Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: GasHouse (Page 8 of 53)

How about that mumble chatter?

GasHouse Site Q Linus put out a request for Q’s and I accepted the challenge. I had an idea that was brewing so I wanted to try it out. Problem is, I couldn’t get it to work the way I wanted. There are such things as “simple Q’s” (read Sister Act’s backblast when he writes it next month). I’ve done a few of those, but I pride myself to push the creative limits (see 2020 Best Q of the Year award – #justsayin). So, I went to work on a Weinke that would challenge the PAX’s body and mind. The parking lot at GasHouse was full. This was like the old days 4 or 5 years ago when the GasHouse was the Saturday AO. Now, with two other options on the calendar, attendance has spread – and that is a good thing. Lots of EC for rucks and runs so the circle gathered around. Freight was kind of to remind me that it was 0700. But I go by the Q’s watch which was a minute slower, compared to Freights at least. Scanning the circle – we had some Nantans present. New Nantan Broke, then former ones in Freight and Tool Time aka the Mumble Chatter Twins. But then we also had THE Nantan, he was until recently, …welcome to DREDD. If you thought ‘Oh Shit’ don’t think YHC didn’t either. I work for Bank of America and that is like Hugh McColl sitting at the table while I lead a presentation. Here we go:


  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Seal Jack IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker Squat IC x 10
  • Bulldog Jacks (what? Get on all 4’s, hover knees just off the ground, arms go out and back in) these aren’t easy. The scheduled 10 was Omaha’ed to 5 but not because of the PAX complaining, because they’re hard).
  • Side to Side Lunge IC x 10
  • Pledge – split up: Pain Lab with Les Nessman, Bootcamp follow me


With musical accompaniment (my playlist, not Sargentos) we moseyed to the First Presbyterian Church back parking lot…Freight commented it was the first time he’d seen people there…I don’t disagree but that is another problem F3 cannot solve. Find a curb to begin some Tabata: 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.

  • Rocky Balboa 4 count + 1 Burp
  • Bobby Hurley x 2, side shuffle across the parking space, Bobby Hurley x 2
  • Mike Tyson x 2 + Donkey Kicks x 2
  • Rinse & Repeat

I then asked PAX to spread out into their own parking space for the mini-4 corners

  • Bottom left corner: 10 Merkins, Bear Crawl forward to the top
  • 10 Mtn Climbers (count right leg), plank walk right
  • 10 Shoulder Taps (count 1 side), Joe Hendricks to the bottom corner
  • 10 Plank Jacks, plank walk left to the start
  • 2-line suicide x 10
  • Brief rest, repeat

I was ahead of schedule…what to do? I offered the PAX options. Repeat the two things we did or Option C. Hmm, PAX shouted “C” therefore YHC reached into the bag of tricks and pulled out “Walk the Plank.” Start on the left side of the parking space for 6 Merkins, plank-walk right to perform 1 Burp, plank-walk left for 5…you get the idea. Think 7’s instead of 11’s, why? Because I had more shoulder/arm work to come. Once complete, mosey across the street to Grier Middle School. This time for 11’s, the traditional way with Freddie Mercury and LBC’s. Freight said LBC’s weren’t challenging him. So, I threw out Rocket Burpees…Rocket Burpees you say? Only Pizza Man bought in so after a demo round or two, I went back to LBC’s. Don’t worry – I’ll find a way to get you some Rocket Burpees.

Next was the main event. You know the idea I mentioned that I had to replace – yeah that one. So, we moseyed to the football field and split 16 men into four teams of four. I had four sets of exercises. One of the groups would be on the track to run a lap as the “timer” while the other three completed the work. The groups repeated each set until all of the running group returned.

  • Set 1
    • 10 Squat Jumps + 10 Burps + 10 Merkins + 1 Burpee
  • Set 2
    • 10 SSH + Sgl Arm Tricep Merkin 10 Left then 10 Right + 10 LBCs
  • Set 3
    • 5 Snowboard Ski Abs (have to demo it for you) + 10 Forearm Merkins + 10 Am Hammers
  • Set 4
    • 5 Mahktar Merkins (correct, combine the two together – it’s not as hard as it sounds) + 10 Goofballs (because Sargento posted and it’s his favorite) + 10 Mtn Climber

Because the runners missed a set while on the track, I combined Groups 1 & 3 to run while Groups 2 & 4 exercised then flipped that. The final set was to keep everyone together for some core work.

