Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 47 of 51)

It always rains at Midoriyama

It’s 5pm and I’ve just finished fixing a hotfix that was a fix for a discovered bug in my code. I just want to sit on the couch and rest but I know the F3 are waiting on me.

I head outside and it’s raining! Should I make up an excuse to stay home or persevere? I choose the latter and it poured down during my entire trip to Midoriyama.

As I arrived I notice the “real men” were standing out in the rain and one was hiding in their truck like an insect scared to get their wings wet.

I exited my truck and it’s like the sky knew the fearless leader had arrived. The rain stopped, the clouds parted, and one small sunbeam came shooting down to light me like a star on a stage. It looked something like this: 


Warm up

  • Muracon night clubs
  • Arm circles small
  • Arm circles large
  • Reverse
  • High knees
  • Butt kickers


  • partner up. One doing lunges down the fence. The other mercans. Switch and repeat.
  • 30 seconds of high plank and bounce feet from side to side.
  • Route 66 burpees!
  • To the playground. 3 sets of 5 pullups. While partner does squats.
  • Calf raises on curb
  • Frog jumps down eleven parking spaces.
  • Calf raises on curb
  • Squats IC
  • Tool time talking smack. Q called one burpee. No effect. Then called two burpees.
  • Indian run back to flag. Mumble chatter about don’t call it if you can’t q it.
  • Five minutes left and went around the circle letting each call an exercise.
  • 10 mercans
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 Mike Tysons. Probably not the name.
  • LBC’s
  • American hammers
  • I think that was it

Circle up for pledge and COT. T-square, Freights m2, and all the pax on IR. 

F3 Gastonia – Fantasy Football League

Men of F3 Gastonia,

I’ve started an F3 Fantasy Football League for those interested in joining from the Gastonia region.

We will draft live! I’ll be hosting a live draft party on Sunday, August 28th at 3pm. There’ll be plenty of non-healthy snacks and beverages on hand to work off at F3 the following week!

The league will be friendly, so just $25 dues with payouts to 3 places.

I’d like to cap the league at 12 members so please send me an email to if you are interested in joining. First come first served!

Looking forward to enjoying the 2nd F with you guys over the course of the 2016 NFL Season!

  • Billy Madison (Tully Lale)

Coupons a what?

I went out of town for a few days before I got to do this BB so it will be straight to the point. Of course that is what counts on this one anyway! 10 Pax and 1 FNG got a little surprise when they posted at Midoriyama.

Warmup: The usual stuff

Mosey to another parking lot where the flag and coupon awaited. Pledge. YHC explained my truck was going to be the coupon and that we would be taking turns pushing it 40′ where there would be exercises marked on the ground with chalk.

The Thang.

Partner up. Partner 1 pushes 40′ partner 2 steers and lets partner 1 know when he can stop then they switch. Once both are done they switch with another team. Meanwhile the other PAX run ahead to the 40′ mark to do the marked exercises until the truck arrives. We did this to one end and back. Exercises were:

Squats, Merkins, LBC, Calf raises, CDD, Lunges, Alabama ass kickers, Flutter kicks, ABC hop(hop out lettters AMAZE), Shoulder taps, Mason twist, Crab cakes, Hillbilly, Curb step ups.

Once round 1 was complete we moseyed to a  near by hill to meet a friend named Joe Hendricks! If you don’t know him look him up!

Back to the parking lot for another round. We couldn’t get a 3rd round in due to people blocking up our lot for softball practice. YHC decide it would be a god time to go back and talk to Joe one more time. At this point it was noticed that Lil Sweet seemed to be talking on his phone an awful lot? A little confused it was yelled there’s no phone time in F3! He said he was working but many questioned it.

So we moseyed over to the playground for 2 rounds of 10 pullups and one leg lunges. Mosey back to the start with enough time for some wall work.

5 hipslappers IC……hold it……5 Australian Mtn climbers IC and recover.

Circled up just in time for 45 seconds of burpees.

COT: I don’t remember a lot but we did name our FNG. Tooltime’s nephew down from the frosty climate of Buffalo. He was advised that this kind of thing wouldn’t work that far north but he is welcome to try. I’m pretty sure he thinks we’re idiots and will be telling the tale of the men of F3.

As usual great job again today guys. I hope everyone enjoyed. You all owe me for a detail job as my seat and door panel are quite gross!

NFL Training Camp Opens! – In Gastonia?

