Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 41 of 51)

Fight Ready

18 PAX showed to get fight strong at Midoriyama. Well 19 but 1 was there to mtn bike so we will count him as gears. There’s been some talk lately about fighting and not fighting. I just want to say I’m not condoning fighting but I truly believe you have to be prepared because you never know what situation life is going to put you in. You have to be ready to protect yourself and your family.


Slaughter Starter-Apollo Creed Burpee x 20 (that’s one arm burpee)

Sumo Squat Jumps x 10

Daniel Son x 10ic (Just because I thought this would be funny and it was)

The Thang:

Mosey to the Stairs-2 at a time do 10 calf raises on each step x 13 steps. Plank at the bottom while you wait and wall sit at the top while you wait on the six.

Rampage-Start with 10 WWI’s at the top then bear crawl down the steps. 10 WWII’s at the bottom then NUR back to the top(this is supposed to be Crawl Bear but I do show mercy). 3 rounds. We had an on looker we tried to get involved at this point. Good Job Huck for taking the time to talk with him!

On the curb for Rocky Balboa’s for a certain amount of time

Partner up-Partner 1 Does Mike Tyson’s while Partner 2 runs around the sidewalk and up the stairs. 100 combined.

Mosey back to the flag and circle up

Iron Hulk-It’s Jack Webb’s with a 1:4 ratio. We went up to 10. These should not be that stinking hard! Wow!

Nolan Ryan x 10

Floyd Mayweather x 10ic

Punch up Merkin x 10

8 Count Body Builder x 10( an 8 count is way to much for us at Midoriyama)

We finished it off with 2 rounds of Duck Joisting(look this one up it is hilarious)


Announcements-CSPAN with the Q at The Yank 5/13, Pain Lab starts 5/13 at The Yank,

Mudrun 5/20,



Prayer Request-Def Leppard’s Son, Us as fathers


Great job pushing the rock today by all. So glad to see Pockets out there! It was great to see some folks that normally just visit the gloom. Gastone made his first visit. Sargento brought the cheese family out. Come back in about 2 months when it really warms up out there. Slaw came prepared for nipple scrappers but he didn’t need it. While no fights occurred today we all got a little more prepared. Weather we realize it or not we fight everyday. We fight sin, we fight ourselves, we fight life! We all are presented with challenges and we have to be prepared for whatever is put before us. Obstacles are put in your way to see if what you want is really worth fighting for. So it’s up to you. As for me I’m going to keep fighting! If you need some help I’ll fight with you too.

Midoriyama Mountain Rain

As YHC rolled up to Midoriyama, the light rain falling with the mountain in the background had me thinking of “Smoky Mountain Rain” by Ronnie Milsap. YHC had 2 weinkies prepared, one for rainy AO conditions, and one for dry conditions. Well, which one will it be? YHC couldn’t decide, so I picked a little bit from each one. With 3 other brave PAX showing up, it was time to start.

Quick disclaimer, then on to the warmup:

  • Seal Jacks x 12 IC
  • Morr. Nightclubs x 25 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • Shoulder Taps x 12 IC

Mosey to the picnic shelter for the “rainy” portion of the weinke:

  • Dips x 10 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Derkins x 15 IC
  • Box Cutters x 10 IC

R&R x 4

Mosey back to parking lot at the flag for 3 rounds of 4 corners (“dry” part of weinke).

Round 1: Block curls x 20, Squats x 20, Freddie Mercs x 20, Werkins x 20

Round 2: Block overhead press x 20, SSH x 20, WW1’s x 20, Diamond Merkins x 15

Round 3: Lawn Mowers x 40 (20 ea. arm), Lunges x 20 (10 ea. leg), LBFC’s x 20, Mike Tyson x 15

Next, place 3 cones approx. 15 yards apart in a triangular pattern for Bearmuda Triangles. Start at one of the cones, bear crawl to the next cone and perform 1 Burpee. Repeat until all 3 cones have been covered, then escalate up to 2. Do a lap, then up to 3. PAX were smoked by this time, so YHC Omaha’d for 5 minutes of Mary.

Canteen picked some horrible exercise YHC can’t recall (sorry sir), YHC picked Penguins x 15 IC, Blart chose American Hammers x 20 IC, Lil’ Sweet chose Inchworms x 5, Canteen chose Supermans x 15.

YHC closed us out with 22 Merkins for the Vets.


Whoopee’s “gun show” on the 27th, Mud Run on the 20th, All Gashouse PAX mustering at the Yank on the 13th (C-Span guest Q), pain lab also meeting there as well, Gashouse convergence will be at the Downtown Pavilion in June.