  • Legs at 90 degrees, 10 crunches
  • Dolly’s IC x 10
  • Freddie Mercury IC x 10
  • Ski Abs in high plank IC x 5
  • Ski Abs in low plank IC x 5
  • Elbow plank rollovers – maybe 10 – it was out of control at this point.

We returned to base with a few minutes to spare. Flutter Kicks in streamline position IC x 20, Suitcase Crunches until time. TIME!


  • Extinction Run February 13th at Primal Brewing in Belmont at 9 am. See pre-blast
  • Support Today – Round-Up and Hacksaw running 1 mile every hour (goes until 4:30 am Sunday)
  • New AO on Fridays in Belmont is a GO! Great job to those organizing and Orangeman to be Site Q

Prayer requests:

  • Tik-tok in Race City losing his wife suddenly
  • Roscoe – passing of an CMPD officer (natural causes)
  • Flintstone – family friends grieving over suicide
  • Those with addictions
  • YHC took us out

We had an FNG with us attend Pain Lab. Tube had been EH’ing him. Jay Jarrell was in the Navy (Slaw – you have a friend) but plays Foreigner tunes in a cover band. Welcome Dirty White Boy. Today was a fun morning, at least for me. Of course, I tried to create a workout that would be challenging and interesting. I had a playlist to pump some volume into the group. I intentionally kept the group together without long moseys and sets on time rather than total reps. A great opportunity for discussion and chatter. Only it was more friendly talk among the PAX. Unbeknownst to me was a challenge to see if Tool Time could rattle me to the point of me telling him to “F-off.” I never got to that point, at least not to use those exact words, (thankfully?). But it wasn’t for lack of trying between TT and Freight. It was too quiet for DREDD’s liking as he erupted 40 minutes in to generate lively banter among the PAX. It’s the environment he’s accustomed. We’re a product of his creation but as we approach 6 years of life, we still have a lot to learn. So, we can take that to heart as we post in the gloom (or afternoon) and provide some Candor to the Q and our fellow PAX. Create the furious chaos to elevate the disruption.

Always room for improvement. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Frequently Asked Questions (faq)

Arrived early and saw Hushpuppy coming across the finish line and already had in a mile.  We got in another 1/2 mile pre-post so I could get warmed up.  I was hoping I would be prepped enough to lead the Pax of HIM’s for a not so much beatdown but just a great workout.  Mumblechatter abound, Watts Up quickly reminded me it was 07:00.


No warm up, who needs them.  Turns out I do, but such is.

Mosey to FPC church down back of parking lot.  Watch for the hidden ice spots.  Intent was to run some and exercise some.

The Thang:

No name:

25 Merkins/25 more Merkins – Up Pad steps, offer water to anyone thirsty from leftover trash in parking lot, back down hill watching for ice to where we started.

25 Crab Crunch (or something like that) / 25 more Crab Crunch / Up steps at The Pad, 25 more CC and hold in crab plank position for a hot minute.  Down hill and around to start.

50 squats / up steps to The Pad and 25 more.  Linus had a close bout with passing out.  I made it though, primarily cause I found out the Pax would drag me home instead of carry me.  I think they would actually finish the workout as well so I had motivation to stay puke and pass out free.  Down hill back to start.

50 calf raises (JJ gave up counting so he could mumblechat) / 25 merkins / 25 of those crab crunchie things / 25 squats.  Up steps, down steps…….back to start, done.

Modified 11’s:

Merkins / Dips, keep going in same circle.

Partner runs and holds:

Partner 1 runs a certain distance (I think it was a couple of miles) while partner 2 holds the following:

Plank / Al Gore / Crab Plank / 6″

Triple Nickel:

5 Flying Squirrels at each designated spot, keep running in circle pattern.  I called out modify to Pax as this was too much for me to handle.  Shout out to the Pax for keeping the same initial request.

Dora 1:

We have about 5 minutes.  Partner up, run a distance (about 3 miles), each Pax does 25 merkins.  Watts Up was actually looking for more.

Mosey home.  All questions answered, no referral to the FAQ section needed.


Belmont AO starting on Fridays (Belmont Central)

Mortimer/P200 coming up

Golddigger / 2.0 / M – New arrival


Sledge-o-Matic:  Sister in law with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy

Tube:  Brother-in-Law

Honored to lead…..Linus

Nature’s Bounty and another mutiny

The first Saturday of the new year was a little damp but not cold, so that was good. Plenty of HIMs were in attendance looking to put in work. YHC did plenty of planning to make sure they were pleased with the Q.  Since the Schiele Museum is the location of the AO and there are areas we haven’t explored as I recall, I did  some recon ahead of time and was inspired by a walk on the nature trail. This is what happened…

With the predetermined theme,  all exercises and routines would be related to animals or nature. It’s interesting when looking at the the exicon just how many exercises and such are named after said theme.

