Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 9 of 51)

No hairs were harmed during this workout

10 pax posted to F3’s hottest AO on Thursday for a Sargento, no Mayor, no wait Freight beatdown. As always it was an honor to lead and have you guys test out ideas that pop in my head.



2.5 minutes of zone 1-2 running followed by :30s of burpees at a hard pace. We did this for 3 rounds.

The Thang:

In the long parking lot-broad jump 2 spaces and do 1 burpee, 2 bonnie blairs, and 1 WWI situp. Rinse and repeat to the other end. Lots of good mumble chatter here. Side not Tonka’s jump game is right!

Slow mosey over to the dog park hill. Lunge up the hill and walk down for recovery x 2. Sprint up the hill and walk down for recovery x 3.

On our way back to the flag we stopped for some relay racing. Split into teams we bearcrawl raced out about 15 yds and back. Then we did it sprinting.

Back at the flag we circled up for a few minutes of mary.


Announcements-Convergence this Saturday 7/16 at Folsom, Lunch next week sometime at Bubba’s Vietnamese, F3Dads workout at Gashouse 7/23, Tubing on 7/30-several pax asking about signup info so I hope the Nantan reads this.

Prayer Request-Montross’s mother, Gumby’s mother, Purple Haze’s family

Naked Moleskin:

It’s hot out there and these guys are pushing! T-claps to you guys for showing up in the heat of the day. I’d like to give a special shoutout to my man Pallbearer. He’s getting after and it and is even throwing in some off the books work. Keep at it brother it will pay off. Many of us have been in your shoes so we know how tough it can be. Just know we will continue to be here for you.

BOB and a Gorilla Complex

Dang, it’s hot. At 5:15 and not a soul in sight, YHC was thinking the heat had scared the Midoriyama PAX away. To his relief, all the boys showed up a few minutes later. Some clouds had rolled in to block the sun and the rumble of thunder was heard in the distance. No matter. It’s still freaking hot out here, so YHC developed a Weinke that would keep the PAX’s heart rate relatively low. Mumblechatter at this AO is always a given, and with Mayor and Freight (and a rather snarky Def Leppard) in attendance, YHC knew we were going to have fun!


  • SSH X 13IC
  • Abe Vigodas X10 IC
  • Right over left stretch
  • Left over right stretch


YHC searched the F3 Exicon and came across a block routine called “The Gorilla Complex”. 8 rounds of:

  • 8 Curls
  • 8 Overhead Presses
  • 8 ALPOs
  • 8 Tricep Extensions
  • 8 Merkins on the Block
  • Run a lap around the parking lot behind the turd shack

If you notice, the exercises are arranged where the first letter of each exercise spells “COAT”. There’s an “M” at the end for Merkins. This was done so YHC could remember the exercises called. The Weinke had them listed with ALPOs and Overhead Presses reversed, so it would’ve been “CAOT”. Mayor and Def Leppard assumed it was their civic duty to call the Q out for not following his own Weinke to the letter. YHC crumbled his Weinke and threw it at the feet of the 2 hecklers, flew a one fingered peace sign their way, and assumed control of the workout.

The heat was really getting to the PAX. Freight hardly talked (probably because he and Gumby were in bat flipper mode). Def Leppard’s mumblechatter game was at a professional level, and Mayor begins to tell the PAX he’s a draft horse because he has Clydesdale’s hooves on his arms. Ash Pond is discussing his sex life (or lack thereof) and Pall Bearer’s eyes are rolling around in his head. Luckily, we finished  shortly thereafter.

Next we did a crossfit WOD simply called BOB. It’s simple, but effective. 13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of:

  • Hand Release Merkins
  • Big Boys
  • Squats

The rain began to fall as we pushed through this one. It felt really good. We were getting covered in grass and mud but no one cared. As we finished, the rain stopped. We had a few minutes for 5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5 reps of curls and overhead presses. Return the blocks to the storage area, get the pledge and that’s it.


  • Convergence 7/16 at Folsom
  • 2nd F lunch on 7/20
  • F3 Dads on 7/23 at Gashouse
  • Tubing on 7/30

Prayer Requests:

  • Mayor’s M
  • Gumby’s Mom
  • Huckleberry
  • Turtleman
  • Purple Haze’s M and Sister-in-Law

YHC took us out in prayer.


