Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 44 of 51)

12 Days of Christmas Cheer!

Brisk 39 degrees at Midoriyama for 10 strong Midoriyama men! Two new guys to our AO today, welcome Chum and Pockets. Let’s get to it!

The Warmup

SSH x 12 IC

Imperial Walkers x 12 IC

Hillbillies x 12 IC

Box Cutters x 12 IC

Mosey to the playground

5 pullups then 5 derkins x 3 sets (I don’t like pullups but I think they are helpful so I always try to work just a few in, no bear crawling though)

Mosey around the big soccer field to the big hill near the dog park. While everyone is catching their breath from the blistering pace set by our runner Freight. Did you know he finished 2nd in his age group at the Christmastown 5K? I think he was wearing his medal. YHC starts a little Charlie Brown Christmas music to distract from the pain about to start. Sprint up the big hill, touch the fence, run back down the hill for 5 crunches and repeat this 3 times. This is where I told the story from Christmas 1974 and my favorite gift of all time, the Thundershift 500 Hot Wheels race track. (There was a lot of discussion about how old most of the Pax were in 1974. Slaw was 1 but most were not even born yet. They do love to remind YHC of his age!) I ask the Pax to think of a special toy they remember as a child to tell us about it later in the workout. Now, mosey to the small soccer field bleachers with Trans Siberian Orchestra playing us in because I know Slaw loves that.

At the soccer field we got through the 12 Days of Christmas, with a few Omahas because of time and sometimes there was singing for effect. It went something like this (try singing it):

12 Mountain Climbers IC

11 Sandy V’s IC (called by As(h) Pond just because)

10 Curls with Blocks IC

9 Little Baby Flutter Crunches IC (called by Freight like by half counts or something, seems like we did around 40 each time)

8 Dying Cockroaches IC

7 Merkins IC

6 Copperhead Squats IC

5 Burpees OYO

4 Step Ups each leg (on bleachers)

3 Dips IC (called by Slaw to allow Q to breathe)

2 Incline Merkins IC

1 lap around the soccer field (this could be called the Huckleberry mumblechatter lap)

We started on Day 6 and got all the way to Day 12 with lots of mumblechatter along the way.

After each lap a different Pax told about their memories of Christmas toys and most guys had a nice story about the good times they remembered as a kid at Christmas. Freight still believes he saw Santa delivering his bicycle. Pockets got an Optimus Prime transformer, Slaw got a Simon Says game. Ash Pond and Blart fought over a Casio watch… that’s about right for those two. I can’t remember the others but each guy had a story.

Mosey back to the flag for the pledge.

The lesson of today’s workout was try to keep the Joy of Christmas alive throughout the season and help make lasting memories in our families. Strong work!

Prayer requests: You never know what guys are carrying around with them. Pockets family recently lost an aunt. Chum asked for prayers to help him find the direction he needs. Slaw and Ash Pond have been sick. Floppy Disk and Billy Madison have health issues in their families. Lil’ Sweet told the good news of a man who was an alcoholic celebrating 6 years of being sober and allowing God to use him. Pizza Man and Tool Time as they prepare for their marathon. Oompa Loompa as he travels for work. Holidays can be a tough time for many people.


Moleskin – Great to have Chum and Pockets with us at Midoriyama. They fit right in. I have to say what a great group we have and I always look forward to seeing them. F3 is about making each of us better men and it really does! Keep EHing and Merry Christmas!




get it when you can

6 men posted for their DRP at midoriyama.  pre beat down story about a man running a 50 mile race in 5 hours and 56 minutes.  that’s nuts.  anyway, 17:30 hits and it’s time to clock in.

warmups: happy jacks x 15IC and 8ct body builders x 10IC.

the thang

quick mosey and partner up for catch me if you can. p1 does 5 burpees and p2 runs backwards.  switch every time you catch your partner.  all the way down to the far soccer fields. repeat with 10 merkins and partner 2 bear crawling. repeat with 15 squats and partner 2 lunge walking.

recover with 11’s.  burpees and squat jump.   running the short side of the parking lot in between.

partner up again for dora… except partners didn’t matter.  everyone does all the exercises, no running.  100 merkins, 200 overhead claps and 300 flutter kicks.  we called an omaha here, but everyone was close to completion.

mosey back to closest turd shack to the launching point for 30 donkeys kicks.  circle up for 22 merkins for the vets and the pledge. time!