Warm Up

Copperhead Lunges x10 IC, Copperhead Drydocks x11 IC, Copperhead Squats x9 IC, Zebra Buttkicks x10 IC each leg

Pledge of Allegiance

Bootcampers split off from the Painlabbers and moseyed to the Nature Trail. When we came to the set of benches not far into the trail, YHC called for Racoon Crawls on the banches and chaos ensued. Start over, this time single file winding down to the bottom. One and a half rounds of this on the super slippery boards and YHC called for a stop before somebody busted out their teeth.

Mosey down to the bottom of the hill and line up, single file for the Duck & Weave. PAX would duck walk while the last person in line weaves his way to the front by running. We did this for a while until we got tired of it.

Mosey further down the trail to an open area for Global Warming. The PAX would hold Al Gore pose for a while until YHC called for 10 Flying Squirrels. Back to Al Gore until 20 Monkey Humpers. Al Gore again and then 10 more Flying Squirrels. Recover!

Mosey to the cabin in the woods where we would do a Country Dora 1-2-3 routine. Partner up for 100 Scorpion Dry Docks, 200 Gorilla Humpers and 300 Monkey Crunches. Partner 1 did exercises while partner 2 would either bear crawl, crab walk or copperhead lunge down to and around the trees and then switch. This sucked more than I wanted.

Head toward the pond with a detour to the picnic shelter. At the tables, YHC called 10 Copperhead Dips and 10 Copperhead Derkins. Then do 15 of each.  And then 20. Yes, this came from the president of MHC. Don’t ask why…

Mosey down to the pond and circle up, spreading out for a round of Howling Monkeys. All PAX would hold the monkey humper pose while, one at a time, they would do 10 Monkey Humpers each going clockwise. We made it a full round and started into a second round but with 14 PAX present this was lot of pain so we stopped.

Recover and head toward the exit. We stopped to line up again, this time for the Inch Worm. It was about this time that Roscoe synced his phone to my speaker to play his loud metal crap. It’s a good thing Short Sale wasn’t there because he’d have an aneurism. Roscoe is under the impression that his drivel is better than the artfully crafted playlist that YHC put together. Whatever… another mutiny. Do the inch worm for a while until it’s too much to take.

Fellowship mosey to the bottom of the hill for Elevens. Flying squirrels at one end, Monkey Humpers at the other side of the loop. We got in 7 rounds but time was short so we stopped.

Last thing is a session of Everest. Pax would do copperhead lunges with a copperhead squat up the hill! We made it most of the way up but time was running out so we moseyed to the parking lot where we did more monkey humpers! Time!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men! Make this year your and our best!!! AYE!!!

Announcements: Convergence at Folsom next week 7am start

Prayer Requests: Anchorman as he launches the Oakland, CA region. Talk about a HIM!!! Several PAX with Covid and recovering from injuries.

Until next time, keep it cheesy!



Forrest Gump was cold at the Gashouse

It wasn’t really gloomy at the Gashouse but it was cold, at least for these parts.

For 18 degrees, a good crowd showed up for the bootcamp and my goal was to get us moving and stay that way.

We settled in for a short warm up for this glorious day after Christmas 2020.

Warm Up as follows:  SSH X 15 IC – Imperial Walkers X 15 IC

We’re off with 10 following me and two hanging with Rudolph at the Pain Lab.

The Thang

Mosey out of the parking lot and at Garrison we paused to discuss the work ahead.  Having not Q’d in a while at Gashouse, I decided to bring out a modified Forrest Gump, a workout we first did back in late 2015.  We would have to modify due to some recent shoulder issues so shoulder and arm work was out today.

Mosey west along Garrison Blvd to our first stop at East Garrison Baptist Church for a few sets of work as follows:

In Cadence low-slow squats X 12

50 LBC’s OYO

10 Lunges OYO

25 Flutter Kicks OYO

Time to mosey to stop #2 at the former location of Hillbilly’s BBQ which is now transforming into a new restaurant; we did some sets as follows:

Repeat exact work at East Garrison Baptist Church but added a set of Hillbillies before leaving to pay homage to the location.

