Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 29 of 30)

I think it was Wednesday…

As a matter of fact, it was Wednesday…at Martha’s House!!!

Ok, the regulars were there so no need for much of a disclaimer other than I’m an idiot.

Warm-Up – Arm Raises, Don Quixotes, Imperial Walkers, Goof Balls

Recite the Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the abandoned grocery store parking lot where we found a perfectly good wall that wasn’t being used enough. The only way to fix that is to do 10 Australian Mountain Climbers IC. That’s better.

The Thang

In honor of Tool Time who’s on the IR, Jimmy is a song by Tool that says the word Eleven throughout. So there you go, Elevens! On one end do CDDs, go a few speed humps and perform Peter Parkers. Aye! Nothing gets the blood pumpin like Elevens.

Back to the wall for Hip Slappers x10 IC. Everybody’s favorite.

Slow mosey to the middle of the parking lot for a routine of modified suicides.

5 Star Jacks, run to next set of lines and back. 5 Scorpion Dry Docks, run to the next set of lines past the last and back. 5 Gorilla Humpers, run to the next furthest lines and back. 5 Burpees, run to the lines past the last and back. Recover (for Stroganoff cause he says no one calls that anymore). Repeato the same sequence but increase reps to 10 each. Recover. I think Whoopee had to evacuate about now. Repeato again but increase to 15 reps each. Recover. Aye!!!

Circle up around the nearest light pole for the Bear Crawl Ring of Fire. Bear crawl around the pole for one rotation. Everyone hold the plank position while one PAX does 10 merkins, moving counter-clockwise til everyone does theirs. Recover

Mosey back to Pelican’s for a round of Mary to finish up. Bacon called for Mountain Climbers x25 IC. Hushpuppy called for Neckies forward and to each side x10 IC while holding feet at 6 inches. Spiderman called for Canoes x8 IC. JK2 called for Sandy V’s x10 IC.

Prayer Requests- Stroganoff’s M’s mother, Bandit, T-Square’s family. Everyone on IR. Our Country.

COT- It was a pleasure again men. You’re the reason I keep coming out here and I appreciate each of you!


Goat Time

Roscoe and his FNG were already waiting. Top Hat showed up too. No Weinke, no problem.

With an FNG in attendance I gave the best off the cuff disclaimer I could. First and foremost, I’m an idiot and all of you are too if you follow me, so don’t. F3 is awesome, and although you’ll be sore, come back!

Warmup – Side Straddle Hop x20IC, Moroccan Night Clubs – x30IC, Don Quixote x10IC, LBC x20IC


Mosey to the secret parking lot for the first part of the Thang.

Ascending Bear Crawls – On one end of the parking lot start with 1 Derkin, bear crawl to the other side for 2 merkins back and forth up to 13 reps. After several laps of this, it was obvious that if we were going to do much more of YHC’s imagined workout, we were going to have to Omaha for a short set.

Mosey around the corner down to the bridge. A luck would have it, a train passed and we all know what that means! 5 Burpees!

To make up for our short set earlier, the PAX would bear crawl the wooden length of the bridge. Bear crawls are good for you!

After a quick count off to catch our breath, YHC explained the next routine, the BMOBS. Partner up and in aggregate do: 50 burpees, 100 merkins, 150 arm raises, 200 LBCs, 250 squats. While partner 1 does the exercises, partner 2 would run around the shelter and play set. This turned out to be a good one to get the sweat pouring. Good work men!

A slow fellowship mosey over to the gazebo for a few wrap up exercises.

Using the gazebo, we hung and did 10 leg lifts IC. Top Hat called something I remember, sorry brother. Roscoe called his own and I can’t remember it either. YHC does remember calling 5 burpees to finish.

Announcements: CSAUP, Derecho Monday workout is moving to Martha’s House

Prayer Requests: Bandit’s family, Floppy Disc’s M, T Square’s family, our Country

Welcome FNG Guts! It was great having you today and we look forward to seeing you out again soon. It was a pleasure leading you today men!



HALLOWEEN and the Ghost Beaver

Thursday in the gloom found me stand by my lonesome in downtown Cramerton. Where is everybody? Don’t tell me I’m posting alone AGAIN!!! From around the corner Radar appears like a ninja. Pleasantries were exchanged and we wondered if we should go home since it was just the two of us. About that time a hooded figure wandered up from the other direction. Who’s that?!? Top Hat!!! Aye, threes company and the event is on.

