Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sister Act (Page 8 of 17)

Downtown 11/13/2020

11 men on this fine morning Downtown.  Time to work!



Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies


The Thang:


Mosey to corner of W Main Ave and S York St.  Many light poles run thru town here, and we would use them for the first called exercise.  Route 66 with Merkins, using the poles on the right.  First pole perform 1 Merkin, 2nd pole 2 Merkins, 3rd pole 3 Merkins and so on.  Continue until you reach the 11th pole and perform 11 Merkins for a total of 66 Merkins.  Then take a short mosey to the parking deck.

Here 5 exercises are called at the botttom level, take the far stairs to the top, do 5 Burpees, take the stairs back down.  This equals one round and we did this for 5 complete rounds.  Went like this;

  1. 10 Hand Release Mike Tyson’s

  2. 15 Jump Squats

  3. 20 WWII

  4. 25 Mountain Climbers

  5. 30 Flutter Kicks

Take stairs to top level, 5 Burpees, stairs back down.  Round 1 complete.  We completed 5 rounds.

Next we moseyed to the small brick wall in front of church at corner of S South St and Franklin.  Exercise called here is Lindsey’s.  Exercises used are Dips and Derkins.  Goes like this

  1. 10 Dips, 30 Derkins

  2. 15 Dips, 25 Derkins

  3. 20 Dips, 20 Derkins

  4. 25 Dips, 15 Derkins

  5. 30 Dips, 10 Derkins

Time is running low, mosey back to the flag.  Several trains went by this morning, so 10 Burpees called to finish it off! Time.



Prayer Request



I always enjoy leading the Downtown workout, and great group of men this morning.  SYITG


Sister Act

Folsom 11/7/2020

18 men at Folsom this morning!


10 Burpees.  No further warm-up required, just ask Westside!

The Thang:


Short mosey to the tennis courts, and line up on the side facing the length of all the courts.  Exercise called here is The 1000 Rep or some may call the Millennium.  Basically do what the title says, complete a 1000 reps with some running mixed in.  Went like this

  1. 10 Burpees,  50 Squats 50 Merkins, run down to other side and back.

  2. 10 Burpees, 50 SSH 50 LBC’s, run down and back

  3. 10 Burpees, 50 Monkey Humpers 50 Mike Tyson’s, run

  4. 10 Burpees, 50 Peter Parker’s 50 Flutter Kicks, run

  5. 10 Burpees, 50 Imperial Walker Squats 50 Hand Releas Merkins, run

  6. 10 Burpees, 50 Plank Jacks 50 American Hammers, run

  7. 10 Burpees, 50 Jump Squats 50 Diamond Merkins, run

  8. 10 Burpees, 50 Mountain Climbers 50 Pretzel Crunch, run

  9. 10 Burpees, 50 CDD 50 WWII, run

  10. 10 Burpees


Nice work men.  That is a lot of reps in a short amount of time, way to keep moving.  With some time to spare, mosey to the Pavilion.  Here we did 3 rounds of exercises.

Round 1

Hip Slappers, Dips, Derkins, Rocky Balboa’s.  Each performed x 10 (ic)

Round 2 each of the above exercises done x 15 (ic).

Round 3 each exercise done x 10 (ic).

Mosey back to the flag! Time!



Prayer Request


Honor to lead today me.  Appreciate the push.  SYITG


Sister Act


Folsom 10/20

12 men at Folsom this morning.  No FNGs, let’s roll!!


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey towards flag pole.  Stopping at 5 light poles on the way up.

Exercises at each pole:

5 Burpees

10 Hand Release Merkins

15 Jump Lunges

Knock out the pledge.  Mosey to the parking lot across from building. Line up on the curb facing the parking lot.  Exercise called is Dirty 11’s!!  Normal 11s workout but adding an exercise in the middle.  Exercise in the middle is 2 Burpees each time you get to the island. 10 Mike Tyson’s, 2 Burpees in middle, 1 Imperial Walker Squat, 2 Burpees in middle on way back.  Then 9 Mike Tyson’s, 2 Burpees, 2 IW Squats, 2 Burpees.  Continue this until you finish with 1 Mike Tyson, 2 Burpees, 10 IW Squats, 2 Burpees. Great work on this men. When you got finished, pax were told to fall in and finish with the six!!