Prayer Requests: Our Nation and its leadership, Dr. Feelgood and his Family, Pockets (miss you, brother) and other PAX on the IR, Oompa Loompa while he is traveling.

YHC led us out in prayer.

Thanks for the PAX who posted even though the weather wasn’t the greatest. You guys really pushed hard for 45 minutes. My hat’s (and tassels) are off to you! Thank You for allowing me to lead!

Until next time,




Cure for soccer arms plague….

13 men posted for a throw back Thursday delivery from Pizza Man.  Throughout the day I kept thinking about what this delivery needed and I figured that we need to try to find a cure for soccer arms plague.  With that being said 5:30 was upon us….



Don Q’s (For our brother Tool Time) X 10 IC

Squats X 25 SC

That’s enough warm-up…

Let’s mosey….we moseyed through Midoriyama doing different types of merkins and ab work at every parking lot opening.  Along the way we did 5 burpees(humpies) at each speed bump and of course we stopped by the playground for some work.  We continued to mosey to the shed where the we knocked out 1000 dips (LOL..see who reads this).  The mosey continued to the stairs for calf raises.  While doing these we noticed ToolTime’s vehicle pulling in with Mrs. ToolTime driving.  It was great to see our brother that had surgery earlier in the day.  What better way to greet him than Monkey Humpers.  Felt sort of bad about it with his M in the car, but then Def Leppard reminded me she was married to ToolTime.  The PAX moseyed back to the flag for Pizza Man’s finale 22 merkins for the VETS.


Merkins, Incline Merkins, Decline Merkins, Werkins, Diamond Merkins, Mike Tyson’s, LBC’s, WWI, Flutters, American Hammers, LBFC’s, Sandy V’s, Pull-ups, and plank

*Should’ve showed to know how many reps were done*



Once again, It was great to see ToolTime after having surgery earlier in the day.  God is good!!! As always, it was a pleasure to lead a great group of men!!!  Thanks to each of you for making me a better husband, father, and man in the community.  Until next time Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUTTTTTTTT!!!

Pre Surgery Checklist

Doctors orders …”no intense exercise for two weeks post op”….luckily this is pre op!!!! Let’s hit it!

SSH- 20 IC

Merkins – 20 IC

Squats- 20 IC


The Thang:

On your six men let’s get the core engaged!

V-up /Roll-up – 25

Oblique V-ups Right Side /Left Side -25 each side

Flutter Kicks – 50

Lots of mumble chatter after that….also no more apples for Slaw!

After that we moseyed for a lap down the road and around the parking lots.

Circle up at the playground….

10 Pull-ups then 20 Merkins

10 Chin-ups then 20 Military Merkins (elbows in)

10 Close Grip Pull-ups then 20 Diamond Merkins

Off for another mosey down the road and back to the horse shoe Pits

Zombie walk for well…..Eternity (it seemed that way!)

Well this is going to hurt

Backs to the wall….1 min 30 Sec wall squats (at 1 min drop to 90degrees)

Another mosey down the road and around Parking lots and back to the wall.

This is going to hurt more…..

Single leg wall squats alternating legs at YHC count.(1 Min total)

Mosey back to the Flag…

30- CDD’s

We finished where we started with core work

American Hammers Legs up- 50

Fifer Scissors – 25 (slow count) The PAX REALLY enjoyed this agony!

I was a couple of minuets shy of 45 and Slaw wanted his money’s worth so …

10 Burpee’s OYO

And we finished up with a Floppy Disk Favorite

2.5 mins of Plank – Alternating Low then High



Announcements…..ask Freight….he spoke for about 20mins…

YHC spoke about a Daily reading he read this week from John Eldrege’s book Killing Lions see link below

Pledge (Thank you Nantan for reminding me)

Prayers- Billy Madison took us out thank you brother!

Billy Madison’s mother in law going through bone marrow treatment, and His M will be out of town with her mother for a few weeks.

Tool Time surgery this Thursday at 12:30

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

As always it was honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Pay Your Taxes

Disclamer was said




Into the warm up (Brownstreak Style)…..with one of the Best Bands to calm us all 45 mins of TOOL playing out of the Bluetooth!




SST x 25 IC

1 Burpee

Hillbilly x 15 IC

2 burpees

Cotton pickers x 10 IC

3 burpees

Monkey humpers x 15 IC

4 burpees

Mericans x 15 IC

5 burpees

Lunges x 10 (each leg)

6 burpees

Toy soldiers x 10 IC

7 burpees

Squats x 15 IC

8 Burpees

Carolina Dry docks x 15 IC

9 burpees

Peter Parker x 15 IC

10 burpees


After the warm up ( lots of Mublechatter here it had to happen….