Great work by all the guys today. It felt like an oven but they pushed through. Special shout out to Pall Bearer who is consistently posting in the heat and pushing hard. He’s lost 7 pounds this week! T-Claps to you, brother! Ash Pond pushed through with no problems despite he’s a Kotter. Freight and Gumby bat flipped for 45 minutes as if the heat didn’t bother them at all. Def Leppard’s face was as red as his shirt but he was still dragging Mayor’s butt during the Gorilla Complex. Mayor still knocked it out and kept the mumblechatter going despite having hooves on his arms.   Does he need to see a doctor or veterinarian?

Thank you men for allowing me to call you guys “brother”.



Inspired by your motivation

7 Pax showed at Midoriyama on an especially hot and humid day. We were all motivated after Def Leppard’s Q on Tuesday. It inspired me to fill my Q full of inspirational quotes much like he did.


SSH, Grasspickers it was getting unruly so let’s just get on with it! Let’s mosey down the road.

The Thang:

We would mosey to a spot and I would read a quote then call the exercises. Rinse and repeat for until time. This is what was said and done.

-Whatever you do always give 100% unless it’s donating blood

Ascending burpees running between light poles up to 5

At the picnic shelter

-If at first you don’t succeed then skydiving isn’t for you

20 dips, 20 diamond merkins, 20 stepups

At the lake hill

-If you think you are too small to be effective then you’ve never been in a dark room with a mosquito

Suicides on the lake hill-run to the bottom and back, to the gazebo and back, to the bench and back

At the parking lot across the road

-Look if cauliflower can become pizza then you can do anything

Ascending tiger squats from curb to curb up to 5

Back on the road at the poles

-People say that motivation doesn’t last, well neither does bathing, that’s we recommend it daily

Ascending burpess to 5 again

At the steps

-Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there

10 calf raises on each step(13 I think) seal jacks while you wait

At the playground

-When something goes wrong in life just yell PLOT TWIST and move on

5 pullups, 5 dips x 3times

At the hill on the road

-The only time you should look back is to check out dat botty

5 hillbillies ic at the bottom, 5 jump squats at the top x 3 times

Back at the turd shack

-When tempted to fight fire with fire remember that the fire department uses water

10 hipslappers ic, wall sit 1 minute, rinse and repeat


Final quote-Life is too short to be serious all the time. So if you can’t laugh at yourself call me, I’ll laugh at you!

Announcements-PT test this Saturday followed by adopt a street cleanup

Prayer Request-Turtleman, Several Pax kids


Midoriyama Heat

11 Pax braved the afternoon heat of Midoriyama for a simple workout from a simple Q.
SSH x 15
Right over Left
Left over Right
Cotton Pickers x 15
5 burpees for Slaw
Mosey to the far Turd shack to find some shade.
Got Defib to call 20 Merkins in cadence, yes in cadence.
Got Freight to call 20 LBC’s in cadence.
Got Slaw to call 20 Low Slow Squats in cadence. He added a little extra at the top.
Mosey to the playground. Repeat the three exercises.
Mosey through the pump track to the picnic shelter. Repeat the three exercises.
Mosey through the woods down the hill by the volleyball court toward the parking lot. Repeat the three exercises except x 10 due to time and the Q juice running low.
Mosey across the road. Repeat exercises x 10.
Mosey back to the flag area and go get a block.
Curls x 30
On Your Six Chest Press x 30
Overhead Tricep Extensions x 10
Shrugs x 10
Curls x 30
On Your Six Chest Press x 30
Overhead Tricep Extensions x 10
Shrugs x 10
Curls x 30
Put up the blocks. Out of Time.

PT Test at Gashouse Saturday
Clean Up our section of Garrison Blvd after PT Test.
Tubing July 30th

Prayer Requests:
Haze’s Sister In Law and mom
Defib’s friend

NMM- Thanks to all who came out today. Hard work was done by all. I read a few cleaned up versions of David Goggins’ quotes. He certainly has figured out how to push his body past what most anyone can do. A reminder to take the hardest step of the workout which is the first step out the door. Plan ahead and be consistent.

Cat Emoji

3 Nantans, past and present, converged at Midoriyama during a wonderful summer time storm. The thunder was really booming while I was doing some EC rucking before hand. Being alone in the park gave way to some good reflection on how awesome thunder is. I figured it was going to be a light crowd due to the storm and even considered if anyone would show at all. I pondered on how many people get struck by lightning and yet we fear it so much. Oh its lightning outside we better run for cover! Do we only swim in the ocean when the sharks aren’t in the water? Do we only drive cars when no one else is on the road? Those things seem as equally or more dangerous. A quick search and I found that the odds of getting struck by lightning are 1 and a MILLION! Also 90% of those that are struck survive. That sounds to me like we’ve made ourselves a bunch of cat emojis. Anyway moving on.


