F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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You read that right. Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, and Freight! All coming to a trail run near you. Come out and join me at Midoriyama on 11/18 for a relay team style trail run. Very much like the Ragnar experiment race we did several years ago if you were involved in that. We will all set up in one location(the parking lot at the soccer fields at the end of the road) and won’t have to move from there other than when you are running so this will be peak 2ndF as well. Each team member will run 3- 2 to 2.5ish mile loops. Teams will be 2 or 3 man teams. We will start at 0730 and should be finished by noon. Plans will be made for food and brew somewhere after. More 2nd F! Are you afraid of trails? Are you scared of falling? Meow. Study’s have shown the best way to avoid that as you get older is to regularly travel on uneven ground. It allows your body to adjust to it and build the muscle it needs to keep you upright when you become uneven. Some people we know should have started this earlier. So come out for a good time and to improve your longevity. Sign up deadline is 11/11. You will be notified of your team/members the week of the race. Sign up link below.

11/18 Trail Relay Sign-Ups (google.com)

Midoriyama hot one!

Warm up
Goofball x 10
Gravel Pickers x 10
SSH x 10
Merkins x 10
WW1 x 10

Mosey to field at the track.
Triple Nickel.
1. Merkins, run to end of field, Wide Arm Merkins.
2. Bonnie Blares, Nur to end of field, Squats.
3. WW1, run to end of the field, Flutter Kicks.

Gather at the cone on the inside of the field. 4 corners on half the field.
We will Escalate the reps and exercises. Corners are.

Round 1  Corner 1.    Lunges x 5,      Corner 2    Squats x 10,    Corner 3  Hillbilly Squats x 15

Round 2  Corner 1     Merkins x 5,    Corner 2   Wide Arm Merkins x 10,  Corner 3  CDD x 15

Round 3  Corner 1     WW1 x 5    Corner 2   Imperial Walkers x 10,  Corner 3  LBC x 15

Corner 4  Mnt Climbers x 5,    Mike Tyson’s x 10,    SSH x 15.

Round 4 PAX choice at each corner

Mosey to the playground for some Pull ups, Squats and Merkins.

Back to the start.

Perhaps happiness is always to be found in the journey, uphill, and not in the fleeting sense of satisfaction a waiting at the next peak. Jordan Peterson.

Last minute get your ass up!

Tequila Sunrise 9/8/23

Warm up
Goofball x 10
Gravel Pickers x 10
SSH x 10
Merkins x 10
WW1 x 10

Mosey to field at the track.
Triple Nickel.
1. Merkins, run to end of field, Wide Arm Merkins.
2. Bonnie Blares, Nur to end of field, Squats.
3. WW1, run to end of the field, Flutter Kicks.

Gather at the cone on the inside of the field. 4 corners on half the field.
We will Escalate the reps and exercises. Corners are.

Round 1  Corner 1.    Lunges x 5,      Corner 2    Squats x 10,    Corner 3  Hillbilly Squats x 15

Round 2  Corner 1     Merkins x 5,    Corner 2   Wide Arm Merkins x 10,  Corner 3  CDD x 15

Round 3  Corner 1     WW1 x 5    Corner 2   Imperial Walkers x 10,  Corner 3  LBC x 15

Corner 4  Mnt Climbers x 5,    Mike Tyson’s x 10,    SSH x 15.

Round 4 PAX choice at each corner

Mosey back to the start. Finish with Merry.

Perhaps happiness is always to be found in the journey, uphill, and not in the fleeting sense of satisfaction a waiting at the next peak. Jordan Peterson.

Cool runnings/rucking

Great morning for a run or ruck, 12 other PAX joined YHC well before 0500. That included Dr. Seuss and Solomon. We said the pledge a tad early since Flintstone was hyped and ready to go. As we took off for the run it was clear the cool weather had everyone feeling good, multiple PR’s were had check Strava. As we came back from the run Solomon and Dr. Seuss were leaving. Everyone else stayed for the COT where YHC was reminded twice that Dr. Seuss and Solomon were here, I got it guys but always appreciate the help.

JJ 5k this Saturday at Common Ground
New shirts are here get them while you can
Tuna 200 team needs 1 more runner 10/20-10/22
Half marathon ruck 10/21 at the Yank

Virus in-laws
Norwood continued recovery
Termite’s family
Turtleman continued fight with cancer

YHC prayed us out

Iron Pax week 4 at the Ricky Bobby

Holy blockees batman – This was certainly one to remember.  Thanks F3 Greenwood – You guys know how to go out with a bang.  this was certainly the hardest of the challenges (at least this year).   7 HIM  posted this morning for a hellish beatdown.  Special Thanks to Roscoe for showing up with the blocks and providing the music!  That certainly helped.   If you haven’t seen the you-tube video from F3 Greenwood check it out.  Briefly it involved Kraken burpees every 5 mins, Perfect form merkinsx5 15  times, over 70 Manmakers (AKA Blockees), 70 Thrusters and 70 WWIII situps for time, all while doing Murder Bunnies or reverse Murder Bunnies and Bear crawls between sets.  Truly awful

YHC is very grateful this was the last IronPax of the year.

Prayers for Roscoe’s mom recovering from knee surgery, Turtleman, Huck and all those on IR.


Until next time Defib out!

Reverse 66, 22’s, 11-10’s, 5-10-15

It was a great morning at The Labryinth.

8 plus your YHC showed for a beatdown in the gloom this morning.