Mosey to stop #3 at the flagpoles at Lineberger Park for some work as follows:

12 low-slow squats IC – 50 LBC’s OYO – 10 Lunges OYO

Time for some Dora 2 – 3 – 4 as follows:

Partner up – Partner 1 runs to the top of the stairs up toward the pool area and back while Partner 2 performs the exercises and then switch off for cumulative reps:

200 Squats – 300 Flutter Kicks – 400 LBC’s

This was a tough little Dora session so kudos to the group for pushing through it.  Did I mention it was 18 degrees?

Still enough time for more moseying through the park with a couple of stations along the way:

Dying Cockroaches X 20 In- Cadence

Next stop included Dying Cockroaches X 20 IC plus a set up Pretzel Crunches X 13 IC

Time to start working our way back to the start.  Mosey back to the former Hillbilly’s location:

Dying Cockroaches X 20 IC – 13 Pretzel Crunches X 13 IC

Mosey to the final location back at East Garrison Baptist Church:

Dying Cockroaches X 20 IC – 15 Rear-Facing the Road Monkey Humpers IC (This is a must before finishing off a Forrest Gump workout and several drivers were rewarded as they passed by)

In-Cadence set of Freddy Mercury’s to finish it off before heading back to meet up with the Painlab group back at the Schiele.

Good work men.

Unfortunately, we had more than our fair share of prayer requests as is often the case around the holidays but this year particularly seems to be hitting several families harder than normal.

We finished off with my annual book giveaway.  I try to Q one off the closest workouts to Christmas at Gashouse each year and have given out a book the last 5 years.  This year I chose a great, short book called Make Your Bed by William McRaven.  It is a great book about habits and making an impact each and every day.  If I am healthy and capable, I will do it again next year.

The Moleskin

It is one thing to consistently post at workouts but it is another to post in conditions such as we had this morning.  I saw great numbers across F3 Gastonia this morning and is a testament to the group of HIMs here in our Region.  Great work men.

It has been an honor to be involved with F3 Gastonia now for 5 1/2 years.  I have accomplished things I never would have imagined before F3, in fact, many of them are things I never would have even thought of.  This year was unique for me as I became a member of the Respect group as I turned 50 back in July.  Just this year I have done two things I have not done before.  The week of my birthday, I set a goal of covering 50 miles rucking and running and I accomplished that.  At the Pub this week, I clicked over 1300 miles for the year when combining my running, rucking and moseying at bootcamps.  This is hard to believe as I set a goal of 1,000 miles for 2020 back near the end of last year.  During that same run on Thursday, I had PR’s for 5k and 10k distances, at least since my days in college.  Again, this is a testament to the F3 PAX pushing me and holding me accountable to continue working to get better.  I have gotten so much out of F3 besides just my health.  The Shieldlock and Whetstone programs have made a positive difference in my life that I just can’t measure and continue to do so now.  I would encourage all of you to get involved with those.  I will be happy to talk to anyone in more detail about either.

In my opinion, we need to continue to spread the word, especially considering the year we have had in 2020.  You never know who you might impact by getting them involved with F3.

It is an honor to have the opportunity to hang out with you men and it was once again an honor to lead a workout this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


It could be worse

29 degrees is cold by most standards, especially here in the south where the average lows are about 36 this time of year but going below 30 tends to be a fall line of sorts. I think that’s when DREDD goes with a long sleeve t-shirt for added warmth. Tool Time may even keep the tank top in the drawer and go with some sleeves. But neither of them posted at the GasHouse this morning (not that I expected them too). Gold Digger had the Q at Folsom which was sure to draw the bat flippers and NOGA locals. Flintstone had a birthday Q in Belmont, and Breaker Breaker was rucking for canned food – I kind of expected low numbers. Linus is recovering from foot issues decided to join JJ and YHC for the bootcamp. A few others were going to stick with TopHat for the Pain Lab. All veterans, so no disclaimer needed. We got the pledge first and then went with an slow build warm-up.

