Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 48 of 51)

Throwback Thursday

Thunderstorms were looming in the area at Midoriyama again, not shocking due to the extreme heat at this AO.  With that being said I wanted the PAX to get a understanding when and where this AO started, so I wanted to deliver a Throwback Thursday workout.  It started over a year ago, three dedicated men wanted an evening workout so we started posting at Poston park (aka now the famous Midoriyama).  We originally parked in the back lot and held some workouts under the picnic shelter and other areas.  Never would I imagine that this parking lot would be so full and a record 12 PAX would post on a Thursday afternoon.  It was my pleasure to get to Q a Throwback Thursday workout for everyone.  It went like this……….


Side straddle hops X 25 IC

Don Quixote’s X 15 IC

Run a lap

The Thang:

Set 1: Merkins X 20 ,15, 15 IC

Air squats X 15 IC

LBC’s X 20 IC

Run a lap

*Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds*

Set 2:  Dips X 30 IC Single count

One legged lunges X 15 per leg IC Single count

WWI sit-ups X 15 IC Single count

Run a lap

*Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds*

Set 3:   CDD’s X 20 IC Single count

Box Jumps X 10 OYO

Flutter kicks X 15 IC

Run a lap

*Rinse and repeat for 3 sets*

Pizza Man burpees X 5 OYO (Reg. burpee but 10 merkins instead of 1 before you jump up)

Run a lap to grow on


Pledge of Allegiance




Great work by a record 12 PAX at Midoriyama!!  It’s always a pleasure to get the opportunity to Q a great group of men.  Special thanks to the original C4 for making me and this workout become what they are today!!  Please keep T-Square and his family in our prayers through these tough times in their lives.

Until the next delivery……..AYE!!




Is your mascara running?

As the afternoon rainstorm died down, I pulled into Poston Park the home of the proud, manliest men of Mt. Midoriyama. I arrive because I know that these men work out harder than most, no matter what stands in their way. Rain, or shine, blizzards or twisters – these men challenge me to put in the work and make myself better and stronger.

There is comfort in surrounding yourself with such a band of brothers, who you know you can always count on no matter…….wait! What’s going on??? Why is there no flag posted today? Where are all the vehicles? Where are all the manly men of Midoriyama???

Well, it’s still sprinkling. Perhaps they were worried about something running into their eyes…hmmmm…

Ok, just Edison (brand new to F3) and myself. Let’s do this!

The Thang:

Run in the rain for approx 40 minutes!


Hope our band of brothers is all safe in this terrifying summer sprinkle that prevented them all from attending today.

Pull-ups, Merkins and AB’S Oh My (Repeato)

Well the PAX were in for a treat In honor of the man who EH’d me being back in town from Afghanistan we did a repeato  ….(well minus the warm up ….and some added special Merkins atthe end)…. of my VQ. For you High Roller! Thank you for bringing me into f3!



Nonexistent ….it was 86 degrees who needs a stinking warm-up!

The Thang:

YHC announced to the PAX that we would start on our six for an Abstravaganza oh and this is just the beginning…all exercises done with minimal breaks in between.

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

And to put the cherry on top….

American Hammers -50

After that the PAX moseyed to the playground for some pull-up and Merkin action… and on to the rest of the Challenge…

Wide Pull-ups -10 then Merkins -20 – X’s 2

Chin-ups 10 then Military Merkins (elbows in) -20 – X’s 2

Close grip pull-ups -10 then Werkins -20 – X’s 2

Vaulter pull-ups right forward 10 then Staggered Merkins left forward -20 -X’s 2 (switching arms for second round)

Burnout phase- 3 of each of the above listed pull –ups paired with 5 their corresponding Merkins.

( Slaw and Crash missed the rest of the workout….a case of SV I think)

After this the PAX moseyed from the Playground to the end of the road towards the park entrance ( because High Roller hates to Mosey ). When we got to the stop sign we circled up for something special …

Midoriyama Merkins the distance of the banner …..if you want to know what these are come post at Midoriyama …..You’ll love them!  I know the PAX sure did by all the mumble chatter!


Prayers for T-Square and his Family, Godfather and his Family, Defb’s step mother and several others going through tough times.

Mole skin

YHC spoke about the importance of the unseen world and how much more it should weigh on or hearts and minds than the seen world.. That we should be watchful and on guard because we are doing impactful things and or enemy doesn’t like this and will attempt to stop us from making an impact. That he will attempt to steal any and all of our joy. And that we ARE making an impact….to reach out to more men  and help them to become better men and leaders. Thank you men for helping me!


Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


As always it was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time


It was a good day for F3 Gastonia. I believe there were 5 FNG’s in our 3 workouts. Not bad for a Tuesday. Midoriyama had two regulars on vacation and with 2 FNG’s we still had 9 in attendance. Not to bad evening crowd! I’m still used to the 3 we had for so long. With those numbers I got used to showing up with no plan at all. I went into this one thinking the same way. I grabbed a few coupons and headed out. As people started rolling in I had to keep coming up with coupons. Not a bad problem to have! I was challenged a bit by a certain PAX that a sweat probably wouldn’t be broken today…..wwwhhhaaatttt! Sorry FNG’s!


SSH x 15ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Imperial Walkers x 10ic

LBC’s x 10ic

Merkins x 10ic

The Thang:

Mosey to the end of the park and back….wait there’s a nice little hill at the the end we should do something here.

Bear crawl up- 10 merkins, Crabwalk down- 10 WWI. Rinse and repeat but this time with Joe Hendrick’s. Again sorry FNG’s! Blame the challenger not me. I did notice the challenger modifying here!

Now we can mosey back. Went to the the stairs for calf raises x 10 each step=130. SSH while you wait in line. Mosey back to the flag and coupons.

Each PAX got in a station for a 1 minute exercise with a 20 sec break to move to the next station. One round was completed of the following.

Box jumps, Dips, Jump rope, Curls w/block, Overhead press w/block, Blockee’s, 30 lbs slamball(on knees slam left then center then right), 40 lbs kettlebell swings, Farmers walk with blocks.

Circle up for some Mary.



Namearama, Prayer

Good work Men. I hope you broke a sweat. Good to have Belmont newcomer Edison out! Welcome father son duo FNG’s Ringo and Crash! It doesn’t get easier but you will get better.

Gastonia Site Qs

Site Qs have been identified for each of Gastonia’s AOs.  The site Q has the overall responsibility for workouts at those locations.

Site Qs have the following responsibilities…

  • Ensure each workout has a QIC scheduled 3-4 weeks ahead of time
  • If a QIC cannot be identified, the site Q will lead that workout
  • Update the Gastonia Q Schedule document on Google Drive
  • Ensure QICs are getting backblasts posted
  • Encourage new PAX to lead workouts, co-Q with guys on VQs, etc…


Hottest day of 2016 – Let’s play cards!

The thermometer in my car flashed 103 Thursday afternoon as I pulled into Midoriyama for my first ever Q! (VQ)

Most men would stay in the AC and sip some Iced Tea.

F3 men see this as a perfect opportunity to workout.

F3-Midoriyama men saw a chance to enjoy a little casino night with the fellas!

8 men showed up for the hottest day of the year and used some card games to trick the mind as we pushed ourselves to “double down”!!!

The Thang: SSH x 20 IC, LBCs x 20 IC, Mericans x 20 IC, Floyd Mayweathers x 20 IC, Zombie Walkers entire length of the fence to grab our coupons!

Now that everyone has a coupon – let the games begin! Mosey with coupons to the soccer field! (1/3 mile)

Deck of Death x combined with C2C (corner 2 corner) on the soccer field!

Each corner has all 13 cards in a suit. Diamonds = diamond pushups, Clubs = Sit ups, Hearts = squats, Spades = bicep curls with cinder blocks

Sprint from corner to corner to blind draw your next card. Number you draw = your reps up to 14 on Aces! Then sprint to next station. Best 5 card poker hand gets a nice “pot” at the end. Competitive fun and effectively distracting from the sprints around the soccer field in the heat….all good – until we found a card shark in our midst! Cries of “Cheater” rang out as Freight started with Aces his first two cards and ended with a FULL HOUSE!

The Card Shark aka: Freight got to assign all of his LBCs to his victims – I mean friends in the Pax as we all played a game of….Black Jack! 

More sprints sideline to sideline! Start with 1 Merican then sprint across the field to give me 20 LBCs. Sprint back and give me 2 Mericans x sprint back for 19 LBCs! Continue until you reach 20 Mericans and 1 LBCs. Always equals 21….BLACK JACK! (We Omaha’ed this one when the “table got cold” when we reached the halfway point.) 🙁

Mosey back to the flag (1/3 mile) with coupons in hand! Ended with Captain Thors until time ran out! (reached approx. 8 situps x 32 hammers)

Great workout today men! What an honor to lead this group and lose my V-tags on the hottest day of the year! 😉 We continued to run almost the entire 45 minutes today while sprinting and/or carrying weights at all times! Midoriyama men know how to have fun – that’s for sure!

I have a feeling I’ll get some dirty looks if I ever invite you all over for a poker night! #SorryNotSorry Pax!

  • Billy Madison


Circuits and SV

YHC brought out an old weinke for this workout only to find some of the regular attendees had a case of the SV. You should get that looked at!


SSH x 15ic

Morroccan nightclub x 25ic

Goofball x couldn’t count due to laughter!

LBC x 10ic

Run a lap


The Thang:

1 minute of exercise 20 second break x 3 then run a lap.

