Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Old School (Page 2 of 5)

The Valley Wall

12 total at Old School on Saturday morning as I make my attempt to climb out of the valley. This was my 2nd post after having pulled a calf muscle 3 weeks ago. Man I’m sore. It’s crazy how quickly you start to lose it. I want to say I do appreciate all the men for checking in on me and wishing me well. It makes a huge difference when you hit a low and someone is there to reach out a hand. Some valleys are steeper than others and require more help so make sure you are not just reaching out to your brothers, but maybe grabbing and pulling them if needed.


I probably did a little more than usual here with a new found respect for warming up those muscles.

Tha Thang:

Mosey down to Kotter corner for a triple nickel on Kotter hill. WWI’s and hand release merkins. The amount of clover growing in Kotter yard was noted.

Mosey over to the Courthouse square for 4 corners

5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 CDD’s, 20 Rosalita’s, stack’em

After this we moved over to the next block for the same

5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 Starburst, 20 imperial walker squats

Over to the next block for more 4 corners

5 burpees, 10 hillbillies ic, 15 dying cockroaches count 1 side, 20 shoulder taps count 1 side

Mosey over to the Methodist Church’s new wall for 5 rounds of 10 dips ic and 10 step ups. Then in the same spot on the worlds lowest curb we did tiger squats. Starting with 1, run to the potherside of the street and do 2. Rinse and repeat up to 5. Even Slaw had to sit down on this curb.

Next we made our way back to the start. I set a cone about 20 yds out. 1 pax would hold a sandbag over head while everyone else would bearcrawl to the cone and run back. Last one in holds the sandbag the next round unless they had previously done it. Some people don’t seem to care if you are struggling holding the bag. When I say some people I mean the majority of this crowd was not in a hurry at all. We did this for 5-6-7 minutes and called time.



Announcements-Family fun day in Forest City next Saturday

Prayer Request-Ratchet/Jackson, Huck, PH family, Graduates


I Used to Love to go to Kohls

What a great day to be at Old School. Lots of mumble chatter about all kinds of different things. I think it took all of about 5 minutes for the conversation to go in 12 different directions about anything under the sun. That’s where the title of this back blast came from. Get out with your brothers and have some fun and get better while you do it!


SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies all xX 15 IC


Mosey to the stop sign for Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, and 30 second High Plank. We repeat this at each stop sign from Old School to the back of Carr Elementary. Here we did the Triple Nickel with pull ups and cdd’s. Mosey from here to the rotating porta jon that Pockets got to experience, he either got done quick or cut it short when the ride started. On the steps here we did 3 rounds of dips, derkin’s, and step ups x15 OYO.  Repeat the route back and the stop sign work was changed up to werkins, reverse crunches, lunges and a 30 second low plank. Got back to start with a minute left so 10 burpees was called and time.


Q v Q in March.  last day to vote 2/18 today!

Extinction Run on 3/4

lunch at old Shoguns on Tuesday 2/21

Viking Dash 2/25

Community Foundation run get signed up! Planning to push 4 chairs


Prayer Request:

Tooth Fairy 2.0

Ratchet’s family

Wirenut’s family

my family

Clavin’s M

Radar’s sister

Freight’s daughter




Great to see everyone on a cold Saturday morning, thanks for the opportunity to lead, it was an honor!

Discipline Equals Freedom

Crisp morning in big D with a few guys rolling in from EC who obviously saw the Q list and said “I’ll probably need to get in a little extra”. 7:00 am, Wirenut rolls in “almost” on time so now we can start.
Warmup… typical stuff with a few stretches. Let’s Pledge.
Quotes for the day from noted Navy Seal and Motivational speaker Jocko Willink.

Quote #1 – “Don’t just think. Don’t just talk. Don’t just dream. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is that you actually Do. So: DO.”

Mosey around town a little to a newish parking lot for Sidewalk Chalk. 7 spaces with exercises. Perform the exercises to the reps listed and take a lap around the outside of the parking lot then move to the next parking spot. The exercises listed were:
10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 CDD’s
40 Squats
50 Plank Jacks
60 LBC’s
70 SSH

Quote #2 – “Discipline Equals Freedom.” The name of his book and a hard truth.

Mosey around town through an alley around the Town Square to the entrance where the 24 lb. smaller blocks had been strategically placed.
30 Curls run the courthouse steps to the other entrance for 15 Big Boy Sit Ups and return to the first entrance running the steps again.
Repeat with 30 Overhead presses then American Hammers.
Repeat with 30 Tricep Extensions then Flutter Kicks.
Repeat with Curls and Big Boys.
A certain grandfather may have been using a block in each hand. It blesses my heart to see the active grandparents.