  • SSH IC x 10
  • Get in plank:
    • Right glute stretch; right hand up – hold
    • Left glute stretch; left hand up – hold
    • Merkins IC x 10
    • Mtn Climbers IC x 10
  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Butt Kickers IC x 10

Warm-up complete, we split the circle. Bootcamp moseys a short distance across Garrison to the back of Akers Pharmacy to the brick wall. 10 Hip Slappers (SC), bear-crawl the parking lot for 10 merkins; run a lap around the building – 3 total rounds. The three of us shared our mechanically challenged brains to repair appliances – specifically washing machines. Linus enjoyed his recent experience at a local laundry mat. Now with our shoulders and biceps warm – lets go to the next stop at the First Presbyterian Churck. A few months ago, setting up for the outdoor service in the church parking lot, we had some flags where the base was not sturdy enough to brace the breeze. I searched the area for something to add weight and when I went around to the rear of the scout hut low and behold there is an 4′ tall stack of stone left over from the church’s construction more than 50 years ago. I made a mental note of the natural coupons which would also be COVID safe (though I think we’ve validated the Rona doesn’t live on surfaces). Each of us grabbed a stone. JJ inquired if size matters? Nope, it’s a you vs. you workout, pick your poison. We migrated to the front of the scout hut with the 2′ wall which was a perfect height.

  • Step-ups – right x 10, then left x 10 – hold your stone
  • Dips x 10
    • 3 rounds
  • Glute Bridge – hold your stone in your lap – right x 10, left x 10
  • On your six – press x 10
    • 3 rounds
  • Squat Thrusters x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • Mtn. Climbers x 10
    • 3 rounds

Keep your stone and mosey to the bottom of the hill that leads up to the youth building. This was to be a Dora-like partner workout. Linus opted to be the single to monitor his pace/foot. JJ and I traded off between running and strength work.

  • Curls
  • Shoulder Press
  • Bench Press
  • Front Raise

P1 was to complete 100 aggregate while P2 ran the hill and back. Rarely does this routine break evenly, but for this occasion, the distance and reps timed out perfectly. Maybe it was JJ and I had a yen/yang going which breaks the blue vs. red tension.

We had a few more minutes to burn so we returned the stones and fellowship moseyed to the side of the church for what I believe should be called “The Sister Act.” I don’t know him as well as some, but I do know when it comes to exercise – the Triple Nickle, Burpees, and Hand Release Merkins are among his favorites – so I give you The SA: 5 Hand Release Merkins at the bottom of the small hill, 5 Burpees at the top under the portico for 5 rounds.

We slow moseyed back to base where the ruckers had returned and Top Hat was finishing his 12 Days of Pain Lab. We got in a bit of Mary and that was time.

Announcements – Convergence January 9th at Folsom (that’s a Saturday Whoopee) at 7 am. Prayers – Linus’ Father-in-Law, the Whetstone Program. I took us out.

Moleskin – it could be worse as in weather. Roscoe confirmed it was 10 degrees in other northern state AOs like Minneapolis and Chicago. I guess it’s relative to where you live. I personally don’t like the cold. But that element wasn’t really a factor once we got moving. It was an fun way to spend an cold morning. Until the next one.

A Tour of the Neighborhood, Sorta

Thanks for Dry Rub, Hermie and Stroganoff for joining the EC.  Shoutout to Roscoe for logging miles at Grier.

Today’s beatdown was inspired by a recent Italian Job posting.  Thanks to Stroganoff for a quick tour of the ole neighborhood to find the street layout needed.

0700 arrives with 8 gathered around YHC at GasHouse,   No FNGs, so no disclaimer was mentioned.

We knock out The Pledge of Allegiance before moving to WarmUp.



10 Bent Over Arm Circles (each arm).
15 Merkins IC

PainLab off with Tube, GasHouse, lets roll…


GasHouse’s warmup continues with a mosey toward the intersection Laurel Ln and Nottingham Dr.  Along the way, we stopped at each street intersection (Carlton, Peachtree, Laurel and 8th) and performed12 each of an exercise (LBCs, Squats, Merkins, and ??)

Lets do some work:

The route was Laurel to Dumbarton to  Dorset to Nottingham, back to Laurel.  At each intersection perform 10 each of the following:

Calf Raises

Total 60 of each

Now that we are back where we started, lets do it backwards with the following exercises:

Freddie Mercury (unless your the Q, who did Dying Cockroaches for half the round)

Total 60 of each

So, time was getting short, YHC asked the former residents about the approximate lengths back.  Somehow, the Mortimer and HTFU was mentioned.  So Nottingham it is to Churchill

A quick stop @ Carmen for 10 more:
Freddie Mercury

And back towards the flag.  A stop at the entrance for a little wall sitting, 10 incline merkins and 10 derkins.

Arriving at the flag, a little Mary was done, a lap around the parking lot to get the full 5K in and then some more Mary until the bells peal.



  • Convergence 9-Jan @ Folsom

Prayer Requests:

  • Double Stuf
  • EZ Rider
  • M’s recovering from surgeries
  • Officer Herndon’s family


JJ prayed us out.


