Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Category: News (Page 11 of 25)

Name It and Claim It Challenge

The weather is getting warmer and I sense you boys are ready to get after it, more than you already are. So beginning tomorrow, I’m asking you to simply perform 1000 Burpees per day. Oh wait – that’s April Fools day – just kidding. Seriously then, lets avoid that confusion and we’ll begin Saturday, April 3rd with each week to begin a new challenge which as the title suggests you Name It and Claim It. Now I’m sure some of you are skeptical after all, I did create the Strides of March which had most that participated confused until after they completed it. So if those guys trusted me to post – ALL of you can participate in this challenge. Yeah, yeah, get to the point.

  • Week 1 (Saturday, April 3rd – Friday April 9th) – Merkins
  • Week 2 (Saturday, April 10th – Friday, April 16th) – Squats
  • Week 3 (Saturday, April 17th – Friday, April 23rd) – LBCs
  • Week 4 (Saturday, April 24th – Friday, April 30th) – Mystery Exercise

Some of you are scratching your chin and wondering, not so hard. It really isn’t because this is a You vs. You challenge. You name the reps you want to do but you need to do them every day. So if you want 10 a day – that’s 70 for the week. If you want more, get some. Again, this is You vs. You, so no batflippers to keep up with or measure yourself. All I ask is you execute proper form. So no neckies, no pulses, no vibrating arms – this is a full push-up – reference here.

Next is the accountability portion – if you want to participate, go to the Slack first_f_channel and indicate you accept the challenge (HC, thumbs up, whatever). By the end of each day, you need to post on the Slack channel that you completed your challenge (the Claim It portion). I’ll monitor and keep an accurate count. One more thing that you might wonder – what if I challenged myself to do 50 merkins/day and during my F3 workout, we did 25 merkins – am I halfway there? Since I consider this a challenge, officially the answer is “no” but we’re on the honor system, so count it however you like – I’m only setting the parameters for you to get a little better than you already are.

So You vs. You – Name It and Claim It, begins Saturday, April 3rd with Merkins for 7 days – proper form – post each day when you complete the challenge.

To Stretch or Not to Stretch

Great morning for a workout as 15 HIMS pushed themselves at the Storm!

Dirt always says YHC brings something new; I actually did have something new to interject into the warm-up. One of my goals is to remember to stretch before and after a run, so  I thought I would introduce one new stretch, the Gorilla Stretch. Get in gorilla position and slowly stretch up. Well, there seemed to be two camps of thought about this.



SSH, Gorilla Stretch, Don Q’s

1st & 10

Perform 10 Merkins, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the very end. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint to the very end, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed.

Oblivious and Clampett are fast; SA is a beast; every pax pushed themselves! Buckeye loves to stretch and makes that known; SA doesn’t and makes that known..telling me to pay Buckeye no mind.

7 of Diamonds

At each of 4 corners:

Round 1– 7 4-count CDDs

Round 2-14 Big Boys

Round 3- 21 American Hammers

Round 4- 28 Plank Jacks

So, I caught flack for stopping at what are technically not “corners,” so I extended the actual routine. Watts Up tried to get technical with me about something that went right over my head. Buckeye wanted to talk stretch, SA doesn’t want to hear it.

Quarter Pounder

Sprint 25 yards-25 High Knees-NUR back to beginning

Sprint 50 yards-50 squats-NUR back

Sprint 75 yards–75 LBC NUR back

Sprint 100 yards-Flutters-NUR back

Lindsay’s- 30 DIPS/10 Step-Ups, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25

Buckeye was given the opportunity to lead a stretch but declined.


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6 ESV

Salvation comes by faith alone, by grace alone, through Christ alone. It is a gift we don’t have to work for it.

“We can stand safely, securely, and confidently before God because of the work of another, namely Christ. ” Exalting Jesus in Philippians


Convergence-4/17 Bulldog (All other AO’s closed)

Freight collecting supplies

PT Test 4/24 Gashouse (All other AO’s open)

Prayer Requests:

Job situations

YHC took us out.

Name-o-rama (Buckeye wanted to change his what, just give it a guess).

Thankful for you guys..good times!!


F3 Dads (Service Project & Others)

Here is the plan to start to revamp this for the 2021 season.

On April 10, starting at 10:00am, get with your buddies and 2.0s or come on out if you don’t have children around or period.  Show up with your pals to an AO near you, wearing your F3 shirts, a trash bag and picker in hand and start picking up trash.  If you want to go to Bulldog, go.  If you want to go to The Yank, go, Folsom, go….

Again, the plan is to just pick up trash for an hour or so to support our local areas that are free of use to us and leave things better than we found them. We can also do some marketing for F3.   My thoughts on lunch are to pack it and eat with your shorties and enjoy some time with them or go to a local joint and support a local business.  Its a win win for everyone.