Still time remaining. We gathered in the upper corner of the parking lot.  4 corner Escalator is called.  Start with 10 Merkins.  Mosey to 2nd corner of lot for 10 Merkins, 20 Jump Squats.  Go to 3rd corner for 10 Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 30 Mountain Climbers (count right side).  Go to last corner for 10 Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 30 MC, 40 American Hammers (count right side).

Time getting low, start our way back to the flag.  We stopped at the first 2 light poles for 5 Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 15 Jump Lunges at each pole.  Didn’t have time to stop at anymore poles, so we moseyed straight back to the flag.  Time!!!


Convergence 10/31 at Martha’s

PT test at Gashouse on 11/14

Prayer Request

All pax battling injury, SA daughter



Appreciate the oppy to lead today.

Sister Act


Mt Hollywood 10/12

7 men at Mt Hollywood this morning!   Nice cool morning to put in some work!


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to the dreadful Baptist Hill!!  Start down at the bottom on Main St.  Exercise called here is the Triple Nickel!!

5 Rounds:

5 Hand Release Merkins at bottom

Run to top

5 Jump Squats

Run back down

That sucked, and took longer than expected.  That hill is brutal!

Next short mosey to corner of entrance to BB&T.  Exercise called here is 7 of Diamonds.  We would use the small square block around the bank for this.  You start with an exercise at each corner.  Then you do a different exercise at each corner, but increasing the reps by 7.  Went like this.

7 Burpees

14 Jump Lunges

21 Merkins

28 Mountain Climbers

21 Flutter Kicks

14 Imperial Walker Squat

7 Burpees

We were not able to get in the last two exercises.  With time low, we had to call this after the Flutter Kicks.  Mosey back to the flag the long way going by Ida Rankin School.  Time!!



Prayer Request



Always a great time to Q!!

Sister Act

Folsom 10/3

15 men posted on this Saturday morning to put in some work.  No FNGs, time to work!!


Gravel Pickers, Wind Mills

The Thang:

Head to tennis courts.  Line up face the length of all the courts.  First exercise called is The 555 Standard!

5 Rounds

15 Squats

15 Burpees

15 Hand Release Merkins

Run to far end of court and back


On to next called exercise.  Line back up on line.  Called 11’s. Use the length of 2 courts for this one.  Start with 10 Mike Tyson’s, run to end of 2nd court for 1 Imperial Walker Squat, run back.  Then 9 Mike Tyson’s, run, 2 IW Squats, run back.  Continue until you finish with 1 Mike Tyson and 10 IW Squats on other end.

Circle up.  Exercise called here is Pandemic!  Start with 1 Burpee, 2 Mountain Climbers, 3 Sit-Up.  Then so 2 Burpees, 4 MC, 6 Sit-Up. Then 3 Burpees, 6 MC, 9 Sit-ups.  Pyramid style workout where you are supposed to go 1 to 10 to 1.  We made it to 10 Burpees, 20 MC, 30 Sit-ups and stopped.

Next line back up on line.  Exercise called is Rugby Sprints.  I call an exercise and do it AMRAP.  When I say go, sprint down 2 courts, sprint back 2 courts, then walk 2 courts.  We did this 4 times with a different exercise called each time!

Time running out, mosey back to the flag.  Knock out 10 more Burpees to round it out to 140 Burpees for the morning!  Nice work men. Time!!



Prayer request



Honor to lead today.

Sister Act

Downtown’s Alternate ID – IPC Wk1 – Inspector’s Gadget

6 Missed a turn when looking for Downtown and ended up at Cloninger Park for Week 1 of the IronPax Challenge

All completed the task.  Some faster than others, but all were better for it…

Shout out to Slaw and Huckleberry for showing up to proctor, encourage and chatter.


This week consisted of:

EMOM (called by app)- 3 burpees

3 Burpees (Begins Rd & EMOM timer)
50 Hand Release Release Merkins
100 Leg Raises
150 Jungle Boi Squats “2Spoonz Style”
200 Big Boy Sit-ups
250 Stationary Lunge Steps (ct ea leg as 1 rep)

Scoring: Total elapsed time beginning with the 1st Burpee and ending with the 250th lunge step.