Although, this was all my idea, thanks to those in attendance today for the push.  To improve, run with those faster/better than yourself.  I certainly did today.  It was an honor to lead today.




Watts Up Powering Down.


Ain’t got time to bleed? Yes you do!

It was a cool morning at the Gashouse with the remnants of an overnight rainfall marking the parking lots with puddles.  Most of the PAX travelled to Shelby for the convergence.  For those that decided to stay local, all the Saturday Gastonia AO’s were open for business.  Linus had asked for a Q so YHC volunteered.

YHC was extremely surprised and pleased to see none other than Van Winkle in the parking lot.  He brought with him Do Re Mi and they came to post and promote the F3 blood drive “Freed to Bleed”.  More on that in a minute.  He inquired as to the Painlab versus bootcamp option and was wondering how much running we would be doing in the bootcamp.  Lucky for him I am the Q and can modify the workout since I had some general ideas but no printed Weinke.  The second nice surprise was seeing “Eddie” posting with Defib.  It is a treat to have 2.0’s post to a workout where they can help us old guys push the rock and we can hopefully influence them to advantage as they find their way in the world.  Eddie is a guitar virtuoso and YHC brought my wireless speaker and had some John Petrucci solo work dialed in for the “Thang” that we would do later.

At 0700 a quick disclaimer and a brief warmup consisting of SSH, Merkins, Squats, LBC’s, and the Pledge of Allegiance.  The boot campers followed me and the Painlab folks stayed with Tube.

We had 8 for the Bootcamp according to the count off that we tried to execute.  There were some problems with getting the right number and some candor was shared as we ran up to the Grier parking lot.  We started the workout with some bear crawls from one side to the other, followed by 5 merkins, lunge walk back for five rounds.  I inadvertently threw Van Winkle a bone because apparently bear crawling is his D2X.  He led the way and the rest of us just tried to keep up.

After this we held a plank until we heard what JJ was grateful for.  His response was family.  #truthnugget

We moseyed over to Parkwood parking lot for the descending triangle.  Three exercises would be called at each point of the triangle.
The “Thang”…

10 burpees, mosey to next point: 10 8-count bodybuilders, mosey to next point: 10 Squat jumps

repeat with the exercises with reps 9-9-9-8-8-8-7-7-7-6-6-6-5-5-5-4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1.

We decided to do this in cadence together with the speaker blaring some guitar virtuosity.

This workout perhaps should be done for time OYO and it would be awful.  It was bad enough staying together as a group.  The descending triangle will now be known as “The Stroganoff”.

Stroganoff was to take the Q so we were expecting the “wolfpack grinder” or the “Forrest Gump” workout.  Since he couldn’t make it he gave it to me so today he gets the honor of having an exercise set named after him.  Remember this set piece if Strogi is at a workout you are Q’ing.

After this we moseyed to the steps at FPC.  15 Dying cockroaches at the top and 20 LBC’s at the bottom for 5 rounds.

Next we moseyed to the dental office wall for some derkins and dips for three sets.  We played Frogger crossing the street and some of us had to double time to avoid some traffic.  Jerry Reed’s “Eastbound and Down” was playing on the speaker at this point.  We headed back to start are rallied up with the Painlab PAX for 51 Flutter kicks and a few toes touches when the bells rang, signaling 0800 hours and the end of the workout.

Announcements:  Christmas Party

Prayer Requests:  Dry Rub’s M, Do Re Mi’s son Will, Tube’s Co-worker DJ, Sargento

The AAR:

Van Winkle was the first person to tell me about F3.  We played in a charity golf tournament with a mutual friend.  This would have been 2014.  Gastone called me just before midnight on December 31st, 2014 to place me in the EH.  I was sold and posted within the first few weeks when our region was being planted.  I am thankful to both of these men for getting me started and I am thankful for all of you reading this for being part of the journey.

Now for the Freed to Bleed!

Van Winkle and Do Re Mi are Charlotte “Core” workout guys but they came to visit to motivate and inspire more blood donations.  Do Re Mi had never given but missed his calling as his D2X is bleeding apparently.   He said his donation record now is in the three minute and change mark!  That is unbelievable!  Anyway, here is what is happening…

The mission of Freed to Bleed is to donate 10,000 pints of blood for 10 years of F3.  If you aren’t a blood donor or have never donated, please consider it.  Once they stick your arm it takes most people less than 7 minutes.  I average 5 minutes.  Do Re Mi can do it in under 4 minutes.