Disclaimer plus a quick warm up of 15 IC Side-Straddle Hops and 15 IC Imperial Walkers.  Knocked out the pledge before The Thang.

Mosey over to Martha Rivers Park.

First work we copied part of JJ’s work from Monday.  Reverse Route 66.  Start with 11 reps and countdown by 1 at each parking lot island doing Merkins.

Time for 22’s across the parking lot(modified a little).

Started with 20 CDD’s – lunge walk to middle of parking lot – mosey to opposite side for 2 flutter kicks.  Rinse-Repeat counting up/down by two until we had completed 10 rounds with the last set being 2 CDD’s – Lunge Walk – 20 flutter kicks.

Short mosey around the parking lot and back to the same location for some modified 11’s or what I called today – 11-10’s.

Squats on one side (starting with 10) with 10 LBC’s on the other side with a mosey across in between.  We counted down the successive reps on the squat side but performed 10 LBC’s each round on the other.

Time to work our way back with multiple stops along the way with the following exercises at each stop: 5 Merkins – 10 Squats – 15 Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to the start.  Time’s up.

Announcements:  JJ 5k this Saturday in Stanley; Half-Marathon ruck coming up on October 21.

Prayer Requests:  Southminster Church; Jackson Hall; Huck; Turtleman & several others.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Good Times

We met up at the Ingles in Dallas to run or ruck.

Announcements: Iron Pax Challenge Relay Friday. Half Marathon Ruck the 21st. Beer ruck in Belmont coming up. Christmas party December 2nd at Lewis Farms.

Praise reports: $4,800 raised for Jackson Hall. Ann Ramsey good biopsy report.

Prayers: Ball Joint’s brother Trojan deployed to Germany for the USAF, Turtleman, Huck, Blart’s 2.0, others on IL and those not mentioned.

Thanks for allowing me to Q again on my anniversary.

Soap box time:

Seven years ago Def Leppard told my M about a bunch of guys who get together and exercise what seems to be the middle of the night. M thought that it sounded like a great idea as my solo running wasn’t decreasing the old waistline. Months earlier my mom showed me the article in Gaston Gazette about a group of guys that did morning workouts. I thought it was the dumbest dadgum thing ever since I had encountered what I surmised was that exact same group of idiots doing burpees in the Martha Rivers parking lot several times during my morning jogs to the park and back home. (Nobody tell my M that she was right, I’d never get to stop hearing about it. I guess mom really knows and wants what is best for you too.)

So at the Stop Soldier Suicide in Belmont the following Saturday morning, I promised Def Leppard that I would show up at Midoriyama that fateful Tuesday afternoon. I did and for me, it was life changing. Some guy named Slaw made us do bear-muda triangles and run up and down the hill at the pond until I thought I was going to die. Then I was presented with one of the more memorable nicknames in F3 nation. Shockingly, I even posted that Thursday while being too sore to lay, walk, or sit, or stand.

But as a result, I have a group of male friends that will help me with anything I would ask if I need something. You have made me a better leader, friend, husband, and father. I have been challenged to do things I would have never believed I would start at 56 years old: Run 200 mile team relays; push Speed for Need chariots up the hill at McAdenville for the Christmastown 5Ks; Nomads; CSAUP’s; Iron PAX challenges; hijack the Ghost Flag in Shelby in sub-freezing temperature; posting and Qing downrange in multiple states; Rucks; Spartan races; Mud runs; and many other events where our shared experiences overcame the at-the-time misery.

Also thanks to all the PAX who I look forward to seeing every time we meet up at the shovel flag.

Freight 500

7 Pax posted on Tuesday at Midoriyama. Pretty light crowd for a Tuesday. Some regulars were notably absent. Some back sliding in fitness?


Some stretches and SSH

The Thang:

We grabbed some blocks and headed to the corner of the parking lot. We split into teams of 2 or 3. Do the following exercises and reps relay style. One pax does 10 reps then rest while his partner does 10 reps, working there way up to the 100.


100 LBC’s

100 Mike Tysons

100 Seal jacks

100 Blockees

100 meter run-both pax do one at a time


100 Curls

100 Bonnie Blairs

100 OH Press

100 Imperial Walkers

100 meter run



Announcements-Christmas Party 12/2, Several rucks and a trail run coming up, Still need a runner for the Tuna

Prayer Request-Several pax with some IR issues, Turtleman, Jackson Hall and family, Happy Trees SIL



No Music Slow Burn

No music, no discourse, just happy reps, happy sets, happy sweats.

Warm Up:
SSH, Imperial walkers, KB Swings, Squats, Merkins, LBCs, Curls, Morocann night clubs


20 Single Count Each: Kettle Bell Swings, Squats, Curls, FlutterKicks (IC), Merkins
19 Single Count Each: Kettle Bell Swings, Squats, Curls, FlutterKicks (IC), Merkins
18 Single Count Each: Kettle Bell Swings, Squats, Curls, FlutterKicks (IC), Merkins
17 Single Count Each: Kettle Bell Swings, Squats, Curls, FlutterKicks (IC), Merkins
16 Single Count Each: Kettle Bell Swings, Squats, Curls, FlutterKicks (IC), Merkins
15 Single Count Each: Kettle Bell Swings, Squats, Curls, FlutterKicks (IC), Merkins

Total = 105 reps each

Take a Lap – Do something

15 Dips, 10 Bulgarian Squats (per leg), 10 Step Ups (per leg)
Calf Raises, 10, 10, 10
15 Dips


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