This week NFL training camps opened up across the country – so the manly men of Midoriyama decided to join the fun!


  • SSH x 21 IC
  • Don Quixote x 21 IC

The Thang:

Alright GAME TIME! Pick your “football team” and Mosey to the playground! Teams of 2 for our first game of the day!

Pusharoma: 2:00 minute drill! Timer is running – which team can do the most push-ups (mericans) before the clock expires? MAX OUTS! Offense does push-ups while Defense does squats – alternate to maximize total reps! Winners were Slaw & Floppy Disc! (Mumble chatter about Slaws “neck ups”…)

Pullaroma: 2:00 minute drill! Timer is running – which team can do the most pull-ups before the clock expires? MAX OUTS! Offense does pull-ups while Defense does squats – alternate to maximize total reps! Winners were Lil Sweet & Billy Madison!

Next Game! Mosey back to the flag and grab a football. Let’s make our way over to the field – the fast way!

Pound the rock: Teammate hands football off to running back for a 100 yard sprint to the “endzone” – “DB catch them drill” as they sprint to catch them from behind. Alternate until we reach our destination! #keeppounding

Fun and games are over (now that hands are on knees and mumble chatter of possible merlot splashage) time to get to work!

Quadraphillia: music blasting, timer set to 5:00 minutes – “team mate battle” continues as 1 man runs backwards up hill then runs forward down, completes burpee at bottom of hill and switch with teammate. Assume plank position while rooting your teammate to keep pound!

Core work: (Reps of TD score variations)

  • WWI Situps x 14
  • LBCs x 21
  • Flutter kicks x48
  • Freddy Mercury x 14
  • Marge & Homer x 7
  • Weezy Jefferson x 14
  • Panther Pound Burpes x 14 (Football chop steps in place until Q yells “burpee” then back to chops)
  • Merican challenge (MAX OUT – Push yourselves) x head to head! Beat the man in front of you!

Mosey back to the flag – keep carrying that rock!

Still time left for:

  • Madoriyama Mericans x together down the line
  • LBCs x 30
  • Flutter kicks x 21
  • Captain Thors x max out for last minute!



Got to share a parable about “life after” as 2 babies in a womb can hardly grasp life after delivery – we too, are like babies on this fallen Earth….. ‘God’ is all around us. We are of ‘Him’. It is in ‘Him’ that we live. Without ‘Him’ the world would not exist. Sometimes when you’re in silence and really listen, you can perceive ‘His’ presence and can hear ‘His’ loving voice calling down from above.

Prayers for Ringo who is apparently losing so much weight so fast that his back can’t handle it! 😉 Prayers for the brothers of F3 who could not be here today and all across the nation to lead their house and their community.

Thanks for the fun today men! Lots of rumble chatter about M’s being mad at all the grass and muck falling out of unknown regions, but it was fun playing in the dirt like kids again!

I’ll keep ya’ll posted if I get any calls from Carolina Panthers scouting department this week! 😉

Winds of Change

6 “Midoriyama Maniacs” posted for Slaw’s VQ. As the shovel flag was being posted, many of the PAX were discussing the very uncommon (yet awesome) breeze that was blowing. This made the usually brutal hot afternoon workout at Midoriyama a lot more bearable. Blart rolls in with Beyonce’s “All the single ladies” blaring on his phone, which made YHC a little apprehensive before we began. Billy Madison rolls in with his 2.0’s (who are tough, I must say!). ToolTime is doing his routine pacing around the AO getting his mind right (if that’s possible) before the workout begins. Well, alrighty then! It’s 17:30, let’s do it!

Disclaimer (no FNGs, but I believed I needed to do it just to get in the habit)


SSH x15 IC, LBC’s x15 IC, Moroccan Night Clubs x25, Don Quixotes x15 IC (for ToolTime)


The Thang:

Mosey to soccer field at the rear of the park where we set up for “4 Corners of the Globe” (Thank You, Triple7). There are 5 stations, one at each corner of the field and one in the center. PAX split into 4 traveling groups. Everyone started in the middle, where the exercise was 15 Monkey Humpers. The groups then split and ran to a corner and performed the exercise prescribed at that corner. Corner 1 was block push press x15, corner 2 was block curls x15, corner 3 was Merkins x15, and corner 4 was Freddie Mercury’s (4 count) x10. Once exercise was completed, return to center for 15 more Monkey Humpers, then rotate to next corner. After all corners were covered, plank for the 6.