Tiger has scheduled a blood drive for this Thursday at Park Street Methodist Church in Belmont.  Please take a moment and click this link,  type F3 in the “Give Blood, Find a Drive” screen in the top left.  It will show up.  Select a time and plan to be there.  It will be a terrific second F and a third F for doing something for others.

Always a pleasure to lead!






Bricks? But I’m a Republican!

Strong group of 11, including a “hobo” from another region, posted to the Gashouse this morning for some brick work, something that resembled Dora, and something that resembled a relay.

Pulled into the parking lot courtesy of Fred’s two feet to find a number of PAX in their cars waiting for the show to start.  Whoopee, Stroganoff and Dirt were at the track, finishing up some EC.  Whoopee jumped the fence, 7:00 rolled around, and it was time to get started.

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Calf Raises (IC)
  • 10 x Peter Parkers (IC)

and today wouldn’t have been complete without:

  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

The PAX Pledged Allegiance, broke off of Pain Lab, and moseyed to the front of the schoolhouse  for a quick 10-10-3x across the parking lot (think Triple Nickel without the nickels)

  • Apollo Ohno to the curb
  • 10 x Smurf Jacks
  • Bear Crawl back to the sidewalk
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches

The Smurf Jacks got less and less smurfy as we went along, but we finished up, and Froggered across the boulevard to FPC where the Footmobile was waiting.

Inside the Footmobile was a set of 40 neatly stacked pavers, not to be thrown in protest or used for a patio.  Some tried to refuse the coupons (“But I’m a Republican!”), but we all took some time to get acquainted with the bricks with 5 brickees OYO before heading to the stairs for the next round.

We partnered up for some Dora with one partner running the stairs, and hammering out 5 berkins (brick merkins) at the top while the other partner makes a dent in the exercise count.  Exercises this round were:

  • 200 x Bent Over Rows
  • 200 x 6 Inches Skullcrushers
  • 200 x Standing Shoulder Taps (count 1 side)

The Rows weren’t bad, but that’s about it.  It just got worse from there.

Quick round of 20 American Hammers (IC) before the next round of Dora.

This time, instead of running the stairs and doing berkins, one partner ran downhill to the drop-off area while doing overhead presses.  Once at the drop-off area, the partner did 5 Nutcrackers (each leg), which are just lunges with the added movement of bringing the bricks together between your legs.  In the meantime, the other partner worked through the exercise count for these exercises:

  • 200(ish) x Plank Flys (count both sides)
  • 200 x Michael Phelps (count 1 side)
  • 200 x Prayer Squats

At this point, we collectively selectively lost the ability to count.  The Plank Flys left us disoriented to the point that we were guessing.  One group’s “count” worked for all of us, and we kept on.  The last two sets were better, but the overhead presses got old real quick.

YHC couldn’t wait to get back to the Footmobile to neatly return the coupons.  No windows or businesses were harmed during the course of this workout (that YHC is aware of anyways).

We resisted the urge to clowncar back to the start, and headed back to the track at the schoolhouse to get in some running.  At this point YHC was full of ideas, but lacking in instruction, but we were all a little punchy at this point, so I said some words and we did some stuff, but here’s how it should have read:

4 Man Grinder Relay:

  • Station 1 – Alternating 5 LBCs & 5 Flutter Kicks AMRAP
  • Station 2 – Alternating 5 Seal Jacks & 1 Burpee AMRAP
  • 1 Man running from Station 1 to Station 2
  • 1 Man at Station 2
  • 1 Man running from Station 2 to Station 1
  • 1 Man at Station 1
  • All done in a relay until a certain number of laps are reached or the Q calls time

It’s really not much easier to describe on paper, but the PAX got the idea and ran with it.  With 11 PAX, we sure could have used 1 more to make 3 even 4 man teams.  Luckily there was a walker, who became an honorary member of our 3 man team.  As we’re working on the track, our honorary member became curious about what we were doing, so EZ Rider gave him a good EH.  After about 2 full laps around the track it was time to wrap it up and head back to the shovel flag for some Mary and the COT.


  • Whoopee – 10 x LBCs (IC)
  • EZ Rider – 10 x Michael Phelps (IC)
  • Watts Up – 10 x American Hammers (IC)
  • Stroganoff – 10 x Flutter Kicks (IC)

No bells, but time was called.  The reliability of the Presbyterians was called into question.  Pain Lab joined back in and we went over announcements.  A car pulled in, and out from it came our honorary member, Gary.  EZ Rider was expecting it, telling the PAX that he was interested in Pain Lab.  We found out that Gary was interested in coming out, but wasn’t looking to run.  The PAX made sure that Gary knew that at Pain Lab, they just sit around and sing “Kumbaya”.  He sounded pretty ok with that, and hung around as we wrapped up the COT.


