It involved kettlebells, exercises, exercises with kettlebells and maybe even a mosey.
There was work and sweat.
‘Nuff Said.
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
It involved kettlebells, exercises, exercises with kettlebells and maybe even a mosey.
There was work and sweat.
‘Nuff Said.
We Rucked and did other stuff.
You should been there….
10 Strong at Bulldog on this humid morning .
Started off with a little trouble getting Bluetooth to pair, but Hunchback saved the day an after downloading Motley Crue Radio we could start.
Pledge First
Warm up
SSH x 20
Imperial Walker x20
Flutter Kick x 30
LBC x 30
Grab Kettle Bell and meander to start.
Thing 5 cones set 20 yards apart. Perform Kettle Bell exercise at each cone and travel 20 yards and Repeat
5 Burpees OYO
1- Right Side Power to The People x20 Duck Walk in between
LBC x 30
5 Burpees OYO
2- 3 IN 1 (From squat position Curl, Standing Press, Return to Squat) x15 right side karaoke in between
Post Sit for 1:30 last 30 sec Kettle Bell over head
5 Burpees OYO
3- Pistol Squats x 20 Zombie Walk in between
5 Burpees OYO
4- Left Side Power to The People x 20 Duck Walk in between
Post Sit for 1:30 tried overhead again but no arms left
Line up for Indian Walk around parking lot With Kettle Bell overhead
Out of Time
Pizza Man 8-17 Rankin Lake
Tool Time 8-3 going away party
Q Source every Sunday
Always a pleasure to lead
Out In Prayer
Warm up
SSH in cadence x 15
Partner up and grab a block from Clavin’s truck. Mosey to the HT parking lot
Using the parking lot Aprox 1/4 mile
Partner A Lunge walks cinder block while Partner B runs a lap. Each time the two meet perform 10 partner Merkins and 15 American Hammers. Partner B than takes the block and A takes a lap. Rinse and Repeat until block has made it all the way around the loop.
Dora 1-2-3 with Block
100 block Merkins
200 wall sit over head press
300 tricep extensions
While Partner A performs exercise Partner B runs down to loading dock, jumps up dock, and returns for block pain. Rinse and Repeat until done.
Just enough time left for 15 Hip Slappers in cadence
Mosey back to parking lot for a quick round of Marry.
10 Burpees OYO
25 Flutter Kicks
Timed Plank
15 Dirty Dogs
Lap around the Building
8-3 Tool Time Party at Sargento’s
8-17 Pizza Man Event at Rankin Lake
9-11 Memorial Climb
Out in Prayer
We ran 4.2 miles. Not much else.
Please keep T-Square in your prayers this week as their son Mason is having some tests.
– Outhouse
First attempt at an afternoon Q. On the drive over as I noticed 96 deg on the dash I though I had made a big mistake. Got there a little early to do some recon and get set up.
We had 10 strong on this hot afternoon for what would be a partner themed workout .
First the warm up
SSH, High Knees, Moroccan Night Club, Merkins
Mosey over to far side by the soccer fields.
HAs left a pile of bricks and some cones to get the beat down started.
First partner up and size matters.
Partner one runs left 20 yards and out about 50 yards Partner 2 begins to bear crawl to the left. When 1 reaches far corner sprint diagonal across field to catch 2. when caught partner carry back to the start. Flip Flop and repeat.
Next 4 round are all performed with brick in each hand on both exercises
Round 1
American Hammer (200 per group) Karaoke to cone and back switch till 200 is reached
Pistol Squats (200 per group) Duck Walk to cone and back
Tricep Ext (200 per group) Apolo Ohno to cone and back
Bent over Fly (200) Bear Crawl no bricks to cone and back
Finish here with Iron Hulk cousin to Jack Web
with bricks 1Merkin/1air press ascending up to 10 (a lot harder than it looks)
Out of time we had a long mosey back to Flag for Pledge and COT.
Prayer Request Scott Pasour and family, Jeff Payne , Our Country
As always it was a pleasure to lead. Defiantly much harder in the heat of the day. Big push from all to make it through. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.
Small group this morning to get the week started.
Started out with the normal disclaimer and Tool Time assured us there would be no whining this morning.
Warm Up
SSH, Imperial Walker, Moroccan night club (Tool Time Complained) Merkins
Mosey to far side of school to the line of buses for Zig Zag
Start at one end sprint to front and back pedal between repeating all the way down the line. At the end reverse and repeat.
Mosey out of school and up hill (tool time complained) to bank at Top of road. Stop by the ATM for CASH. Crunch, arm taps, squats, Hip Slappers(tool time complained)
Mosey through neighborhood around and down a big hill. Q was making some of this up on the fly so (tool time complained)
At bottom of hill looked like a great place for backwards hill runs. At bottom backwards run up to light pole and than lunge down. (tool time complained) Repeat backwards run and than mosey over to entrance of school.