*EMOM = 3 Burpees are performed at the beginning of every minute on the minute until all cumulative work is completed. Use a tabatta type app (SmartWOD Timer or Seconds) to run the EMOM.

*Each Burpee begins and ends in the standing position.

*Hand Release Release Merkins means that both hands are pulled off of the ground at the bottom of the merkin and 1 hand is pulled off of the ground at the top of the merkin.

*Leg raises require feet and knees to stay together through the entire rep. The top of the rep is reached when your ankles have passed above your hips and over your abdomen. The bottom of the rep is reached when your feet touch the ground.

*Jungle Boi Squats are a type of jumping squat. “2Spoonz Style” means that both hands touch the ground between your feet and are raised sideways until they are above your shoulders at the peak of the jump. This is an ode to Greenwood native DJ Swearinger and the hit he laid on Clemson tailback Andre Ellington.

*Big Boy SitUps are unsupported at the feet. No leveraging feet for assistance. Both shoulder blades touch the ground at the bottom of the rep. Both shoulders clear the hips at the top of the rep. Hands are free to use as momentum.

*Stationary Lunge Steps start in the standing upright position. Take a step forward until the Top knee is at a 90deg angle and positioned over the top of the foot. The Bottom knee should be at a 90deg angle and touching or almost touching (<1in) the ground. Step backwards until you are standing upright with both feet together at the starting position. This is one rep. Rinse & Repeat with the opposite leg. Count every step as a rep. (#EasyWay)
**No walking lunges! This is a stationary exercise so that the EMOM timer can be heard.

The Ricky Bobby 9/2/2020

12 men at The Ricky Bobby this morning!  No FNG, not much of a disclaimer, time to start!!


Grass Pickers x 10(ic)


The Thang:

First exercise called here:

5 Rounds

10 Burpees

10 Jump Lunges

10 Hand Release Merkins

10 Big Boys

10 Smurf Jacks

Lap around track

After a quick 10 count from ole Buttermilk, we moseyed to the back parking lot behind the school.  Pax line up on the first parking space line for some Route 66.  Start with 1 Mike Tyson, Bear Crawl to 2nd line for 2 Mike Tyson’s. Bear Crawl to 3rd line for 3 Mike Tyson’s.  Continue this until you finish with 11 Mike Tyson’s.


Time for some core work.

Round 1:

LBCs x 20(ic)

Flutter Kicks x 20(ic)

American Hammer x 20(ic)

Freddie Mercury’s x 20(ic)

Round 2

LBCs x 10(ic)

Flutter Kicks x 10(ic)

American Hammer x 10(ic)

Freddie Mercury’s x 10(ic)


Still with plenty of time remaining.  Time for some 11’s!  Start on the side of the parking lot with 10 Imperial Walker Squats, mosey across for 1 CDD, then mosey back.  Then 9 IW Squats and 2 CDD.  Continue until you finish with 1 IW Squat and 10 CDD.


Time to start heading back to the COT.  However, we still needed to knock out some more reps on the way back.  Stopped at 5 light poles on the way back.  Started with 1 Burpee at the first, and then increase the rep by 1 at the next pole.  Finished with 5 Burpees at the 5th pole.  There were plenty more light poles, but ran out of time.  Quick mosey back to the flag!  Time!!



Shooting & BBQ 9/12

CSAUP 9/19 at Folsom

JJ5K 9/26 – Trail run Common Ground in Stanley

Mt Mitchell hike 9/27

Prayer Request

SA daughter & family, Stroganoff family, kids & teachers, all pax



Honor to lead today men.  Appreciate you men, everyone pushed hard today!!

Sister Act




The Storm 8/18/2020

15 at The Storm.