COT – announcements: gashouse convergence this saturday, after Christmas party on January 7th, snowbird men’s retreat in march.  prayer requests: men on IR, floppy’s family.  BOM: yhc took us out.

it’s not only an honor to q, buts it’s an honor just to know you men.  it’s a pleasure to break sweat with you.  until next time.

Philippians 4:13


OL’ Trusty

6 PAX got lucky and missed the rain at Midoriyama. Slaw stepped up for the Q but his M set him straight and notified him he had a 2.0 event (thankfully she is keeping him on the straight and narrow). YHC took the fill in but was running behind. So Pizza Man took over and got the warm-up going as I came in hot! One of those days! Thankfully at Midoriyama there is always a HIM to step-up.


I saw some SSH and squats when I was coming. Then we did some Don Quixte’s.

The Thang: Ol’ Trusty is one Pizza Man, Floppy Disk and I came up with back in the C4 days to simulate and train for a mud run. Run a little then do some task and keep repeating. So we run the road through the park and at each parking lot opening on your right we did 15 merkins and 10 squat jumps. We threw in 5 burpees at the speed humps. We stopped off at the shed for 2 rounds of Tricep dips x 15ic, Freddy Mercury x 20ic, Ironcross flutter kicks x 10ic. All in all we did a little over 2 miles and a lot merkins and squats.



Announcements-Nomads new schedule of the last Saturday of the month, Convergence 12/17 at the Schiele, Advisory board meeting moved up to 12/18.

Prayer Request- PAX Training, Oompa’s coworker with cancer, Tooltime’s coworkers, My Grandmother with alzheimers,


Good work by all today. Great to have Floppy Disk back out. 2 months on the coach set him back a bit but I have no doubt he will be back in marathon shape in no time!

Gashouse Convergence in support of Operation Sweet Tooth

The year 2016 has been spectacular for Gastonia F3.  The PAX have been pushing the rock and expanding our footprint to impact men and our community.  The launch and growth of Midoriyama, Folsom, and the Fighting Yank have meant more choices for first F opportunities.  The F3 Nomads has helped men experience other AO’s and form friendships outside our region.  The training, preparation, and completion of our first ever Blue Ridge Relay team has formed tighter bonds between men.  The combination of all three F’s in events has been a signature of the Gashouse’s short existence as evidenced by the Backwoods Brawl and the recent epic #CSAUP “The Climb” at Crowder’s Mountain.  Dr. Feelgood pulled that one off during trying times and we are grateful for his dedication to make it happen.  Getting Dredd and CSPAN to speak on Veteran’s Day was a real treat.  Many men were ready to charge the hill and take no prisoners.  What a great event!  If we can repeat that next year I expect at least double the numbers.

The Gashouse has a lot to be thankful for.  One of the blessings of living third is impacting others through leadership at home, at work, and in our community.  It is to that end that I announce the December convergence at the Schiele on December 17th in honor of Operation Sweet Tooth.

Last Christmas, F3 Gastonia sponsored a family at Jobu’s recommendation and the generosity was overwhelming.  This year, in that same spirit, Gastonia F3 is going to partner with Operation Sweet Tooth in support of the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Gaston.

Why Operation Sweet Tooth you ask?

Earlier this year, F3 Olive lost his 8 year old daughter Christina Marie Latini unexpectedly.  There were many prayers lifted for Olive and his family in COT’s and backblasts during this time.  As a testament to his family’s faith and resolve, Olive is using the tragedy for good by creating a 501(c) 3 organization in honor of Christina.

“To honor her memory, the mission of Operation Sweet Tooth is to keep her spirit alive by providing hope and joy to children who may be sick, less fortunate, homeless, or just need to have their spirits lifted. The goal is to provide toys, gifts and items of need through various fundraising efforts in hope that we can have of positive impact and experience on their lives.”

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.  ”Mother Teresa

What:  Convergence workout

When:  December 17th

Where:  Schiele Museum

Who:  Bandit and Roscoe QIC

Why:  Because you have overcome Sad Clown Syndrome and want to live third by helping others and giving back

Price of admission:  At minimum something to donate on the list below. There is no maximum donation!  You can also donate cash directly to #OST and get the deduction.  YHC will have donation forms available.