Come June, we will start our weekend workouts again.  We will travel around to the Saturday AOs (Gashouse, Folsom, The Yank) and put the kids thru some torture.  We will work June, July and August.  If you are interested in leading a portion of the workout, let me know.  I am looking for two dads per Saturday.

On another note, If you have something you want to do, put it out there.  If anyone shows up, have a blast.  If not, you’re going to have fun with your shorties anyway so there is nothing to be lost.

Wojo has posed the idea of a day at Midoriyama where he can take the 2.0s out for a sport workout to get the kids active and moving and the Dads can attend the workout and the M’s can get a break from everyone.  Look for some more on that idea (potentially).

Iron Sharpens Iron Pt 2 – 3rd F

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”
‭‭Proverbs 11:14


Multitude of Counsel

Who’s sharpening you? Whom are you sharpening? Proverbs‬ ‭11:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬ declares, “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” In the multitude of sharpening — there is safety. In the multitude of sound and wise counsel you’ll find safety. When you receive advice from wise counselors, mentors, leaders, pastors, brothers, and sisters in Christ you’ll find safety. There is safety in sharpening.

Choose to receive sharpening from those who are more seasoned, wiser, and stronger than you. Cast down pride. Let God soften your heart. Let God lead your heart. Let God surround you with wise counselors. Let God lead you to wise counsel. Don’t isolate yourself. Submit to God-sent, iron-sharpening, wise mentors, and godly relationships. Who’s sharpening you? Whom are you sharpening?

Proverbs‬ ‭11:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬ declares, “In the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” According to Strong’s Concordance, the Hebrew word for “Multitude” is, ‘rob’ (H7230) which means, “Abundance, greatness, or numerous.” Surround yourself with an abundance of wise counselors. Surround yourself with diverse counselors.

Surround yourself with counselors who don’t look like you. Surround yourself with counselors who have various backgrounds. Surround yourself with counselors who have varied experiences. Surround yourself with a wide range of counselors. There’s strength in the multitude. Let God surround you with seasoned, wise, and diverse counselors who are from His Heart.


A devotion from Vance Jackson – Iron Sharpens Iron

Service Project

HIM-High Impact Man, Invigorate male community leadership. How is this coming through the PAX of F3 Gastonia? Not sure? Well I’ve got an opportunity for you. As a part of our monthly service projects, yes I said a part because we will continue to have others, we are going to start a year long one. We will begin collecting items each month starting in March and going through October to be handed out in November. I will send out the info of what items we will collect each month and at the end we will get together and bag these items up into kits then hit the streets ruck style to hand them out to the needy. Some of you may have seen this before or been involved in something like it. We will bag them in reusable gallon bags. The items will include perishable and nonperishable items along with a note of hope/encouragement, bible verse,  and maybe even a picture drawn by your 2.0 to help cheer someone up. There will be two items to collect each month. I ask that you get the same number of each item to help keep the bags balanced out as much as possible. These items can be given to Freight, Broke, and Sargento. Items to collect in March are reusable water bottles(something with a lid)  and socks.


Thank you for your impact,


The Vulture

14 HIMS  out for a rain-free run at Prison Break. Great work!


Strides of March is this Saturday

PT test March 27


James Gudelock

Joey Denton

Gumby’s Mom

Big Pappy and family


1 Peter 2:24, ESV: “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.

.. he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors. Is 53:12

“He, who was always God, became what He was not, a human being. Christ humbled Himself voluntarily. We must humble ourselves, now, before Him. We, too, must choose humility. He went to the cross, taking our place.” Exalting Jesus in Philippians

YHC took us out.

Always an honor,




New AO in Dallas

Yes you read that right! In the little ol’town of Dallas, F3 is looking to add another AO. Not just another AO but a Saturday AO! Why you ask? Well here’s the thing. We have a mission and that is to reinvigorate male community leadership by planting and growing small men’s workout groups. Well Folsom has been planted and has been grown. It’s grown so much so that by definition it is becoming problematic. How is it problematic? Is it the fact that I had to park out on the road two Saturday’s ago because the parking lot was full? No, but that is a sign. The ideal workout group ranges around 10-12 guy’s. When you start reaching and maintaining numbers around 18 then it is considered problematic and the star fish method needs to be applied. We apply this method with the hope that both groups eventually have to be split again and then again and again. Why do we say it’s problematic? There are a lot of ways it can be but let’s focus on one. It’s hard to connect with people when the group gets to big. When you have a group the size of the last few weeks 32 and 28, a man can show up, disappear in the crowd, and walk away without anyone ever really noticing him. We don’t want anyone walking away without being impacted in some way every single time they come out if at all possible. So that is just one of the why’s if not the most important. Now I know people don’t like change and some people like having the big crowds. To you I say don’t be selfish and EH more people and you’ll have your big group back in no time. Stay mission focused!

