Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sister Act (Page 7 of 17)

Old School 5/8/2021

15 men at Old School this morning.


The Thang:


Block Work:

Line up on side of field with your block.  Exercise to be done for 3 Rounds!

1 Round:

25 Thrusters, Murder Bunnie to cone, 5 Blockees, Murder Bunnie back to start

25 Chest Press, MB to cone, 5 Blockees, MB back

25 Alpos, MB to cone, 5 Blockees, MB back

25 Curls, MB to cone, 5 Blockees, MB back

25 Decline Merkins, MB, 5 Blockees, MB back

That is Round 1, and we completed 3 Rounds!!


Partner Work:

P1 starts rifle carrying block walking around track.  P2 does 5 Big Boys, then runs to catch P1.  Then P2 rifle carries, while P1 does the Big Boys.  Continue this until we make complete lap around the track.


Mosey back to flag.  Exercises called are Burpee Block Jumpovers and Rocky Balboa’s.  Perform 1 BBJ, 4 RB on block.  Then 2 BBJ, 8 RB.  Continue until you finish with 10 BBJ, 40 RB.  Time!!



Prayer Request











Downtown 5/7/2021

8 at Downtown this morning


The Thang:

555 Standard

5 Rounds

15 Squats

15 HR Merkins

15 Burpees

Run a lap


Route 66

Imperial Walker Squats, using light poles on the left on main street.  Start with 1 IW Squats at first pole, working way up to 11 IW Squats at last pole


Parking Deck 

Start with called exercise at bottom, Joe Hendricks up the ramps, then add exercise each level as we work towards the top.  Exercises were:

5 Burpees, 10 Mike Tyson’s, 20 American Hammers, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 SSH, 50 Flutter Kicks




Prayer Request


SA out!!












Folsom 4/27

12 men at Folsom this morning.


Warm-Up: Grass pickers, Hillbillies


Mosey towards flag at Folsom entrance.  Stopping at light poles on the way.

1st pole: 10 Hand Release Merkins

2nd pole: 10 HR Merkins, 20 American Hammers

3rd pole: 10 HR Merkins, 20 AH, 30 LBCs

4th pole: 10 HR Merkins, 20 AH, 30 LBCs, 40 Flutter kicks


Pledge at flag

Exercise called here is Mike Tyson’s and Mountain Climbers. Start with 1 Mike Tyson and 4 MC. Then 2 Mike Tyson and 8 MC.  3 Mike Tyson’s and 12 MC. Continue until finish with 10 Mike Tyson’s and 40 MC.

Short mosey to parking lot.  Line up in front of the curb.  Staying with the 1:4 ratio.  Do 1 Burpee and 4 Rocky Balboa’s. Then 2 Burpees and 8 RB. Continue this until you finish with 10 Burpees and 40 Rocky Balboa’s.

Mosey down to bottom parking lot.  Line up on first line for some Route 66 with Merkins. Start with 1 Merkin, bear crawl 2 spaces for 2 Merkins.  Bear crawl 2 more spaces for 3 Merkins.  Bear crawl, 4 Merkins.  Continue this until you finish with 11 Merkins.

Short mosey to the Pavilion. Line up in front of the short wall.  Start with 1 Step Up and 4 Dips. Then 2 Step Ups and 8 Dips.  Continue until finish with 10 Step Ups and 40 Dips.

Mosey back to COT. Time!!


Prayer Request


Nice work men.  SYITG!





Downtown 3/26/2021

15 men Downtown

Warm-up: Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies, 5 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to Post Office for some 11’s.

10 Big Boys at top 1 Imperial Walker Squat at bottom.  9 Big Boys at top, 2 IW Squats at bottom. Continue until finish with 1 Big Boys, 10 IW Squats.


Mosey to main street. Exercise called is Route 66  using light poles on left.  1st pole 1 Plank Jack Merkin.  Next pole 2 PJ Merkin.  Continue going up until you finish with 11 PJ Merkins.


Short mosey to parking deck.  Next exercise;

5 Rounds

10 Hip Slappers, run up stairs to top

10 Monkey Jumpers, back down other set of stairs


Still time, so we stayed in parking deck.  Bottom level do 5 Burpees.  Run and go up ramp to next level. Do 5 Burpees, 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Run up to next level for 5 Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 15 American Hammers. Go to next level 5 Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 15 AH, 20 Mountain Climbers.  We didn’t make it to the top because we were running low on time.

Back at flag, we had time to do the Worst Merkin Ever.  3 count exercise.  Werkin on 1 count, Merkin 2, Diamond Merkin on 3, that equals 1 rep.  I believe we got to 8 and time was up.   Those are awful!!




Prayer Request


Great group of men this morning. Appreciate the push.  SYITG

Sister Act





Folsom 3/13/2021

Good group of men this morning.  Time to work!

Warm-Up:  Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies, 10 Burpees


The Thang:

Mosey to bottom parking lot.  Line up on first line facing uphill toward length of parking lot.  Start with 1 Mike Tyson.  Bear crawl 2 spaces, then   2 Mike Tyson’s.  Bear crawl 2 spaces, 3 Mike Tyson’s.  We continued all the way to 12 Mike Tyson’s at the end.  The plan was to go up to 15, but that sucked really bad.