What to donate:  Cash or check to Operation Sweet Tooth

$5 and $10 Gift Cards from Best Buy, Game Stop, Walmart, AMF Bowling, etc

Circuit Training items:jump ropes, hula hoops, basketballs, footballs, multipurpose game balls, cones, etc.

Art Supplies: Charcoal, Calligraphy sets, Art Pencil Sets, Paint, Easels,

School Supplies: Pencils, Notebooks, 3 Ring Binders, Erasers, Construction Paper, etc.

Snacks: Anything healthy: pre-packaged snacks like popcorn, low fat/low sodium potato chips, etc. (Boys and Girls Club feed approximately 200 Kids a day)

Start EH’ing your friends now!  Read some old backblasts on and find those PAX that we haven’t seen for a while and pick them up and bring them.  If you are on IR, bring a gift in time for the COT and do bible study and coffeerama with us.  For every FNG at the convergence, Bandit and I will perform twenty burpees at the end of the workout and buy your coffee at Panera afterwards.  For every Kotter we welcome back, all the PAX will perform ten hip slappers each.*

So prepare your M that when you come home from Panera on December 17th, (sometime before lunch), your spirits will be lifted and your heart, mind, and body will be ready for the holidays and the real reason for the season!

*Disclaimer:  There will be no backwards running.

Golf and a 6 pack

Since we make a habit of leaving our home and family so often to go hang out with the men of F3 – why not make it sound like we’re doing what our wives all probably think we’re doing anyways? Time for some golf and a 6 pack with the boys!


With that theme in mind, all 11 pax grabbed a frisbee disc and prepared for some cardio and core work to build our 6 pack stomachs!


SSH x 20 ic

The Thang:

5 Frisbee Golf “Holes” – pair up and stagger start at each hole

While disc is in the air, you sprint. After it hits the ground you must lunge to the disc where it lays.

Hole 1 = 10x the # of throws, Mericans!

Hole 2 = 10x the # of throws, WWII Sit ups

Hole 3 = 10x # of throws, Burpees

Hole 4 = 10x # of throws, CDDs (aka “Def Lepups”)

Hole 5 = 10x # of throws, Mountain Climbers

Onto the “19th Hole Clubhouse” for a 6 pack! (Time for cardio and core work!)

  • “Billy Bad Arses” (yes, I created and named my own new exercise) = 5 Pullups, suicide sprint to end of parking lot, 20 Mericans x rinse and repeat 3 times
    • (was going to be for every stroke over par but we semi-omaha’ed due to time and possible merlot-splashing-chatter)
  • LBCs x 30 ic
  • Flutter Kicks x 20 ic
  • American Hammers x 50 sc


Blessed to share a message on my heart = life is a symphony of highs and lows. To enjoy and appreciate the “highs” you must have endured “lows” for perspective. The best meal, shower, sleep I’ve had in years all took place the day after the CSAUP. How often we take for granted the simple ability to breath until we get congested with a head cold. My appreciation for family is at a “high” after enduring the “low” of a year in the hospital with countless chemo sessions and surgeries while my wife battled cancer.

Thank the Lord for your many blessings and remember that if things are “going well” all the time, you will never appreciate them as much.

The Pledge, Announcements, Prayers then named our FNG, “Swimmer” (He works at Siemens and has 5 kids so we were VERY NICE to him.) 🙂

Welcome Swimmer and thanks to the rest of this incredible group of men. I’m extremely grateful to join you every week and especially to call you my friends.


The New Loop

9 PAX showed at Midoriyama on Tuesday looking for a beatdown.


SSH x 25ic

Toy Soldiers x 10ic

Imperial Walkers x 10ic

The Thang:

They have been working on a new section they are adding to the park that will access the river and trail to McAdenville. I noticed it looked finished so we moseyed over just to check it out. It turns out there is a nice asphalt loop back in there. In total from our start it is a 1.5 miles loop. We stopped once for some Plank and Hops while we waited for the six. Plank then hop straight up to your feet in one motion.

Back at the start we found some blocks in my truck and really went to work. Partner up rotating between running the parking lot loop and doing the exercise.