Go get blocks and go to the side parking lot

The Thang:

Run a lap then ruck a lap carrying your block x 4 laps

timer set, do 2 minutes of work and 1 minute of break

1)Plank lat pulls with the block plus a merkin(plank position with your block beside you, reach under past your torso and pull the block to the other side, do a merkin, rinse and repeat)

2)Front squat with the block

3)Overhead press

Run a lap then ruck a lap carrying your block x 4 laps

timer set, do 2 minutes of work and 1 minute of break

1)Avalanche with a glute bridge( on your back holding the block behind your head lift it above your chest, lift your pelvis up, back down, then move the block toward the ground behind your head without setting it down, rinse and repeat)

2)Lunge holding the block

3)Ground to shoulder with the block set it back down, jump over it, rinse and repeat

Run a lap then ruck a lap carrying your block x 4 laps

30 Ground to overhead with the block, jump over the block after each rep



Announcements-F3 dads at Folsom this Saturday, PT test next Saturday at Gashouse followed by adopt a street cleanup

Prayer Request-My daughter, Leppard unspoken, Sargento’s friend with cancer


Speaking of cat emojis I’m still looking for a couple more volunteers for the adopt a street cleanup. Only takes about an hour and you can go about your day calling yourself a HIM while feeling like you actually are.


Midoriyama 6/7

7 men posted for a rare Slaw Q. YHC knew the Midoriyama heat would separate the rock stars from the groupies. It always does. It was great to see JJ out for an even rarer Midoriyama post! With half the PAX below respect and the other half with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, YHC called the goat roping to order.


  • 10 Seal Jacks IC
  • 1 Burpee
  • 10 Low slow Squats
  • 2 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins SC
  • 3 Burpees
  • 10 Don Q’s IC
  • 4 Burpees
  • 10 Big Boys
  • 5 Burpees

Pledge it up then mosey to the large soccer fields. Partner up for some B.O.M.B.S. Partner 1 does the work while partner 2 runs across the field, does 5 SSH, then returns.

  • 50 Burpees
  • 100 Overhead Claps
  • 150 Merkins
  • 200 Big Boys
  • 250 Squats

YHC must admit that this was a lot suckier than expected. After numerous complaints from the Respect crowd, we remained in the sun (even though there was plenty of shade on the other side of the field).

Time for some 4 corners escalator.

Corner 1 – 10 Diamond Merkins

Corner 2 – 10 Diamonds, 20 CDD’s

Corner 3 – 10 Diamonds, 20 CDD’s, 30 Flutter Kicks

Corner 4 – 10 Diamonds, 20 CDD’s 30 Flutter Kicks, 40 SSH

Mosey back to flag for 3 minutes of Mary. YHC doesn’t remember the exercises. Sorry.

Time’s up.


  • F3 Dads at Folsom 6/18. Regular Folsom workout will muster at Old School at 0700.
  • House of HIM at Big Pappy’s house Wednesdays at 1800.
  • PT test at Gashouse on 6/25. Trash pickup afterwards. Freight is needing some men to step up. See Slack for more info.
  • Tubing on 7/30

Prayer Requests:

Freight’s daughter and dad, Turtleman, Montross’ Mom, Huckleberry, Whoopee and his hernia surgery, Defib’s friend battling cancer, Purple Haze’s Sister-in-law and his wife, Slaw’s M, our nation, our world.

YHC took us out in prayer.



Midoriyama Murph

Luckily the clouds appeared at Midoriyama just as the PAX rolled in. This was the first bootcamp Q for YHC since the injury in early March so the “cooler” weather was appreciated. Nine total for the workout and here’s what happened:




No warmup, you’re warm enough already


Grab a block and drop it at the turd shack, we’re doing the Midoriyama Murph!

Run to the end of the road at the big soccer fields, around the lot and back.

100 overhead press

200 merkins

300 squats

Run the same route again

Defib finished in about 7 minutes, but the rest of us lagged behind a little. There seemed to be a lot of mumble chatter about his hair, merkin form and the way he treats his patients during a stress test.


After this we did 100 curls, 200 LBC’s and 300 flutter kicks which took us to the end.



Dad’s workout 6/18 at Folsom 0700

House of Him’s starts next Wednesday at Big Pappy’s

Let Breaker Breaker know if you want to participate in the weekly devotion


Prayer Request



Haze Sister in Law

Mayor and family

Praise for Freight’s dad surgery


Freight closed us out with some words of wisdom about how our society and country is suffering from laziness, especially men.