Rinse and repeat

Next, mosey towards the backside of field where I believe I heard the distinct sound of mumble chatter. PAX lined up at the base of a relatively small hill. Rx called for bear crawl to the top, 5 WW1 sit-ups. Fast mosey down the hill for 5 burpees OYO then plank for the 6.

Rinse and repeat x 2

Q then led the PAX to the bleachers for some dips (15 IC) and derkins (10 IC).

Rinse and repeat

Mosey back to Flag for some Zombie Walk, but instead of a regular squat, “Slaw squats” were prescribed. It’s just a squat where you drop your 6 as low as it can go then stand up (Blart nicknamed them “The Beyonce”, which explains his music selection at the beginning of the workout). These were performed for a guesstimate of 40 yards.

Circle up at the Flag for some core work:

Dying cockroaches x 15 IC

Midoriyama Downhills x 10 IC (Start in plank position. While keeping your feet and knees together, pull your knees up to your right elbow. Return back to plank position, then pull your knees up to your left elbow. Return to plank.) Done as a 4 count exercise.

Nolan Ryans x 10 each arm (Thank You, Sargento!)

Rinse and repeat

YHC then called flutter kicks (4 count). While getting ready to begin, YHC heard a voice in my head that whispered “Just keep going and going and going”. The voice bore a very close resemblance to ToolTime’s voice, but I wasn’t quite sure. YHC started to hear the mumble chatter after the 20th rep. At 30, it was louder. Fearing a mutiny, YHC stopped at 40.

Last but certainly not least, 10 Burpees OYO.



Announcements: Advisory Board Meeting, On the Border 7/31/16 @19:00. BRR meeting Monday.

Prayer requests: Stroganoff and his Family, T-Square and his Family, Our Nation, the Upcoming Elections, The World in general. Def Leppard in his travels.

I also forgot to mention Floppy Disk in his travels as well.

One last thing- Def Leppard had been trying to get me out to an F3 workout. He assured me I would love it. My work schedule was keeping me from posting for the longest time. When I finally made it, Bandit and Roscoe co-Q’d at Gashouse on a Saturday morning in May, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I look forward to every workout not just for the physical aspect, but for the fellowship and camaraderie as well.  Like many other F3 members, I was a Sad Clown in need of something just like this. Def Leppard was right- I love it.

Proverbs 27:17

Until the next time,



No Idea

Going into today’s workout the only thing I knew was it was going to be HOT! I had absolutely nothing planed. I knew there was a new hill I wanted to check out but that was it. The warmup was a sure sign as we did some odd numbers. I don’t think Def Leopard liked my no idea announcement because when I called the first exercise his stance had a little bit of SASS!


SSH x 26ic

Morroccan Nightclubs x who knows?

Merkins x 11ic

LBC’s x 9ic

Freddy Mercury x 12 I think?

Don Quixte x ?

Blart came rolling so we  did some Sealjacks x some odd number?

Peter Parker x 7 maybe?

Man it sure is hot out here!

Mosey to the far soccer field near the dog park.

The Thang:

Standing at the bottom of the hill I wanted to check out there was some debate about how it compared to some of the others we use. It was decided the best way to tell was to run it a few times. We ran up and back down and did 20 of certain exercises after each run.

LBFC’s, Sumo Squat Jumps, Diamond Merkins, WWI Situps, Parker Peters. So that’s 5 trips up and down. I think that was all? I heard Pizza Man say 1 mile traveled so far. Man it’s hot! Why do we have to cut down all the trees to build a park?

Started the mosey back and I was thinking we could hit the playground for some pullups then I noticed a wall in the shade. Nothing beats good wall work!

Ascending Testicles with 10 count holds going up then back down.

Donkey Kicks x 10ic

Australian Mtn Climbers x 10ic

Hmmm. I feel like I’m missing something else here?

Anyway, mosey on back to the flag for a drink of water before we fall out!

We pulled out some blocks and partnered up. Luckily I brought some because someone found our stash of 10 blocks and only left us one! Really? Why would you take 9 and leave one? Did the thief get tired? At least we know it wasn’t an F3 man.

So partner 1 wall sits while partner 2 does 10 blockee’s about 20 yards away and then they switch. We got 2 rounds of these in.

A few minutes left so we did some Hipslappers x 10ic


Announcements-Advisory Board Meeting Sunday, BRR meeting Monday

Prayer Request- Tooltime’s friend, Def Leopards neighbor(2 yr old), Our Nation, Our grieving brothers.