The Thang


Core Time with Tool Time

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

American Hammers -50

Mosey the on to a little Dip/Derkin action…

30 Dips IC then 15 Derkins IC

15 Dips IC then 15 Derkins IC

20 dips single count then 10 Derkins IC……

Short mosey around the parking lot

Then circle up 22 for the vets lead by Slaw!




It was great to Q again I’ve missed it …..I spoke about our call to be warriors and kings and sages to advance His Kingdom and challenged all of us to look for the opportunities in our everyday life to impact those around us.



Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time


11 men showed for a taste of the sun at Midoriyama. A little short of our last few weeks, with numbers to 18 a few times. With several new guys out at midoriyama the pressure is on to bring it.






FIRST MOSSEY ,the long way to the play ground with a break for six to catch up 14 lbc’s.

pullups  8  then 20 lbc,s

then 20 American hammers

then 20 plank ups ,  (high plank to low plank)

SECOND MOSSEY, to soccer field to get coupons

first exercise 21’s…curls 3 sets of seven ….1/4 up x7..1/2 up x7…all the way up 7

lap     around parking area

second exercise weighted dips x20 IC

lap     around parking area

X2………………….then some partner passes with coupon

and then some wall work 10 Mike Tysons then 10 hippslappers x  3   I was reminded that there were other exercises  in lexicon.  Guess I better get a little more creative next time, but its not those first two sets that burn its the last one, and you cant have a third without the first.two.

last mosey toward flag for some lunge walks for bout 10 yards then 10 bobby hurleys

almost forgot 22 merkins for vets




mud run may 20th

Spartan 1/2 Marathon in Davidson-May 6th



Its always an honor to lead out here . If you would have asked me 2 years ago what I would be doing I never would have dreamed it would be standing in front of a group of men leading a workout like this. You men make me stronger at every post. I hope to be a part of this for a long time……..

PRAYER REQUEST            all those on IR we hope to see yall  soon…remember tsquare and others

needing it …Pocketts hope to see asap




Keeping it Simple

First of all let me apologize for the delay in posted this BB. I had to reset my password….no excuse.

It was a nice evening at Midoryama with 7 pax (it’s been so long I couldn’t remember all names. Anywho….The Thang

W/U: Chumbawampa (SSH n Burpees)

mosey to soccer field for Dora 1-2-3 with 100 Merkins 200 Dips 300 LBC’s. Mose to TurdShack for hipslappers, wall sits w/ steps(thanks Spider-Man) Mosey to playground for a Mini Murph: 5 Pull ups 10 CDD’s 15 Squats run a little ways then back. Mosey to flag for Mary, 22 for the Vets, pledge and announcements and prayer requests.

Moleskin: It’s an honor and privilege to lead these men in exercise. You guys have no idea how just being around y’all has made me want to be more accountable and a better man/husband/father. Thanks is not enough….Peace Out.


14 HIMs posted for another Pizza Man delivery at F3 Gastonia’s top AO, Midoriyama.  I knew this delivery was going to be a windy one and it didn’t let me down.  Earlier in the week the Tarhills won the Championship and being a DUKE fan I knew I would catch some grief.  With this Q, I wanted to incorporate some good HILLS in the workout for the TARHILLs.  With that being said it went like this:



Windmills (for the wind) X ? (There was too much mumble chatter from ToolTime)

Heck with the warm-up, time to mosey.

The Thang:

Partner up for DORA 1, 2, 3 at soccer fields:

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 squats
  • 300 LBC’s

*During this Freight heard a train in the distance, so 5 burpees it is*

After DORA the 14 HIMs moseyed to the hill at the dog park and did:

  • 10 merkins at the top
  • 10 LBFC’s at the bottom

*Rinse and repeat 4 times*

Mosey to the soccer field for Rugby sprints. The exercises were:

  • LBC’s
  • Merkins
  • WWI
  • Moroccan nightclubs

Well time to mosey to the other hill. Along the way we couldn’t pass the playground and not do anything so we partnered back up and partner 1 did pull-ups while partner 2 planked it out.

*Rinse and repeat*

Time to mosey to slider hill for some work and it went like this:

  • Run the down the hill and back up. At the top of the hill do 1 burpee, then repeat but next time do 2 burpees, then 3, 4, and finally finish with 5.

Well it was getting close to 45 minutes so let’s mosey back to the flag and finish the way Pizza Man does with 22 merkins for the VETS. I forgot to mention that at Midoriyama when Pizza Man has Q, every speed bump that is passed the PAX does 5 burpees(humpees).  We passed 3 speed bumps along the mosey, so that’s 15 more burpees.