10 Burpees


The Thang:

Mosey to the big parking lot to the side of the school.  Start on the concrete walkway at the front of the parking lot, facing the length of the lot.  Start with 10 Burpees.  Mosey to 1st island for 20 Big Boys, return to start.  10 Burpees, run to 2nd island for 20 Big Boys, 30 Freddie Mercuries, back to start. 10 Burpees, run to 3rd island for 20 Big Boys, 30 Freddie Mercuries, 40 American Hammers, run back.  10 Burpees, run to 4th island, 20 BB, 30 FM, 40 AH, 50 LBCs, run back.  Finally do 10 Burpees, run to 5th island for 20 BB, 30 FM, 40 AH, 50 LBCs, 60 Flutter Kicks, return to start and finish with 10 Burpees.


Short mosey to the corner of the parking lot at school.  4 corner escalator is the next exercise using the entire parking lot as our square.  Start with 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Mosey to corner 2 for 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges.  Mosey to 3rd corner for 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 CDD.  Mosey to 4th corner for 10 HR Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 CDD, 40 Squats.  With plenty of time, we would go back down.  Start with 40 Squats, 30 CDD, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins.  Mosey to next corner for 30 CDD, 20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins.  Next corner is 20 Jump Lunges, 10 HR Merkins.  Mosey to final corner for 10 HR Merkins.


With a little time to spare, we stayed at the school for the next exercise.  Start with 10 Step-Ups, 10 Dips, 10 Derkins.  Then do 15 Steps-Ups, 15 Dips, 15 Derkins.  Finish is out with 20 Step-Ups, 20 Dips, 20 Derkins.  Mosey back to COT.  Time!



Prayer Request




Sister Act

Mt. Hollywood 8/17/2020

9 men at Mt. Hollywood.



10 Burpees


The Thang:

Short mosey on the fresh new parking lot to the front of Mt. Holly Middle School.  Here we would do 5 rounds of exercises with a run around the parking lot between each round. Went like this

  1. 10 Burpees, run a lap
  2. 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, run a lap
  3. 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Squats, run a lap
  4. 10 Burpees , 25 Merkins, 50 Squats, 100 Plank Jacks, run a lap
  5. 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Squats, 100 Plank Jacks, 150 LBCs, run a lap

We stayed in the same location for the next exercise.  We partnered up for the next exercise. Partner 1 does the reps, while Partner 2 runs a lap around the parking lot.  Exercises called were:

  1. 100 Hip Slapper
  2. 150 Hand Release Merkins
  3. 200 Dips
  4. 250 American Hammers

Time running low, we took a short mosey to the nice new lines painted in the parking lot.  We lined up on the first line, facing the length of the parking lot.  Start with 2 Mike Tysons, Bear Crawl two lines, then 4 Mike Tyson.  Bear Crawl again two lines for 6 Mike Tysons.  Continue this until we ran out of time.  I think we got up to 10 Mike Tysons.  Mosey back to COT.  Time!!


Prayer Request




Sister Act

Midoriyama 8/13

10 men at Midoriyama this afternoon!


10 Grass Pickers (ic)

The Thang:

As promised, we would not do any running today.  However, even with no running, the pax were going to get their $$$ worth today!!

First exercise called is “The 555 Standard”:

5 Rounds:

15 Squats

15 Burpees

15 Hand Release Merkins


Next exercise called is “Pandemic”:

This is  exercises performed in 1 to 10 to 1 reps (Pyramid multipliers) of:

1 Burpee

2 Mountain Climbers

3 Sit-Ups (WWII)

Start with 1 Burpee, 2 MC, 3 WWII.  Next is 2 Burpees, 4 MC, 6 WWII.  Continue to peak of pyramid 10 Burpees, 20 MC, 30 WWII, then go back down the pyramid.  This was terrible!!! We stopped at the top of the Pyramid at 10, and did not go back down.  With 130 Burpees already in the books for today,  enough was enough.  Time to move on.


Last exercise called is “Lindsey’s”:

Start with 10 Dips, 30 Derkins

15 Dips, 25 Derkins

20 Dips, 20 Derkins

25 Dips, 15 Derkins

30 Dips, 10 Derkins


Time.  Nice work by all pax today.  We didn’t run, but we definitely got in some reps.



Annihilation at Gashouse 8/29

CSAUP 9/19

JJ5K in Stanley 9/26

Mt Mitchell hike 9/27

Prayer Request

Pax, school kids, Sister Act 2.0, Huck



Honor to lead today men!

Sister Act

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