Another announcement- I have thrown my hat into the presidential race as a write in. My slogan will be Why not? Do you have a better idea? I can do just a bad? Something like that. It’s a work in progress.

Namearama- Welcome Tim Rich now known as Lil’ Sweet.

Great job today guys. If I wasn’t up for the Q and you guys weren’t there I would definitely stayed in the AC today and probably taken a nap AKA: A Floppy Disk.



Shady Day for Old Man VQ!

Having posted quite a few times, mostly in the warmth of Midoriyama, I knew one day I would probably get a chance to Q. I am not a very creative type and have always been amazed at how each F3 workout is unique. We had 9 Pax to start with and added one later (Ringo) with an FNG, Tool Time’s young nephew.

Disclaimer, I am not a professional, expert, modify as necessary, don’t get hurt, etc.


SSH IC x 20

Hillbillies (Appalachian Americans) IC x 20

Arm Circles (Forward, small, medium, large, Backward, small, medium, large)

Jump Squats x 20 (Count was messy due to VQ)



Mosey across parking lot around the outfield of Softball Field #1 to a “shady” spot down the right field line outside the fence. I called it a “Shady Dora 123”. Partner up with P1 running up the steps behind home plate and P2 beginning the count to 100 merkins, 200 LBC’s and 300 squats. Switch when each partner returns from the mosey. During this time, Ringo shows up after leaving work later than he expected but posts anyway. Impressive!

After a quick countoff, mosey up the hill behind Field 2 and Field 3 to the bathrooms near the  soccer fields. What do you know, a little bit of shade for what I called the “Huckleberry Special” with Huckleberry in attendance. OYO, Rocky Balboas x 20, Mountain Climbers x 20, Ascending Testicles (5 at 10 degrees, 5 at 45 degrees and 5 at BTTW), Donkey Kicks x 20, Rinse and Repeat. Tool Time getting it done!

A little mumble chatter as we mosey to the playground. Now a wise man, (starts with F and rhymes with Rate) once said, “If you can’t do it, don’t Q it”, so with that in mind I scheduled a “Six Pack” which is 5 pull ups with 1 CDD, then 4 pull ups with 2 CDD’s, etc. but called an Omaha when we got to 1 and 5 for “time”.

Mosey back to the flag with 5 minutes to spare. I have observed that the charter members of Midoriyama never coast into the end zone, so we dialed up a “Roscoe Special”. Split into 4 teams with Team One doing a burpee, immediately followed by Team Two, then Team Three then Team Four, repeat as many until time runs down. We made it to 25 burpees as time ran out and everyone seemed glad to be done.

Circled up for announcements, prayer requests, (Stroganoff’s Father-in-Law passed, I have heard very nice things about him from several friends, Pasour family) and name our FNG. He was a Buffalo Bills fan so he was named “Brady”. He wasn’t crazy about the name but great job by the young man! We discussed how Freight and Floppy Disk were helping with VBS and as an almost “empty nester” I encouraged all of the dads to enjoy those times with their 2.0’s as they grow up faster than you think. I encouraged us all to be “Strivers” to keep pushing ourselves to be better men! Thanks to F3 and the opportunity to lead!

Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Bears, Bricks, and Iron Hulks Oh My!

First attempt at an afternoon Q.  On the drive over as I noticed 96 deg on the dash I though I had made a big mistake. Got there a little early to do some recon and get set up.

We had 10 strong on this hot afternoon for what would be a partner themed workout .

First the warm up

SSH, High Knees, Moroccan Night Club, Merkins

Mosey over to far side by the soccer fields.

HAs left a pile of bricks and some cones to get the beat down started.

First partner up and size matters.

Partner one runs left 20 yards  and out about 50 yards Partner 2 begins to bear crawl to the left. When 1 reaches far corner sprint diagonal across field to catch 2. when caught partner carry back to the start. Flip Flop and repeat.

Next 4 round are all performed with brick in each hand on both exercises

Round 1

American Hammer (200 per group) Karaoke to cone and back switch till 200 is reached

Pistol Squats (200 per group) Duck Walk to cone and back

Tricep Ext (200 per group) Apolo Ohno to cone and back

Bent over Fly (200) Bear Crawl no bricks to cone and back

Finish here with Iron Hulk cousin to Jack Web

with bricks 1Merkin/1air press ascending up to 10 (a lot harder than it looks)

Out of time we had a long mosey back to Flag for Pledge and COT.