No disclaimer other than I’m an idiot.


Sun Gods x10 IC, MNC x20 IC, CDD x10 IC, American Hammer x10 IC, Goof Balls x10 IC


From there we moseyed to the other side of the street near the bridge for The Thang. YHC figured this would be the last workout he’d Q before the great candy day so I tried to get creative and came up with the HALLOWEEN workout. It went something like this.

H – Howling Monkeys, this was like ring of fire except the exercise was Monkey Humpers. Each PAX would perform 10 while the others held the position. Rinse and repeat.

A – ABC’s, spell out the alphabet with your feet IC.

L – La La Leggy, 10 squats, 10 lunges each leg, 10 drop lunges, 10 squat jumps, 10 calf raises

Then we moseyed to the other end of the bridge for a change of scenery.

L – LBFCs, little baby flutter crunches x15 IC.

O – One Call, apparently someone in another region got fed up with his PAX slacking off and performing merkins like a 3rd grader would. To ensure good form, he came up with the One Call- from the plank position, drop to your chest, then lift your hands off the ground, extend back up, and do a Floyd Mayweather with each arm. That’s one rep. We did 10 IC.

W – Walkerstrong, imperial walkers for 2 minutes with the last 30 seconds AMRAP.

E – Elevens, I gave the PAX the choice of exercises on each end. Radar chose plank jacks, Top Hat went with sweat angels.We did these with about a 25 yard run in between. This is where some weird stuff happened. On the first or second round there was a huge splash right beside the bridge but we didn’t see anything in the water. What could it be? Maybe this bridge is becoming haunted!

After the work was done on this routine, we slow moseyed back across the bridge and noticed something down on the bank, the biggest beaver YHC had ever seen! Maybe this is what casued the splash earlier. We stayed strong, fought the urge and held back on the obvious beaver jokes.

E – Escalator, 10 jump ups, 20 burpees, 30 merkins, 40 squats, omaha the last set of 50 lunge walks due to time.

N – Never Cross Dolly, this is like good morning dolly where you move your legs out and in. The tough part is you hold the iron cross (arms out to side) while doing the dollys. We did 5 of these and that’s all she wrote. HALLOWEEN, nothing too scary about it.

Great work men, I enjoyed pushing the rock with you this morning. AYE!!!

Prayer requests: Bandit’s family, T Square’s family, Basil Merritt in Belmont, our country.

Close with prayer.


Tuesday morning…gloom…work to do…let’s do it. No disclaimer, everybody here is experienced.

Warm Up- Don Quixote x10IC, CDD x10IC, couple other things, can’t remember.


Mosey to the other parking lot. Stop short of the target for a quick example of the Frankenstein walk, arms out, stiff legged steps reaching for your hands. We did this to the next island and then continued the mosey behind the school to a nice hill I’d scoped out on a run.

The Thang

11s – Little Baby Dips at the bottom, Bear Crawl to the top where the PAX did Knerkins and then back down the hill by way of the Crawl Bear. Good work men.

From there we moseyed back around toward the lot we came from for a round of Lindsay (like 11s but higher reps and moving the count by 5 in between). It went like this, on one end we start with 30 reps of LBCs, Frankenstein walk to the other side for 5 reps of Plank Jacks. The PAX went back and forth doing this for a while. The hardest part of this ended up being the never ending Frankensteins. The Mayor’s impersonation of Frankenstein was spot on, Fire Bad!

There was still some time left, so we set up for some Four Corners. Corner 1, 15 squats, mosey to the next corner, 15 merkins, SPRINT to the next corner, 15 lunges each leg, mosey to the next for 15 Peter Parkers then home again. Repeato reducing reps by 5 for two more rounds.

By now we were almost out of time so we walked back to the start for a quick round of Guantanamo.

Announcements- CSAUP

Good work men!

Hurricanes and Stuff

Everybody knew it would be a mess for today’s workout. Despite nonstop rain and wind, 8 strong men still made it out in the gloom this Saturday morning. On top of that, most of them got a run in before the workout. They can’t be stopped! To top it off, an FNG posted in this crap, that guy means business!