Round 1 exercise- Merkins- 2 diamond, 2 regular, 2 wide rinse and repeat- Flutter Kicks- Squats. 3 sets.

Round 2- Pointers, Freddy Mercury’s, Step ups. 3 sets

Round 3- Running out of time so we sampled- Ski burps, LBFC’s, Calf Raises.

COT: Prayer requests for Godfather and M, those that couldn’t be with us.

Great work by all! Great to have Short Sale for a visit in the heat!


McEnroe Special

Excellent work today by all the PAX! it was extremely hot and downright misrelable at Midoryama today but a record setting 11 PAX showed up to beat the heat! Special shout out to Huckleberryfor his second Post of the day! very impressive work sir.



SSH- 15 IC

Merkins – 10 IC

Squats- 10 IC


The Thang:

On your Six Gents…. a Midoriyama PAX favorite  Core time by Tool Time!

Freddie Mercury’s arms up– 25 forward 25 Backward

Wide led Sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors ( slow count) – 25

Hip Rock and Raise- 25

V-up/Roll-up – 25

Oblique V-ups- 25 Right /25 Left

Mosey to Hamburger Hill for the McEnroe Special…….requests by McEnroe were hill sprints,Burpees, Pull-ups and a mosey…who was I to disappoint!

3 Hill Sprints with 5 Burpees at the top- (down and back counts as 1) this was horrible!~

Mosey to the …

(short detour) forgot one core exercise …25 Hip rock and raises!)

Mosey to Flag – Pledge……then mosey to playground

40 pull-ups _10- regular, 10 chin up, 10 close grip, 10 Vaulter (switch grip at 5)

50 Merkins _ 10 regular, 10 military, 10 wide, 20 diamond

Mosey to Concession wall….one min wall sit ( very relaxing)….then back to the flag…

Pizza Man called out 10 plank punches

McEnroe called out 10 Peter Parkers

Frieght didn’t disappoint  called out 10 Burpees OYO!!!!

finished with 30 sec alt high low plank !



Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

As always It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

The Happy Couponers

I arrived at Midoriyama to a group of PAX waiting by the flag. I stepped out of my truck and sweat instantly started running down my face. It’s ninety degrees and scorching.

The sun blazes down from a cloudless sky as we start our warm up with the biggest group of men Midoriyama has ever had. Nine in total.

After the warm up we said the pledge and did a mosey around the parking lot to meet at my truck. The night before I went shopping and bought a bunch of half cinder block coupons. I could tell by the looks on their faces that no one was excited about what was about to come.

We started the main event with a visit from Dora’s evil stepsister Flora. She is one mean lady! I actually started seeing stars.

Next up came block jumps, then body builder blockies, Hodor, V-Up roll ups with a coupon, and a lunge with a coupon on our backs.

Finished up with a COT and jumped in our vehicles for some much needed A/C.

Warm UP (IC)

  • 20 Abe Vigoda (Tool Time shout out)
  • 50 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 10 Happy Jacks

Main Thang

  • Flora 1–2–3
  • 20 Block jumps side to side, 20 front to back, 50 calf raises holding coupon
  • Omaha!
  • 5 Block jumps side to side, 5 front to back, 20 calf raises holding coupon
  • 10 Body Builder Blockies – 8 count burpee with coupon
  • 5 – The Hodor
  • 10 – V-Up Roll Up with coupon
  • Lunge Walks Cusak (holding coupon on back)

Thanks to all the men that came out it’s because of you I’m getting stronger. It was unbearable hot, great job all!

Floppy’s Favorite

6 of the baddest braved the heat of the afternoon at Midoriyama. This is how it went.


Seal Jacks x 15ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Imperial Walkers x 10ic

Toy Soldiers x 10ic

Flutter Kicks x 15ic

The Thang:

Mosey to the far end of the park- Bear crawl from one curb to the other and do 5 Merkins and back. x 2. Crab Crawl from one side to the other and do 5 WWI’s x 2.

Mosey to the playground- 10 pull ups, 10 one leg lunges x 10ic. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to the pits and partner up for coupon work. Partner one wall sits 25 yds from partner 2. Partner 2 does 5 blockee’s. when blockee set is complete they sprint and switch. Each partner did 25 blockee’s(Floppy Disks favorite exercise!!!!!!).

Mosey to the end of the parking lot- Route 66-at each parking line Bobby Hurley’s. There was much chatter about how great of a point guard he was. Especially by Def Leopard! Big Fan i guess.

Mosey to the bleachers for tri dips x 15ic. Step ups x 15ic. Rinse and repeat.

Circled up for some Mary to close it out.

Great work by all. This one was fun.



Announcements- Belmont Saturday

Prayer request-traveling friends, workers during layoffs.


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