Thunderstorms were looming in the area at Midoriyama again, not shocking due to the extreme heat at this AO. With that being said I wanted the PAX to get a understanding when and where this AO started, so I wanted to deliver a Throwback Thursday workout. It started over a year ago, three dedicated men wanted an evening workout so we started posting at Poston park (aka now the famous Midoriyama). We originally parked in the back lot and held some workouts under the picnic shelter and other areas. Never would I imagine that this parking lot would be so full and a record 12 PAX would post on a Thursday afternoon. It was my pleasure to get to Q a Throwback Thursday workout for everyone. It went like this……….
Side straddle hops X 25 IC
Don Quixote’s X 15 IC
Run a lap
The Thang:
Set 1: Merkins X 20 ,15, 15 IC
Air squats X 15 IC
LBC’s X 20 IC
Run a lap
*Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds*
Set 2: Dips X 30 IC Single count
One legged lunges X 15 per leg IC Single count
WWI sit-ups X 15 IC Single count
Run a lap
*Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds*
Set 3: CDD’s X 20 IC Single count
Box Jumps X 10 OYO
Flutter kicks X 15 IC
Run a lap
*Rinse and repeat for 3 sets*
Pizza Man burpees X 5 OYO (Reg. burpee but 10 merkins instead of 1 before you jump up)
Run a lap to grow on
Pledge of Allegiance
Great work by a record 12 PAX at Midoriyama!! It’s always a pleasure to get the opportunity to Q a great group of men. Special thanks to the original C4 for making me and this workout become what they are today!! Please keep T-Square and his family in our prayers through these tough times in their lives.
Until the next delivery……..AYE!!