Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: GasHouse (Page 5 of 53)

Blocks and Yoga

A shin injury combined with the amount of PAX running relays this weekend led YHC to reach out to Tube earlier this week to propose a combined Bootcamp / Pain Lab workout. He was all in and after a discussion later in the week a plan was formulated. Nine experienced PAX and a FNG were present as the clock struck 0700 and we got to work.


Full disclaimer



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We did a modified version of an Iron Pax workout that kept the heart rate up and provided a full body workout.

Do exercises in sets of 25.. After 25 reps jog 25 yards, perform 3 flying squirrels and jog back to continue exercise.
200 curls

175 LBC’s

150 OH press

125 American Hammers

100 Goblet squats

75 tricep extensions

50 lunges each leg

25 HR Merkins

We had to modify the last few exercises due to time and I turned it over to Tube.

Tube finished us off with some DDPY. I’ve seen the acronym, but never knew what it was. After doing it, I wish I still didn’t know. It’s yoga and it ain’t easy.


Convergence 4/2 at The Yank

Community Foundation Run 4/9

Honey Hunters 4/24

Cleanup 4/16


Prayer Request

Prayer channel list


Gumby’s mom


PAX doing relays


YHC took us out

Welcome Tyler Patterson, now known as Orange Peel and EH’ed by Bondo. Great to see Clavin and thanks to him for talking through the 5 Core Principles with the FNG. Strong work by the PAX this morning and I appreciate Tube letting me combine the workouts and Whoopee for putting me on the Q schedule.

I’m Broke

3-19-21 Gashouse



Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC x 25

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 15

Eskimo Merkins up to 5

LBC’s IC x 20

5 PAX stayed for Painlab and 3 PAX joined me for Boot Camp.

The Under Card:

Mosey to the school for 11’s

American Hammers at one end, Bear Crawl the width of the parking lot and Dying Cock Roaches at the other end.

The Main Event

Mosey to the parking lot entrance on Burtonwood Dr.

Individual Dora.  100 CDD’s, 200 Squats and 300 Freddie Mercury’s.  I previously marked 10 telephone poles along Burtonwood.

Mosey along Burtonwood stopping at each telephone to do 10 CDD’s.  Mosey around the Pearson Properties building then back to the start.

Rinse and repeat 20 Squats at each pole.

Rinse and repeat 30 Freddie Mercury’s at each pole.

Mosey back to the school for 15 Burpees.

Mosey to the flag.

Good fellowship and mumble chatter today gentlemen.  Lots of chatter about the men’s basketball tournament.  I think everyone is pulling for Gonzaga to win the big one!

Thanks guys.


Churc Hill

4 PAX posted to Gashouse on Saturday. All the regulars were out running from one dam to another. Maybelline was one of the bootcampers and I don’t believe we had ever met so it was nice to get to know him.


We followed Tube’s lead on that

The Thang:

Lets mosey up to the front of Grier for route 66 WWI’s with a crabwalk from line to line.

Mosey over to Parkwood’s The Porch on Dixon for some seal jacks, LBC’s and Mtn climbers.

Mosey down to the track at Sherwood elementary and partner up. P1 does hangs from the bar while P2 runs across the field and back. Switch and do 3 rounds. We kept the same format for 6″ hold and planks.

We left Sherwood and headed down Dixon to “Churc” hill stoping at every pole on the left and right to do 1 burpee and every driveway on the left to do 5 jump squats.

We took a right on Churchill and followed it back to Garrison stopping at every pole for 5 hand release merkins and every driveway on the left for 1 set of jump lunges.

Back over to the corner of the Shielle we did several rounds of 1 minute wall sits and 30 wall taps. I think we threw in some Mike Tysons as well. This being the spot the Mike Tyson was introduced to F3 Gastonia by Carrier.

We finished up in the parking lot with some howling monkeys, ring of fire, and iron hulks. All being much easier when you only have 4 pax!


Tube lead the way to close us out.


All in all a good morning out. We did some work and had some good conversation along the way.

Fitness for 2022 Pre-blast

Well, 2021 is quickly coming to a close.  Did you get to run the “Strides of March” or partake in an adult beverage like Def Leppard did during one of Shortsale’s classic “cooler” workouts?  Whether you did or did not it is time to recognize and acknowledge the great leadership of ShortSale in 2021 as First F Q.  Now that we have recognized Shortsale it is time to move on to 2022 and get your mind right on your fitness goals for 2022.  My name is Roscoe, and I will be your 1FQ in 2022.  My goal is to make you a better man through fitness, which will lead you to become better in the rest of what F3 can offer.