  • Qs needed for December at Gashouse.  Contact Linus.

Prayer Requests:

  • Sargento’s List
  • Stroganoff and EZ Rider’s coworker lost a grandson to a hunting accident
  • Whoopee’s dad is having cataract surgery
  • All those affected by Covid and the lockdowns
  • Gary’s family
  • Watts Up has a third job interview coming up


Oboe was a great addition to the group.  Visiting from the Raleigh area, he posted to Downtown on Friday and Gashouse on Saturday.  Between no one pronouncing his name correctly (“Oboe”, not “Hobo”) and the constant ribbing about nurring into a car, he added a lot to the workout.  And when he wasn’t running backwards, he was really fast.  If you’re ever posting up in the Raleigh area, hopefully you’ll run into him, but if he’s running backwards, look out.

As we all wrap up the November Challenge, don’t stop.  Accelerate.  There’s always work to be done, and strength in the pack.

Hopefully we’ll see Gary next week.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Post Turkey Day 12 miler


As the Q of the November Challenge, you have already had the opportunity to run ten miles, complete a Murph workout, and eat right.  One of the last things you need to do is complete either a 12 mile ruck or a 15 mile run/ruck.  This is the pre-blast for the 12 mile ruck.

Meet at the Warlick YMCA on Robinwood Road at 0400 hours on Friday morning, the day after you have utilized the “free” Thanksgiving cheat meal.  Bring your 30# ruck and your walking shoes.  We will be done before 0730 so you can be home to accomplish great things like putting up your Christmas decorations or eating leftover turkey meat because you are now on THE PATH and don’t eat things like Pumpkin Pie or chocolate chip casserole.  All I ask is that someone brings a shovel flag.

See you then.



Rinse and Repeat, copyright/trademark violations?

With Gashouse being covered for so many weekends (thank you Pax) and trying to get back into the mix myself it had been a hot while since I had the Gashouse Q.  Many thanks to the entire bootcamp Pax patiently waiting on me to catch up to call each next round.  At the start we:


Warm Up:

SSH – 20 ic

Squats – 10 ic

Merkin – 10 ic

Rudolph with Painlab, Bootcamp up to FPC.  We stopped at the front of the church to get a head count (so I could recover) and headed over to The Pad.

Exercise starts, nothing I can say was an original creation of my own Weinke.  This entire workout was brought to you by Roscoe, Dirt and Tesla.

Perfect Forms:

Trying to bring form back into play after Pax were trying for time the week before we learned from Roscoe’s original Q.

Perfect Merkins:  20 oyo, mosey down hill and back

Perfect Squats:  20 oyo, mosey down hill and back

Perfect Big Boys:  25 oyo, mosey down hill and back

At top of hill once more we did 10, 15, and 20 each of (Perfect) Merkins, Squats and Big Boy’s.

Down hill to the picnic tables.

Perfect Dips:

20 (I think), oyo.  Recover for a hot minute or two:  15 more then mosey.

Moving up to the bottom of the church we took a page from Tesla’s book.

10 Hand Release Merkins (oyo).  Pax mosey to side of church.

10 Hand Release, 15 American Hammers (ic).

Mosey to top of church.

10 Hand Release, 15 A/H, 20 Scissor Lunge

Mosey to side of church.

10 Hand Release, 15 A/H, 20 Scissor Lunge, 25 Big Boys

For time we skipped the last round and just knocked out 30 SSH (oyo)

With about 15 minutes remaining we took a page from Dirt’s book.  Super 11’s or something like that, we moved in a large circle around the parking lot.  Starting point, 1 burpee, Ending point was 90 lbc’s.  Continuing around circle increase by one burpee and decrease by 10 lbc’s.  Took this to the end, mosey back to Schiele.  Linus has a morning meeting, much obliged to Rudolph who finished with some Mary and COT.

Mumblechatter was great.  Blart made it to the Gashouse.  Flintstone has become a regular (and has Q next weekend).  EZ made a special appearance and brought his 2.0 (Pickle Rick)  I am so thankful for college football so Defib, JJ and Short Sale have something to discuss while the six (me) keeps checking in.  Thanks guys for supporting the Gashouse.  Always an honor to lead from behind.


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