At bottom of big hill we grabbed 22 for 22 (Merkins)
Next run 1/4 way up hill and 5 Burpees OYO back to bottom
1/2 way up curb merkins up hill/ curb merkins down hill (tool time complained) back to bottom
All the way to the top for Dolly’s IC
Mosey back into Scholl. Stop for a quick round of Karaoke between some parking signs (tool time complained)
Out of time we finished with backwards run back for COT.
Prayers- T Square, Country, Law Enforcement
Always fun to lead. Yes, most of this was made up on the fly this morning. Tool Time wasn’t as bad as maybe I am making it sound, but he did say no whining at the start. Its all in fun Tool Time.
Great start to the day with a strong 3rd F by Rudolph. The theme was Hospitality and what it means and how we need to do a better job of it.
As I listened to him I could only think the beat down planned was not going along with anything he was saying As the clock struck 8 it was time to get started. There was some early chatter about how some had seen me jump the fence and my truck was no where to be seen. We started with the warm up.
Morocan Knight Club
Imperial Walker
Flutter Kicks
Quick count off to insure we had an even number to get the party started. We started a mosey towards Grier Track. We stopped at flag pole for the Pledge and caught a quick set of Merkins.
a short Mosey up to the parking lot at Grier to find my truck. Each PAX found a partner and one got a big block and the other two small.
Mosey to the track to get started.
Round One
Lunge The Block
Partner 1 Lunge with Big Block while Partner 2 takes a lap with small blocks over head as far as possible. Each time partners meet 5 merkins and switch places .Big block went via lunge 400 meters and little blocks mad it close to a mile on round one.
Round 2
Partner 1 bear crawls from one cone to next (aprox 50 yards apart) Partner 2 sprints ahead to 2nd cone and does Dying cockroaches with small blocks till P2 arrives. Switch and repeat till next cone. Next cone Lunge x4 than Burpee repeat till next cone is reached. Rinse and repeat until lap is complete.
Round 3
Meet 50 yard line with all blocks. Break into groups of 4
Run to four corners with blocks.
Each corner was said exercise x25
once complete sprint on track count clockwise to next station .
Running out of time ran back to parking lot with blocks and stacked in the truck so I wouldn’t have to. Had time for a quick
10 Burpees OYO.
most grabbed a water and headed back to Schiele for COT.
Bells had not rang yet so we finished with some dying cockroaches just for fun.
Number of prayer request and big a big praise from Da Vinci as his mothers surgery was a success. please see Bandit or Roscoe for info on toy drive in honor of F3 Olive’s daughter who passed away. see Bandit on collecting funds for donation to scholarship fund in honor of T-Squares daughter.
Today was what F3 is all about. We all knew it was going to suck and it was hot, but in the end we did it as a group and are a little better for it. Men pushing men both spiritually and physically. And in the end a little bit of voul-en-told for Woodstock. Come out for his VQ next week. Thanks for the opportunity to get a little better.
Started out with the disclaimer and an additional one that this workout would be repetitive and if you don’t like it the Y is down the street. With no one leaving we got started with the warm up.
Warm Up
Flutter Kick x 30 IC
SSH x20 IC
All warmed up it was time for a mosey. We took off in the humidity down Union to the State Employees Credit Union. Upon arrival of the 6 we started the thing. There are 7 ATM Machines with in 1/2 mile of Martha’s House. Today at each ATM we made a CASH withdrawal.
Each time we reached a machine the following exercise were preformed.
5 Burpees OYO
C Crunch x 20
A Arm Taps X 20
Squat X 20
H Hip Slappers X 20 a couple times we dropped to 10 on the Hip Slappers due to insufficient funds in the Q’s account. We also threw in some Donkey Kicks (Brownstreak calls them Honkey Kicks)
We made it through 5 machines before we ran out of time. We did the Pledge threw in an extra set of Hip Slappers and finished up with some Flutter Kicks IC just as we ran out of time.
Great work by all and the PAX did a good job in the humidity. I think we have a number of these days a head of us.
Prayer Request
Monk- Sister-in-law
Sargento- Co-Worker Wife
Da Vinci- Mother on recent Cancer Diagnosis
Always a pleasure
A little over a year ago made my first F3 post at the Storm. Though it would be a good opportunity for a work out of all the exercises that I dislike.
To the surprise of the PAX I was able to locate some cinder blocks to add to the joy of the morning.
Warm Up
SSHx 25
Imperial Walkerx25
Moroccan Night Clubx25
Flutter KickX25
Mosey around parking lot which was out track for the day for one lap.
Back at start partner up for some fun
Stack the blocks and mosey back to lot for some COT.
Still had a min so we caught 50x flutter IC to finish up.
T Square
Outhouse Dad
Shrimp Boat on up coming trip
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