With the FNG present, a full disclaimer was given for his benefit. YHC also told the PAX that he’d done his best to put together a hurricane/beach/weather/water workout. We’ll see…

Warm Up: Sun Gods x15 IC, Doggie Paddles x10 IC, CDD x15 IC, Air Squared x15 IC

Mosey to the parking lot behind the old town jail for the Crab Platter (name to be approved later). In a triangle pattern, the PAX would perform 15 Crab Cakes IC, Crab Walk to the next corner for 15 Crab Humpers IC (chuckles abound). Crab Walk to the last corner for 15 Crab Jacks IC. Delicious!!!

Mosey from there up main street to the new parking lot at Nellie’s for the BLIMPS (related to weather balloons, that’s my story at least). Here the PAX would complete 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks and 30 Squats all OYO and then plank for the 6.

Mosey down the road to the alley where Rivermen Brewing will reside hopefully soon so we can exercise some 12 ounce curls in a 2nd F fashion.

It’s time for the Hurricane Hoedown!!! This is an IC countdown routine of several varieties of flutterkicks (Stroganoff would love it). Starting with a round of 7 IC, the PAX would perform Seated Flutterkicks, then Hands Behind Flutters, then Reclined Flutters, then regular Flutters and finally LBC Flutters (the worst!). We counted down from 7 to 1 for a total or 28 of each variation, BRUTAL. The best part was in our last few sets, the postal carriers loading up their trucks for the day’s work started chanting us on in cadence to the end of the routine and then on our way back out the alley. AYE!!!

From there we moseyed around the corner to the parking lot of Walk Run for a the WASH (cause we were dirty). Here the PAX paired up and would complete in aggregate 100 Werkins, 100 American Hammers, 200 Step Ups and 200 Hillbillies. While partner 1 did the exercises the other went out and back doing Fiddler Crabs, then Bear Crawl, Lunges and maybe something else, I can’t remember. The FNG was feeling the effects of the workout now and was doing everything he could to keep his Merlot down and he did. Atta boy! By the end of this YHC was smoked so we took a slow fellowship mosey across the street.

The last stop was to study the effect of Global Warming on our bodies! The PAX would hold the Al Gore for 60 seconds then switch to do 15 dips IC. Back to the Al Gore for 30 seconds and a finale of 15 Monkey Humpers IC for the passing traffic. Mosey back down the street where we’d started.

Namorama, welcome Jim Cantore! YHC was called out the after making the obligatory statement of “Tell us about yourself” and I then went off that script and threw out the obvious need to call him Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel since his first post was in a hurricane. YHC accepts the responsibility for this move but with a majority vote, the name stood. Q’s call, right?

Prayer requests: All those dealing with the hurricane. I can’t remember the rest. Sorry.

It was a unusual day and I appreciate all the hard work out there today men. You make it easier to come out here on days like this!

You’ve got to show to know

When YHC rolled out of the fartsack this morning he knew the odds were stacked against him. A Monday morning running workout with a giant thunderstorm nearby. If this workout was going to happen it was up to him to bring out the A game.

Upon arrival at the AO, the lightning was flashing but no rain and everything seemed far enough way for a relatively safe  workout. When the time came to start, well, there I stood…alone.

Disclaimer, I’m an idiot (obviously), it’s you against you (two for two) and if you get hurt, it’s your own fault (the trifecta!!!)


SSH x50IC, Morrocan Night Clubs x50IC, Merkins x50IC, Burpees x50 OYO

The Thang

WIth the PAX thouroughly warmed up, I headed out for some laps. From the small roundabout sprint to the stop sign, backward sprint up the hill to the artwork and mosey back down to the start. After completing this 7 times I realized it was time for the main event.

Even though it was Derecho, YHC wanted a more full body workout so it was time for a little Dora 123! Cumulative 100 CDDs, 200 LBC, 300 lunges each leg.  Feel the burn!

By the time the PAX wrapped this up it was time for the pledge.

No announcements, prayers for all the fartsackers, Namorama, COT.

It was great leading me today! AYE!

Followed by Cofferama and personal 3rd F at home.

The House Always Wins

YHC arrived a little early today to make sure the table was set for the day’s workout. After a quick walk around in the gloom, the men of the Yank began to arrive. Qui$h and Tool Time made a quick fly-by finishing up some EC and one of the two FNGs ran to the AO too! Great start!

After some extended chit chat in YHC called for the PAX to circle up to get it going. A full disclaimer was given to start the two FNGs off right along with some encouraging words and we were off.

