmup SSH x 20 IC, Right over Left, Left over Right, Plank Stretches Wojo does but I don’t know the name, Hillbillies x 10 IC, Low Slow Squats x 10 IC


Mosey to Town Square in front of the Court House doing 5 CDD’s at each turn.

Let’s spread some Christmas cheer with the 12 days of Christmas! On the first day of Christmas my true love brought to me…
1 Lap around the Town Square
2 Diamond Merkins IC
3 Imperial Walkers IC
4 Goofballs IC
5 Burpees OYO
6 Low Slow Squats IC
7 Merkins IC
8 Dying Cockroaches IC
9 Little Baby Flutter Crunches IC
10 Big Boy Sit Ups (single count)
11 Mountain Climbers IC
12 CDD’s IC
Start with 1, then 2 and 1, then 3 and 2 and 1 etc. all the way to 12, just like the song! I think we skipped from 10 to 12 for time but everyone pushed hard.

Staircase Triple Nickel
5 Merkins, over the steep Stairs at the old Court House building, 5 LBC’s x 5

Slow mosey back to the flag.

Christmas Party sign up
Vote in the F3 Gastonia Awards several mentioned they were voting for whoever Frank is! I don’t know.

Prayer Requests:
PIzza Man’s Grandma
Wojo and his M expecting a baby soon
Everyone who may have a hard time during the holidays with grief, stress and sadness
Gumby’s mom
Broke’s mom
Blart’s M’s cousin
Sparky’s family

*NMM Thanks for the guys who showed up. During the 12 Days routine, Pizza Man helped me remember what day and exercise it was after each lap since he was fresh. He said he used the lap to recover while I think most of us had to try to recover during the exercise. Broke wore his hat like a Christmas Gnome. Gumby was chasing squirrels all morning. Wirenut likes to attack a burpee when he does one and he likes to call out Pax with bad Merkin form, whomever that might be! Purple Haze decided he would do a small version of a trail run but recovered quickly. Blart and Gavel were mostly quiet or couldn’t get a word in as the mumblechatter was constant even with the KOM at Folsom. The word I had after the workout was during the holiday season with everyone being busy to try to be the one that helps make things better wherever you go. Look for ways to find peace and to help bring peace and joy wherever you can. I need to follow that advice myself!


8 showed up at Old School on Saturday. Part of the workout had already been advertised as I notified via slack, along with other AO’s,  that we would be doing the Chicken Little WOD. Several put in some EC around the usual loop.


Some stuff with some burpees

The Thang:

Chicken Little WOD-

200 meter run

24 merkins

24 burpees

24 WWII’s

Rinse and repeat for 24 minutes

After that we moved around town stopping at every block for 15 CDD’s, 10 Lunges, 5 Flying Squirrels. At some point that changed to 15 Diamond merkins, 10 Squats, 5 Flying Squirrels.

We made our way back around to the Holland st incline for a triple nickel of Diamond merkins and squats.

DO NOT PUT A FROZEN TURKEY IN A DEEP FRYER! Just heard that on the news and thought I’d throw that in!

Back at the AO we did some LBFC’s to finish it off.


I’ve had a Double Mtn Candy so I’m tired of struggling through this. Bye Felicia!


5 made it out to Old School on a perfectly cool Saturday morning. 3 put in some EC. Some stated they were avoiding the touchdown beatdown out at Folsom. Congrats to Hacksaw for getting the football!

Warmup: Blah blah blah does it really matter? It’s the warmup!

The Thang:

I borrowed this one from the nantan of Grandstrand. He called it a modified murph but it didn’t seem anywhere close to that but it did seem like a terrible idea.

Run 2 laps, 25 merkins, 50-4 count flutter kicks, 75 squats. Rinse and repeat 4 times. Seuss was off to the races as usual, Wirenut was really pushing the run and Leppard and Montross seemed to enjoy each others company. We moseyed down to PM’s street and lined up at the end of the road. Make your way to PM’s driveway via 5 broad jumps then 10 of each-CDD’s, WWI, Lunges.  This took several rounds. Mosey to the courthouse arched driveway. 11’s- plank jacks, karaoke halfway then switch sides until you get to the opposite side, seal jacks, then run back via the side walk. We got several rounds in before it was time to head back.


Announcements-Extinction run, C-town run, Christmas party.



Prayer Request-Wirenut’s M’s Aunt

Moleskin: Good job Leppard!


IPC Week 3

5 total at Old School Saturday morning for IPC week 3. 4 did the work and 1 proctored. Do I still get credit since I was there and leading? I mean I did just drink coffee and yell when it was time to run.


Looking for some HIM to step up and take on the site Q responsibility at Old School. Yes I’m talking to you!

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