Prayer Request  Scott Pasour and family, Jeff Payne , Our Country

As always it was a pleasure to lead. Defiantly much harder in the heat of the day. Big push from all to make it through. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


10 Rounds but no TKO

MOUNT MIDORIYAMA GASTONIA — Nine men arrived at the park where the temperature was hotter than the inside of a helldiver’s suit who is mining helium-3 on Mars.

For today’s event, it was all about doing three-minute rounds made famous by boxers around the world. In anticipation, I called up my buddy Pacquiao to join us and show us how it’s done. Unfortunately, he said he wouldn’t workout in temperature this hot for less than a million dollars. No agreed to that and we had to press on.

The event got started with a little warm up of arm circles, which led into arm circles plus high knees. Then to test the PAX coordination we reversed the circles and switched high knees for butt kickers. After that, a little side saddle hops and about have way increasing the speed till they became fairy jacks.

After that, it was TIME, for the MAIN EVENT of the EVENING! (bruce buffer voice) We had ten different stages with a little bit of everything. Each person picked their starting point, and it was all OYO. Each round ran for three minutes, followed thirty seconds where a PAX would scream out an exercise the group had to do. No resting!

It was an excellent time, the biggest mistake I made was having the stages spread out too far apart. This lead to not a lot of mumble chatter which always lightens the mood.


  • 20 Seconds of Arm Circles, then added high knees, then reverse circles, then butt kickers.
  • 15 Side Straddle Hops IC



Three minutes. Ten stations.

Each PAX picked a starting number and after three minutes continued to the next number. Although some had trouble knowing what came after five. cough cough.

  • #1. 30 Toe touches on the curb. 30 Calf raises (repeat)
  • #2. 10 Merkins, 20 LBC’s (repeat)
  • #3. 10 Mule Kicks, Bear Crawl over, Crab walk back. (repeat)
  • #4. 20 Squats, 40 wall taps (repeat)
  • #5. Lunge for three minutes. (ouch)
  • #6. Plank and hold until you can’t. Then 10 side straddle hops (repeat)
  • #7. 20 High knees, 20 Butt kickers (repeat)
  • #8. 20 Decline Merkins, 20 Tricep Dips (Repeat)
  • #9. Jump rope until you mess up. Then a burpee. Then back to jump rope.
  • #10. ABC’s holding basketball with feet.

We finished off with one minute to spare and added more side saddle hops for good measure.

A short list of announcements and then joined for the COT.

Thank you all for coming out and braving the heat!

F3 Fit Games

10 Men showed to test their fitness level at Midoriyama today. After watching the 2015 Crossfit documentary on Netflix with Floppy Disk I decided to come up with our own mini game for a workout. The idea was to have various stations you would have to complete over a distance. Being F3 I decided we could do ours with partners to help push one another. It also means you can’t stop. So more work is done during a shorter period of time.


SSH x 40ic(yes 40ic!) I justed wanted to see how far we could go before people started questioning me.

Don Quixte x 10ic

Imperial Walkers x 10ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Merkin x 10ic


Mosey to the outside of the fence of the baseball outfield.

The Thang:

8 stations were set up from one corner of the outfield following the fence to the other corner. They were spread out about 25 short man steps. Partner 1 starts the 1st exercise then moves to number 2. Partner 2 then begins the 1st exercise. Partner 1 can not move ahead until partner 2 gets to him. While you wait you either plank, Al Gore or hold a block overhead. At the end partner 1 planks while partner 2 finishes the last exercise then they both finish the lap around the ball field via mosey/race the other teams if you will.

Station 1-Merkin x 30

Station 2-Curls w/block x 40

Station 3-WWI x 20

Station 4-Woodchop w/block x 20

Station 5-IN/Outs x 25

Station 6-Overhead Press w/block x 40

Station 7-Squats x 30

Station 8-Blockee x 15

We did one round of this and had time for another with the numbers cut in half. We then picked up the blocks and moseyed back. With a  few minutes to spare we did some more SSH’s and Don Quixte’s for good measure.


Prayer request, announcements, Ringo thanked everyone for being there and inviting him out. He is already down 10lbs. Keep pushing the rock brother! You’re doing great!


Great job by all today! It was hot as haydees as it always is this time of year.  It’s not easy to make yourself get out and do this stuff that time of day. I’m honored to be out there with the men who post at Midoriyama!

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