Here is the deal…I challenge you to set some goals so that you push the rock this year and stop being a fitness mascot.  It doesn’t matter what your current fitness level is, I need you to honestly assess your fitness level and decide to get better.  I hope to give you a menu of options to do just that in 2022.  I challenge you to do something that is stupid that you never would have imagined you could do.  Get a Mortimer 100 team or do a 50-mile relay or a Goggins 4x4x48 or do the 10000-kettlebell swing challenge or the CHAD1000.  We aren’t going to work out in 2022.  We are going to train for life.

Here is a sample plan for a “sample” PAX.  We will call him “SANDY V”. “SANDY V” has been doing F3 for several years now but has only been going through the motions and has never fully committed to making a difference in his conditioning and physique.  This year he has vowed to force the sand out and #HTFU.

“SANDY V” plans to begin 2022 by measure his weight and waist on January 1st first thing in the morning and take a picture of his manly physique.  He will do the same at the end of December 2022 to show the results of his efforts.

“Sandy V” will attend a New Year’s Day workout at Midoriyama this Saturday morning at 0700.

“SANDY V” sets a goal for #F3250*.    250 workouts in 2022.  He will only have 249 after January 1st because he will have completed the workout at Midoriyama.

“SANDY V” will complete four CSAUP’s in 2022.  (If you have never done a CSAUP, I will mandate right now that you sign up for one.  That is an order!)

“SANDY V” will Q an average of two workouts per month.  He will attend Q school as a refresher or because he has never attended one.

“SANDY V” will run for 500 miles in 2022.

“SANDY V” will ruck for 250 miles in 2022.

With the other bootcamps, “SANDY V” will easily go over 1000 miles for the year.

“SANDY V” will seek out accountability partners.  He will EH other men to work out with him in 2022.  He will push the rock alone when he can’t find other men to post with him (You versus you)

“SANDY V” will run or ruck a half marathon in 2022.

“SANDY V” will attend an F3 dad’s workout.

“SANDY V” will track his workouts and goals on his phone or a spreadsheet daily and use a fitness app or tracker.

“SANDY V” will not go to bed wondering if he will post the next morning.  When he decides to post his clothes will be out and when his alarm goes off he will GET HIS ASS OUT OF BED!

“SANDY V” will get a blade and/or stone in the Whetstone program.  He will do Whetstone fellowship Rucks with other men.

“SANDY V” will attend Q-Source weekly and read Freed to Lead and Q-Source in 2022.

“SANDY V” will post to other AO’s and set a goal to post at every AO in F3Gashouse as well as at least one other region.

“SANDY V” will not make excuses like, “I stayed up too late to post”.  “I hit my snooze”.  “I drank too much last night”.  Sandy V will not make any excuses this year.  He will be smart and moderate his workouts based on how he feels but he will get them in.  He will do EMOM workouts at home on the days that he can’t post or go the gym or ruck walk with the dogs or M or shorties so that he doesn’t take a day off unnecessarily.  If he doesn’t feel like working out he will do it anyway. Discipline doesn’t care how you feel.

The bottom line is we will all get better together.  Here is a truth.  We have all been “SANDY V” at some time or another.  This year will be different.

In all seriousness, YHC’s goal is for you to improve and accelerate in life.  We should be preparing daily to fight the future unknown’s and YHC wants to help you get there.

We will all do it together.


*F3250 is the goal of 250 workouts in a year.  Here are the rules…

Any 30-minute workout counts.  CSAUP’s count as one workout. 




Man’s Search for Meaning

It actually was gloomy this morning.  We did our thing anyway.

I have attempted to Q the workout just before Christmas at Gashouse each year and give out a book afterwards and this year was no different.  More on that later.

Good crowd at Gashouse.  8 for the bootcamp and 4 for Painlab.

Short warm up that included 12 SSH’s IC and 12 Imperial Walkers IC.

Time to split the groups….but wait…..It’s Hushpuppy pulling in.