Mosey over to pavilion.  Exercises called here;
Dips, Derkins, Step Ups

Start with 10(ic) of each, then 15(ic), 20(ic), 15(ic), 10(ic)


Mosey to tennis courts.  Line up on sideline facing courts,  Exercise called here is Blackjack.  Reps add up to 21. Start with 19 Merkins, run length of 2 courts for 2 Sit-ups, run back.  Then do 17 Merkins, run, 4 Sit-ups, run.  Continue until you finish with 1 Merkin, 20 Sit-ups.


Stay on courts for next exercise .  Do a little AMRAP routine. 5 exercises called, to be performed for 2 minutes each. Start with 10 Burpees, then sprint length of 1 court.  Then do 10 Burpees, sprint.  Do this from 0:00-2:00.  Then from 2:00-4:00 do 10 HR Merkins, sprint, 10 HR Merkins until time. From 4:00-6:00 do 10 Mountain Climbers and sprint.  6:00-8:00 do 10 Jump Lunges and sprint.  And finish out from 8:00-10:00 10 SSH and sprint.

Still with a little time to spare we did Burpee suicides.  Run length of 1 court and back for 1 Burpee. Run 2 courts and back for 2 Burpees.  Finish last one with run full 6 courts, and back for 6 Burpees.  Head back to COT.



Prayer request

Appreciate the chance to lead today. SYITG

Sister Act



The Burpee!!

28 men showed and put in the work at Folsom this morning!!  1 FNG was present, so a very short disclaimer was given.  Go time!!


Warm Up:

10 SSH (ic)

5 Burpees

10 Gravel Pickers (ic)

5 Burpees

10 Hillbillies (ic)

The Thang:

First called exercise is called Pandemic.  Exercise done in a pyramid going from 1 to 10 to 1.

1 Burpee, 2 Mountain Climber, 3 LBCs

2 Burpees, 4 Mountain Climbers, 6 LBCs

3 Burpees, 6 Mountain Climbers, 9 LBCs

Continue until we finished with 10 Burpees, 20 Mountain Climbers, 30LBCs.


Short mosey to the tennis courts, line up on the line facing the tennis courts.  Do some escalator work.  Start with 10 Burpees, mosey to first light pole for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys.  Mosey to next light pole for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys, 30 American Hammers. Mosey to end of courts for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys, 30 AH, 40 Flutter Kicks.  Time to turn around and go back down.  On line do 40 FK, 30 AH, 20 Big Boys, 10 Burpees.  Mosey to pole for 30 AH, 20 Big Boys, 10 Burpees.  Mosey to next pole for 20 AH, 10 Burpees.  Finish up at end line with 10 Burpees.


Next exercise called is the backend of the Pandemic routine going from 9 to 1.

9 Burpees, 18 Mountain Climbers, 27 LBCs

8 Burpees, 16 Mountain Climbers, 24 LBCs

Continue until we finished with 1 Burpee, 2 Mountain Climbers, 3 LBCs.

At this point we are at 190 Burpees for the workout.  10 more Burpees are called to bring the total to 200 Burpees,  with time still left.  I know how everyone loves Burpees, so I hope that was enough.


With some time left, pax are lined back up on the line.  11s are called here, using the length of two courts.  Start with 10 Mike Tysons, run 2 court lengths for 1 Imperial Walker Squat.  Back to line for 9 Mike Tysons, other end 2 IW Squats.  Continue until we end with 1 Mike Tysons and 10 IW Squats. Time low we headed back to COT.  Her Slaw lead 22 Merkins for the Vets!! Time!



Prayer Request



Honor to lead you men today.  The Saturday crowds at Folsom have been impressive.  I wanted to bring a tough one, so I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank Round Up for the 200 Burpee challenge!! Appreciate the push!!  Welcome FNG Toe Pick to F3.  SYITG


Sister Act








Folsom 1/23

16 men at Folsom this morning.


Grass pickers, Hillbillies

The Thang:

Mosey up the road towards the flag,  Stopping at each light pole on the way and perform:

5 Hand Release Burpee

10 HR Merkins

15 American Hammers

Pledge at the flag

Short mosey to the parking lot beside the flag.  Exercise called here  is Dirty 11’s!  Start on one side of parking lot with 10 Mike Tyson’s, run to middle for 1 Burpee, then continue to other side for 1 Imperial Walker Squat, then back to other side stopping for 1 Burpee in the middle. Then repeat but with 9 Mike Tyson’s, 1 Burpee, 2 IW Squat, 1 Burpee.  Continue until you finish with 1 Mike Tyson, 1 Burpee, 10 IW Squats, 1 Burpee.