Quote #3 – “We all have a tendency to avoid our weaknesses. When we do that, we never progress or get any better.”

Mosey around the square again only to wind up at the Gazebo for some Ab work picking up a stray wanderer moseying through town alone obviously longing for days gone by when he was a high level town administrator so we decided to take him into our fold. Come on in Mayor. There was a discussion about whether Mayor was trying to double dip on the points for the Pushing Rocks challenge but not gonna happen on my watch. Glad to have you join but, No Rep!
Hammers x 15 IC
Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
LBC’s x 15 IC
Dying Cockroaches x 15 IC
Penguins x 15 IC
WWII’s x 10 OYO
Low Plank for what was seemingly the longest 1 minute ever recorded.

Quote #4 – “Good leaders don’t make excuses. Instead, they figure out a way to get things done.”

Mosey back to the start rolling by Kotter’s Korner and then since several minutes remained we took a lap around the track to finish up.

Quote #5 – “Don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there and make things happen. You won’t be. Don’t count on motivation. Count on Discipline.” – Jocko Willink

Announcements: Convergence 2/11 at Folsom at 6:30 am, be there.
Extinction Run on 3/4 at Primal Brewery at 9:00 am in Belmont. A fun event for most abilities. Come on out and be a part of this with a great group.

Prayer Requests: Wirenut’s family, Gumby’s family, Mayor, Anchorman, Freight, Huck, Turtleman and Tonka’s praise report was great to hear.

Pallbearer took us out as only he can!

Thanks to all who came out. One last Jocko Quote from the back of Mayor’s truck. “Stand by to: GET SOME.”

Come and go

12 was the number at Old School on Saturday. Lots of EC before hand.


Sealjacks, squats, merkins

The Thang:

I explained we would be moseying around town and stopping to do exercises at various points. Every time we passed a telephone/power pole with lines( you have to be as exact as possible with this smart ass group) we would do 2 burpee Tyson’s . That’s a burpee with a Mike Tyson while you’re down. 2 merkins per rep. I asked Slaw to keep us honest and call out any poles we passed. I don’t know if you know this about Slaw but he was a poleman in the navy. At every road intersection we would do 5 WWI’s, 10 squat jumps, and 15 merkins.
We made our way across downtown to the town parking lot for some DORA. 100 diamond merkins, 200 cork screws, 300 toy soldiers. Instead of running we did broad jumps across the parking lot. These quickly turned into bunny hops for many of us.
We continued our way across town looping back toward the flag. Slaw did an excellent job of spotting poles to the dismay of the Pax. Some were quite hidden but no pole gets by Slaw!
We finished up with a few ab exercises.

Announcements-2nd F lunch at Hillbilly’s 25th, Convergence 2/11 at Folsom, Extinction run 3/4.

Prayer Request-Wirenut and family, Gumby’s family, Praise for good reports for Mrs Lawing and Mrs Patterson.


Shout out to Crop duster for hanging tough on his second post! Stick with it. It’ll get better. Also I’d like to apologize for all the disgusting talk. Some  stories probably shouldn’t be repeated.


The Arctic Circle

A surprising 11 PAX posted in the 8 degree temps on Saturday morning at Old School. We wasted no time getting started.


SSH, butt kickers, high knees, butt kicker, high knees, let’s mosey

The Thang:

At the shelter 10 derkins, 10 dips, 10 stepups x 3 sets. Then run a lap. Do this for 4 rounds. About the third lap I actually felt a little sweet popup. Just as I mentioned this to Gumby and SA it quickly froze on my eyelashes! This is dumb! However we stayed moving so that helped with the cold.

Next we grabbed some sandbags Wirenut and I provided and partnered up in the parking lot. P1 does an exercise while P2 goes out and back about 30 yds. Below is what we did each round.

Cleans and Wojo out and back x 3 rounds. The Wojo for 3 rounds sucked at that distance.

Overhead press and karaoke out and back x 1 round

Weighted lunge and NUR x 1 round

I think we ran through those last two another round and somehow I missed the calf raises I had written down. Of course my eye lashes were frozen.

After that we did some sandbag ruck catch me if you can around the block x 2 rounds. Several batflippers had to run with it. I guess they are afraid of burpees.

We finished up with a few minutes of mary




Announcements-rumor of a beer mile 12/31 in Cramer woods somewhere at sometime

Prayer requests-Several family members of Gumby, Wirenut’s father

I read Luke 2:7-19


Who Let The Dogs Out?


SSH,Gravel Pickers, Hillbillys     x15 IC



Grab a block for some exercises starting with 20 and working our way down by 5 with a run the length of the parking lot and back after each set.

Mosey to the parking lot beside the old jailhouse, here we did dirty 11’s with Perfect Form Merkins, Burpee in the middle and Star Jumps at the top of the lot.