1st- Overhead Lunges while partner runs. do 3 laps each

2nd-Press Sit-ups while partner runs. Hold block over head while doing a sit-up. do 3 laps each

3rd-Squat and Overhead Press while partner runs. Do 3 laps each.



Announcements- Holiday Party, Minutes from Advisory Board

Prayer Request-Billy Madison’s Family especially his in-laws

A lot of hustle out there on this one! Keep up the good work.


It’s just a Thanksgiving Murph…

Well the clock hit 17:30 at Midoriyama so it’s time to begin.  The F3 GhostFlag or should I say GashouseFlag was present on this evening.  I was really hoping for some takers but I just think that everyone is scared to cross the river into Gaston County.  With that being said, the 10 PAX that showed maybe knew what they might be getting into this evening. I twitted out earlier in the day; may or may not be a Thanksgiving Murph, show to know.  Ash Pond(not going there) traveled with the Nomads Saturday to Latta and before we went our separate ways he said something about doing a Thanksgiving Day Murph.  It was real quiet and Whoopee said he had to work so since I had Q at Midoriyama on Tuesday that was going to be Pizza Man’s delivery.  Thanks for the suggestion Ash Pond!! I’m sure the PAX really loved it.  It went like this…



Don Quixotes X 10 IC for Tool Time

That’s enough warm up…

Run a mile

100 Pull-ups


300 Squats

Run a mile

Finished with a little time left so Mary it was…

Partner up and P1 perform 25 regular sit ups while P2 stood on P1’s feet…rinse and repeat

Finished up with 22 merkins for the VETS



Great work by all the men that showed at Midoriyama…thanks to each of you for making me a better man as a whole!!  I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving if I don’t see you and if you get tired of turkey feel free to call your local PIZZA MAN…until next time Pizza Man is ooouuuuuuuuttttttt!!

looked better on paper

8 men entered the midoriyama gloom.  luckily, 8 men exited as well. it still feels weird calling it the gloom at midoriyama. temperature was perfect.  as 17:30 hit, it was time to clock in.

i’m an idiot and you’re an idiot.  i am definitely not a professional.  modify as needed.

warmups: sdd x 10IC each leg, toy soldiers x 15IC and flutter kicks x 15IC.

we then went for a mosey to one of the turd shacks.  stopped and did 25 donkey kicks and 25 plank jacks.  rinse and repeat.  we then all got BTTW and held it while one by one, each would bear crawl out a bit to do 5 burpees and sprint back.  serious mumble chatter here.

another mosey and stopped for 50 merkins and 50 plank squats.  repeat with 50 cdd and 50 squats.

another mosey for 75 moroccan nightclubs and 75 curb calf raises.  rinse and repeat

another mosey for 100 mountain climbers and 100 lbc.  rinse and repeat.

mosey the turd shack closet to the launching point for a quick set of ascending testicles.

mosey (walk) back to the start and circle for people’s choice x 10 each.  tool time = springy merkin hoppy things. ash pond = American hammers.  oompa loompa = scorpion twerks. def leppard = hillbillies. blart = burpees. yhc = 8 count body builders.  slaw = shh.  freight = sumo squats.

we closed it out with 22 merkins for the vets and the pledge.  TIME. (well, little over). sorry guys.

COT announcements: freight’s health is better.  floppy’s m is recovering nicely. prayer request: tool time’s job.  BOM: yhc took us out.

really nice job, men.  appreciate the opportunity to q and i appreciate the mumble chatter.  thank you all for the push. until next time.

Philippians 4:13


Chafing Gopher

Eventually, 8 strong at Midoriyama as our workouts shift to darkness. I say eventually because Blart had called ahead to announce his tardiness. YHC also having a list of events conspiring to keep me behind schedule with no printed Weinke so I rolled in at 17:28 to get things started. Let me mention here to be careful on the F3 gear website. I had ordered a nice red F3 shirt in XL as I like a looser fitting shirt and evidently “Race Fit” means 2 sizes smaller. As I change clothes at work I quickly noticed this shirt size problem so I apologize to the Men of Midoriyama for having to witness me in a snug fitting “Schmedium” but its not quite as bad now as it used to be before F3!