OK so on to the how. We will start on a trial bases much like we did with Tequila Sunrise in Belmont. The first Saturday will be March 27th at 7:00am at Cloninger Park on W Church st. It is across the street from the old Dallas High School for you boomers, or the old elementary school for you Gen X guy’s and right next door to the Police station(so be cool if you know what I mean). It is the park used by many during the IPC . The time will be staggered from Folsom by 30 minutes just as a different option for Saturday and it will help out our friends at the Country Kitchen so they don’t have 25 guys walk in and sit down all at once. Any questions or comments feel free to ask. You know I like to talk.


Freight and your Leadership Team

The Strides of March – a Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless event

If you think the upcoming Extinction Run (still opportunity to register and participate this Saturday – see BOS’ pre-blast) is Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless, well do I have yet another opportunity for YOU! This may be “stupider” (insert Forest Gump gif “Mama always said stupid is as stupid does”). Yeah the next opportunity for you to dip your big toe into the pond of dumb is Saturday, March 6th at 0630. So allow me to share with you the concept behind this inaugural event.

Some of you have participated in the 50 mile Relay where 4-man teams traveled in a 50 mile loop through all of our AO’s. That was pretty stupid, but well worth it. Well the Czar of Covid, at least the NC Chapter, has continued his decree of limited gatherings and other non-sense so I may have figured out a way to hold a similar relay fashioned event in smaller gatherings and avoid riding in each other’s vehicles. I give you the Double Relay: aka The Strides of March. I’m sure you’re quite intrigued, this double relay – how can it work? I’d say simple but I Q’ed the Convergence and herding you cats from the warm-up to the flag pole was tough. But here it goes:

A team of 8 will have 2 runners spread at 4 exchange zones (EZ): Runner A and Runner B. At 0630, All 4 “A” Runners will leave their EZ for an 3 mile run to the next destination. At the point in time the “A” Runner arrives, they tag in the “B” Runner to begin their 3 mile run. The “A’s” rest for the time until their “B” teammate arrives and tags them back in. Are you with me? Instead of driving and leapfrogging EZ’s as we do in most relays, you run all 4 legs and if you’re thinking this through – yes, you’re correct, you’ll run 12 miles in total, 4 5k’s – that is more than most will do in a lifetime. But think, you get a 20-30-ish minutes of recovery before your next run.

Some of you I know are sprinting to the front of the registration line. Others are doing math and beginning to doubt your ability. Recall – you’ve done Stupid things before – this would be the next on your bucket list. But ask yourself this: do you think Hacksaw wasn’t a bit scared to run 50 miles in 24 hours? Round Up, if he was the slightest bit scared, it never showed. But those two accomplished something they had never done. You can too. So I’ll offer this option – you can ruck or walk half of it (or all of it) if you’re not “a runner.” The sign up contains both options. You put your name on the list and we’ll get the logistics sorted out.

Key things to remember: Saturday, March 6th at 0630 – The Strides of March Double Relay – 8 man teams; Run 12 miles or Ruck/Walk 6 miles. Exchange Zone 1 is Lineberger Park; EZ 2 Snoballs; EZ 3 The Pub; EZ 4 Parkwood Baptist; Contact Short Sale if you have any questions (704-516-2193).

Extinction Run CSAUP

Who: F3 PAX, Ms & 2.0s
What: F3 Extinction Run – You vs. You Running Challenge / Charity Fundraiser
When: 2/13/21 at 0900
Where: Primal Brewery – 52 Ervin St. Belmont
Why: All three Fs. Challenge ourselves. Cheer for each other. Raise money for the community.
Charity: $10.00 suggested donation for Holy Angels
Format: One mile run against the clock; one mile at a time. Each loop begins and ends at Primal Brewery. From the start the first mile must be completed within the 13 minute time limit. The second mile cannot be started until the horn sounds at the 13 minute mark. Second mile pace and each mile following will be reduced by 15 seconds. Mile two must be completed within 12:45 time limit, mile three within 12:30 and so on. Runner must meet the time limit to proceed to the next mile. How many miles can you run before you run out of time? Run a 10 minute mile? You can complete a ½ marathon before pulling into the pits to watch your brothers battle it out mile after mile. Come challenge yourself to a run and stay for lunch and a drink. How long can you prevent your extinction?
Primal Brewery will open at 10:00 for beverages and bathrooms. Kitchen opens at 12:00.
Bring the M. Bring the 2.0s.
See you in the gloom!



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