The Thang

Mosey to the Grier Track for a Stroganoff version of the 12 days of Christmas.  Most of you should know how it goes now.  Here are the twelve exercises:

Day 1 – 1/2 lap mosey

Day 2 – 10 Bobby Hurley’s (for most of the group…’s possible that someone needed to modify this one)

Day 3 – 10 Merkins

Day 4 – 30 LBC’s

Day 5 – 5 Burpees

Day 6 – 30 Flutter Kicks

Day 7 – 15 Squats

Day 8 – 15 CDD’s

Day 9 – 15 Hillbillies

Day 10 – 15 Mountain Climbers

Day 11 – 20 SSH’s

Day 12 – 50 Morrocan Night Clubs

This took almost the entire 60 minutes.

Finish off with a short low-slow squat plus some Mary back at the Flag.

It was harder and I was reminded early on that the Q should not call exercises that he cannot complete himself.  Well said.

Lots of great mumblechatter this morning and we learned that most of the exercises are very similar….only different.

Great to see Hushpuppy out.


Convergence on Saturday, Januray 1st, at Midoriyama at 7:00 am.

Lots of prayer requests unfortunately.

The Moleskin

I love reading, especially personal development books and inspirational stories.  Being the closest Sat to Christmas, I gave out an old classic by Viktor Frankl – Man’s Search for Meaning.  It’s one I first read 12 – 14 years ago and am rereading right now.  I would recommend it and I still have a few copies in my vehicle if you see me in the coming weeks.  I also pulled out some boxes of other books that I keep in my vehicle for the very reason to give them away.  No one left empty handed with something they had not read before.

As always, an honor to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Lack of faith in Institutions

So all the institutions are letting us down.  Public Health sends mixed messages, Courts are closed, politicians hate each other, etc.  But there is organization that won’t let you down.  That organization is F3 Nation, F3 Gastonia and the original AO, the Gashouse.

The National Guard secured the Grier Track this morning so Sargento let me know that it would not be available.  The Guard knew I was the Q this morning so I approved their track use in advance.  We had nine bootcampers this morning and after a brief warmup consisting of Merkins, Squats, and LBC’s, we moseyed off to the flag while El Toro confidently led the men who stayed behind for the PainLab.

We moseyed west on Garrison and had a sketchy street crossing to the business park.  At the bottom of the hill, 15 Big Boi’s and run to the top of the hill for 5 burpees for a total of five rounds.  Sargento was warmed up from his EC and led the way along with Short Sale and Tricycle.  YHC forgot that the hill is that long, but we persevered and completed it anyway.  At the conclusion I asked a few PAX  what they wished they could tell their 20 year old self (as a salute to Stroganoff’s Gaston’s Great Podcast question).  A few really good answers from a few PAX.

Sargento had to return to start while the rest of us moseyed west again for a knock off “Forrest Gump” workout.  After another sketchy street crossing we arrived at the Baptist Church and stopped for merkins, plank jacks, and shoulder taps.

It was at this time Sargento drove by while laying on the horn of his pearl white Honda.  YHC asked a PAX for the time and it was 0731.  The PAX unanimously agreed that there was no way that he exercised for the requisite 30 minutes and then get in his car and drive passed our location.  Therefore, the bootcamp workout is null and void for him and that makes his  “extra credit” before the workout actually his only workout of the day and his acknowledgement in the names section below has an asterick.  He will need a few more if he wants to eat those peanut M&M’s that are offensive to the PAX, especially Freight.  (These are the rules of #F3-250)


At Hillbilly’s (currently Taxco) we stopped for additional merkins, plank jacks, and shoulder taps.  Then we moseyed once more to Lineberger Park and the flag pole for some partner DORA work.

50 burpees, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s.  One Pax does exercises while the other crosses the creek and runs up the stairs and back.  This was bad.

YHC modified and reduced the LBC’s by 100 for the sake of time since we were a mile from home.  A few leading PAX stopped again at Hillbilly’s and so we knocked out 75 calf raises before continuing onward.  The 0800 church bells were ringing when we got back.

Wojo gave a great compliment when he said, “Good Q, that sucked”.  Hot Dog had a great attitude and pushed the rock in spite of nearly splashing merlot.  Linus was his usual consistent self.  Short Sale narrated the oral history of the recent Bourbon Chase to several PAX while we were moseying.

At COT, we prayed for Turtleman, Wojo who had an uncle that passed away last week, Rockabilly’s family, Pacer’s mother

Announcements:  (Watts Up has all the scoop):  Extinction Run on the 6th, Chad 1000 on the 11th, Christmas Party on the 11th, Wojo may Q a flag football fundraiser…stand by on details.