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Lock Up

10 total posted on Tuesday at Midoriyama. This is what we did.


Let’s mosey!

The Thang:

We took a stroll down to the soccer fields and back. Around the turd shack we did 10 reps each of 9 exercises. That’s one round. We continued doing this by dropping one rep each round. 10, 9, 8, 7,…..1 and done. During these exercises we had a timer set to go off every minute. When the timer goes off you have to do 2 burpees then pick back up where you left off. Everyone completed this at different times but we all picked up the 6 until everyone was finished. The 6 completed 26-1 minute rounds so that’s 52 burpees. The exercises completed are below.



Lunge single count

Freddy Mercury single count


Ski Burps single count

Wall Taps

Donkey Kicks

Miranda Rights

Once complete we made our way back down to the soccer fields and back. We finished up with some Mary. LBFCs, Freddy Mercurys, Boat/Canoe, Superman holds.



Announcements-Midoriyama shirt order out until 6/2, Hat orders, Memorial Day Murph

Prayer Request-Pregnancy’s, Family members health concerns, Turtleman

Naked Moleskin:

Several PAX pretended to not know what the Miranda Rights exercise was but most looked pretty comfortable doing them. One PAX explained that in NOLA it usually would involve a Benjamin Franklin held in your hands.


9 PAX posted at Midoriyama on Tuesday. Several went shirtless. It was noted one of them who may or may not do some spray tan was looking like he was somewhere between an english chestnut and dark walnut stain. One was a visitor from that city we are the gateway to. I met Forge, who’s shop is right next to mine, through the Growruck in Charlotte back in August. He made some cool souvenirs for the participants and made some torture equipment for the ruck as well. I’m glad he came over and worked out with us. Hopefully he reports back to headquarters we are doing it right in the Gashouse! Anyway I’m struggling with some severe sinus pressure so I wasn’t looking to run so we did another block beatdown.


We did a few SSH’s and Don Q’s but again if you aren’t warmed up by this time of the day what have you been doing?

The Thang:

This is a simple one but a grinder. Set a timer for 2 minutes. Do the 5 exercises going from 5 reps down to1 then do step ups the remainder of the time. We did 10 rounds of each of the below. It was also suggested that you hold your block while doing the step ups. Most did.

5 thrusters

4 alpos

3 swings

2 overhead press

1 blockee

The next round consisted of the below

5 avalanche

4 standing chest press

3 goblet squats

2 french curls

1 blockee

There was a lot of step ups involved in this but we pushed through!



Announcements-CSAUP at the storm 5/21 see the preblast

Prayer Request-family members ill, unspoken


My boss just came in so I’m going to wrap this up!



Tres Cinco

9 Respects ,or very close to it, posted on Cinco de Mayo at Midoriyama for what turned out to be a really tough workout. If you didn’t see the nation email that came out last week out Nations Nantan Slaughter said he’s seen a lot of ussys with a P at some workouts lately. Well those weren’t his exact words. Ok maybe those were clearly mine. Either way you need to push hard at the workouts and do the actual reps! Don’t worry about being fast. Do the reps! Will doing all of those squats at an actual full bend hurt? Yes. Will moving your entire body up and down during a merkin start to hurt? Yes. That’s what happens in order to get stronger and when you see your brother cutting himself short let him know in a brotherly love kinda way. Anyway my intent was to make this one tough. Well I always try but I put a little extra stink on this one.


Slaughter starter-20 burpees oyo

The Thang:

Partner up and get a block for the pair. We stayed on the backside of the fence near where we keep the blocks.

Dore 12345. She’s a big girl now and can count higher. Plus it’s cinco day.

100 merkins

200 squats

300 lbc

400 seal jacks

500 back scratchers

Partner rifle carries the block down two light poles and back and switch.

Wirenut stated it wasn’t far enough until a couple rounds in we all agreed it was. The seal jacks were surprisingly hard after all the rifle carries. We were all pretty smoked at this point but we still had plenty of time.

Triple Nickel aka Tres Cinco we did several rounds of this.

5 hand release, 5 ssh, 5 dying cockroach(count one side)

5 lunges(count one side), Freddy Mercury(count one side), Diamond merkins

5 step ups(count one side), 5 dips, 5 derkins

Final push we did a Slaughter Finish-20 burpees oyo



Announcements-there is a rumor about a convergence

Prayer Request-Several college graduates, several family members, Turtle man


I think I said enough at the top but strong work by everyone in attendance today!

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