Mosey to the now infamous Kotter Corner for Triple Nickel up the hill with WWII at the bottom and Imperial Walker Squats at the top.

Mosey to the shelter for 2 rounds of dips and step ups, with a pause to pet some dogs that came to greet us.

Return to start for a minute of LBC’s. Time



Christmas Town 5k with 5 Track Commanders, HC with Broke if you haven’t already

Ultimate Frisbee Thanksgiving Day 07:00 at Midoriyama. Park at the soccer field and HC with Freight.

Good Luck to our marathon runners.

Christmas Party Dec. 3


Prayer Request:

Purple Haze mom

my mom




Thanks for another opportunity to lead.




What We Doin?

Old School 10/22/22
Lively group of smack talkers gathered on a brisk morning. Most guys still rocking the shorts except Slaw is ready for winter with the sweat pants, hoodie and (I looked this up) a toboggan/beanie/Knitted winter hat/Snookie/Sherpa. We always just called them toboggans when I was growing up. Let’s get the blood flowing… with a lap around track.


Warmup: Cotton pickers, Right over left stretch, Left over right stretch, Low Slow Squats, MNC’s, let’s go!

Mosey toward Court Square stopping at intersections for 3 burpees.

4 corners: 10 military merkins (elbows in tight), next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s. Next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s, 30 overhead claps. Next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s, 30 overhead claps, 40 MNC’s.

Mosey to gazebo for ab circle. 15 single count of each:
Flutters (Count right side)
American Hammers (Count right side)
Freddie Mercuries (Count right side)
Reverse Crunch,
Oblique crunch right and then left, corrected to be called Pretzel crunch.
Elbow Plank in honor of Sargento’s royal elbow having surgery Monday.

Mosey back near to the entrance of Court Square for triple nickel, 5 perfect form merkins (Broke was the first one I heard call these as they are hand release and then shoulder taps on each shoulder is one and they require full extension to complete). Run over the court house steps to opposite side near the electric car chargers for 5 low slow squats, 5 times. Freight was leading and Mayor and Blart were close.

Mosey long way around the court house square and cross the street to fairly new parking lot for Route 66 with CDD’s and bear crawl eleven spaces. I am not good at bear crawling and I am told that means I need to do more to get better but I am not sure that is working. Several of these guys make it look easy but it is not for me.

Mosey the long way near Country Kitchen by the old textile plant back up to Kotter’s Korner to the start. Still some time left.

Partner up. Partner 1 runs the parking lot and does 10 merkins and runs back while partner 2 flutter kicks. Switch for 3 turns each. Then change the exercises to LBC’s and SSH mainly because I was merkined out.

As someone once said (Freight today): “Nobody cares what you can do when your fresh”, so one sprint around the track. I took an early lead and faded on the back stretch. Wirenut rolled his arse past everyone to finish first. I was first in my age group.

Word: Be sure you are doing the things today with and around your child that you will be glad you did when they are grown because it will be here so soon. My daughter is getting married next Saturday and will live in Shelby and while I am so happy for her and I will miss seeing her every day as she is one of my favorite people!
Thanks to all the guys who came out and always push me to do more than I thought I could!

Christmas Party 12/3
Christmatown 5k 11/26

Gumby’s mom
Pallbearer’s son Luke
Pockets dad

Rescue Mission

10 of the faithful posted to Old School on Saturday. Launch point was relocated to Ingles due to a 5k in the area. This is what happened.



I don’t know the usual stuff

The Thang:

Mosey over to Pine st and partner up. Bear crawl catch me if you can with 10 in/outs for 1 block.

Wheel barrel for 1 block, switch as needed.

Stopped off at a parking lot for some ab work.

Mosey to the back of the school to a wall. Do a wall-up(climb all the way up on top of the wall), get back down and do 5 diamond merkins. Do 10 rounds.

On the track we split into 2 groups. 1 person is injured and we as a group must carry him. We did this for 1 lap rotating positions. 4 to 1 isn’t bad. During growruck they usually make us do this toward the end. You have your rucks, 1 person will take the injured persons ruck, and 3 people will carry the person.

Mosey over to the playground parking lot. We discussed some cones that were there and did some more ab work.

Partner up, on the playground 1 partner does a hang while the other does 5 burpees. Switch x 5 rounds.

Back on the street crab walk catch me if you can with 10 hillbillies for 1 block.

Partner carries for 1 block. Wirenut took most of this for our team as if I wasn’t even on his back.

For the final block another round of bearcrawl catch me if you can with 10 imperial walkers.

We finished up with some more ab work at the flag.