Rudolph is leaving us to move to greener pastures in Forsyth County on November 19th.  His leadership and consistency at the Gashouse/Painlab will be sorely missed.  Come post in the next few weeks if you can to show him the love.




This Workout Brought to you by Summer’s Eve

It’s been a while since YHC Q’d a bootcamp…..8 months approximately.  Lots of different reasons.  Mostly due to injuries and SV.

Anyway, let’s get on with it.

I was awake so I headed on to the Schiele to see who was there around 6:15 am… one.  I got some rucking in before the main workout.

Good crowd showed today compared to recent weeks and months….more for the Bootcamp than PainLab which is really a change.

Short warm up of SSH’s and Imperial Walkers before 7 of us Bootcampers took off toward Grier Middle School.

The Thang

Grier main parking lot for some lunge walk – merkins.  Lunge across parking lot – 10 merkins and back to start; rinse-repeat 5 times.

Mumblechatter was most excellent already at this point and continued throughout the workout.

Moseyed to the steps behind First Presbyterian for some partner work – Dora Amrap or something close.

Partner 1 runs/moseys to top of steps to perform 5 squats and returns while Partner 2 performs an amrap exercise.

3 sets of each – LBC’s – Merkins – Flutter Kicks

Mosey the long way back toward the track at Grier but slight detour to run the chalk track that Roscoe had made for the youth a few days ago.  It was terrific.

Finally arrived at Grier’s track for a quick Run/Mosey – Nur lap followed by a round of Wolfpack Grinder (No way could I have an 8 month Kotter Q without the Wolfpack Grinder)

10 Squats IC – run half lap – 20 merkins (or however many I could do) – 10 Low Slow squats IC – Run half lap  – 30 Flutter Kicks (that’s one round)

Another round completed before finishing the track work with a 90 second plank.

Sometime during the Wolfpack Grinder we were reminded why we love LInus so much with his “Random” mumblechatter.  We love you brother!!

Back to the Schiele for some Mary that included Big Boy Sit Ups, Windshield Wipers, Freddy Mercury’s and Dying Cockroaches before the bells rang.

Announcements:  Extinction Run on Nov 6th; Blood drive on Nov 10th

Several prayers and finished with the COT prayer and pledge.

The Moleskin

It’s feels like along 8 months since my last bootcamp Q and it has been.  However, I have received a lot of support from the Gastonia PAX over this time as I have worked my way back.  There is no way I would have been motivated to get back to exercising without the pull of the 1st F and 2nd F.

I am grateful.

Until the next one.




P.S:  Thanks to Bedpan for the help in naming this backblast

Modified 1776

15 total PAX made it out to Gashouse this fine morning to put in some work, one of which was a FNG. TClaps to Tube for the EH! After the disclaimer, pledge and warmup, 3 PAX decided to do the Bootcamp and followed YHC up to the track at Grier.

I saw a CSAUP called 1776 that one of the regions did for July 4th and it looked pretty tough. I used that as the basis for the workout this morning and we’ll call it The 400’s. It went like this…..


400 meter run then partner up for 100 cumulative reps of 4 exercises. Rinse and repeat 4 rounds changing partners each round.

Round 1 – HR Merkins, LBC’s, High knees, Seal Jacks

Round 2 – Werkins, Big Boys, Squats, Plank Jacks

Round 3 – Diamond Merkins, American Hammers, Lunges, SSH’s

Round 4 – Ranger Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Butt Kickers, Little Gumby’s


Run a 5th lap after Round 4 and then 100 cumulative Burpee’s between the 4 PAX


We got through this much faster than anticipated due to the 3 bat flippers that were constantly pushing YHC to pick up the pace . Strong work by 3 strong HIM’s!


Since we had a little time left, we headed to the wall of the school for 2 rounds of 1 minute wall sit, 10 Dirty Hookups IC and 10 Hip Slappers IC.


Back to the flag for a couple minutes of ab work with the Painlab guys before time was called.



Romans 12:10 – “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

Candor and constructive criticism are essential to building string relationships, but we need to make sure it comes from a place of love. Praise and admiration are also essential and oftentimes overlooked.



