• Post Type:
  • When: 12/13/16
  • AO:
  • QIC: Huckleberry
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Def Leppard (respect), Oompa Loompa (respect), Ashhhhhhhhhhhh Pond, Blart, Freight

6 men posted for their DRP at midoriyama.  pre beat down story about a man running a 50 mile race in 5 hours and 56 minutes.  that’s nuts.  anyway, 17:30 hits and it’s time to clock in.

warmups: happy jacks x 15IC and 8ct body builders x 10IC.

the thang

quick mosey and partner up for catch me if you can. p1 does 5 burpees and p2 runs backwards.  switch every time you catch your partner.  all the way down to the far soccer fields. repeat with 10 merkins and partner 2 bear crawling. repeat with 15 squats and partner 2 lunge walking.

recover with 11’s.  burpees and squat jump.   running the short side of the parking lot in between.

partner up again for dora… except partners didn’t matter.  everyone does all the exercises, no running.  100 merkins, 200 overhead claps and 300 flutter kicks.  we called an omaha here, but everyone was close to completion.

mosey back to closest turd shack to the launching point for 30 donkeys kicks.  circle up for 22 merkins for the vets and the pledge. time!

COT – announcements: gashouse convergence this saturday, after Christmas party on January 7th, snowbird men’s retreat in march.  prayer requests: men on IR, floppy’s family.  BOM: yhc took us out.

it’s not only an honor to q, buts it’s an honor just to know you men.  it’s a pleasure to break sweat with you.  until next time.

Philippians 4:13