Warm Up

SSH x 20

Moroccan Night Clubs for a minute or so

Imperial Walkers x 20

Mountain Climbers x 15

22 Merkins for the Veterans, called by our own Veterans, Slaw (Navy) and Oompa Loompa (Marines)

The Pledge

The Thang

Mosey to the playground for 55’s

5 Chinups or Pullups then 5 Derkins x 3 sets

Mosey to the dark soccer field for The Gopher borrowed from a back blast I read from Death Valley in South Charlotte. Blart’s finally here in some nice work pants which is where the “Chafing” comes from.

Partner Up, P1 runs a lap while P2 does 10 dips on the bleachers, 10 flutter kicks and 10 curls with half blocks. Both partners meet back at the soccer goal for 10 merkins then flapjack. There was a little confusion about who was running where but after a few minutes, we got it going and I believe we got through about 5 rounds. I was kind of thinking it would be a competition to see who would get the most rounds but we all managed to meet at the soccer goal for our merkins together so it was all good!

Mosey back to the Turd Shack for Hip Slappers x 5 IC with Mike Tyson’s x 10 IC, 3 sets, Ouch!

Back to the flag for 6 Minutes of Mary. Skipping Slaw due to his obsession with burpees, Billy Madison called American Hammers, and get this x 50 single count. Edison was next so, of course he called American Hammers x 50 single count also! Freight called LBFC’s times a bunch, that’s Little Baby Flutter Crunches, Blart called Merkins x 25, Ash Pond called Sandy V’s x 20 and time was up. There was also discussion of Ash Pond’s beard as it is reaching the level of King Leonidas of Sparta with Edison’s very close as well. M’s may soon have something to say about those things!

Announcements – Each guy present will be at CSAUP and looking forward to it. My M did ask me this week “Isn’t that Completely Stupid thing this weekend?” Yes it is. Whoopee’s 2.0 collecting canned food and drinks for a good cause.

COT – Prayer requests, Billy Madison’s In-Laws, Floppy Disk’s M, Lil Sweet’s niece.

Moleskin – I am reading “Freed to Lead” by Dredd and OBT and just got through the Sad Clown definition portion and that is good reading. Freight has on his Twitter bio that he is a Recovering Sad Clown and that is an awesome way to describe things before F3 and getting into shape. As we were doing a lap during the Gopher Freight talked about buying donuts for the veterans he works with. Just one of the kinds of things F3 PAX might do, but he also talked about having to be careful not to eat too many of those donuts. I understand that perfectly as I too love to eat and have to be careful on a daily basis not to fall into bad habits. I like to say “Keep Striving” and that just means a push to be a better person each day! Thanks to the F3 Gastonia and Midoriyama PAX for that push! Happy Veterans Day to Slaw and Oompa Loompa and all veterans for allowing freedom to happen!

Election Day for the 45th President

12 PAX showed up for the first workout at Midoriyama after the time change.  With it being election day Q wanted to get everyone ready to see who the 45th president was going to be so 45 would be the theme of the workout. It went like this…



Squats X 20 IC

SV’s X 5 IC

Then mosey to the soccer field


The PAX lined up on the end line and did 1 set of exercises then ran to the center of the field and did 5 burpees then run back.  We did each set 3 times for a total of 9 sets.  The exercises were….

Set 1:

Merkins X 20

LBC’s X 20

Pull-Ups X 5

Total-45 Reps

Set 2:

CDD’s X 20

Flutter’s X 20

Pull-Ups X 5

Total-45 Reps

Set 3:

Military or Diamond Merkins X 20

American Hammer’s X 20

Pull-Ups X 5

Total-45 Reps

Number of burpees- 5 after each set X 9 sets=45 Total

With 15 mins left it was time for a little cardio fun.  The Gashouse Nomads traveled to Isotope this past weekend and experienced ultimate Frisbee so the Q decided to incorporate it in his delivery.  It didn’t let me down!! It’s a great feeling when you look around and everyone is smiling and giving it their all at the same time.

Time to mosey back to the flag for 22 merkins for the vets


Announcements: CSAUP- Nov.11-12


Well Pizza Man’s Midoriyama delivery is complete in 45 minutes.  Great work by the PAX and way to push yourselves.  I hope that everyone had fun at least the last 15 minutes.

Always a pleasure to lead a great group of men…Until next time Pizza Man is ooouuuuuuuttttt!!!

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