F3 Dads workout next Saturday at Gashouse – Cookout after has been postponed

Service project items – hairbrush/comb and mints/gum/cough drops

Woody moving next Saturday, check Slack later this week for info on how to help

Possible camping/fishing trip later this year. If interested reach out to Bandit


Prayer Request

Praise for FNG Hummingbird on 14 yrs sober

Big Pappy

SA and family

Slaw 2.0



El Toro

Double Stuf


Great day at Gashouse and the coffeeteria afterwards. Lots of PAX putting in strong work and I appreciate the opportunity to Q.

YHC took us out.
I’m Broke

All Original

Whoopee’s goal as the relatively new site Q is to make Gashouse great again.  In spite of that YHC ended up having the Q.


13 total pax showed for Painlab/Gashouse.  Four showed early for a Short Sale led NUOUS that involved stretching, farmers carry, rucking, and exercises.

At 0700 it was time to go so YHC led the warm up of Merkins x 10, LBC’s x 10, Merkins x 8, LBC’s x 8, Merkins x 6, and then squats.  We did a quick pledge and we were off to the woods of the Nature trail.

Mosey to the picnic shelter for step ups, derkins, and dips.  Then mosey to the old colonial house which Tricycle informed us has an air conditioning unit underneath the floor or the house.  (Those old colonialists were soft).  At this point the PAX circled up and each PAX would call an exercise and then run to the picnic shelter and back.  The exercises were Morrocan nightclubs, burpees, squats, LBC’s, and a few others I can’t remember.  Next we moseyed to one of the bridges by the gristmill for ShortSale’s 1st F Ab challenge for July.  The goal is do the exercises 3 times in week one.  The Pax completed two rounds, took a lap, then completed it a third time (almost complete that is until Sargento announced a lap before we had finished with the last exercise), we returned for the last set of freddie mercuries and then called it.  We moseyed to the back library steps where we partnered up.  Watts up called SSH at the top and I called jump squats at the bottom.  P1 runs to the top of the stairs for SSH and P2 does squats.  JJ decided since it was the 4th of July weekend that we should do 76 SSH so we did a few rounds each and then all returned to the top of the stairs for what YHC thought would be one SSH to make 76 but we did 26 instead and that made the total be something like 126 SSH or something.  QFail.

Next we moseyed up the parking lot and did burpee long jumps up to Garrison.  We froggered across the street and took up positions on the Pain Lab parking spaces where Short Sale had coupons and exercises listed in each space.  We did this for 6 minutes and then returned the coupons to Short Sale’s vehicle and called time.

YHC was accused of copying Short Sales workout this am and some of that is fair.  For the first time in over 6 years I didn’t bring or prepare a Weinke.

Announcements:  F3Dads at the Gashouse on the 17th.  See WOJO if you can assist.  1st F Challenge

Prayer requests:  Linus’ Dad, YHC FIL, Turtleman, Big Pappy family, Tube, Whoopee, Stroganoff

Always honored to lead.


The Abyss Recycled

Flintstone convinced YHC to go with him to The Abyss on Wednesday.  The workout was terrible, so YHC decided to copy it…

Small crowd had gathered Saturday morning ( 2 for NUOS, but that’s a different backblast (still no JJ or Tube))  7 were to be split between GasHouse and PainLab.

Warmup involved  SSH, Merkins and I think something else.  The we split.

YHC gave the hereto unmentioned 10# slamball to JJ for safe keeping while YHC took the chalk and jump rope.

Up Garrison a over to the building with all the dentist offices. (beside 1st Pres)

PAX 1: Slam Ball
PAX 2: Jump Rope
PAX 4: Mosey around the Bldg.

Rotate through.
Round 2:

Same, but with Squats in place of LBC.

Pick up the toys and on over to the 1st Pres parking lot between stairs and gazebo.

Round 1 & 2:

10 Burpees
25 HRM or CDD (You decide the how to break them up)
2 Laps (Through the gazebo and back)
75 V-Ups or BB
2 Laps
100 Flutters or Hello Dolly(Move Each Leg = 1)
2 Laps
5 Kraken Burpees (3 HRM in the middle)
2 Laps

Round 3, the numbers were cut and the lap shortened.

Mosey back to the flag for a short bit of Mary.

Honestly, I know those were the activities and I think the counts are right.   This last weekend was pretty much a blur between NUOS, F3, my daughter (post equine accident) and trying to complete some home improvement projects.


At least I wrote a backblast, right?

Watts Up Powering Down

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