  • Community Run in Gastonia- April 8th
  • Join Def Leppard and Pizza Man in the Spartan ½ Marathon at Davidson- May 6th
  • Mud Run- May 20th

Once again it is always an honor to lead my F3 brothers. I hope that each and every one of you understands what you mean to me and how you help me every day of my life.  Please take a minute of your time and pray for ours F3 brothers that can’t post.  As I mentioned last night, I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t able to post and see my F3 brothers!!  Thanks again for everything you all do for me and in my life!!

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!

Ultimate Foosball

18…..I said 18 posted at Midoriyama on Tuesday! This ties the record for the third time and the 2nd in the last 2 weeks. Apparently it will work in the afternoon! We are the people of the sun. Come on out and get some vitamin D. It was great to have our resident mumble chatterer Tooltime back out. Sparky brought out the 2.0’s Madden and the newly named Aflac( he did not like this name but like most had to learn the hard way. You don’t tell us that!). Floppy Disk was there with his release form from the dentist.


Don Q’s x 10ic

Squats x 10ic

Seal Jacks x 10ic

The Thang:

Mosey to the stairs. 2 at a time hit the stairs and do 10 calf raises on each step. I believe there are 13 steps. All other Pax plank and wait your turn at the bottom. Once complete wall sit at the top waiting on the six.

Mosey to the parking lot. Bearcrawl to the opposite curb and do 10 merkins. Cross the island and crabwalk to the opposite curb and do 10 WWI’s. Do this again but backwards.

Mosey to the hill at the soccer field. 11’s on the hill. Start with 1 Bobby Hurley at the bottom and 10 diamond merkins at the top.

Pizza Man brought us another tire so we had a relay race. Split into 2 groups. Each Pax flips the tire then runs to the back of the line. We raced across the field and back.

With about 15 minutes left we stayed teamed up and played some ultimate football on one half of the soccer field. Just like ult. frisbee but we used a soft multicolored football. When you have a daughter that’s what the football looks like. I guess I was lucky to have one at all.

Mosey back to the flag.


Announcements-Community run this weekend. Mudrun coming up in May. Pizza Man and Def Leppard are running a half in Davidson if you want to join them.

Namearama-2 FNG’s Sparky’s 2.0 aka Aflac and Josh Jarrett aka Skeet. Welcome guys!

Prayer Request-Pockets, Families dealing with the loss of a loved one, Various people fighting Cancer, YHC’s Mother in the Hospital under the care of Whoppee and Defib’s group(in good hands!)

Crap I forgot the pledge again!

Moleskin-So glad to see so many coming out to Midoriyama! Such a great group of guys. I am honored you allow me to lead! Keep pushin the rock men. ABT

It was a fine Day!!

14 showed for a rainy/wet beat down. Trying to show some planning skills, I dug up some exercises that I haven’t heard done yet. With that I like to start with the pledge and we’re off.


Abe Vigoda  x 10 IC   Slow Stretching Windmill

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the fartshack for some wall work.

10 x Hipslappers  IC

10 x Donkey kicks IC

10 x Wall taps  OYO

Now the rain began and we partnered up and did a Triple Check. Teams of 3 and 1 team of 2.

partner 1 wall sits

partner 2 planks

partner 3 sprints 100 yrds and back. or in our case to the truck in the parking lot. rinse and repeat x 3

Slow mosey to the parking lot for a route 66.

first one was a Bulgarian Ball Buster. Its a reverse lunge to a knee up.

second was the Merkin. Freight called out bear crawl between lines so some did.

Mosey to the parking lot in between the ball field and the horse shoe pits for 15 mins of fun. Complete reps of exercises and then run a lap.

10 Bobby Hurleys

10 Monkey Humpers

10 Nolan Ryans each hand. A few guys had good reach on this one.

5 Crunchy Frogs

After that we did another route 66

Van Goghda  Its a slow windmill on your 6. Feels like a WW1 Freight called out duck walk so we did.

I had more on the wet winke but since time was running low and we had a FNG to name, we moseyed back to the start and did 10 Dips and 5 Burp & Merks to finish up. Pizzaman took us out on 22 for the vets.


Announcements, Prayer request and prayer and we named the FNG. Welcome Wes Huffstetler now known as Match Stick

This week has been crazy for me. My Boss had a Heart attack and is heading for triple bypass surgery. When I arrived at the workout I found out that a high school friend had passed away from a massive heart attack. Thank you guys for showing and keep each other in your prayers.

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