Announcements-10/1 adopt a street cleanup need some volunteers, 10/8 ruck csaup, 10/15 convergence at bulldog

Prayer Request

Namerama-you hate to see this order of closing


Clean Weinke

10 PAX joined YHC on Saturday for what I deemed my homecoming weekend after moving back to NOGA country. For those of you from NOGA country that makes 11 PAX that posted. If that offended you then I recommend you stop reading now because this BB will have a lot of down punching. If you’re the sensitive type this will hurt your feelings, though I believe you need that to happen if it is the case(meow). The title is clean weinke is because I left my weinke in my shorts and it got washed/destroyed so what I can put here will just be a bit inaccurate.


Some of the usual

The Thang:

Run a lap-this is where the whining and crying started. I mean it’s one lap, WTF are you here for if you start the complaining with one lap! We stopped and did a few reps of some exercises. Run 2 laps. As you can expect more of the same from the one lap. We did a few more reps of some exercises. To be honest this was really just a part of the warmup but for these wussies with a P I have to post it here in the thang.

In the parking lot we partnered up and pulled out some 40-60 lbs sandbags. Shout out to Wirenet for bringing his so that we would have enough. We lined up in the parking lot with 1 partner running down to the other end and back while the other partner does some exercises. We did 4-5 different sets of this that included thrusters, overhead press, overhead holds, cleans, getups, etc. Let me tell you you’d think you’d have asked these guys to go shopping with their wife when I called some of these exercises! I mean there is no amount of summers eve out there that could have calmed down these irritated sandy v’s. Look I get it, I talk a lot of trash. There’s a reason I’m back to back to back mummblechatter champion. I realize people are going to come at me hard when I Q to try to pay me back and I welcome it. Hell I feed off of it. The trash talk is part of what keeps me coming back. It’s a part of being a dude. We bust balls. When we were younger that was literal. This, this was different. This was meow stuff. I’d say at least 1/3 of the group didn’t do 1/2 the reps or even the exercises. Some didn’t even try a rep. DIDN’T EVEN TRY! I get sometimes we have to modify but you can’t not try just because it’s hard. Read that last part again. We had guys walking while their partner is suffering through some of the reps, or at least supposed to be. Dude it was a 60-80 yard run sack the hell up! So at one point we made our way over to the field. P1 runs down and back while P2 chest throws the sandbag. We did this until we got to the other end. This was followed by catch me if you can. P1 starts rucking the sandbag while P2 does 5 burpees then runs to catch up and switch. I’m done writing I’m sick of reliving this sad morning.


Pray for these sadclowns amongst us and out in the world

Announcements-CSAUP 9/10 get signed up meow, skate with mayor 9/17, JJ5K 9/24


I just want to say this is how I remember the workout going. I’m sure others may remember it differently 🙂 I do want to point out that I didn’t hear the 6 complaining like I did the 12. Pallbearer was the 6 a good portion of the time as he should be being the newest guy to the group. I may have heard him praying a few times but he wasn’t meowing. I continue to be impressed with how hard he is pushing. He’s posting regularly, double posting, and coming to the heat of Midoriyama. He will be a batflipper before you know it. If you made it this far in the BB then I’m proud of you snowflake. You were challenged and did something hard today even if it hurt your little feelings.

Prison Pockets and Nerf Bullets

YHC wasn’t sure if the 4th week would bring the PAX in or keep them away. It definitely didn’t keep them away and everyone was here before time. Lots of bat flippers present so I need to bring it. Time comes and this is what we did.

SSH,Hillbillies, Gravel Pickers


If you were at Midoriyama Thursday Slaw introduced this workout from the Exicon.
Gorilla Complex
With a cinder block or other coupon of Q’s choosing, PAX perform the following OYO without stop: 8 Curls For Girls, 8 High Pulls, 8 Overhead Presses, 8 Tricep Extensions, then drop coupon for 8 Merkins. Follow this up by a quick mosey for a brief upper body recovery, typically no more than 50 yards. Rinse and Repeat 8 Times.. Freight couldn’t wait to repeat this one. I will say it’s definitely harder in the Midoriyama heat.

Partner up

Hand Release Merkins. Boo yah Merkin in the middle and star jump on the other side. Counting down from 10 on each side.

11’s with Imperial Walker Squats and WW I’s on the hill in front of the police department.


Tubing 7/30
D3 dads Gashouse 7/23
2nd f lunch see Sargento /Bos
F3 dads camp
Convergence 7/16 at Folsom 07:00

Prayer Request: my Mom, Huck, Turtleman, Bear race participants and families, Brokes M, each other, our country and the leadership,
Haze SIL, Pockets dad, Mayors M.

YHC took us out

Great turnout today. Lots of hard work done. These guys pushed hard the whole time. I appreciate each one of the guys that showed. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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