Warm Up

Abe Vigoda x5 IC with a transition into Don Quixote x5IC due to slowness!

SSH x15 IC?

Morrocan Night Club x30 IC

Dying Cockroaches x10 IC

Merkin x10 IC

The Thang

A short mosey to the pavilion revealed a little surprise for the PAX, a deck of cards! Could it be THE DECK OF DEATH?!? Yes!!! Immediate mumble chatter followed. Excellentt!

Spades = Burpees

Clubs = Squats

Hearts = LBCs

Diamonds = Dips

When a certain suit is drawn, the PAX will execute the corresponding number of reps for that exercise. The cards were picked one by one and the PAX performed like the champions they are, FNGs included. This routine is not joke! The only time the group missed a beat was when YHC Omaha’d to cut the last set of burpees in half. In retrospect, the PAX was strong, YHC had actually softened up from a month of BRR training that has left him in less than ideal F3 shape!

Once this ordeal was complete, the PAX was led to the field behind the middle school for some new action, but low and behold they were beaten to the spot by a middle aged guy practicing his disc golf form. So that our workout could maintain our good rep in the community, YHC decided to play nice and not take over the field but instead move on to a patch of grass on the side of the school.

When everyone had arrived, a leg of Seal Crawls was announced. This is a crappy derivation of Bear crawls because you don’t use your legs. One length of this had everyone tapping out and agreeing that we shouldn’t try this one for a long time. 20 goof balls was announced followed by a return trip of actual bear crawls.

Mosey back down to the amphitheater for the Triple Nickel. 5 mountain climbers at the bottom, run up the hill for 5 WWI sit-ups at the top. Repeato x5.

This too was really tough but the PAX powered through just in time for a short round of ab work.

Peter Parkers x10 IC

Flutterkicks x30IC

Protractor x?

Nolan Ryans x10 IC

Awesome work men. Thanks go to Mayor for pulling some strings to make sure we avoided the trains today. Lord knows we did enough burpees anyway.

It was a pleasure leading today, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Announcements, CSAUP, Prayer requests, Namorama.

Welcome FNGs Boudin and Gilligan. We look forward to pushing the rock together again soon. AYE!!!


The day started with an awesome sunrise of crazy colors across the sky followed by several strong men to post for this week’s version of the Fighting Yank. As start time drew near YHC stated that there was a guy he’d EH’ed for a while and gave a hard commit for today’s workout….no show. We made our way down to the nest to start the festivities. After a real short disclaimer a text popped up on my phone from the FNG to be, he had had technical difficulties but was on his way! With this in mind, we started the warm-up but saved a little for the imminent arrival of said FNG.

Side Straddle Hop x20 IC

Pretzel Crunch x15IC

Don Quixote x15IC

Mountain Climbers x20


Suzanne Somers x10IC

After this the FNG arrived, so I gave a proper disclaimer (I’m an idiot, we’re all idiots, go home now, follow me at your own risk, it’s not our fault if you get hurt, etc.) and then got back to the warm-up so the FNG didn’t start completely cold.


Merkin x10IC

Mosey around the fountain and across the street to the side street beside Sammy’s for the start of the Thang.

Ring of Fire – 9 stations each with a fancy paper sign designating the exercise. At each station there was 60 seconds of work with 30 second breaks in between, rotate down the line. (There were supposed to be 10 stations but I dropped the ball on the last one somewhere) The stations were:

1.ABC’s 2.Wall Sits 3.Rocky Balboas 4.Lil Baby Dips 5.Lunges 6.Imperial Walkers 7. Carolina Dry Docks 8.Morrocan Night Clubs 9.Bobby Hurleys

After this we gathered up all the papers, being the responsible citizens we are, deposited them at the nest and moseyed up to the field behind the school.

King of Hearts (not sure why it’s named this other than the fact that it’ll get your heart rate way up!). This is a routine of however many reps of suicides that the Q comes up with. Ours were:

Regular sprints to the closest soccer goal, then to the next goal, finally to the far end. Plank for the 6. This was so hard YHC called an Omaha to reduce the next two circuits down to only the first two goals.

Karaoke suicides next.

High Knee Skips to finish. After all this we were pretty toasted but not burnt so YHC called the next exercise up:

Three Amigos – since we had 6 PAX in attendance it worked out nicely. Groups of 3 go back to back to form the people’s chair for each other. For good measure, the exercise calls for each group to then move from on place to another in the prescribed position. We tried making to a certain point but after about 25 yards we gave out. That crap was HARD!