Mosey from here to the concrete bleachers at the horse track.  Go to the bottom step for the next exercise:

3 Rounds

10 Dips (ic)

10 Derkins (ic)

10 Step Ups (ic)

Mosey back to main road and head back towards tennis courts.  Again we stopped at each light pole on the way down and performed:

5 Burpees

10 Merkins

15 American Hammers

Then head to the tennis courts.  Next exercise is the 4 corner Escalator. First corner 10 Big Boy. 2nd corner do 10 Big Boys, 20 Plank Jacks. 3rd corner do 10 Big Boys, 20 Plank Jacks, 30 Mountain Climbers.  4th corner do 10 Big Boys, 20 Plank Jacks, 30 Mountain Climbers, 40 SSH.

With a little time to spare, we lined up on the line at the first tennis court facing the length of all the courts.  Exercise called her is some Burpee Suicides.  Run length of one court and back for 1 Burpee.  Run 2 courts and back for 2 Burpees. 3 courts and back for 3 Burpees. Continue to last court and back for 6 Burpees.  Time was almost up so we weren’t able to go back down.  Head to COT. Time!!



Prayer Request



It was an honor to lead the workout today men.  Been trying to work my way back from knee surgery, and it’s slow going.  Awesome to be out with everyone, and to lead a workout again.  Thanks for the push!



On Time BackBlast, get some Watts Up!!

6 men avoided the rain and put in some work at Mt Hollywood this morning.  Sad that so many regulars decided to stay in the fartsack this morning.  One in particular decided to sleep in until the rain passed, then go run on his own.  No words to describe that level of Doucheness!!  Site Q is a no show, so time to get started!!



Grass pickers x 10(ic), Hillbillies x 10(ic)


The Thang:


Mosey to the covered area at bus drop off at Ida Rankin.  Start off with a lil Jacked Up routine to get the blood flowing.  5 exercises, with no rest between exercises.

50 SSH

40 Seal Jacks

30 Plank Jacks

20 Crossover Jacks

10 Smurf Jacks

Stay in the covered area for next called exercise which is the Sheldon Cooper.  4 exercises used for this.  Burpees, Squats, Merkins, Big Boys.

10 of each Burpees, Squats, Merkins, Big Boys,

Run a lap around parking lot

9 of each Burpees, Squats, Merkins, Big Boys

Run a lap.

Continue this down until you finish with 1 rep of each exercise, and run a lap.


Short fellowship mosey to the small brick wall at front of school. Exercises called here are Step Ups, Dips, and Derkins.  3 rounds were completed with 10 reps of each in round 1, 15 reps of each in round 2, and 20 reps of each in round 3.


Fellowship mosey back to covered area for some core work .

20 LBCs (ic)

20 Freddie Mercuries (ic)

20 American Hammers (ic)

20 Dying Cockroaches (ic)


Mosey back towards flag, but stopping at the steps in front of gymnasium for some Deep Sea Divers.  Start on bottom step with 5 Hip Slappers (ic).  Then move up a step for 5 Hip Slappers (ic).  Went up 4 steps, then worked out way back down with 5 Hips Slappers on each step.  Then head back to flag. Time!!



Prayer Request



Thanks men!!  SYITG


Sister Act
















Well say something you idiot!!

13 men at Midoriyama.  It’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to make the premier evening workout because of work, so I was excited to have the chance to Q today.  Wojo, appreciation the opportunity.  No FNGs, time to work.


Gravel pickers x 10 (ic)

10 Burpees.


The Thang:


Short mosey to the first light pole before the pump track.  We would stop at 4 poles along the way doing exercises at each.

  1.  5 Hand Release Burpees

  2.  5 HR Burpees, 10 HR Merkins

  3.  5 HR Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 15  HR Mike Tysons

  4.  5 HR Burpees, 10 HR Merkins, 15 Mike Tyson’s, 20 HR Werkins

Lots of mumble chatter during this portion.  It definitely sucked, but wanted to emphasis the Hand Release part. Goal was to eliminate the ridiculous Neckies performed by so many pax.  It wasn’t a success!  Time to move on.


Next we moseyed to the top of the fishing pier hill.  Exercise called here is the always effective Triple Nickel.  Start with 5 Big Boys at the top, run to the bottom for 5 Imperial Walker Squats, run back to top.  Do this 5 times.  That hill seems to never get any easier.

Next is a mosey back to the playground.  I wanted to rinse and repeat the Hand Release work at the light poles on the way back, but decided that wasn’t a good idea after the first round mess!  Exercise called at the playground is:

5 Rounds

  1. 5 Pull-ups

  2. 10 Merkins

  3. 15 Squats


With time still remaining, we moseyed to the parking lot beside the turd shack.  Pulled the next exercise from Freight’s playbook.  Too bad he wasn’t here to enjoy.  Pax told to stand beside a parking space line.  Exercises called are Burpees, and Side Hops.  They are to be performed in a 1:4 ratio.  Start with 1 Burpee, 4 side Hops back and forth across the line.  Next is 2 Burpees/8 Hops, 3 Burpees/12 Hops and so.  Continue this until you finish with 10 Burpees/40 Side Hops. That wasn’t enjoyable.  Time up, head to flag.



Prayer Request

Nameorama (watch the video on Twitter, Slaw can be a prick)


Awesome time leading at one of my favorite AOs.  Appreciate the push today men.  SYITG


Sister Act


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