Mosey down to the adjacent parking lot for the last routine.

Wave of Merkins – First person does 1 merkin, then the next until it goes all the way around, then 2 merkins all the way around all the way up to 11 merkins each. Tough! After some digging deep and strong work by everyone we finished up strong. Nice work!

Mosey back to the nest for some quick wrap up.

Peter Parker Peters x7IC

Low Country Crab x5IC (rough)

Dolly x20IC (mumble chatter, YES!)

Flutter Kicks x20IC (more mumble chatter)

Nolan Ryan x10 each side IC

It was a great time with you guys this morning. As always, it was nice having an FNG post to share the F3 experience with. Great work Travis Nixon…I mean Serena! Welcome and we’ll see you again soon.

Until next time men, AYE!

No Q? Co-Q!

Sunday night I was looking at the Q schedule to prepare myself for the week and guess what I saw. No Q for Derecho! Come to find out, Whoopee was already on the case and stepped up in true nantan fashion. Not wanting to be left out, YHC offered to be there for backup. Co-Q mania baby!

Whoopee led with a short disclaimer and then jumped into a warm-up.


Merkin x10IC?

Mountain Climber x14IC?

Merkin x5IC

Next a lap around some parking lines with High knees one straight away, side to sides to the left on the next, Butt Kickers the next and then side to sides to the right.

Once we were done with that fun stuff, YHC took the lead and the PAX fell in line for a strong 4 mile mosey through Goat Island, around greater Cramerton and back home. Although Whoopee says it was a lot faster than he would have liked to go, he kept the pace and finished like a champ. Three eager beavers (Keiche, Tool Time & Radar) wanted extra credit and took a detour up the hill toward the artwork near the end of the run. Good for you guys.

We finished up with a short round of Mary:

Freddy Mercury x20 IC

Protractor with PAX countoffs

Nolan Ryan x10 each side IC

Prayers for Brownstreak’s son on his mission trip and Stroganoff’s family, safe travels for Whoopee and family on their sea trip. Sorry if I’ve forgotten anything.

We almost forgot the pledge even thought a shovel flag had been planted.


Good work men!

Nothing Fancy

Saturday brought 12 strong men out to Stowe Park for the 6th week of The Fighting Yank. When the clock struck 7am, YHC announced that he and Radar would lead a straight forward workout that would push each of us and make us stronger too.



Alabama Ass Kickers x18 IC

Morrocan Night Clubs x 20 IC

Seal Jacks x15 IC

Don Quixote x10 IC

Goofballs x15IC

Plank Jacks x15IC

After the warmup,Sargento called for a mosey and the PAX obliged. After about 100 yards YHC stopped the mosey so they didn’t miss the chance for short session of Monkey Humpers on the street corner. Plenty of mumble chatter followed for the rest of the mosey on the way to the first stage of the main event.

The Thang

In front of the middle school, Sargento announced a round of 11’s. On one end the PAX performed dips, then bear crawled to the other end for lunges. After this strong work and a couple of rounds of count offs to catch our breath, Radar announced a mosey down to the field behind the school.

Radar called out everyone’s favorite cartoon girl Dora 123! The PAX paired up for cumulative totals of 100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 squats. Partner 1 performed the exercises while partner 2 ran to the soccer goal near the other side of the field.

Next ,YHC gave instructions for the PAX to line up head to heel in the plank position for the Bear Crawl Inch Worm. Plenty of comedic mumble chatter and slow crawling for a while ended up in a merciful shout of a jail break.

On the other end of the field, Radar gave the order for the PAX to line up in a plank line for the Tunnel of Love. Throughout this exercise, there was mucho mumble chatter, flopping and general messing around until YHC ended the misery.

After a short mosey, the final exercise was announced. The Princess Tea Party is a round of Patty Cake Merkins x10 IC followed by the Partners Peoples Chair. The quality of the peoples chair and length of time was really questionable but still worth a try. Try something else next time.

One final mosey to the flag left time for some flutterkicks before time was called.

Great work today men! My guess is that with all the mumble chatter and joking that went around from the very beginning of the workout, you all had a good time! My hat goes off to Radar for stepping up and leading a great workout. Aye! We need more of that to keep this AO strong and growing.

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